The role of the freshwater shrimp Caridina nilotica (Roux) in the diet of the major commercial fish species in Lake Victoria, Tanzania Y. L. Budeba1† and I. G. Cowx2∗ 1Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute,P.O. Box 98 Kyela, Tanzania. 2Hull International Fisheries Institute, University of Hull HU6 7RX, England †Current address: TAFIRI, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania ∗Corresponding author: [email protected] The major commercial fish species of Lake Victoria at the present time are Lates niloticus, Oreochromis niloticus and Rastrineobola argentea. The contribution of Caridina nilotica in their diet was studied in the Tanzanian waters of Lake Victoria between March, 1999 and January, 2002. Stomach samples were collected during routine bottom trawl surveys in Tanzania. The results show that haplochromines dominate the diet of Nile perch, followed by C. nilotica, R. argentea, juvenile Nile perch, fish remains and other prey. Caridina nilotica predominance in diets decreased as size of the Nile perch increased, as this species switched to haplochromines. Larger perch also feed on their own juveniles. The importance of C. nilotica in the diet of L. niloticus wasrelatively greater in deeper water than that in shallower stations. The diet of O. niloticus waspredominantly algae followed by C. nilotica,dagaa, Chaoborus, Odonata and others. O. niloticus has shifted its diet from strictly herbivory to a more omnivorous diet, feeding opportunistically on the most available food material. The overall diet of R. argentea waspredominantly copepods, followed by Chaoborus, Cladocera, C. nilot- ica, Chironomids and insects. In the present food web, C. nilotica is an important food source for the fish stocks of Lake Victoria. The sustainability of the fisheries of Lake Victoria depends among other things on the abundance and availability of C. nilotica. Keywords: Feeding habits, Nile perch, Nile tilapia, dagaa Introduction preference has changed from haplochromine cich- lids to C. nilotica, R. argentea, juvenile L. niloticus Currently, the main commercial fish species of and insects. In the research undertaken so far, the Lake Victoria are Lates niloticus, Oreochromis importance of C. nilotica in the diet of the main niloticus, Rastrineobola argentea and the hap- fish species has received little attention (Budeba, lochromine cichlids (Budeba, 2003). The diet of 2003). L. niloticus has been the subject of many detailed The objective of this paper is to assess the spa- studies (Ligtvoet and Mkumbo, 1990; Mkumbo tial and temporal importance of C. nilotica in the and Ligtvoet, 1992; Ogutu Ohwayo, 1985, 1990a, diet of various size classes of the major commer- 1990b; Hughes, 1986; Ogari and Dadzie, 1988; cial fish species in the Tanzanian waters of Lake Owili, 1999). Their results indicate that its food Victoria. 368 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 10(4):368–380, 2007. Copyright C 2007 AEHMS. ISSN: 1463-4988 print / 1539-4077 online DOI: 10.1080/14634980701703876 Downloaded from http://read.dukeupress.edu/aehm/article-pdf/10/4/368/891723/368budeba.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 Budeba and Cowx / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 368–380 369 Materials and methods Sampling programme Study area The diet study was conducted between March, 1999 and January, 2002. Fish stomachs were col- The Tanzanian part of Lake Victoria is usually di- lected during routine quarterly bottom trawl surveys vided into three sampling zones (A, B, C) (Figure 1). in each of the three sampling zones. Trawling was Zone A stretches from Kome and Buhiru islands in done during the daytime for a period of fourteen the southwest, and northeastwards to the south west days per area per month, using RVLake Victoria Ex- of Ukerewe island, including the Speke and Mwanza plorer, (length 17 m; 250 H.P.).The catch was sorted Gulfs. Zone B starts from the Tanzania-Kenya bor- into commercial categories. Depending on the size der southwards to the north west of Ukerewe Island. of the catch, from one or two hauls, specimens of Zone C covers the Kagera waters from Rubafu Bay Nile perch, Nile tilapia, dagaa and haplochromines on the Tanzania-Uganda border southwards to Kome were dissected on a daily basis for sex/maturity Island, including the Emin Pasha Gulf. These three and dietary analysis. Entire guts were removed and zones were sampled over 14-day periods, on a quar- individual stomachs examined separately. For the terly basis. stomach analysis, the points method (Hynes, 1950; Figure 1. Map of Lake Victoria with the sampling zones of the Tanzanian sector. Downloaded from http://read.dukeupress.edu/aehm/article-pdf/10/4/368/891723/368budeba.