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G<;)VERNMENT OF KERALA2017-18 nij)fi]JJo I <X<fi:la<X~Sil1m&o arram l rul31<lc£)6)6rn I l ®lcfi:l I 1. 16)<fi:l0ilo 14 70000 X 12 = 9,10,000 I I i I I 840000 I 40000 X1 = \ 40000 - 30000 X1 = I I I 30000 I i 2. / <Xcfi:JQ.§<D>o 17 70000 X 15 = 11 ,20,000 I I I I I 10 , 50 ~ 000 I I 40000x 1 = 40000 30000 X 1 = I 30000 I . I i I I i 3. ne) 06TTI0 cfi:ll~O 17 70000 X 15 = 11 ,30,000 I 10,50,000 40000 X 2 = I i 80000 4. ® ~ ~ l m 13 70000 X 12 = 8,80,000 840000 . 40000 X1 = I 40000 5. ~aofho<91a.oooS . 27 70000X27 = 18,90,000 I I 189;0000 ~6)cfi:l 59,30000 I ( arran'3nJamn1 63n'3nJa55' QJ~amn1 lll!c;;:j®1macaflro o) GOVERNMENT OF KERALA 2017-18 · 6>MoJ~l§1 cwwocfu'srol2:loro 63oaroo <3cfu0<&§~1mJo «rnmJruB1-?.Jlro1cfr6>Jrrn ®Jcfu<.n>&Sis 75% are s1wnm1ro 12:lo<.nfl are <&e.Jo§ 6> ru<riS® m a58cfu l rrn ®1m l@@ ms~s1 cruflcfuro1cgcfi6>6Tl5® o6ffi. n.n6T"B 8.1@1~ (&cfu:)(g~~lcfuu8 BIMS OJI91 QreC\.DJOoTimJ mn~ ( <&loJOl(J):)Ql16>oR 75 % QIOL®o) ~maog Sl.aJW@ 6TlJmD6>~§ 6)C\.DoJ~l§1 C\.D<IDOcfuSG!SIS cfutD~ro mJ1<&un~<&OOSlcfulS1 oJOmJO<&cfr6>6TlS a5> o6ffi. <&loJ Ol (f)o ms arnJ>1 ro~ o<9 .aJWcfr6> l@@1a58 6TlJmD6> ~3 6>MoJ~l§1 cwwocfu' sro l2l oro 12ll6lJ orrm1roo 6>crug1a586> 12loR1m a<.nfl 6TlJ1~l cfuu8 lS~o1<.nfla58 cru 12:lro~<&cfr6>~a5> a6ffi. <&loJ Ol(f) o !Zl16)crB o1Cll<;d0~§~o <;rul~6l6leJ(jmJn9:1n'O ffi.l<tl§1n..f"lcooglo 6TlJ1~cful@lSIS oJcfuro?;:llo C\.D~~l . C\.D~~l n{i)mJ <&<JWg acfua - 63orocw1amgro crul2:lro~cgcfr6)~®a6ffi. «reo(f)icfuro1~ 6)6)(f)ruJ 6)6)e.Jrffi loJcfuoroo 12lOL®<&I2l s1 <&loJOL(f)Oi2l&cfuu8 msarnJ>orm oJOSl@~l· WWS, SSP n(j)rrni <&loJOl(f)OI2llcfu ~!SIS n.n~l ru1m1a<.n>a(f)ruF~ol2:l<.nfl 6TlJmD6>?;:1§' ma58cfu&rrn crumcfr6>leJOlcfu@16>e.J m1ro<&!3CI06m3u8 oJOe.J1<&cfr6>6TlS®06ffi. 6'1n.Ol6TlJlOJ«>1<.n>1a58 <&loJOl(f)Oo 12lll9lOJmocfr6>1 QlOro~ 15 - mcfuo ~oJ<&CD.JO(f)1 cfr6> oarnJ> an l cfu arem l ruB1-ez! croiro~cfuarnJ>1a58 an1ro16>cfu ares .ez~ ru1ruro o 6>MoJ~l§1 cwwocfu' sro nDO~ro O<&cfr6>~®06ffi. al2lrnB?;:~o6nm5l 6).aJe.Jrulcfuu8 @~D cruaCTlJarnJ>1cfu ruro~arnJ>16'>e.J 2202-03-105-95-WWS n{i)rrn croiro~cfuarnJ>1a58. m1rrn!o cfu!OoJ 6>.aJ<3~~ana6ffi . 63ij/- nD«>1®. ru1. cfu l 12:laro. 6) n{i) .n{i). n(l) m:> <3cfu0<3@~ OJ1B~O@~OmJ C\.D<IDOcfuSffi 1. n{j) ~a @C\.DoJ c)l §1 C\.D<IDOcfu S ro Ql Orocfr6> l o 2. n{i)mJ.n{i)mJ.n1l.a'6)Sg acfuo - 63arocw1amgro 3. 