Levi Eshkol Fifty Years to the ': We ,Are, Enijtl,Ed a .Futll~E Flo,,!Ri~Ing: Pollde ,Iilpeace !Zed World Was Aghast and Infuri- Settle Everything

Levi Eshkol Fifty Years to the ': We ,Are, Enijtl,Ed a .Futll~E Flo,,!Ri~Ing: Pollde ,Iilpeace !Zed World Was Aghast and Infuri- Settle Everything

" • 1'· -,' . -'e. ~, , -' .~, .," ,.'.,'.. ,l , ftUrSday, February 20, 1969 Pag/!; Twelve T:tU!l J.luslll' POST "l' • ",I 'latillt pea~~ '~riiposa1s, If accepted, , :/iSm' de "Gaulle and KosygiIi are Mdf"e~~~"'Jl.fI"'t ~ LETTERS TO' THE EDITOI' ~., likely ciltitIidates for the Nttbel Pflace ,Priie. Dear ECiitor: ,:1 sands of ~~ties on hmocent~eo-Iafter 100,000 Jews served in' ,the Annria':lulJtheolJ '--'iMAtmlCE SAm . ' . 'Ntrs.· I. Kleinberg, pre~ilieni !If th:~ This is' a cciJ1d~tion. , pie with no condemnation. All over British army with distinction. The , " Herzlia ,Sisterhoo!i", ~,ounces the The United Nations condemnation the world juntas holti,: their nations I question arises,· where were the annJ¥11 !Herzlia M9the.r and Daugh- ot Israel, while!; overlooking the in ,bondage whilst torture chambers Arabs? Both the Grand Mufti and Dj!i\i Ecli$i'; tel' L~cheon to ~e beld 'On Sunday, ·atrocities th&~ brought about the flourish. Evety, day thousands ~ Nasser sojourned in Beilin. During 'We, hai;l~h:e@ri' grea~ydlsturbed ter , of, Isr,ael, F.II\!.,;,2:!',,~.. 1,2:l!O ,noon .at He~ia reprisai1 'has iowe:r;ed its prestige to Blafran children die in agony whilst the Second Word War the entire by thl! af;pateftta~~y,;ilf the .l;ew­ '~~e 'Academy, Brock at Fleet. !Mrs. that of a kangaroo court. If the a rotten world pours in armaments Arab world was pro-Axis, because iSli ctlrnl'fttliiily' 6£ ... /i!ftlpe~ iii the mourns, ,the p~sj!§:ijIg Harry Ginpil' is chainnan of, the same characters bad :been opera~g to the perpetrators of genOcide. No the entire area is a' police state. [lICe ,,{ tit!;! 'bafDiitiC pbbilc hangings Mhu~ter of luncheon I!nil'!~!~"i~' WEiinsteib '~l!r!ng, theSe~nd World .wa,!~ the one .appears to iive a damn, not Nothing approaching democracy has in batt. , ' ~'~:j-·"::'7!GE~".... Jstd.I:Mdufns will be prcilP!Affi, hlJ1alh/iilll.' ,Jews in, ,the Warsaw' Ghetto vlouitl even the churches of the world. ever existed in its 1000g history. Thl! . SP.:ifr~ed by tl:\1i fe4;!lllig ~lit' every wripl:e' iIi ~Cbieye~eri.ti. will live fore~er .a~ a . I~ ~~ ;:ini.~~; of . ~ ;~ti~e ; '" .:' ." " ", 'to thl~":fWijlil'B,ntfojt:E lYll't.l, shared;fu . the .iii!:riculttirlll"rniH,tary; , ' Eritertahiment wi,ll.' be 'provided b1 have be~ c\IDdemned for killing a Over two thousand Israelis have British Empire which had liberated J@W W6ilitt ,til! ifffitlillili to AiHIlW, his Aitfu' ' i' I glori~u~l'~li~pter 'in the epic of Jew- life, which 'would: challenge .men of economic, labOr, and Annalee and Jocelyn"Ash; Chldi and fe~ hundred ,Nazis after millions of been murdered, by terrorists in the entire ,Middle East frdm '1\urk- atifieilWi,~, hild~tWJ :J~W~~ \tt1idSe "g.;uilimce ' . ish iIati.