A':- ; \ V- \ ATMBge Daily Net Press Rbn ■ ■ Vbr Hie Week Ended The Weather June M, IN i Mostly clear and cool tcndabt with lows about 86. Tomorrow 15,459 sinmy and warm with highs nesu' 88. Shower probability xaro Utanehester— A City of ViUage Charm throughout VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 265 TWENTY-TWO PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1969 (Clnaelfled Adverttelog on Face 18) PRICE TEN CENTS Green Beret Vietim Missed Boat Found? Devaluation Nixon Sends ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP)— A team of archeologistB has Gives DoUar found some pieces of wood Welfare Plan Called Double Agent that the scientists believe SAIGON (AP) — An Gregory’s petition, filed with may have come from Noah’s Ups, D o w n s To Congress American attorney charged Oen. g .l . Mabry, com- Ark. They plan a search for the fabled vessel next sum­ FRANKFURT, Germany in a petition filed with the of support troops in SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. mer. (AP) — The dollar and the Brit­ U.S. Army today that a convening (AP) — President Nixon Vietnamp<5P m an “ >nrt-martial authority who or- The wood, now being ex­ ish pound drc^iped sharply In re­ amined at research centers sent to Congress today his CrPPn R p r ff InvesUgation of the case. lation to the West German Green Beret soldiers are ac- caUed for freeing Middleton, it in the United States, France proposals for a new $4 bil­ cused of murdering was a charged Middleton’s rights were and Turkey, is believed to be mark, then rallied today in the lion federal welfare pro­ double agent employed by being violated by imprisonment hand-hewn tlm)>er about first trading on the Frankfurt gram to provide a basic in­ the North Vietnamese before triai. 4,000 years <rid. It was found money market since the French come for any American army. ” I intend to take whatever July 31 and Aug. 2 on Mt. devalued their franc. Ararat In eastern Turkey by family unable to take care ’The attorney, George Grego­ steps are necessary to get him Before devaluation it took 28 a six-man expedition lieaded of itself. ry. of Cheraw, S.C., said the al­ released from confinement so cents to buy one mark. Soon aft­ Nixon said hla new apinxMch leged victim was discovered to that he can properly assist in by Harry Crawford of Den­ er the market opened today it ver, Colo. a-ould end what he described aa be employed by the CNC Intelli­ the preparation of his own de­ took .25119 cents. But cuxMUid the "blatant unfairnesa” of the The archeologists believe gence organization of the “North fense,” Gregory said. noon the price for the mark was present welfare aystem and cre­ the ark may be lying beneath Vietnamese Army. Gregory said Gregory, a former state sena­ .25064 cents. ate a stronger Incentive among he also was employed by U.S. tor who spent three years In the a glacier at the bottom of a Volume was not great and ex­ the poor to work. military authorities and the Army’s legal corps, also said on lake on the 17,000-toot moun­ perts said there was no sign of tain. The meaaage to Congreas con­ Central Intelligence Agency to Simday that he would fight to speculation. tained the proposals he outUned spy on the North Vietnamese. keep the Army’s blackout from But apparently some traders In a televtslan-radio addroas to Gregory told a news confer­ extending to the trial. felt the devaluation of the franc the nation Friday night. ence dn Saigon the charges were ” A man Is entlUed to a public would weaken the dollar and It Included a specific request brought against the eight Green trial,” he said. "They will want thus were selling their dollars for $69F'mllllon additional funds Berets by an officer he Identi­ to try him in a vacuum, but I Police Scatter for marks. The same was true for child oare centers to aid fied only as Col. Ed V. Hendren, am not going to let them do for the British pound. working mothers. of the Adjutant General Staff at that.” Unruly Bands Before the French devaluation Nixon said he wants to pro­ U.S. Army Vietnam headquar­ Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy ap­ one pound, officially worth vide child care for 460,000 chil­ ters In Long Blnh, 16 miles parently gave up an almost $2.40, could buy 9.6730 marlcs. dren ot the 160,000 current wel­ northeast of Saigon. month-long search for the body In Hartford This price moved after market fare recipients w)k> wUI go Into Army spokesmen at Long opening to 9.4926 marks. Then it of the murdered man. The U.S. HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — work training programs. Blnh could not be reached moved back around noon to minesweeper Woodpecker About 200 youths broke up into The new system he proposes, immediately for comment. 