• • REVEREND SUN-MYUNG• MOON • REVEREND SUN-MYUNGIn the meantime, MOON the Church's political energies are directed against communism, which Moon regards as the embodiment of Satan on earth. Thus Moon has been a militant advocateIn the meantime,of the Vietnam the Church's war and politicalhas developed energies closeare directed ties to againstlike-minded communism, political which and Moon financial regards circles,as the especiallyembodiment ofin KoreaSatan andon earth.Japan. ThusThe Moon55 year has oldbeen Korean a militantpreacher hasadvocate remained of thesilent Vietnam in thewar faceand ofhas thedeveloped South Koreanclose tiesgovernment's to like-minded virtual political elimination and offinancial civil libertiescircles, especiallyand its increasingly in Korea andrepressive Japan. measuresThe 55 year against old Koreanall preachersuspected has opponents. remained Lastsilent April, in the eight face studentsof the Southand Koreanintellectuals, government's including virtual practicing elimination Christians, of civil were liberties executed andin Seoulits increasinglyfor allegedly repressive plotting measuresto overthrow against the Government.all Christiansuspected opponents.leaders, including Last April, the Romaneight Catholic students Bishop and of Seoulintellectuals, and the headincluding of the practicingKorean National Christians, Council were of Churches,executed havein Seoul been forarrested allegedly and plottingimprisoned to andoverthrow American the missionaries Government. whoChristian have protested leaders, theincluding Park Government's the Roman Catholic policies Bishop have beenof Seouldeported. and theMoon head on ofthe theother Korean hand Nationalhas enjoyed Council an especiallyof Churches, warmhave relationshipbeen arrested with and imprisonedthe park government. and American As missionariesearly as who1962, have Prime protested Minister the Kim Park Jong Government's Pil then head policies of the havenewly been deported.formed Korean Moon CIA on assuredthe other the hand first has small enjoyed group an of especially American warmconverts relationship at a meeting with inthe a parkSan Francisco government. Hotel As ofearly his asfUll, Annotationbut1962, secret,support, SummaryPrime Minister one Kim ofJong those Pil present then head told of P the& S.newly Today, 7 annotations on 1Moon'sformed page by machineKorean YL CIAtool assured factory, the part first of smallan industrial group of Americanempire x7 Moonconverts has atbuilt a meeting under thein benevolenta San Francisco eye of Hotel the ofPark his regime, fUll, butsupplies secret,support, the South Koreanone of army those with present parts toldof M-16s. P & S. Today, Moon's machine tool factory, part of an industrial empire Moon has builtOne of under Moon's the trainingbenevolent centers, eye of locatedthe Park just regime, outsidesupplies Seoulthe South gives Koreananti-communist army with trainingparts of coursesM-16s. to hundreds of South Korean military officers and civil servants each year. OneMoon's of Moon's Korean training anti-communist centers, leaguelocated actively just outsideparticipates Seoul ingives all anti-communistanti-North Korean training and anti-Japanese courses to demonstrationshundreds of South in KoreanSouth Korea.military officers and civil servants each year. Moon's Korean anti-communist league actively participatesIn inthe allUnited anti-North States, KoreanMoon's andprincipal anti-Japanese evangelist demonstrationsand interpreter, in Colonel South Korea. Bo Hi Pak, heads the Washington- #1 based Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation (KCFF), which p.7 was establishedIn the inUnited 1965 States,to foster Moon's closer principal relations evangelist between andthe u.s.interpreter, and South Colonel Korea. Bo ChurchHi Pak, officials heads the deny Washington- any organizationalbased Korean Cultural link between and Freedom the KCFF Foundation and the Unification(KCFF), which wasChurch. established However, in a 1965majority to foster of KCFF's closer Board relations of Directors, between are,the u.s.or haveand Southbeen, Korea.high ranking Church Unification officials Churchdeny any officials. organizationaland Reverend Moon's link betweenown calling the cardKCFF andlists the him Unification as "Chairman ofChurch. the BoardHowever, and Founder"a majority of ofone KCFF'sof KCFF's Board major of Directors,projects -- are,the Littleor have Angels been, Koreanhigh rankingFolk Ballet. Unification Another Church KCFF officials.project andis RadioReverend Free Moon's Asia, whichown calling at the cardheight lists of himthe Vietnamas "Chairman war ofproduced the Board anti- andcommunist Founder" programsof one of in KCFF'sWashinqton major andprojects beamed -- thethem Little into China, Angels NorthKorean Korea Folk andBallet. North Vietnam.Another KCFF project is Radio Free Asia, which at the height of the Vietnam war produced anti- communist programs in Washinqton and beamed them into China, North Korea and6 North Vietnam. #2 p.7 6 .,. ':';. ! ... OPTIONAL FO".. '0 ,.,.. j .