6TlJ<TU>SI?;:I§ n{i) wCUJru'J <8cfu aa~ lnll®cru1~au812loro 4. cfuOrrg n.O<IDrnO I <&~000 n.O<IDrnO n(j)mJ.63 21/01/2019 2921 ~OVERNMENT OF KERALA2017-1R Walk With a Scholar Programme 2018-19 Motivational Tour and Camp Fund Allotment for Aided colleges through deputy directorates Deputy Directorate Kollam Amount(Rupees) Sl No Name of Institution Account Number Mahatma Gandhi(MG) College, 701041400000260 70,000 1 Kesavadasapuram, Pattom.P.O, Thiruvananthapuram ,Pin: 695004 Mar Ivanios College 701041400000261 70,000 2 ,N alanchira, Thiruvananthapuram ,Pin:695015 ' 701021400000042 40,000 3 N S S College for Women Neeramankara, Thiruvananthapuram , Pin:695040 701031400000087 70,000 4 All Saints' College, Chackai, - _. __ -- ---- Thiruvananthapuram, Pin:695007 ' Iqbal College 799011400004832 70,000 5 Peringammala, Thiruvananthapuram ,Pin:695563 ' V T M N S S College Dhanuvachapuram, 702051400000036 30,000 6 N eyyattinkara, Thiruvananthapuram, Pin:695503 701051400000085 70,000 7 St.Xavier's College,Thumba, Thiruvananthapuram, Pin:695586 7010714000U0038 70,000 8 Sree Narayana (SN) College,Sivagiri, Varkala, Thiruvananthapuram, Pin:695145 702011400U00160 . 70,000 9 Christian College Kattakada,Kattakada,P .0, '"' Thiruvananthapuram, Pin:695572 Mannania College of Arts and Science 701081400000038 70,000 10 ,Pangode, Kallara, Thiruvananthapuram ,Pin:695609 704071400000022 70,000 . 11 St.John's College, Anchal, Anchal.P.O, Kollam,Pin: 691306 St.Gregorios College, 704011400000035 70,000 12 Kottarakara,Pulamon.P .0, Kallam, Pin:691531 " - - 7040514000.00024 70,000 - 13 StStephen's College, P athanapuram,Kollam,Pin: 689695 704061400000016 70,000 14 N S S College Nilamel,Kollam,Pin:691535 Total Amount allotted = {70,000 x 12) + 40,000 + 30,00_0 = 9,10,000 /- {Rupees Nine lakh thousand only) Deputy Directorate Kottayam Catholicate College,Makkamkunnu, 705011400000013 70,000 1 Pathanamthitta.P.O, Pathanamthitta,Pin: .. 689645 ~ N.S.S.College Pandalam, Pathanamthitta, 705061400000026 70,000 2 Pin:689501 705081400000154 40,000 Bishop Abraham,Memorial College 3 Thuruthicad, Pathanamthitta,Pin:689597 707071400000024 70,000 4 Devaswom Board Pamba College, Parumala, Pathanamthitta, Pin:689626 705041400000105 70,000 - --- - - - -- - - - --·- - --:--- - - - 5 StThomas College, Ranni, Pathanamthitta , . Pin:689673 707021400000053 70,000 6 Christian College Chengannur, Alappuzha, Pin: 689122 Sree Ayyappa Devaswom Board College, 707021400000054 70,000 Eramallikkara, Eramallikkara.P .0, 7 Thiruvanvandoor, Chengannur ,Alappuzha, Pin: 689109 708011400000302 70,000 8 C. M. S. College ,Kottayam,Pin: 686001 709071400000021 70,000 9 Devamatha College Kuravilangad , KuravHangad.P .0, Kottayam,Pin: 686633 708011400000304 70,000 10 Bishop Chulaparambil Memorial(B.C.M) College , K.K.Road,Kottayam,Pin:686001 708101400000017 70,000 11 Kuriakose Elias College, Mannanam, . Mannanam.P .0, Kottayam,Pin:686561 StGeorge's College . 