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 370 Budeba and Cowx / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 368–380 Figure 2. Monthly composition of the diet of Lates niloticus, March 1999–January 2002 (sample sizes are shown on top of the bars). Hyslop, 1980) was used to determine the contribu- 10 cm length category. Monthly geographical vari- tion of each prey item to the diet (Figure 2). The ations in the diet were similarly assessed. food items were identified to the generic level and R. argentea has no distinct stomach. Its Z-shaped awarded points proportional to the total number of intestine forms three equal loops in the body cavity points awarded to the stomach. Stomach fullness (Wanink, 1998). Of these, only the anterior loop was was noted before opening the gut. Each stomach was removed and its content flushed into a Petri dish awarded an index of fullness ranging from 0 (empty) which was then examined under a low-power stereo to 1 (full). The contribution of each prey item was es- microscope. timated as a fraction of the fullness in decimal points. In order to assess the temporal and spatial varia- To determine changes in diet with size, the points tions in the diets of all species, data from each zone awarded to each prey type were summed within each were grouped by month. Within each zone, the data Downloaded from http://read.dukeupress.edu/aehm/article-pdf/10/4/368/891723/368budeba.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 Budeba and Cowx / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 368–380 371 Figure 3. Composition of the diet of different length groups of Lates niloticus, March 1999–January 2002. were also grouped into depth ranges. For practical fish remains (2.0%) and other prey items (2.5%). C. purposes, L. niloticus were grouped into 10 cm size nilotica showed consistent seasonal variation in all classes. three zones (Figure 2). In zone A, the overall diet of Nile perch was predominantly haplochromines (60.2%), followed Results by C. nilotica (29.2%), dagaa (4.0%), juvenile Nile Lates niloticus perch (1.6%), fish remains (1.8%) and unidentified A total of 4263 stomachs of L. niloticus were other items (3.4%). In zone B, C. nilotica (53.6%) examined. This species feeds on a wide variety of dominated, followed by haplochromines (35.6%), organisms, 18 of which were identified. They can be dagaa (8.5%), juvenile Nile perch (3.7%), fish re- divided into haplochromines (47.8%), C. nilotica mains (0.8%) and other items (1.8%). In zone C, (38.6%), dagaa (7.5%), juvenile Nile perch (2.3%), C. nilotica dominated as well (42.6%), followed by Downloaded from http://read.dukeupress.edu/aehm/article-pdf/10/4/368/891723/368budeba.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 372 Budeba and Cowx / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 368–380 Figure 4. Diet of Lates niloticus by water depth, March 1999–January 2002. haplochromines (27.5%), dagaa (13.8%), juvenile There was marked variation in the contribution perch (2.5%), fish remains (3.7%), and other items of C. nilotica to the diet of Lates niloticus with depth (1.7%). C. nilotica was more important during the (Figure 4). At depths below 10 m in zone A, hap- dry season (June – September); when they were ab- lochromines predominated, followed respectively by sent, haplochromines formed the alternative food for C. nilotica, dagaa and juvenile Nile perch. the Nile perch. Changes in diet with size of Nile perch differed Oreochromis niloticus between zones (Figure 3). Diets of fish below 20 cm A total of 616 stomachs of O. niloticus were ex- TL were always dominated by C. nilotica. Juveniles amined. Its diet was predominantly algae (65.0%), of its own species contributed only 14% in stomachs C. nilotica (17.0%), dagaa (8.5%), Chaoborus above 100 cm TL in zone A, against 61.5% in zone (5.3%), Odonata (1.5%) and others (2.8%). The B and 80% in zone C. latter component was made up of bivalves, plant Downloaded from http://read.dukeupress.edu/aehm/article-pdf/10/4/368/891723/368budeba.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 Budeba and Cowx / Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10 (2007) 368–380 373 Figure 5. Monthly composition of the diet of Oreochromis niloticus, June 1999–January 2002. material, shells, oligochaeta, haplochromines, Bar- Discussion bus, and zooplankton. The diet showed temporal and Diet and feeding pattern of Nile perch spatial variations over the study period (Figure 5). Nile perch was introduced in Lake Victoria There was a slight increase in the contribution of C. in 1954 (Fryer, 1960). At first, it was predomi- nilotica with increased predator length (Figure 6). nantly feeding on haplochromines, which were the In the 1–10 m depth range, the diet of O. niloti- most abundant species (Gee, 1964, Hamblyn, 1966; cus consisted of algae (65.3%), C. nilotica (15.7%), Okedi, 1971). Kudhongania and Cordone (1974) dagaa (9.1%) and Chaoborus (5.6%). At 11–20 m reported 83% of the ichthyomass to be of hap- depths, the diet was predominantly algae (71.9%) lochromine cichlids.
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