ACCESS Takeshima Dōgo Oki Islands Okinoshima Town Island Saigō Port Adventure! Dōzen OKI ISLANDS Nishinoshima Oki Shimane Prefecture, Japan Town Airport 2021 See the amazing Beppu Hishiura Port Shin- Oki Islands Port Chitose scenery of the Ama Town Oki Islands! Shimane Chibu Kurii Port Shichirui Port Village 30 min 50 min 1 hr 30 min Check Tokyo it out! Narita Airport Sakaiminato Port Sendai Fukuoka ( Haneda Airport ) Yonago 1 hr 30 min Osaka Airport Itami Airport Route 9 Guide Book Matsue (Kansai Airport) Izumo Yonago Tokyo Izumo Airport 50 min 1 hr Ochiai Miyoshi Shizuoka Notice for Visitors Winter in Oki can be very cold and windy. The ferry Nagoya Fukuoka Hiroshima Okayama Osaka and airplane are sometimes canceled. We recommend JR (Shinkansen) that you visit spring-autumn when there is more to do and see. *Takeshima is not included in the geopark area. *The Shin-Chitose ー Izumo Flight is only available in August . From Tokyo From Osaka Oki Islands UNESCO Global Geopark | Daisen-Oki National Park Oki Saigō Port (all ports) Air(JAL) Saigō Port Dōzen Oki Airport (Dōgo) Itami Airport (Dōgo) Haneda Airport Air(JAL) Air(JAL) (all ports) (Dōgo) Itami Airport Dōzen (Dōgo) 1 hr 50 min Airport Bus Fast Ferry 30 min 50 min Bus Fast Ferry 30 min Izumo Airport 10 min Ferry 1 hr Air(JAC) Izumo Airport 10 min Ferry 1 hr Air(JAL) Air(JAC) Air(JAL) 30 min 1 hr 30 min 50 min 30 min Bus Matsue Bus Matsue Station Station 30 min 40 min Sakaiminato Port, Shichirui Port Bus Bus Air(ANA) Bus 30 min 30 min 40 min Sakaiminato Port, Shichirui Port Yonago Airport 1 hr 30 min JR 15 min Oki (all ports) Yonago Station,Matsue Station Shin-Osaka Station Oki (all ports) Okayama Station Tokyo Station Express Fast Ferry 1 hr Overnight Bus/Express Bus Bullet Train Train Fast Ferry 1 hr Yonago Station Matsue Station 6 hr 30 min/4 hr 3 hr 30 min 2 hr 30 min Ferry 2 hr 30 min Okayama Station Ferry 2 hr 30 min Bus/JR Bus/JR Overnight Train Express 40 min 40 min 11 hr 30 min Bullet Train Train 45 min 2 hr 30 min Overnight Bus 10 hr 30 min From Hiroshima From Fukuoka Hiroshima Bus Terminal Fukuoka Airport Oki Airport Hiroshima Airport (Dōgo) Izumo Airport Air(JAC) Saigō Port (all ports) Dōzen (Dōgo) 30 min Bus Bus Sakaiminato Port, Shichirui Port Air(JAC) Bus Fast Ferry 30 min 55 min 2 hr 55 min 1 hr 10 min Ferry 1 hr Oki (all ports) Matsue Station Bus Matsue Bus 30 min Station 40 min Bus Fast Ferry 1 hr Sakaiminato Port Hiroshima Station 40 min Ferry 2 hr 30 min Shichirui Port Okayama Hakata Station Station Express Yonago Station Oki (all ports) Bullet Train Train Matsue Station Bus 1 hr 40 min 2 hr 30 min Bus/JR Fast Ferry 1 hr 3 hr 10 min 40 min Ferry 2 hr 30 min Overnight Bus 8 hr *JR Sakaiminato Line runs between Sakaiminato Port and Yonago Station via Yonago Airport. *Up-to-date ferry and connecting bus times and information can be found at www.oki-kisen.co.jp. Please check for up-to-date routes and times before coming to the Oki Islands. There are few English speakers at the hotels and restaurants around Oki, but everyone is kind and welcoming. Information We strongly recommend that you email one of the main tourism offices listed below for information and bookings. Oki Islands Tourism Association Okinoshima Town Tourism Association ☎ 08512-2-0787 [email protected] https://oki-dougo.info 24 Shioguchi, Minatomachi, Okinoshima-cho, Oki-gun, Shimane-ken, 