Occupational Airways A newsletter of the Occupational Health & Special Projects Program, Division of Environmental Epidemiology and Occupational Health (EEOH), Connecticut Department of Public Health, 410 Capitol Avenue, MS# 11OSP, P.O. Box 340308, Hartford, CT 06134-0308 (860) 509-7744 Vol. 3 No. 3 December 1997 microorganisms, serum proteins and chemicals. This issue: Table 1 includes a number of entities and offending Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP) allergens more likely to be seen in Connecticut. Not as common in Connecticut but well described Some Clinical Observations about in the literature are bagassosis in sugar cane Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) in CT workers, sisal worker’s disease, maple bark stripper’s disease, wheat weevil’s disease and malt Summary Table of Reported Cases worker’s lung. of Selected Respiratory Diseases in CT 2. Symptoms of fever, cough and shortness of HYPERSENSITIVITY breath The symptoms occur in a spectrum, from PNEUMONITIS (HP) acute through chronic stages. Two-thirds develop By Donald C. Kent, MD FACP, FCCP, FACOEM chills, fever, cough and shortness of breath within Consultant, Electric Boat Division, Groton, CT; four to eight hours after exposure, which develop Consultant, Occupational Health Center, Pequot Health Center into symptoms of malaise, myalgia Lawrence & Memorial Hospital, Groton, CT; and headache. Initial symptoms Consultant, Pfizer Central Research, Groton ,CT usually subside within hours. The Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), also called sub-acute phase is represented by a extrinsic allergic alveolitis, is a granulomatous decrease in the acute symptoms but progressive interstitial lung disorder resulting from reaction to increase in shortness of breath. The chronic phase repeated inhalations of and sensitization to is characterized by progressive shortness of allergens in a predisposed host.1 Occupationally, it breath, and with features of both an interstitial and occurs in susceptible workers, and is an airways obstruction disorder. A careful immunologically mediated inflammatory response occupational history is essential in evaluating the in the alveolar-air exchange portions of the lung, patient presenting with these symptoms. rather than in the conducting airways as in The physical examination during the acute occupational asthma. phase usually notes a moderately ill appearing It was first described as a clinical entity by patient, dyspneic, occasionally cyanotic, with bi- Ramazzini in 1713 with the symptoms of cough and basilar rales. Rarely there is wheezing. In the sub- shortness of breath in workers exposed to dusts of acute and chronic phases the bi-basilar rales over-heated cereal grains. Campbell2 first remain prominent, as does the presence of described Farmer’s Lung in 1932, which was dyspnea. further defined by Dickie and Rankin3 in 1958 as an acute granulomatous interstitial pneumonia caused Occupational Airways is produced by the Occupational by exposure to moldy hay. Health & Special Projects Program, Division of Environmental Epidemiology & Occupational Health, The well described criteria for diagnosis of HP Connecticut Department of Public Health. as outlined by Fink, Lindermith and Horvarth in Editor: Contributors to 4 Juanita Estrada, Epidemiologist this edition: Lenz’s Occupational Medicine textbook will be Staff: Donald Kent, MD utilized to describe this clinical disorder. Carolyn Jean Dupuy, Director Michael Hodgson, MD MPH Betty Jung, Epidemiologist 1. History of exposure to a recognized antigen Marian Heyman, Epidemiologist/Industrial Hygienist There is a long list of antigens known to precipitate this disorder. They include various Connecticut Department of Public Health 1 December 1997 Table 14,5,6,7,8 Potential Sources of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis in CT Disease Workers Source Antigen Farmer’s Lung4,5,6,7,8 Dairy Farmers Moldy Hay Micropolyspora faeni Mushroom Worker’s Lung4,5,6,7,8 Mushroom workers Compost Thermophilic actinomycetes Tobacco Worker’s Lung8 Tobacco workers Mold on tobacco Aspergillus spp. Ventilation Pneumonitis5,6,7 Office workers Water reservoirs Multiple organisms Humidifier Lung4,5,6,8 Air Conditioner Lung5 Bird Breeder’s Lung5,6,7 Bird breeders, handlers Bird droppings, feathers Avian proteins Laboratory Technician’s Lung7 Lab Animal handlers Rat urine Rat urine proteins Machine Operator’s Lung8 Metal workers Aerosolized metal- Multiple organisms working fluid Isocyanate Disease4,5,6 Paint sprayers Paints, resins, Toluene diisocyanate (TDI)* Foam insulators polyurethane foams Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI)* Hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI)* Phthalic anhydride Lung Disease4,6, Epoxy resin workers Resins, plastics Phthalic anhydride Plastic workers Trimellitic anhydride Lung Disease5,6 