E Highlighting an Special magazine, unforgettable INSIDE TODAY 'HIOWESDH APRIL 11, 2012 • SEAVING KAROIN COUNTY SINCE 1974 • REACH SUBSCAIBIR SfRVIC ES AT (270) 505-1170 50 ~Inll emorial to unveiled Merging progress Saturday Knox with By MARTY FINLEY Saturday morning at Fort Knox. indudes the names of those Tribute honors mf'nl .y~_ n!.rpri". «)m A Hollywood celebrity will from the command and its sub­ participate in ceremonies plan­ ordinate units who have died in fallen members A memorial honOring sol­ ned for familie, serving as guests combal, said Capt. Malisa tradition diers under the 11th Aviation of honor. Hamper, a public affairs officer of II th Aviation Command and its subordinate The memoria1 features a with the 11th Aviation Com­ units killed during the global bronze battle cross and a graJlite mand, an Anuy Reserve head- Without much time Command war on terror will be unveiled wall surrounding the cross that Twn lv MEMORlAl. AU to plan, new events coordinator expects SHUTTING DOWN DIXIE little to change for Heartland Festival By MARTY FINLEY ./ mfinley@(hrn. "·,,,nlt,-pri ...oo m ElizabethtoWll Eve nts Co· ordinator Sarah Vaughn h8..'l lit­ tle time to plan the 30th Heartland Festival. She said fes­ tivalgoe r ~ should not expect drastic changes in the city's first year coordinating the August event. Vaughn said the city plans to retain programs that have worked in the past while remov­ ing or tweaking elemenlll con­ sidered detrimental. For instance, Vaughn said the canoe races, parade, Fireworks alld rides for children will re­ turn this year. TIle balloon glow also is expected to return, but Vaughn sai d it may be moved to Saturday nighl wilh Friday focusing primarily on rides. Vaughn envisions all entire pl ay area installed at Freeman Lake Park that would be ~ boom ing" with kids, but she , said she is nol $UfC what specif. ic rides or activities the city will offer. Official s announced a deci­ -"'1'IC""'{11!0 ___ """""", sion Monday to maintain the A helicopter take. off Tue.day from AI", Road after pl~kln, up an Injured FI.ehbaeh USA employee In E/!ubethtown, to transport him to Jewl.h festival in a transitional year af­ Hospital In Loolsvllie. The man was being transported In the ambulance wilen n was hn by a ear while going through the Intersection with North Dille ter the Hardin County Chanl­ Avenue. ber of Commerce turned over the reins. Vaughn $aid about 85 vendors have verbally commit­ ted, which includes everything Man loses fingers; car hits ambulance from food sales to local busi­ nesses to arts and crafts. A Hardin County ambulance 900 I'eterson Drive regarding an Less than 20 minutes after Vaughn said the city is look­ Raymond Clark carrying a Fischbach USA em­ employee witll an injured hand. the 911 call, Ihe ambulance was ing for more arts and crafts ven­ ployee wilh all injured hand was Raymond F. Clark, 44, of en route to Jewish Hospital in dors but has fared well in at­ of Elizabethtown involved in a two-vehicle colli­ Eli7.abethIOwn, sustained a seri­ Louisville when th e coll ision oc­ tracting a smorgasbord of food sion Tuesday afternoon al the in­ ous bUI non·life threatening in­ curred, Howard said. The options. suffered non-life tersection of Ring Road and jury, Howard said. Louisville hospital houses a ~ We've aclually had to tum North Dixie Avenue in Eliza­ Joel Shoaf, Fischbach's Eliza­ center speciali7jng in hand, arm some folks away because we bethtown. bethtown operations manager, and shoulder care. have so many varieties offood, ~ threatening injuries Don Howard, a Hardin said Clark caught his hand in a 'Ine ambulance was travel­ she said. County EMS shift supervisor, piece of equipment. Fischbach ing east through the intersection One change Vaughn in­ By SARAR BENNETT said at 1:13 p.m. the ambulance manufactures plastic pad rnging of Ring Road and Dixie Avenue stalled is discowlIed vendor fees .b<1>""u@,hr""......".rp,.;..,_O)m service was called to the plant at for sealanu and adhesives. Tum to CRASH, Al4 Tum In HEAR11.AND. AI3 Tax preparers look at five common mistakes approaching, some area tax pre­ day is a holiday in Washington, She once saved a client mon­ thai take place each year. Deadline to file taxes parers shared Five of the mo~t D.C. ey by fmding out that Arkansas, Delbosque said keeping up with common mistakes and confu­ Filers missing credits to which where he was filing, was offering the changes even can be chal­ is Aprill? this year sions Ihey observe in taxpayers they're entitled is the mosl com­ a tax break for soldiers. lenging for her. who File lax returns on their own mon mistake observed by Epo· Filers often don't know thai "Sometimes you do go By AMBER COULTER The deadline to file taxes this lita Delbosqne, owner of Del­ type of credit is avai lable, espe­ through staying up until 3 0'· """"IW@lh"n. ...... n~ "'.