SAMPLE BALLOT SPECIAL ETECTION precinct AIRP‐ H&L May 18,2021 BONNER COUNTY,IDAHO Page 1 of 1 “ Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark iSttCIALIRttVENじ難 ‐NDI覆LECn101NII■ ■||||■||||● 0 0 0 your ballot. To vote for your choice in each “ 0 Vote in Favor or Against い 〇 contest, completely fill in the box next to your ヾ choice. SPECIAL REVENUE BOND ELECttION BONNER COUNTY′ IDAHO 0 PEND OREELLE HOSPITAL DISTRICT FOR TRUSTEES 0 MAY 18′ 2021 守 ‐ SIx Year Term l■ ■ ‐|■ |‐ ■■| |■ ∞ ト ∨OTE FOR TVVO(2) SHALL BONNER COUNTY′ IDAHO′ BE AUttHORIZED TO INCUR AN INDEBttEDNESS AND Oolores "Dodie" Glass f] TO ISSUE AND SELLIttS REVENUE BONDSIN AN Berreth AMOUNtt NOT丁 O EXCEED S8′ 733′ 700丁 O PAY Hl-I iulie THE COS丁 OF CONSttRUCttING IMPROVEMENttS I I lhomas L. Lawrence 丁O THE SOLIDヽⅣASTE SYSttEM OF THE COUNTY′ SAID BONDS丁 O BE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM l-I Jessie Peters H SOLID WASttE SYSttEM REVENUES′ OVER A ttERM Helen Parsons WHICH MAY BE LESSttHAN BUT WHICH SHALL Hl-l NOT EXCEED ttEN(10)YEARS′ AS MORE FULLY □ PROVIDED IN RESOLUttION NO.21-35? Write-in 丁he purpose for which the proceeds ofthe bonds will be used is forirnprovements to the solid waste system to include improvements to meet Write-in federal requirements.丁 he County currently has no outstanding long― terrn indebtedness.丁 he interest EAST‐ 30NNER COUNTV LIBRA‐ RY DISTRICT FOR rate anticipated on the proposed bondsis l,75%。 TRUSTEE Six Year Terr■ 丁he total principal amount to be repald over the life ofthe bondsis S8′ 733′ 700,the totalinterest VOTEFOR TWO(2) estimated to be paid overthe life ofthe bondsis l-I Jalon Peters S786′ 423ithe total amount estimated to be repaid overthe life ofthe bondsis S9′ 520′ 123. Kathv Rose -Hl-I The bonds w‖ l be paid solely fron∩ the revenues and receipts from the solid waste system.丁 he Amy FIlnt □ bonds vvi‖ be payable over a terrn which rnay be fl Jeanine Asche less than but which w‖ l not exceed ten years. E IN FAVOR OF issuing revenue bonds in an □ amount not to exceed $8,733,700 I aCruruST issuing revenue bonds in an amount notto exceed S8′ 733′ 700 Write-in SAMPLE BALLOT SPECIAL ETECTION Precinct ALGO‐ H8こ L&WS May 18,2021 BONNER COUNTY,IDAHO Page L of 2 Please use pen 寸 a black or blue ink to mark souTHsIDE WATER18t SEWERIDISTRICT FOIRI 0 0 0 your ballot. To vote for your choice in each IDERECTORISix Vear Term 0 い 〇 contest, completely fill in the box next to your VOTE FOR ONE(1) ヾ choice. I Kass Larson HI PEND OREELLE HOSPl「AL DISTRICT FOR TRUSTEES 0 0 ISix Year Term‐ ■||■ ■ ■■■■■ Alex Murrav マ a-Jl-I ∞ ト ∨OTE FOR TWO(2) "Dodie" l-I Dolores Glass Write-in Berreth Hl-I.lulie I I lhomas L. Lawrence [.tessie Peters fl Helen Parsons Write-in Write-in R 繁誕躙 鮮器11117'TT'7η VOTE FOR Tヽ VO(2) ! laton Peters Kathv Rose l-IH Amy Flint □ f] Jeanine Asche Write-in Write-in Read Both Sides ofthe Ba‖ ot SAMPLE BALLOT SPECIAL ELEC■ ON Precinct ALGO‐ H8aL&WS May 18,2021 BONNER COUNTY,IDAHO Page 2 of 2 寸 NUE130"ID「 LECTド■|・ 0 ,PECALIⅢ「v「 ||■ 0 0 0 い Vote in Favor or Against 〇 寸 SPECIAL REVENUE BOND ELECttION BONNER COUNttY′ IDAHO 0 0 MAY 18′ 2021 ヾ ∞ ト SHALL BONNER COUNTY′ IDAHO′ BE AUTHORIZED丁 O INCUR AN INDEBttEDNESS AND 丁O ISSUE AND SELLIttS REVENUE BONDSIN AN AMOUNtt NO丁 丁O EXCEED S8′ 733′ 700丁 O PAY 丁HE COStt OF CONSttRUCttING IMPROVEMENttS 丁○丁HE SOLIDヽ ⅣASTE SYSTEM OFttHE COUNTY′ SAID BONDS丁 O BE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM SOLID WASTE SYSttEM REVENUES′ OVER A ttERM WHICH MAY BE LESSttHAN BUtt WHICH SHALL NOT EXCEED ttEN(10)YEARS′ AS MORE FULLY PROVIDED IN RESOLUttION NO.21-35? 