August 7, 19.78 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24773 "(10) PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE.-The determi­ to the aggregate of such expenditures made (c) INSPECTION.-To the extent not pres­ nation of whether or not a dwelllng unit is by all of such individuals during such calen­ ently authorized and utilized by any agency a taxpayer's principal residence shall be made dar year. of the United States in the assessment and under principles similar to those applicable "(2) TENANT-STOCKHOLDER IN COOPERATIVE collection of income taxes, no procedure or to section 1034, except that- HOUSING CORPORATION.-In the case Of an in­ practice which utilizes onsite inspection of "(A) no ownership requirement shall be dividual who holds stock as a tenant-stock­ the residence of an individual shall be imposed, and holder (as defined in section 216) in a coop­ employed to determine if that individual is "(B) the period for which a dwelllng is erative housing corporation (as defined in entitled to a credit under section 44C of the treated as the principal resi~ence of the tax­ suc:1 section), such individual shall be Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as added by payer shall include the 30-day period ending treated as having made his tenant-stock­ subsection (a), unless such procedure or on the first day on which it would (but for holder's proportionate share (as defined in practice provides that such inspection shall this subparagraph) be treated as his prin­ section 216(b) (3)) of any expenditures of take place only with the written consent of cipal residence. such corporation. such individual. " ( 1) ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONS ON CER­ " ( 3) CONDOMINIUMS.- (d) TECHNICAL AND CLERICAL AMEND­ TAIN WOOD AND PEAT BURNING ITEMS.-NO "(A) IN GENERAL.-In the case Of an in­ MENTS.- credit shall be allowed under subsection (a) dividual who is a member of a condominium ( 1) The table of sections for subpart A of for expenditures with respect to . any item management association with respect to a part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is described in paragraph (5) (A) (xii) which condominium which he owns, such individ­ amended by inserting after the i tern relating are to be installed in any metropolitan or ual shall be treated as having made his pro­ to section 44B the following new item: other area after the date on which- portionate share of any expenditures of such "Sec. 44C. Residential energy credit.". " (A) the Administrator of the Environ­ association. (2) Subsection (c) of section 56 (defining mental Protection Agency certifies to the "(B) CONDOMINIUM MANAGEMENT ASSOCIA­ regular tax deduction) is amended by strik­ Secretary that the emissions from such items TION.-For purposes of this paragraph, the ing out "credits allowable under-" and all would cause air quality in such area to be term 'condominium management association' that follows and inserting in lieu thereof in violation of any Federal law, or means an organization which meets the re­ "credits allowable under subpart A of part "(B) the Secretary of Agriculture certifies quirements of paragraph ( 1) of section 528 IV other than under sections 31, 39, 43, 44C, to the Secretary that additional consump­ (c) (other than subparagraph (E) thereof) 44E, 44F, 44G, 44H, 44I, and 44J.". tion of wood in connection with such items with respect to a condominium project sub­ (3) Subsection (a) of section 1016 (relat­ would endanger forests in that area. stantially all of the units of which are used ing to adjustments to basis) is amended by "(d) SPECIAL RULES.-For purposes of this as residences. inserting after paragraph (20) the following section- new paragraph: "(e) BASIS ADJUSTMENTS.-For purposes of "(21) to the extent provided in section " ( 1) DOLLAR AMOUNTS IN CASE OF JOINT OC­ this subtitle, if a credit is allowed under this CUPANCY .-In the case of any dwelling unit section for any expenditure with respect to 44C(e), in the case of property with respect which is jointly occupied and used during any property, the increase in the basis of to which a credit has been allowed under any calendar year as a principal residence by such property which would (but for this sub­ section 44C; ". 2 or more individuals- (4) Subsection (b) of section -6096 (relat­ section) result from such expenditure shall ing to designation of income tax payment to " (A) the amount of the credit allowable be reduced by the amount of the credit so allowed. Presidential Election Campaign Fund) is under subsection (a) by reason of energy amended by striking out "and 44B" and in­ conservation expenditures or by reason of "(f) TERMINATION.-This section shall not serting in lieu thereof "44B, and· 44C". renewable energy source expenditures (as apply to expenditures made after Decem­ (e) EFFECTIVE DATE.