~~ biJilding, , We ,sha~e the lesser years,. Le,;i Eshkol; ,1 ~e' , ':, 0" })olitical,de"eloPlllent,"of' IS1'I\el. ,As Lori C\lochibov, '.Ronna Glickman, their own cOmPlltriots had been recent years. One Israeli plane was ish domination was rewarded ,with Uwii, 'Ii~\, $perilleti,Jjf thj'~;:iliiti­ and ~orrow of ~s family and ¥lnister of the State of <Israel, died. ' prime: minis~er. "his development SUsan' 1H0it, Pam Kowall, LaUrel slaughte~d. hijacked to Algeria and another shot a gigantic double cross.' This came ~~Ht$f,' tfI~~~:'Mliil"tf,li~ and ~~~;,~~~~~~3~~'~'~c..:..-,-~~ __,::,-, ___ He ~as brought "face 'to face" with role became even Ji)o~\l elllbri,C)ing ~, Fay iRoseJIIberg and Susan Consider the stark loathsome up in Greece with loss of life. Still as no surprisl! as the shiekhdoms ~~fi.w~!'6~€!\lS1y,;, ~f~~~d man's ,uitimate experience, and' in ~::::!~o~~c:~:~::~c/ltIMincf, al and ,,;:ompreh~nsive ... His expertise 'Weinstein. ,Marcie Kliman will, be hypocricy of it all. Communist no moral indignation. There was a had ·been for sale to the highest bid- ta, wtmi Uil;~i!Wj~fh!~i#fiiilliifY leiill. .. ,, i;he"ltght 'of what, we, know. abclUt Ii, " " I':,) ;~\: ", ,,', i:nilltre .... ,.pf,. cereJllOnies. , "'" , ~~~i!l, o~e of ~e most reactionary definite plot inv,olved to ,destroy ders for centuries. ,ers orgaDiZed, dl!molisti'8'tioils in five th~ .lffe, pi,;~vi. Eshkol, we "D'e,m~ve.l. "''''.n .. tI!~Kin,g albOt!f, ",at', ,00" " Ticlc;t/~t $2.06' ea~hmay ,be re- 'dicwto'i'smps.,\n human:~~,.has Israel's,wuristindustry. _:r1te ~ultN!I, p.p~, knp)v1! 'or certa~,.Y,l~a,t ~ tfle ~~0l!ties 4t the city: Judg- , he " faced this, with.,., t\1e ',)'peace : ilel'v,ed."by pho'rliJiii",HerZlla, morn- not yet been condemned for its take was 'massive retaliation at Beirutl' the N:ixon AdnillUstration' \ViU"!io.... 'tiIg IIY'ti1e>'gize of the coilgregations couragll and wisdom: tlJ,at, may, come .. sooner ing!! "at 489-6668, or Mt~. a. Ginpil ove~: of. easte~ and ce~tral. ~pe. thE! only language the Arab world However, there are rUmors that dW'iilg this demonstration, it would all the'da~.s, of his life. His loss is people ,thi!nk., ":Wi~out glving,,,,.·u,I.CO):Ui.t;ry,,he was,detllrmined: to/keep lit ,4811-5584 ,~' United State~ lqtervention m VIet- understands. General de Gaulle and Premier seem that the Winnipeg Jewish ours to mpurn. , toop~," 1)e the pille ~f PfQgress: He saw • ~m has in:flicted hundreds of thou- The entire civilized and 'uncivil- Kosygin have a plllll which Will community has not 'been deeply out- [t took ,Levi Eshkol fifty years to the ': we ,are, enijtl,ed a .futll~e flo,,!ri~ing: pollde ,Iilpeace !zed world was aghast and infuri- settle everything. All that is neces- ragl!d, and that this laclt of concern. span the reach from pioneer farm ,assume tlu\t Il!llol)-g;, ~e ,~ab with' neighboring, Arab States. His ated. Protests and condemnations sarY is to withdraw IIlld trust the \hils been commtiilicated to our chil­ laborer to the highest leadership pu'blic, and even in Ara.!:> poU,¥cal ~emarkable 'ov~ half, ~etitury ~cCl~d I; 'Over Filly' Meet poured in fr9m all over the world. Great Po;wers. 