Plastic workers, surface Plastics, resins, paints Trimellitic anhydride coating manufacture *Also known asthmagens ray may be normal in cases of HP, even with a 3. Pulmonary function changes positive biopsy. X-rays have been shown to be During the early phase of the disorder there is normal in many outbreaks of HP9. Therefore, early air trapping with an increase in residual volume, physicians have increasingly relied upon high a decrease in vital capacity (representative of the resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scans. restriction changes in the lung), a decrease in Nevertheless, even HRCT appear to be normal in compliance (representing the stiffness of the lung), 50% of biopsy proven HP cases, so physicians should but usually a normal airway resistance. With be fairly aggressive about documentation of disease. progression of the abnormalities in imbalance in ventilation-perfusion relationships due to the 5. Evidence of immunological sensitization pathology of the disorder, hypoxemia will be evident. In 1965, Pepys described the development of A decrease in diffusion capacity is also commonly precipitins against thermophilic actinomyces in seen. Early in the development of the entity, there Farmer’s Lung.10 Much work has been carried out may be a decrease in FEV1 (Forced Expiratory related to the immunology of HP. It was first Volume). However, this is usually fleeting, and the considered to be a type III immune complex mediated classic changes seen in obstructive disease are not reaction. However, the current feeling is that it is a prominent. The pulmonary function changes cell-mediated mechanism produced by alveolar associated with the chronic stage of the disorder are macrophages, T-lymphocytes, NK cells, and those of combined obstructive airways and diffuse cytokines. It appears that there is an activation of interstitial fibrosis. The hypoxemia seen in the early multiple mechanisms upon allergen exposure with stage of the disorder may be severe and even life- resultant expansion of T-cell clones and generation of threatening. granulomatous and fibrogenic factors, leading to parenchymal damage. 4. Chest x-ray changes The characteristic x-ray change is that of A majority of individuals exposed to an inhalant interstitial reticulonodular densities up to several antigen do develop a cellular and humoral response. millimeters in size, which are especially basilar in However, only a small percentage, possibly 3-15%, go distribution. These x-ray changes clear slowly over on to develop disease. Precipitins may develop in up weeks to months. Occasionally the nodular densities to 50% of subjects exposed to an allergen without any will be widely scattered throughout the lung evidence of disease. This makes the use of precipitin parenchyma, producing a “white-out” pattern, however testing in diagnosis of the disorder of questionable this is less common. In cases of multiple allergen value, because of the number of resultant false exposure, the fibrotic densities clear very slowly, or positives. Therefore, precipitating antibodies are may not clear at all. It is important to note that the x- useful primarily as indicators of exposure rather than of disease.11 Connecticut Department of Public Health 2 December 1997 Factors other than specific immunological life-threatening hypoxemia, corticosteroids may reactions are considered to be operational in the reverse the disease, and would be indicated. pathogenesis of this disorder. Those presently under consideration are host factors such as genetics, Removal of an exposed worker from the endotoxins, infection, and various toxic factors such workplace may be disruptive, but is medically as air pollution and even cigarette smoke, which may necessary. If this is not possible, all attempts must be protect against the development of this disorder. made to keep the exposure to as low a level as possible. Altering the engineering process is the best Enzyme linked immunoabsorbent serum assay solution. Such engineering changes have been (ELISA) may be used in the laboratory diagnosis of particularly successful in bagassosis, office humidifier the disorder, instead of the double immunodiffusion lung disease, farmer’s lung, and maple bark stripper’s technique originally used. Though, it may have an lung. Well developed education of workers and excess number of false positives, as previously industries at risk is also of importance in prevention. discussed. In addition, most of the fungal antigens that cause this disorder are only very poorly For further information, contact Dr. Kent at characterized, and linking antigen extracts has been 860/535-3654. difficult at times. REFERENCES 1. Stankus RP, Salvaggio JE (1983): Hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Clin The remaining criteria are to be utilized Chest
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