•.. .JULY '.73 £O,,.ION .&;:- r----- i . \"'" t j>.1R 14' CFR' 10,... J ... ' ... .' "UNITED STATES ," Alemorandurri TO DIRECTOR, FBI (105-l62770) DATE: 10/6/75 J 7 SUN-MYUNG KOREA Enclosed for the Bureau are five (5) copies of an LHM dated as above captioned Reverend SUN-MYUNG MOON. Enclosed for New York is one (l) copy of LHM and enclosed for Washington Field Office is one (1) copy of LHM. Referenced Bureau airtel requested San Francisco to prepare a letterhead memorandum suitable for dis- semination setting forth pertin:nt received from I _ Jfor u.s. Congressman NORMAN Y.MINETA. A careful reV1ew of the information provided that the two-part article written by ANDREW ROSS and DAVID McQUEEN regarding Rev. MOON fur the Pacific News Service included pertinent information regarding MOON. For that reason, the articie is set forth in enblosed . It,is felt that other Government Agencies '. may have an interest in made by ROSS and McQUEEN .:;, i:rn::erni'nci'MOON and concerning the Korean Central. Intelligence ."'J" • Agency as well as the United States CIA. In addition, the ·...article claims that MOON was allegedly investigated by the I . . for violation of the Foreign Agent's /" . ; Registration Act. The article continues that legal services"': of a. fQrmer CIA employee were obtained and subsequently the investigation was dropped. o. .p ".. •UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT• OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION San Francisco, California III Reply, P1efue Refn' eo File No. October 6, CONTArNifJ . /. lHtlN IS UNCLASSJfJgD . DATES-t,- 72 .j.. Reverend SUN-MYUNG MOON . On July 3D. 1975. August 11, 1975, I Jto United States Congressman Norman Y. Mineta, 13th District, California, made available information concerning captioned individual. [ Istated that she had acquired the information Rev. Moon and the Unification Church from constituents of the Congress- man·'s·office inl I ]tated that the activities of Rev. Moon appeared to be questionable and she wanted to make the information available to U.S. Government investigative agencies. IIprovided a two-part news article dated June 9 by Andrew Ross and David McQueen of the Pacific News Service, 604 Mission Street, Room 1001, San Francisco, California. The article is titled "Moon Reaps Profits 1n U.S." and the article sets forth the following: "The new savior of the world lives in a plush mansion right next door to Lawrence Rockefeller. He is the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, and his Unification Church has made more splash in the U.S. pver the past year than almost all o£ the other new religions put together. Sun Moon commands the devotion of up to a million members world-wide who regard him as the new messiah, and he presides over a multi-national, multi-million dollar' conglomerate which blends big business, messianic quasi- Christianity, and virulent anti-communism. It is all a far cry from his humble beginnings as the only son of a poor Presbyterian farm family living in what is now North Korea. But Moon has encountered a.great deal of opposition, some of it extremely bitter. One critic, Rabbi Maurice . Davis of White Plains, New York, who counsels distressed parents of Moon's American followers. says" 'I hold this movement to be evil arid' dangerous.' Davis ac'cuses Rev. Moon of being a 'charlatan', and 'his inner henchmen to be devious, unscrupulous and false.' This---------------------------------------------------------------- docUWlent contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents. are not to be outside your .:sency. .:. -/OJ--/t.:l 770-'\"?J; . . .. .. " - . • • REVEREND SUN-MYUNG MOON The IRS, Immigration authorities and even the State Department, have all looked into aspects of the Unification Church. Rabbi Davis is advising parents to demand that State Attorneys General investigate Moon's church in their horne states. Once such investigation has quietly begun in California. Criticism of the-movement has not dampened the ardor of Moon's followers, most of them earnest, conserva- tively dressed young people who believe Moon and his religion will literally take over the world in their lifetime. "Our movement is more important even than Martin Luther's 95 theses" says Moon's interpreter, the former South Korean military attache in Washington, Colonel Bo Hi Pak. "Reverend Moon's spiritual revolution will have a thousand times greater impact than the reformation. American membership,
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