Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol. 53(1): 28-32 (2016) ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLES IMPACT OF THREE ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, BISPHENOL A, GENISTEIN AND VINCLOZOLIN ON FEMALE RAT ENAMEL K. Jedeon1,2, A. Berdal1,2, S. Babajko1 1Laboratory of Molecular Oral Pathophysiology, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, INSERM UMRS 1138, Paris, France. 2 Paris-Diderot university, faculty of odontology, Paris, France. Key words the three EDs chosen in this study and su- Endocrine disruptor, bisphenol A, genistein, ggest that enamel hypomineralization may di- vinclozolin, enamel, hypomineralization, fe- ffer between males and females. male rat. Introduction Abstract An endocrine disruptor (ED) is currently Concerns about the potential adverse effects described at the international level as an of endocrine disruptors (EDs) have been incre- exogenous substance or mixture that alters asing over the last three decades. Bisphenol function(s) of the endocrine system and con- A (BPA), genistein (G) and vinclozolin (V) are sequently causes adverse health effects in an three widely used EDs sharing similar effects. intact organism, or its progeny, or (sub) po- Since populations are exposed to many di- pulation (1). Until June, 2015, 1000 molecu- verse EDs simultaneously, we demonstrated les have been identified as EDs on the TEDX recently their impact alone or combined on (The Endocrine Disruptors Exchange) list. male rat tooth enamel. The purpose of this Due to the multiplicity of areas of their use, study was therefore to assess their effects on EDs are found ubiquitously throughout our female rat tooth enamel in order to unders- daily environment. Populations are conse- tand why they are differentially sensitive. Rats quently exposed to many diverse EDs simul- were exposed daily in utero and after birth to taneously. It is therefore important to explore low doses of EDs during the critical fetal and the effects of combinations of EDs with similar suckling periods when amelogenesis takes described effects. place. Enamel of rats exposed to EDs presen- Bisphenol A (BPA), used in the manufacture ted opaque areas of hypomineralization. The of epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics, is proportion of affected rats was the highest an exemplary widespread ED. Many experi- in the groups of rats treated with BPA alone mental studies have shown that BPA affects and higher in males than in females (in all the diverse organs. It has been described for its groups). Comparison of enamel key gene ex- estrogen-mimetic and anti-androgenic effects pression levels showed modulations of Klk4 (2). Genistein (G), a phytoestrogen found in and Enamelin in males but no significant va- legumes, presents structural and hormonal riations in females. These findings show that properties similar to estrogens and has also female rats are less affected than males by anti-androgenic effects (3). Vinclozolin (V) is e28 Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol. 53(1): 28-32 (2016) a fungicide with anti-androgenic effects; it can laboratory animals (authorization number B2 bind both androgen receptor and estrogen re- 231010EA). Cages and bottles made of po- ceptors with lower affinity (4). lypropylene were used to avoid any contami- Concern arises recently on their adverse nation by BPA or phthalates, and drinking wa- effect on tooth. BPA disrupts amelogenesis ter was filtered through charcoal to eliminate by targeting the enamel matrix protein (EMP) any trace of phytoestrogens and pesticides. coding gene Enamelin and the protease Ka- On gestational day 1 (E1), the dams were llikrein 4 (Klk4), leading to enamel hypomi- randomly divided into six groups. From ges- neralization (5). G, V and the combination of tational day 1 until weaning (P21), pregnant the three EDs do not have the same effects females were orally administered one of the as BPA (6). The results of all these studies following treatments daily: G/V, BPA, G/BPA, have been described in male rats. Since EDs V/BPA, G/V/BPA at doses of 1 mg/kg/day G disturb mainly the hormonal system, the fo- (Sigma-Aldrich), 10 µg/kg/day V (Toxalim la- llowing question emerges as a consequence: boratory, Toulouse, France) and 5 µg/kg/day Are female teeth impacted in the same man- BPA (Sigma-Aldrich) in 0.4 mL/kg body weight ner as those of males after exposure, with the of corn oil; the control group was administered same conditions, to the same EDs? And if not, corn oil alone. After weaning, young female what is the underlying explanation? rats were similarly exposed to same mixtures daily until sacrifice at P30. Material and methods Animals and biological samples RNA extraction and real time-qPCR (RT-qP- The animals used in this study were bred as CR) analysis previously described (5). Briefly, Wistar Han Total