1926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE February 9, 2005 cities and transportation hubs, such as LAX ter in the United States. Currently, this argu- Americans from foreign terrorists who have in- airport in Los Angeles. This area alone ac- ment cannot be used against them and is not filtrated the United States. counts for nearly 50 percent of national appre- grounds for deportation. I think all Americans—and those of us on hensions of illegal immigrants nationwide. This bill gives the power to refuse terrorists both sides of the aisle—can agree that the A significant number of illegal immigrants entry to the United States and allows terrorists 9/11 Commission identified a number of im- that have been apprehended in this area can to be deported back to their home country. provements that will help upgrade our intel- be directly attributed to the San Diego fence Terrorists have long been abusing our system ligence and enhance America’s security. This that was constructed a few years ago. The in order to gain entry. This bill provides a list bill provides common sense provisions to help San Diego fence is a project that was started of long-accepted commonsense factors that prevent another 9/11-type attack by protecting several years ago, but a 3.5-mile section of an immigration judge can consider in assess- our borders and disrupting terrorist travel in the fence was not completed due to environ- ing credibility, such as the demeanor, candor, the United States. I urge members to vote in mental concerns. The portions of the San responsiveness and consistency of an asylum favor of the REAL ID Act. Diego fence that have been built have proven applicant or other witness. It is essential for The Acting CHAIRMAN. All time for to be successful and are credited with signifi- judges to be able to determine asylum cases general debate has expired. Under the cant declines in attempted border crossings in based on the credibility or lack of credibility of rule, the Committee rises. that area. The existing fence needs improve- witnesses. Accordingly, the Committee rose; ments and must be extended 3.5 miles to its Again, I would to thank Chairman SENSEN- and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. originally planned length. BRENNER for his efforts in getting this bill to the MCCAUL) having assumed the chair, This legislation puts those priorities front floor and I strongly urge my colleagues to vote Mr. LAHOOD, The Acting Chairman of and center by granting the Secretary of Home- in favor of this bill because these reforms are the Committee of the Whole House on land Security the authority to waive all Federal necessary to our national security. the State of the Union, reported that laws in order to complete the fence. In addi- Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Chairman, I rise that Committee, having had under con- tion, this bill will increase the funding to im- today in support of H.R. 418, the REAL ID Act sideration the bill (H.R. 418) to estab- prove the existing fence with a 3-tiered fence of 2005. First, I would like to thank Chairman lish and rapidly implement regulations system and complete the original designed SENSENBRENNER and the Judiciary Committee for State driver’s license and identi- length. While environmental issues plays an for their leadership on this bill, and for their fication document security standards, appropriate role in our Nations’ policies, the dedication to securing our borders and pro- to prevent terrorists from abusing the environmental and national security impacts of tecting Americans from terrorists. asylum laws of the United States, to having illegal immigrants trample this portion My objective throughout debate over H.R. unify terrorism-related grounds for in- of the border is greater than the concerns re- 10 was to get a bill that fully addressed all of admissibility and removal, and to en- garding building and completing the fence. our nation’s security concerns. That means sure expeditious construction of the Lastly, recent press accounts have reported not only reforming how we gather and use in- San Diego border fence, had come to no that Al Qaeda operatives have joined forces telligence, but also how we fight terrorism at resolution thereon. with alien smuggling rings in order to enter the home. I believe that the final bill that came to f United States, particularly through the south- the floor fell short. That’s why I voted against ern border with Mexico. The time to act on the it. HONORING THE LIFE AND ACCOM- San Diego border fence is now. However, the REAL ID Act implements cru- PLISHMENTS OF THE LATE Drivers’ License: REAL ID Act also bolsters cial provisions that were dropped from H.R. 10 OSSIE DAVIS stronger security standards for the issuance of and fixes several glaring holes in our border Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, drivers’ licenses to aliens. This bill will estab- security. One of the most important provisions I move to suspend the