丁he purpose for which the proceeds ofthe bonds w‖ l be used is forirnprovements to the solid waste system to include improvements to meet federal requirements.丁 he County currently has no outstanding long― terrn indebtedness.丁 he interest rate anticipated on the proposed bondsis l.75%。 The total principal amount to be repaid over the life ofthe bondsis S8′ 733′ 700i the totalinterest estimated to be paid overthe life ofthe bondsis $786′ 423ithe total amount estimated to be repaid over the life of the bondsis S9′ 520′ 123. 丁he bonds wi‖ be paid solely from the revenues and receipts from the sond waste syStem.丁 he bonds wi‖ be payable over a terrn which rnay be less than but which w‖ l not exceed ten years. □ IN FAVOR OFissuing revenue bondsin an amount notto exceed S8′ 733′ 700 f]] aCruruST issuing revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $8,733,700 Read Both Sides ofthe Ba‖ ot SAMPLE BALLOT SPECI,AL ELECTION Precinct BLUE‐ SD May L8,2O2L BONNER COUNW,IDAHO Page l of l pen い Please use a black or blue ink to mark SPECAL REVENUE 80ND ELEC■ ON 0 0 0 your ballot. To vote for your choice in each 0 Vote in Favor or Against い 〇 contest, completely fill in the box next to your ヾ choice. SPECIAL REVENUE BOND ELECttION BONNER COUNttY′ IDAHO 0 WEST BONNER COUNIY SCH0011DESTRICTII■ ■|■ | 0 MAY 18′ 2021 守 ∞ |‐ ‐■||||||||‐ . SuPPLEMENTAL LEVY I I‐ |||...__■ ト Vote in Favor or Against ■| SHALL BONNER COUNttY′ IDAHO′ BE 丁O AUttHORIZE AND EMPOⅥ にR ttHE BOARD AUTHORIZED TO INCUR AN INDEBttEDNESS AND OF ttRUSTEES OF鴇 にStt BONNER⊂ OUNttY 丁O ISSUE AND SELLIttS REVENUE BONDSIN AN SCHOOL DISttRICtt NO.83′ AMOUNtt NO丁 丁O EXCEED S8,733′ 700丁 O PAY BONNER COUNttY′ IDAHO′ 丁HE COS丁 OF CONSttRUCttING IMPROVEMENttS 丁O LEVY A SUPPLEMENttAL LEVY 丁O ttHE SOLID WASTE SYSttEM OFttHE COUNttY′ SAID BONDSttO BE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM SOLID WASttE SYSttEM REVENUES′ OVER A ttERM QUESTION:Shallthe Board of Trustees of VVest Bonner County School District No.83′ Bonner WHICH MAY BE LESSttHAN BUtt WHICH SHALL County,Idaho′ be authorized and empowered to NOtt EXCEED ttEN(10)YEARS′ AS MORE FULLY levy a supplementallevy′ as perrnitted by law in PROVIDED IN RESOLUTION NO.21-35? Section 33-802(3)′ IdahO COde S3′ 4321579 each 丁he purpose for which the proceeds ofthe bonds yearfortwo years for a total of S6′ 865′ 158 forthe purpose of paying a‖ laIArful expenses of w‖ l be used is forimprovements to the solid maintaining and operating the schools ofthe waste system to include improvements to rneet District for the fiscal years beginning July l′ 2021 federal requlrements tthe County currently has no terrn indebtedness.The interest and ending June 30′ 2023′ as provided in the outstanding long― resolution of the Board ofttrustees of VVest rate anticipated on the proposed bondsis l.75%。 