RNAs were extracted using Tri-Reagent rats were purchased from Harlan France Sarl (Euromedex, Strasbourg, France) according (Gannat, France). All animals were maintai- to the manufacturer’s instructions. Reverse ned in accordance with the French Ministry transcription was carried out with 1 mg of to- of Agriculture guidelines for care and use of tal RNA for 45 min at 42 °C, using the oligo- Gene Amplicon size Primer sequences 5’-GGCTTGTAGGTGATGGAGAA-3’ Rs15 315 pb 5’-CTTCCGCAAGTTCACCTACC-3’ 5’-GACCCCTTCATTGACCTCAACTAC-3’ Gapdh 260 pb 5’-AAGTTGTCATGGATGACCTTGGCC-3’ 5’-ACACCCTTCAGCCTCATCAC-3’ Amelogenin 271 pb 5’-GAGAACAGTGGAGGCAGAGG-3’ 5’-CATGTGGCCTCCGCCAGTCC-3’ Enamelin 439 pb 5’-GTCATCTGGGGGCGGGTCCT-3’ 5’-TGCAGCCTCACCAGCCAGGA-3’ Ameloblastin 258 pb 5’-CCCGAGACAGCGAATGGGCG-3’ 5’-CTCCCCTGTCCGCAGCAAGC-3’ Tuftelin 202 pb 5’-GGCGTCCATGTGCTGCTGGT-3’ 5’-GCAACAAAACCGACTCCAG-3’ Amelotin 379 pb 5’-CTCCATTCTGCACATCTGG-3’ 5’-CTGGGCCTGGGCCATTCCAC-3’ Mmp20 320 pb 5’-CTGGTGATGGTGCTGGGCCG-3’ 5’-GCATCCGCAGTGGGTGCTGT-3’ Klk4 320 pb 5’-CACACTGCAGGAGGCTGGGC-3’ Table 1: Primer sequences used for RT-qPCR analyses. e29 Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol. 53(1): 28-32 (2016) dT mix of random primers according to the 1,5 Amelogenin Enamelin manufacturer’s instructions (Superscript II® 1,5 - Invitrogen). An Opticon Monitor device (Bio- 1 1 Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA) was used 0,5 0,5 for RT-qPCR. Details of the primers and the 0 0 mRNA relative level corresponding amplicon sizes are presented C C GV GV BPA in Table 1. BPA V/BPA G/BPA V/BPA G/BPA G/V/BPA Statistical analysis G/V/BPA The results of all experiments are reported as 0,8 Ameloblastin Amelotin 2 means ± SD. Data being not normally distri- 0,6 1,5 buted, the two-tailed non-parametric Mann- 0,4 1 Whitney test was used for comparisons (of 0,2 0,5 each test group with the control). GraphPad mRNA relative level 0 0 C C GV Prism software version 4.0 (La Jolla, CA) was GV BPA BPA V/BPA V/BPA G/BPA used for data analysis and values were con- G/BPA G/V/BPA sidered significantly different (*) when p≤0.05. G/V/BPA Tuftelin Klk4 Results 1,5 1,5 The highest prevalence of affected female 1 1 rats was only 31% 0,5 0,5 Incisors of female rats exposed to three EDs 0 0 C C from E1 to P30 were carefully observed and mRNA relative level GV GV BPA BPA scored as previously described (5). Control V/BPA G/BPA V/BPA G/BPA G/V/BPA rats presented yellow-brown incisors, whe- G/V/BPA reas 20% to 31% of rats exposed to EDs exhi- Mmp20 bited white opacities on their mandibular inci- 2 sors. The prevalence of affected rats differed 1,5 according to the treatment (Table 2): the hig- 1 hest prevalence, 31%, was in the group expo- 0,5 0 C mRNA relative level GV Control (C) 0% BPA V/BPA Genistein Vinclozolin (G/V) 20% G/BPA G/V/BPA Bisphenol A (BPA) 31% Figure 1: Expression of enamel genes analyzed by RT- Genistein Bisphenol A (G/BPA) 20% qPCR. Analysis of mRNAs extracted from microdissected Vinclozolin Bisphenol A (V/BPA) 20% dental epithelium of female rats didn’t show any significant difference of enamel genes expression in the various treated Genistein Vinclozolin Bisphenol A 20% groups compared to the control one. All data are means ± (G/V/BPA) SD for experiments performed in triplicate. Table 2: The prevalence of affected female rats, after chro- nic low dose exposure to genistein, vinclozolin, bisphenol A ce, RNA levels presented important variations and their combination, was systematically compared to the within the same group making the difference control one (n=8). Control rats were never affected. with the control group non significant (Figure 1). sed to BPA alone. The teeth in this group dis- Discussion played an anarchic distribution of white spots Concerns about potential adverse effects of (7). In the other groups, about 20% of the rats exposure to EDs are growing day after day. were affected (Table 2). We recently demonstrated that continuous Chronic low dose exposure to genistein, vin- exposure to low-dose BPA affects enamel clozolin and bisphenol A do not affect EMP- mineralization in 75% of male rats (5). The nor protease- coding genes in female rats window of sensitivity to BPA covers the pe- The levels of the mRNAs encoding the major rinatal period, and therefore BPA is able to EMPs, Amelogenin, Ameloblastin, Amelotin, act as an enamel hypomineralizing factor. As Enamelin, and proteases, Mmp20 and Klk4 BPA-exposed rat enamel and MIH affected did not varied between rats exposed to the va- teeth share similar structural and biochemi- rious combinations of G, V and BPA. Of noti- cal properties, BPA can be considered to be e30 Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol. 53(1): 28-32 (2016) a causative agent of MIH (molar incisor hy- potentially different between males and fema- pomineralization) (5).
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