685-0015, JAPAN Nishinoshima Tourism Association ☎ 08514-7-8888 [email protected] https://nkk-oki.com/ ☎ 08512-2-1577 [email protected] www.e-oki.net Oki Islands Tourism Association Ama Town Tourism Association ☎ 08514-2-0101 [email protected] https://oki-ama.org/ www.oki-geopark.jp Oki Islands UNESCO Global Geopark Chiburijima Tourism 08514 8-2272 [email protected] http://chibu.jp/ Association ☎ - Japan Country Code: +81 If you are calling from overseas, remove the first 0 from the phone number. e.g. +81-8512-2-1577 (Oki Islands Tourism Association) The four main islands of Oki have a combined Takeshima OKI ISLANDS - A HIDDEN TREASURE population of around 20,000 people. The islands have different traditions and historical - 6KLUDVKLPD&RDVW ON THE SEA OF JAPAN background, therefore creating a unique D O GO atmosphere. With the peaceful surroundings, 11 6KLUDVKLPD/RRNRXW breathtaking coastal views and lush forests, *Takeshima is not included <RURLLZD $UPRXU5RFN Oki Islands are where you can take a break in the geopark area. .DEXWRLZD +HOPHW5RFN 6FDOH from the city. Come and check them out! ,VHPLNRWR6KULQH ⑦ 1DNDPXUD%HDFK 1DNDPXUD&DPSJURXQG Nakamura / Fuse 5ĥVRNXMLPD &DQGOH,VODQG ② .LFKLXUD&DPSJURXQG Goka <RQRQDND=DNXUD 5ĥVRNXMLPD &DQGOH,VODQG 0WĤPLQH /RRNRXW ▲ 5ĥVRNXMLPD &DQGOH,VODQG 6LJKWVHHLQJ%RDW&RXUVH 0LPR]D&DPSJURXQG ,FKL\DGDNH ③ %XOO6XPR$UHQD 1 -ĥGRJDXUD&RDVW 2 6DNL\DPD:DONLQJ7UDLO Akasaki Wharf 6 ⑧.DVXJDQRKDPD%HDFK 6XJDWD]DZD 2NL+RW6SULQJ*2.$ Ĥ\DPD6KULQH 3ĥUHVW 5HVWDXUDQW )XNXXUD7XQQHOV %XOO6XPR$UHQD 4 3 ⑨ )XNXXUD%HDFK .DEXUDVXJL *RND6ĥVHLNDQ0XVHXP 2NL5KRGRGHQGURQ3DUN -DSDQHVH&HGDU *HR5HVRUW6\PSKRQ\ 0W7VX]XUDR ④ Fukuura Wharf )XNDXUD:DWHUIDOO 9 8 0L]XZDNDVX6KULQH 2NL.\ĥGRNDQ0XVHXP 5\ĿJDWDNL&OLII/RRNRXW 5ĥVRNXMLPD6LJKWVHHLQJ%RDW 6KL]HQNDLNLQRPRUL)RUHVW :DLWLQJ5RRP :DVKLJDPLQH3HDN ▲ .XURVKLPD/RRNRXW +RVKLQRNDPLMLPD,VODQG Okinoshima Town 5 &KLFKLVXJL-DSDQHVH&HGDU ▲ - 0W'DLPDQML D O ZEN Nishinoshima Town (Nishinoshima Island) $JRQDVKL-L]ĥ6WDWXHV &KĥVKL'DP Population: 2,800 Land Area: 55.98km² Circumference: 117km <XL0DHQRVX,QWHUWLGDO 'DQJ\ĥQRWDNL:DWHUIDOOV Cows: 600 Horses: 50 6KRUH3ODWIRUP 7 Schools: 1 Elementary, 1 Junior High 0W7DNDVDNL <XL'DIIRGLO+DELWDW <XL3RQG ▲ 6DVDNLNH 13 7UDGLWLRQDO5HVLGHQFH 6D\DPD%XOO6XPR$UHQD 2NL.RNXEXQML7HPSOH 0LPLXUD&DPSJURXQG 8QGHUZDWHU9LHZLQJ ① 4 %RDW$0$0%2:&RXUVH .XQLJD&RDVW6LJKWVHHLQJ%RDW&RXUVH 2NL0ĥPĥ'RPH %XOO6XPR5LQJ 5 6DEXUĥLZD5RFNV Nishinoshima Town .DPHQRKDUD:DWHU%LUG3DUN .XURNLJRVKR,PSHULDO5HVLGHQFH6LWH 8]XNDPLNRWR6KULQH 1LVKLQRVKLPD +HNLIĿNDQ0XVHXP .XQLJD&RDVW 3 $NL\D&RDVW 7 )XUXVDWRNDQ0XVHXP 5DLQERZ%HDFK $NL\D&DPSJURXQG 1DJXVDNL&DSH &OXE1RDK2NL ② ①④ 12 6RWRKDPD%HDFK $PD'LYLQJ6HUYLFH 10 7DPDZDNDVXPLNRWR6KULQH 0DWHQJDL&OLII ③ % *0DULQH6SRUWV&HQWHU Beppu Port 3 )XQDELNL <DRVXJL-DSDQHVH&HGDU +LNLQJ7UDLO &DQDO 6DLJĥ3RUW 0LWDKDFKLPDQJĿ $PD7RZQ7RXULVP 2 .LQNĥML7HPSOH 2NLNH7UDGLWLRQDO5HVLGHQFH 0XVHXP 6KULQH 'LYLQJ6SRW ① 7DWVXJL&DPSJURXQG 1LVKLQRVKLPD7RXULVP Hishiura Port $VVRFLDWLRQ 2 7VĿWHQN\ĥ$UFK $VVRFLDWLRQ ⑥ 6KLRKDPD%HDFK +L\RVKL (PSHURU*R7RED .XQLJD%D\ %XULDO6LWHRI(PSHURU*R7RED .DSSD5LYHU .DQQRQLZD5RFN 1 6KULQH <DNXPR6TXDUH 0XVHXP 6LJKWVHHLQJ%RDW 6 1 2NL6KULQH 7DNDGD6KULQH ④ Ĥ\DPD%HDFK *R7RED5HVLGHQFH6LWH 0XUDNDPLNH 2NL,VODQGV*HRSDUN9LVLWRU&HQWHU <XUDKLPH 5HVLGHQFH <DQD%XOO6XPR$UHQD 8 $NDR/RRNRXW 4 6KULQH 1LVKLQRVKLPD Tsuma 2NLQRVKLPD7RZQ7RXULVP$VVRFLDWLRQ 