'It is ~ored that dren. position of his beloved country', _ leadership, there ,are 'stili a. buiider of 1sraei would ! i ,,~un~i,lllgl:as le~d ~e ,I lbavid ,IBresl~U of Jt!rusale!m, Ii An Israeli film '\Faces, of fsrael" Even Chinese Communists joined de Gaulle favors ooiya' Vii-tlidrawal iBecaUse the Winnipeg Jewish Prime Minister. He did it by dint men and.prominent perllonages,w1:to 'asswne .that , his, goals.will 'see " the Russian Communists in protest; from Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, community demonstrated its soli­ i folihdi!tg m~#1'ber ahd past rlliitonal will be shown by Bert Waldman, of hard' unseMlsh dedication to' in their hearts ,accept' tlte inllvita,. fr.uition.!, Had 'he ,been ,a~k~ ho~ president of th~ Association Am;.. executive director of Wstadrut, on Hindus, Moslems, as well as the Galilee and Tel Aviv. Kosygin is earity with Israel during the June " of work whatever it may have been bility of co-existence," this cOllid be 1iIC.~Olllpl!sh,e~"N.s ~ply " ericans ~d Clinadiails iil Israel, will Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 8:30 p.m. Christian world were inf\!ria'ted. adamant horever. He insists on a War of 19671' 'aild,"'peciluse it sup­ at any given moment of his event- He, had a clear notion .of ,what probably wo)lld','hav,e, b~n an, im- :lizi\l!tl""Witli tit!!" iocill cfuiprer of {he at Council ~ouse, Pritchard and Pope Paul showed more concern for complete withdrawal tt:t the Negev.' ports excellent Jewish schools and ful life.' As ,Israel's pri,me. minister, Middle Eastern peace could Sig:nH'y,,1 mediate one, and. a repetition of his aliScli!latfbli '!'liesdilY, Feb. 25, at the Salter. the obsolete planes than Pope ;pius As an added inducement Nllsser will ~iUlibns; ,one irught assUi\:1e that Levi 'Eshkol brought the nation It wouid mean, !'orderly land .trans- old formula:, ''!Hard: work." , j(dme" of fMc)!iy and Max Pressman, This is the second in a new series had indicated at the slaughter of allow shipping of sand through the the problem of apathy would not through some of i~ most 'perilous port ,by road and rail, freedom Farmer" pla~ner. negotiator, ,econ­ llrurigb,ld~ay. of prograllls Offered by National six million ~ews. The Grand Mufti Suez Qana. and even keep the Gulf be' f!.lundne~e. I am. 'cettam. that and !linest hours. - He possessed' a transit through airports" radio, tele- omist, visionary, and leader '., . ,'m: Md is 'iut ll1de~t.ndeht orga- Council of Jewish Women in con­ of Jerusalem almost had a stroke. of Aqaba' open. every Jew was triHy ,conCerned ,by gift for leadership, an asute grasp phonic and post~l co~m"nicat,ion, Bl!ILDlllROF, ,ZION '." :' his, loss I As it turned out the planes were It is rumored that the Israe~ these ev~#is. However, ifie \!xpect 'I', nizatlo~ open to assill~ an persons, ~ultation with the YMHA. The first I of politics; _ an idealist, and at the encouragement of tourism to all one ,whieJt .. will be :felt by Israel, i ~liIJiliIi ~ 's~~~ ill :tsi'li,i!lwi~ meeting, held. on Feb. 12, was highly obsolete and insured far over their I cabinet is seriously considering the our Catilidian "goveriunent' th ~oice same time,a pragmatic ,realist. the lands of the area.'" by the J~fiddle Elist" I,y the' ~hole , actual value. There is no confirma- ' its opposition' to such barbariSm in !, ihreli ;J/,ellrll, ~~~ar~~ss of thl(ir Pj'U- successful and the playreading pre­ A strong believer in the personal- Actively engaged" in world.

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