9.6200 marks. docked at Cua Da, near the small groups and went on a Nixon told CVmgreas, will lessen U.S. military officials have di­ The opening volume was "not coastal city of Nha ’Trang, Sun­ bottle-and-rock-throwlng spree red tap<>, end bitterly resented vulged no details of the case be­ day. The vessel's commander, Sunday night In Hartford’s South too big,” bankers said, adding "welfare snooping” and make yond saying that the slaying oc­ Lt. Victor G. Belling of Dayton, Green area before being scat­ that most of the incoming dol­ federal payments on the basts ot curred June 20 near the Special Ohio, refused to comment cai the tered by police. lars were immediately forwiard- certification of Income, wMh Forces headquarters at Nha Woodpecker's mission bift said Four arson attempts. also oc­ ed to the federal bank. There spot checks to prevent abuses. ’Trang. It would not be resumed today. curred In the area during the was no immediate indication of I'- I. Nixon said he was outlining Gregory’s statements support­ ” We didn’t find the body,” night. the amounts the federal bank Ills conclusions to provide a ed earlier statements by Ameri­ one of the minesweeper’s crew Ten persons were arrested in was absorbing. "coherent, fresh approach to can military sources that the said. the area. Police were kept on The pound sterling dropped welfare, manpower training and man—whose body has not been The Woodpecker and two oth­ duty until 1:18 a.m. today to from 9.6730 marks to 0.4928 In revenue sharing." found—was a North Vietnamese er Navy vessels have been watch over the predominantly opening trading. Specific legislative proposals _ agent and his slaying was an as­ searching, off Nha Trang since Puerto Rican area along the The French franc dropped Winifred Chapman, a maid at the home of actress-Sharon Tates, arrives at a will be sent to Congress after signed “ miUtary mission.” about July 14. south end of Main Street. Sev­ from 80.946 pfennigs at F rliiy’s the summer receSs by the Sec­ Gregory said the alleged slay­ Ix)s Angeles police station today to recount iletails of her discovery of the slay­ retary ot Health, Education and The eight men accused of pre­ eral incidents of rocks and bot­ close to 71.7. ing occurred on or about June Welfare, Nixon said. Nixon U meditated murder and conspira­ tles being thrown at police cruis­ Within 46 minutes of the mar­ ing of five iiersons. Among the victiin.s was Mi.ss Tates, another woman and 20. He contended that his client, calling for an end to the present cy in the mysterious case arc ers were reported. ket’s opening, the Federal Bank Maj. Thomas C. Middleton Jr., three men. Miss Chapman ran screaming from the home when she came ii|)on welfare system and the aid to all members of the Army’s Spe­ Ill feeling involving residents again reduced Its voluntary low­ 30, of Jefferson, S.C., was con­ of the area and a motorcycle er Intervention level to 3.0776 the iKidies and notified a neighlior who called jHilice. (A I’ Photofax) families with dependent ehll- fined to the stockade at Long cial Forces. They Include Col. drrn program, adopting In It's Robert B. Rheault of Vineyard gang apparently sparked the in­ marks per dollar. It left its up­ Blnh July 20, a m<Hith after the plane a new family assistance Haven, Mass., who commanded cidents of rock throwing, police per level unchanged. killing allegedly occurred. program. all Green Berets in Vietnam un­ said. Bankers said the opening Gregory said that July 24 It would provide mtnkiMni til the charges were brought A nunor had circulated trading was not hectic, and charges were brought by Hen­ baMo beneftu ot $1,600 a year against him last month through the neighborhood dur­ wlth’n an hoiir both the dollar dren against Middleton and the ing the night that the motor­ and the pound rallied slightly. for a family of four-psyabU to seven others.' A Weekend of Violence the working or nonworklng poor (See Page Eight) cycle group had assaulted an The chief money dealer of a and to (amtlles sdtti dependant elderly man Saturday night, po­ major bank told a newsman; The nation waa reeling stabbed many times in their tremltlea and a gunshot wound children whslhsr hsadsd by lice added. "There isn't a sign of any spec­ By 8:30 p.m. Sunday a large todav after a weekend of Hollywood home, Houchln said, in the back.
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