Volume 12 Issue 2 April 2021 From Bookend to Bookend: A Note from our GWA Dear Rainbow Family, Inside this issue: On March 13th, the Hope District hosted Notes from the 2 the TriWizard Tournament, the first of Hart our virtual themed parties for this term. Those who attended had an amazing time Grand Officer’s 4 working through challenges and learning The easy choice would have been to Overview new skills—I even learned how to make give up. The right choice was to per- an origami dragon! While I know that we severe. Grand Rep’s Gab 5 all miss seeing each other in person at Official Visits, I am glad that the magic of South Carolina Rainbow has let our path be guided by choices that are Mrs. Marilyn’s 6 technology still allows us to get together Manners for these fun activities. right for everyone, even when those choices were not easy. My goal for District News 7 During the past year, I have struggled the next few months of this term is with deciding what can wait until we are for us to spend less time thinking past the virus and what must continue to about what could have been, and Prayer List 10 go on, and I know that I am not alone in more time experiencing the things this struggle. The easy decision would that are happening in the present. Creative Corner 12 have been to put everything on pause un- til we were through the chaos, but then As Dumbledore said in Harry Pot- we wouldn’t have learned and grown ter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, “It Upcoming dates 14 from all the trials brought to us by does not do to dwell on dreams and and calendar COVID. This is part of the reason that forget to live.” It is natural to dream about all the things that have For Sale 16 our motto for this term is “we must all face the choice between what is right and been lost by the pandemic. We can what is easy.” even dream about our hopes and goals for the future. But if we spend The easy choice would have been to not too much time dreaming and not go through the extra work of learning enough time doing, our goals will how to do events on Zoom. The right never be realized. choice was to use technology to allow us Continued on page two... to stay united as Rainbow Girls. The easy choice would have been to ignore the health and safety risks and continue meeting during the pandemic. The right choice was to protect the health of every- one and stop the spread of the virus, even if that meant we couldn’t meet with our sisters. PAGE 2 VOLUME 12 ISSUE 2 From Bookend to Bookend continued from page one... I implore all of you to attend our virtual events in the coming months, even if they are not the activ- ities you are used to. Come to the virtual themed parties and let yourself enjoy your time with your Rainbow sisters and friends rather than focusing on the negatives of our situations. Reach out to people in your Assembly or across the world and remind each other that life continues, even through a pandemic. Living in the present isn’t always easy, but I hope we will all see that it is worth it. Much love to you all, Emily Happy Spring! What a beauti- Here are three of them from in Love and Service.” ful season! We see nature put just the first on her beautiful colors in the three pages! I will continue to greening of the trees, the “The best way to share my discoveries blooming of the flowers, and Our ritual had as I read through our the appearance of the birds SEVEN revi- impress a great truth ritual. and animals. sions in the first 26 years of our on anyone is to adhere I hope that you will On April 4, we celebrate East- Order. strictly to Ritualistic also share the sur- er with all of its eternal signifi- prising things that cance as well as its fun side-- The Official form and ceremony.” you find. bunnies, chicks and eggs. Emblem ap- pears on the April 6th is the 99th birthday third page. of our beautiful Order, begin- Send them to our editor, Saman- ning the year-long centennial According to the preface, “the tha Dean, SCRainbowspir- celebration which culminates best way to impress a great [email protected]. Happy reading! in the 2022 Supreme Assem- truth on anyone is to adhere bly Session in Oklahoma City strictly to Ritualistic form and ceremony.” on July 31-August 3. With Rainbow Love in Service, Best of all, we are back to Also, Advisory Board mem- meeting with our assemblies! bers are charged with seeing Mrs. Dedra Hooray! “that the Officer representing each one of the Stations shall Supreme Hope and Supreme In- In our last newsletter I chal- be thoroughly familiar with spector in South Carolina lenged you to read our ritual the work of her Station and from cover to cover. I started shall give it readily from reading my large print ritual, memory.” too, and I found some surpris- ing things. Furthermore, it says, “All As- semblies are dedicated to God Do you love Rainbow? Of course you do, you’re reading this newsletter. Do you want to help Rainbow raise more funds to be able to do awesome things and help young girls be- come better people? Of course you do, you’re actively involved! Do you like things that are easy and hassle-free? Of course you do, who doesn’t?! Guess what? Donating to SC Rainbow through Amazon Smile can help us do all of the above and is just about as easy and hassle-free as it can get. The only change you have to make is to use smile.amazon.com as your link for purchases made through amazon. You can even select it as the default in the app on your phone. That’s it! Once you’ve chosen SC Rainbow as your charity (details below), we will receive 0.5% of your eligible purchases made using smile.amazon.com I’ve been making purchases for years through smile.amazon.com and have “donated” over $90! I love that I can now help SC Rainbow by selecting them as my charity of choice. Join me in gathering all the pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for SC Rain- bow! Steps to selecting SC Rainbow as your Smile.amazon.com charity: 1. Create an Amazon account if you do not have one already. You do not have to have a prime account to participate. 2. Sign into your account by going through SMILE.AMAZON.COM instead of ama- zon.com. You can also select this feature on the phone app under “settings.” 3. Select the drop down arrow (underneath the search bar) to select your charity. Search for “rainbow girls” 4. Scroll down in the results (I found it on the first page) until you find the one for Inter- national Order of the Rainbow Girls—Hartsville, SC. Select this one to choose SC Rain- bow. 5. You will receive confirmation that you have successfully changed your charity. PAGE 4 VOLUME 12 ISSUE 2 One of the major parts of being a Grand Some girls find it helpful to read and reread Officer is memorizing long passages to the same passage many times until they recite in front of large groups of people. know it. A few might write the passage over This can be pretty intimidating, espe- on paper to help them remember (be sure to cially if you are shy or have trouble shred afterward--our ritual is copyrighted). speaking in front of people (many peo- Others learn a few lines at a time, reciting ple share this fear). Rainbow is a great them as they go along. way to help you overcome your fear of public speaking or nerves when speak- The important thing to remember is that ing in front of others. It almost makes you remember! Learn your part well enough you wonder if one of the many reasons that you could recite it in your sleep. Learn our Founder, Reverend W. Mark it so that twenty years later you still know it Sexson, wrote our beautiful ritual was and can recite it to your daughter when she to help young women overcome their is a Grand Officer. Learn it so that your fear of public speaking! nerves are gone and you are the embodi- ment of the lesson that you are giving. That being said, memorizing things is an important part of our society. You are required to memorize formulas for math class, dates for history class, and your ritual parts for Rainbow. How you approach memorizing things is as unique as your own learning style. Attention Grand Officers! SC Rainbow Spirit would LOVE to include a biography of you in an upcoming edition. If you are interested in having your bio appear, sub- mit any fun and relevant information you would like to share, along with a photo, to our email address. Be sure to include a section about what Rainbow means to you. Our readers would love to know! Remember to keep it Rainbow (school) appropriate and to get your parent’s permission. VOLUME 12 ISSUE 2 PAGE 5 Attention Grand Representatives! Your reports are due June 1! If you have not already started gathering information, now is a great time.
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