6SRUWV3DUN 2NL,VODQGV81(6&2*OREDO*HRSDUN3URPRWLRQ&RPPLWWHH $NDR6N\OLQH 8UDJĥ3RUW 14 )XQDJR\D%RDW+RXVHV 2NL,VODQGV*HRSDUN0XVHXP 6KLPDQHEDQD 6 7HQJDZDQRPL]X6SULQJ ② 6HLVXLML7HPSOH $XWR&DPSJURXQG Ama Town ⑤ .DL\ĥ6SRUWV&HQWHU $NHNXUHQRLZD\D 6DLJĥ 6HD&DYH .LWDQR6KULQH 0W7DNXKL 6KLRVDL Oki Airport ▲ 1DVX6KULQH 2NLQRNXQL'LYLQJ 5 7DNXKL6KULQH ③ )XUR\D%HDFK 6DLJĥPLVDNL&DSH3DUN +LNLQJ7UDLO Dōgo is the largest of the Oki Islands. Like the Dōzen Islands, this circular island was formed by 2QLPDL6N\OLQH volcanic activity. It has mountains, some of which are 500m high, as well as flat plains and several Okinoshima Town (Dōgo Island) Ama Town (Nakanoshima Island) rivers. The disputed territory, Takeshima Island, is Population: 13,800 Land Area: 242.82km² Circumference: 211km Cows: 540 Horses: 8 Population: 2,200 Land Area: 33.4km² located 158km north-west of Dōgo. Schools: 7 Elementary, 4 Junior High, 2 Senior High, 1 Special Education Circumference: 89km Cows: 540 2QLPDL/RRNRXW 0LKR6KULQH Schools: 2 Elementary, 1 Junior High, 1 Senior High ,QWHU,VODQG)HUU\ 6HNLKHNL 5HG&OLII 6LJKWVHHLQJ%RDW 6FDOH &RXUVH .LURJDVDNL/LJKWKRXVH &KLEXULMLPD7RXULVP EXPERIENCE THE OKI ISLANDS UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK! $VVRFLDWLRQ Chibu Village Kurii Port SEA KAYAKING TOUR HIKING TOUR BUS TOUR 2 0W$NDKDJH 1 .DZDL*XDUGLDQ 'HLW\:DWHU6SULQJ 4 $PDVDVKLKLNRQRPLNRWR6KULQH ,NNĿ6KULQH What is a UNESCO 3 6HNLKHNL 5HG&OLII Global Geopark? It is a UNESCO-designated area that encom- 6 1DJDR%HDFK *The sightseeing boat cruises offered on each island passes landscapes and geological sites of 5 6KLPD]XVKLPD,VODQG are subject to course changes and cancellation in international scientific value. However, a geopark :DONLQJ7UDLO:DWDWVX%HDFK Geo-Kayaking Hiking Tour Geo-Bus Tour is not just about geology. It is a place where you :DWDWVX6KULQHDQG6KLPD]XVKLPD cases of bad weather. Discover some of the unique rocky Walk through the forests and along the Interesting local guides will help you Chibu Village (Chiburijima Island) &DPSJURXQG can explore the deep connections that exist coastlines and natural beauty of Oki from coast with a nature guide! (Some English discover this fascinating island Population: 640 Land Area: 13.69km² Circumference: 27km between the land, nature, history and culture of Cows: 540 Horses: 2 Tanuki (raccoon dog): 2,000 the sea! (Some English available) available) geopark! (Japanese language only) the people who live there. Schools: 1 Combined Elementary and Junior High The numbers inside the boxes correspond with the *Oki Islands were designated as a Global Geo- Geo-Kayaking Hiking Tour Geo-Bus Tour park in 2013. sightseeing information in this guide book. More Information: P6, 19 More Information: P19 More Information: Please inquiry the Okinoshima Town Tourism Association 01 02 - D O ZEN 8 Akao Lookout Enjoy amazing views of the stunning Kuniga Coast from this point. It is also a great place to watch the sunset (Top 100 Sunset Spots of Japan). The sightseeing bus tour goes here daily from April to October. Nishinoshima Town Access: 30 min by car from Beppu Port ◯P ONE DAY MODEL COURSE Hiking Checklist Kuniga Coast (Hiking Trail) BY ELECTRIC ASSIST BICYCLE The walking trail from Matengai Cliff to Tsūtenkyō Arch is a popular Kuniga Coast (Hiking Trail) sightseeing spot.
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