Bonner County School District No.83 as adopted 丁he total principal amount to be repaid over the 733′ 700,the totalinterest on March 17′ 2021. life ofthe bondsis S8′ estimated to be paid overthe life ofthe bondsis 丁he estimated average annual cost to the S786′ 423,the total amount estimated to be taxpayer on the proposed levyis a tax of$146.95 repaid overthe life ofthe bondsis S9′ 520′ 123. be paid solely from the revenues per S100′ 000 oftaxable assessed value. The bonds wi‖ and receipts from the solid waste system.The bonds wi‖ be payable over a terrn which rnay be IN FAVOR of authorizing the levy in the amount E less than but which vv‖ l not exceed ten years. of up to $3,432,579 per year for two (2) years [= IN FAVOR OF issuing revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $8,733,700 AGAINST authorizing the levy in the amount of E issuing revenue bonds in an amount up to $3,432,579, per year for two (2) years I nCruruST not to exceed$8′ 733′ 700 SAMPLE BALLOT SPECIAL ELECTION Precinct HOPE¨ H8こ L&SW May 18,2021 BONNER COUNTY′ EDAHO Page L of 2 Please use a black or blueink pen tO rnark 0 ELLISPORT SEWER DISTRICT FOIR・ BOARD M‐ EMEBER い 〇 ‐ 〇 your ba‖ oto To vOte fOr y91り r chOiCe in each SixlVearlTerrn ll. ■ ..■ . ‐ ■■■■■ ■■|| 〇 い 〇 contest′ completely fillin the box next to y6ur ヾ cholce. ■ Write-in 0 PEN D OREILLE HOSPITAL DISTRICT FOR TRUSTEES 0 寸 Six Year Term l ∞ ト ∨OTE FOR TkA/0(2) f] oolores "Dodie" Glass Berreth Hl-I.tulie ! fnomas L. Lawrence Ilessie Peters l-I Helen Parsons - Write-in Write-in EAST 30NNER COUNIY‐ LIBRARY DI,TRIfT F911 TRUSTEE Six Year Terrn ‐ | ∨OTE FO&TWO(2) fl laton Peters Rose Hl-l Kathv Amy Flint □ I Jeanrne Asche HI Write-in Write-in Read Both Sides ofthe BaHot SAMPLE BALLOT SPECIAL ELEC■ ON Precinct HOPE‐ H&L&SW May 18′ 2021 BONNER COUNTY.EDAHO Page 2 of 2 0 IREV:N● 0■■ |・ 〇 ,pF“ ||●、PEI‐「|■ ■■ ■ 〇 〇 〇 Vote in FavoF Or Against l‐ い 〇 寸 SPECIAL REVENUE BOND ELECTION BONNER COUNttY′ IDAHO O O MAY 18′ 2021 守 ∞ ト SHALL BONNER COUNTY′ IDAHO′ BE AUttHORIZED TO INCUR AN INDEBTEDNESS AND 丁O ISSUE AND SELLIttS REVENUE BONDSIN AN AMOUNtt NO丁 丁O EXCEED$8′ 733′ 700 TO PAY 丁HE COST OF CONSttRUCttING IMPROVEMENTS TO丁 HE SOLID WASttE SYSTEM OFttHE COUNttY′ SAID BONDS TO BE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM SOLID WASTE SYSttEM REVENUES′ OVER A ttERM WHICH MAY BE LESSttHAN BUtt WHICH SHALL NOtt EXCEED ttEN(10)YEARS′ AS MORE FULLY PROVIDED IN RESOLUttION NO.21-35? 丁he purpose for which the proceeds ofthe bonds w‖ l be used is forirnprovements to the solid waste system to include improvements to meet federal requirements.The County currently has no outstanding long― terrn indebtedness.丁 he interest rate anticipated on the prop6sed bondsis l.75%。 丁he total principal amount to be repaid over the life ofthe bondsis S8′ 733′ 700i the totalinterest estimated to be paid overthe life ofthe bondsis S786′ 423ithe total amount estimated to be repaid over the life ofthe bonds is S9′ 520′ 123.
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