«>m year is Tuesday because April 15 bosque Tax Service on South Cially because it's hard to keep clock in the morning doing re· With the deadline to File taxes is a Sunday and the following Dixie Boulevard in Radcliff. up with federal and state changes 'I\'m to TAXFS, Al3 INSIDE WEATHER • TODAY'S OBITUARIES SINCE YOU ASKED INSIDE Thomll.'l Franklin Hayse J r., 61 ABBY .. ............A. OBITUARIES ..... A4 • OOMPI.ETE (llIllWIIES. U Resuilli of Tuesday's The Nrrm-Enln-­ CALENDAR ___. _._A4 OPINION ____. ... _.A6 prlslonline poll, as of 7 p.m.: CtASSIAEOS ... BS PUZZLES ....... B10 COMICS ........ B11 SPORTS .......... 81 QUESTION: Have you gone fishing LOnERtES •.•. •. 82 TELEVISION •.. B10 IN THE NEWS MOYIES .......•. B10 WEDNESDAY'S this evening. NEIGHBORS .•...AB WOMAN ........•A10 • FOOD FOR FURRY FRIENDS. Yes: 6 percent No: 94 percent MOSTLY SUNNY TODAY'S QUESTION: Which champi· onship-winnin&" University of Kentucky men! basketball coach was 54/34 your favorite? ~ willi SIIanIn fni Ifle poll q>.leS1ion ~ Ifle .opiIion' meru at vre IeIsons Ilarda. ' I ........... ~ • • OOMPLEl"E REPORT. A2 ..-.thenewHnte.prl&e.com A2 1lIE NEWS-ENTERPRISE WEDHESDAY, APRIL 11. 2012 LOCAL NEWS AND NOTES FROM AROUND KENTUGKIANA LOOKING BACK DAILY BRIEFING ON THIS DATE IN IN 1814, LEXIN GTON Napoleon Bonaparte abdi­ cated 3.'1 Emperor of the City to receive French and was banished [0 21c Museum Hotel the island of Elba. IN 1921, Iowa be<:ame the A Lexington landmark is fi~ stale to imflO5C a ci~;,l ­ being tumed into an up­ reUe tax, at 2 (Cllts a pw;:k­ seale hotel. ,,&<. Louisville philanthro­ IN 1910, ApoUo 13, with pists and art collectors astronauts james A. loveD, Steve Wilwn and Laura Fred W. Haise and J ack Lee Brown say they will Swigert, blasted off on illlll­ tum Lexington's first sky­ fated mission to the moon. scraper - the First National IN HARDIN COUNTY Bank Building - into a 21c 3D YEARS AGO, the sec­ Museum Hotel. ond annual Ms. Buff-'Olla It will be the fourth in Conlest was held at Lincoln the 2 1c group of hotels, Jamboree in Hodgenville. which are combination Area men participated in boutique hotels and con­ the female impersonation temporary art museums. contest, raising $2,500 for The first opened in Louis­ LaRue County schools. The ville in 2006. winner was the Rev. Ken Wilson said he is excited Barbee, minister of Barren .... 1'ICl£TI".. __ about bringing the line of Run Baptist Church near hotels to the city's down­ Sonora The evenl was the Loeal tattle produur Chutk Crutther. from lett, PeM~ Edwards , manal" of tile Animal Reful e Center In VIne Gro~e . town. brainchild of Glen Rice and Mike Buckman 01 Fa,m C.edit Servltos 01 Mld-Amerk:a load bags 01 dog food ooto a t.allor Tuesday at Southern Plans call for the hotel to who acted as coordinator Stat" In Ellulbethtown. The initial load of food WlIS nearty 500 pounds end will total 2,000 pound, o~" th$ year for the conlest. donatlHl by Hardin County Farm Bureau, the Hardin County Cattlemen'. AllIOC:latioo and Farm CrlHllt Servlcel and lold have 80 guest rooms in ad­ 20 YEARS AGO, Bob at co&t by Solrtllem Stat". dition 10 a restaurant, a bar, Cooper and the Rev. Donna meeting rooms and a ball­ Own, both members of the roQm. Board of Directors of North Hardin HO PE, burned a Former President copy of the building's Food for friends $70,000 mort!,'3.ge in a cere­ Clinton heading mony. Donation to shelter promotes agriculture industry to Kentucky FI'OIII NtIIJIoEt,urpriIe wire By AMBER COULTER Fonner President Bill UI1t/(t, ~1Id #aff ~ru ""'uuller{ll;lh.n ......nleTpri ...<vm "It's a kind of recognition to give back to the community. It's a great feeling to do this." Clinton will be in lex­ Area agriculture !,'TOUpS are ington this month as a TOOAY'S FORECAST making their third annual dona­ youth group is honored Chuck Crutcher during an Earth Day event tion to a Vine Grove animal shel­ local Cattle Producei' Mostly sumy. ler to support the community and at the Ke ntucky Horse HIgll: 54 show their commitment 10 making shelter, shelter manager Penny of the help, C rutcher said. ""'k. sure animals are treated well. Edwards said. The donation also draws atten­ Bluegrass Youth Sus­ TONIGHT: Mostly Southem States in EIi7.abeth· clear. LCMr: 34 uThey're a great bunch of !,'llys," tion to tlle fact a majority of fann­ tainability Council spokes­ town sold 500 pounds of dog and woman Whitney Class ~ a.id she said.
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