-The amendments the case may be) made during such calendar ber 31, 1985.". made by this section shall apply to taxable year by any of such individuals with respect (b) CARRYOVER OF UNUSED CREDIT.-If the years ending on or after April 20, 1977. to such dwelling unit shall be determined by amount of the credit determined under this treating all of such individuals as one tax­ section for the taxable year exceeds the lia­ H.R. 13635 payer whose taxable year is such calendar bility for the taxpayer for the tax under this By Mr. HOWARD: year; and chapter for the taxable year, the excess shall -Page 42, beginning on line 3, strike out "(B) each of such individuals shall be al­ be carried over to each of the two taxable "That no funds" and all that follows through lowed a credit under subsection (a) for the years succeeding that taxable year. The "dislocations" on line 6, and insert in lieu taxable year in which such calendar year entire amount of the unused credit for an thereof the following: ends (subject to the limitation of paragraph unused credit year shall be carried to the That no more than 10 percent of the funds (5) of subsection (b)) in an amount which earliest of the two taxable years to which appropriated in this Act and to be used for bears the same ratio to the amount deter­ it may be carried, and then to the succeed­ payments under contracts shall be used for mined under subparagraph (A) as the ing taxable year to the extent that it may payments under contracts hereafter made amount of such expenditures made by such not be added for a prior taxable year to for the purpose of relieving economic dis­ individual during such calendar year bears which it might be carried. locations. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PLACING A COST ON THE USE OF better inform my colleagues of these is­ license fees in the various radio services tak­ THE SPECTRUM sues, I am pleased to insert in the RECORD ing into account the scarcity value of the the memorandum prepared by the sub­ license as well as the administrative costs of licensing. It is intended that the committee staff on this proposal. economic information developed by the CRC HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN The memorandum follows: in setting license fees will be used by the OF CALIFORNIA BROADCAST LICENSE FEES NTA when reallocating spectrum. One impor­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This memo reviews the spectrum manage­ tant aspect of the allocation task is to see that spectrum resources are used efficient­ Monday, August 7, 1978 ment mechanism set forth in H.R. 13015, it discusses the meaning of "scarcity" and ly. Careful measurement of scarcity and the • Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, one of looks at indicators of scarcity in the various economic assessment of the effects of scarci­ the most critical features of H.R. 13015 broadcast services. Finally it sets forth and ty should aid in the efficient allocation of is the proposed spectrum use fee. After discusses fee schedules for the four major the spectrum resource. the bill was introduced, the staff devel­ broadcast services-AM radio, FM radio, In addition to aiding the NTA in spectrum oped a proposed fee schedule which at­ VHF television, and UHF television. allocation the resource scarcity-based li­ SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT IN H.R. 13015 cense fees system should also lead in im­ tempted to quantify in some tangible proved efficiency in the use of the spectrum measure the scarcity value of the spec­ H.R. 13015 splits the spectrum manage­ in any one service. The license fee will en­ trum. The results of the formula which ment task for the civil (non-federal govern­ courage spectrum conservation and the use was developed, however, also underscore ment) portion of the spectrum into two of more efficient technologies. parts. Spectrum allocation is to be done by the difficulty in translating this novel the National Telecommunications Agency SCARCITY VALUE concept into an equitable schedule. This (NTA) while licensing and associated fre­ H.R. 13015 uses the phrase "scarcity value will be the subject of extensive debate in quency assignment tasks are to be done by of the spectrum being assigned" to describe the Communications Subcommittee, and the Communications Regulatory Commis­ one element which should go into the cal­ eventually by the full House. In order to sion ( CRC) . The CRC is also directed to set culation of tJhe license fee. The scarcity Statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor will be identified by the use of a "bullet" symbol, i.e., e 24774 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 7, 1978 value or marginal value of a resource is the radio except for the major class of stations the number of signals in the market, would value of the last (or marginal or least scarce) owned and operated by the networks.
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