rules and agree lish requirements that help prove lawful pres- in this legislation asks states to work with the to the resolution (H. Res. 69) honoring ence in the United States prior to issuing a li- Department of Homeland Security to establish the life and accomplishments of the cense to individuals. In addition, it is critical and use standards for drivers’ licenses. late Ossie Davis. that all states must comply to eliminate weak Many states already have licenses that are The Clerk read as follows: links in the domestic identity security. We difficult to counterfeit. Other states don’t have H. RES. 69 have all seen the failures of cards such as the stringent safeguards. Whereas the late Ossie Davis, actor and Matriculate Consular cards and the wide- Some have argued that this bill creates a civil rights leader, was born Raiford spread fraud that can take place. This bill re- national ID. It doesn’t. I would oppose any bill Chatman Davis, the oldest of five children quires tough physical security requirements to that did so. This bill simply requires states to born to Laura Cooper and Kince Davis, on reduce counterfeiting and to ensure state com- make it harder for someone like Muhammad December 18, 1917, in Cogdell, Georgia; pliance with such standards. Lastly, drivers’ li- Atta to get a driver’s license, and to use that Whereas Ossie Davis graduated in the top 5 censes that are issued in compliance with the license to carry out terror plans. percent of his high school class, received a new regulations will expire when an alien’s As the 9/11 Commission noted: ‘‘All but one National Youth Administration scholarship, visa expires to alleviate any confusion or abil- of the 9/11 hijackers acquired some form of and walked from Waycross, Georgia, to Washington, D.C., to attend Howard Univer- ity for terrorists to maintain a false/fake drivers U.S. identification document, some by fraud.’’ sity, where he studied with Alain Leroy license while their visa has expired. Con- Increased ID security will make it more difficult Locke, the first black Rhodes Scholar; necting the two forms of identification will en- for terrorists to obtain documents through Whereas Ossie Davis began his career as a sure that law enforcement officers and federal fraud and conceal their identity. Deterring ter- writer and an actor with the Rose agents will be on notice when a visa expires rorists from receiving state issued IDs will McClendon Players in Harlem in 1939; and will not be fooled by a separate and fake make it more likely that they will be detected Whereas during World War II Ossie Davis state ID that has not expired. by law enforcement. served in the Army in an African-American Asylum Provisions: Finally, the REAL ID Act This bill also tightens our asylum system— medical unit, including service as an Army surgical technician in Libya, where he will tighten the asylum system that has been a system that has been abused by terrorists worked on stabilizing some of the 700,000 sol- abused and gamed by terrorists for years. with deadly consequences—by allowing diers wounded in that war for transport back This bill allows judges to determine a wit- judges to determine whether asylum seekers to State-side hospitals; nesses’ credibility in their asylum cases. With- are truthful. Whereas Ossie Davis made his Broadway out this change, judges have no discretion in Additionally, the bill will protect the Amer- debut in 1946 in Jeb, where he met his wife, determining the credibility of witnesses testi- ican people by ensuring that grounds for keep- actress Ruby Dee, who he married in 1948; fying that they are being persecuted. Judge’s ing a terrorist out of the country are also Whereas Ossie Davis went on to perform in hands have been tied over the years and must grounds for deportation. Incredibly, we have many Broadway productions, including Anna Lucasta, The Wisteria Trees, Green Pastures, just grant asylum in every case where perse- legal justification to prevent an individual from Jamaica, Ballad for Bimshire, A Raisin in the cution has been raised and have not been entering the country if they have known ter- Sun, The Zulu and the Zayda, and I’m Not able to go beyond that point. This has allowed rorist ties, however, under current U.S. law Rappaport. terrorists who have been persecuted in their once they set foot inside the border we cannot Whereas in 1961, he wrote and starred in home country for being terrorists to seek shel- deport them. This hinders our ability to protect the critically acclaimed Purlie Victorious; VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:12 Jan 13, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00131 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK2\NO_SSN\BR09FE05.DAT BR09FE05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 9, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 1927 Whereas Ossie Davis’ first movie role was which to revise and extend their re- Mr.
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