709021400000110 70,000 12 Aruvithura,Aruvithura.P .0, Kottayam,Pin:686122 709011400000005- 70,000 13 Alphonsa College Pala,Arunapuram.P.O, Kotta am,Pin:686574 708031400000039 70,000 14 Sree Vidyadhiraja N.S.S.College Vazhoor, T.P.Puram.P.O, Kotta am,Pin: 686505 Marian College 710021400000043 30,000 15 Kuttikkanam,Kuttikkanam.P .0, Peermade,Idukk ,Pin:685531 710041400000037 70,000 16 M.E.S College Nedumkandam, Chembalam.P .0, Idukki,Pin:685553 St.Joseph's Coll ege 710011400000018 70,000 17 Moolamattom,Arakulam.P .0, Idukki,Pin:685591 Amount allotted = (70,000 x 15) + 40,000 + 30,000 = 11,20,000 /- · .. (Rupees Eleven Lakh Twenty Thousand only) Deputy Directorate Ernakulam 710051400000097 70,000 1 Newman College Thodupuzha,Idukki,Pin: 685585 - - ·- -710121400000020 70,000 2' Pavanatma College, Murickassery,ldukki,Pin: 685604 799011800005629 70,000 3 NSS College Rajakumari , Kulapparachal.P.O, Idukki,Pin: 685619 799010100134506 70,000 4 Sanatana Dharma College Alappuzha,Pin: 688003 I 706020100000050 70,000 5 St.Joseph's College for women, Alappuzha, Pin:688001 706051400000092 70,000 6 St.Michael's College,Mayithara.P.O, Cherthala, Alappuzha,Pin: 688539 706051400000093 70,000 7 N .S.S College,Cherthala,K.R.Puram.P .0, Alappuzha, Pin: ,688556 709041400000051 70,000 . 8 St Xavier's College Vaikom ,Kothavara.P .0, Kottayam,Pin:686607 ~ ' - Baselios Poulose II Catholicos College 712 0 314-0 0 0 0 0 0 21 70,000 9 ,Baselios Mount,Mulakulam N orth.P .O,Piravom,Pin: 686664 711041400000058 40,000 10 St.Xavier's College for Women, Aluva,Palace Road, Ernakulam,Pin:683101 712051400000052 70,000 11 St.Peter's College Kolenchery, Ernakulam, Pin:682311 799011400002904 70,000 12 St.Paul's College Kalamassery,Ernakulam, Pin:683503 Sree Sankara Vidyapeetom (SSV) 712071400000063 40,000 coilege ,Sreesankarapuram, • 13 V ala yanchirangara(P. 0 ), Perumbavoor,Ernakulam,Pin:683556 .. 711041400000056 70,000 14 Al-Ameen College Edathala,Aluva,Ernakulam, Pin:683564 712071400000062 70,000 15 Mar Thoma College for Women ,Perumbavoor, Ernakulam,Pin:683542 S.N.M. College 799011700000559 70,000 16 Maliankara,Maliankara.P .0, Moothakunnam via, Ernakulam,Pin: 683516 711091400000153 70,000 17 Sree Sankara (SS) College Kalady, Ernakulam, Pin:683574 - . Total Amount allotted = (70,000 x 15) + 40,000 + 40,000 = 11,30,000 I (Rupees Eleven Lakh Thirty Thousand only) L________________________________________________________________ ___ Deputy Directorate Thrissur 799011700000176 70,000 1 Sacred Heart College Chalakudy ,Railway Station Road, Thrissur,Pin:680307 713011400000132 70,000 2 Vima]a Colle e, Thrissur,Pin:680009 713021400000044 70,000 3 799010100135599 70,000 4 Carmel Colle e Mala,Thrissur,Pin:680732 723011400000030 70,000 5 Christ College, Irinjalakuda North.P.O,Thrissur, Pin:680125 - - - M.E.S Asmab i College Vemballur, 723031400000050 70,000 6 P.Vemballur.P.O, Kodungallur,Thrissur,Pin: 680671 713051400000073 40,000 7 Sree Vyasa NSS College Vadakkanchery, Vyasagiri.P .0, Thrissur,Pin:680623 714011400000432 .

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