List of signal stations Status: 02.06.2017 contact: Dr. Birger Tinz Division Maritime - Climatological Monitoring Centre green= digitised and controlled Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 76 orange = in progress 20359 Hamburg red = not yet digitised Phone: (+49) (0)69 8062 - 6250 E-Mail: [email protected] Height (m) above mean No Name of station Country Latitude Longitude sea level (NN) Status 1 Aaroesund DEN 55°16'N 09°42'E 12 in progress 2 Ahlbeck GER 53°56'N 14°11'E not specified in progress 3 Amrum GER 54°38'N 08°21'E not specified in progress 4 Apenrade DEN 55°03'N 09°25'E not specified in progress 5 Arkona-Ruegen GER 54°41'N 13°26'E 66 in progress 6 Balga RUS 54°33'N 19°58'E not specified in progress 7 Barhoeft GER 54°26'N 13°02'E not specified in progress 8 Borkum GER 53°35'N 06°40'E not specified in progress 9 Brake GER 53°20'N 08°29'E not specified in progress 10 Bremerhaven GER 53°33'N 08°34'E not specified in progress 11 Bruesterort RUS 54°54'N 19°56'E 60 in progress 12 Brunsbuettel-Koog GER 53°54'N 09°08'E not specified in progress 13 Brunshausen GER 53°38'N 09°31'E not specified in progress 14 Buelk GER 54°27'N 10°12'E 30 in progress 15 Buesum GER 54°08'N 08°52'E not specified in progress 16 Burgstaaken GER 54°25'N 11°12'E not specified not yet digitised 17 Carolinensiel GER 53°42'N 07°49'E not specified in progress 18 Ceynowa POL 54°46'N 18°31'E not specified in progress 19 Chlapowo POL 54°48'N 18°22'E not specified in progress 20 Cranz RUS 54°58'N 20°29'E not specified in progress 21 Cuxhaven GER 53°52'N 08°43'E not specified in progress 22 Danzig-Neufahrwasser POL 54°24'N 18°40'E 24 in progress 23 Darsser-Ort GER 54°28'N 12°30'E 33 in progress 24 Dievenow POL 54°01'N 14°45'E not specified in progress 25 Dornbusch-Hiddensee GER 54°36'N 13°07'E not specified in progress 26 Drawoehnen LIT 55°31'N 21°15'E not specified in progress 27 Eckernfoerde GER 54°28'N 09°50'E 10 in progress 28 Elbinger-Fahrwasser POL 54°10'N 19°24'E not specified in progress 29 Ellenbogen-Sylt GER 55°03'N 08°24'E not specified in progress 30 Emden-Nesserland GER 53°21'N 07°11'E not specified in progress 31 Falshoeft GER 54°46'N 09°58'E not specified in progress 32 Fischhausen RUS 54°44'N 20°01'E 5 in progress 33 Flensburg GER 54°48'N 09°26'E 5 in progress 34 FS-Amrumbank GER 54°33'N 07°53'E not specified in progress 35 FS-Ausseneider GER 54°14'N 08°18'E not specified in progress 36 FS-Borkumriff GER 53°43'N 06°23'E not specified in progress 37 FS-Elbe III GER 53°58'N 08°30'E not specified in progress 38 FS-Fehmarnbelt GER 54°36'N 11°09'E not specified in progress 39 FS-Fehmarnsund GER 54°24'N 11°07'E not specified in progress 40 FS-Weser GER 53°56'N 07°56'E not specified in progress 41 Funkenhagen POL 54°14'N 15°55'E 50 not yet digitised 42 Geestemuende GER 53°32'N 08°36'E not specified in progress 43 Gilge RUS 55°01'N 21°14'E not specified in progress 44 Glueckstadt GER 53°47'N 09°25'E not specified in progress 45 Goehren-Ruegen GER 54°20'N 13°44'E not specified in progress 46 Gotenhafen POL 54°31'N 18°33'E not specified in progress 47 Greetsiel GER 53°30'N 07°06'E not specified in progress 48 Greifswalder-Oie GER 54°15'N 13°55'E 47 in progress 49 Großendorf POL 54°48'N 18°24'E not specified not yet digitised 50 Hamburg GER 53°33'N 09°59'E not specified not yet digitised Seite 1 51 Heiligenbeil-Rosenberg RUS 54°28'N 19°56'E not specified in progress 52 Heiligenhafen GER 54°22'N 10°59'E 10 not yet digitised 53 Hela POL 54°37'N 18°49'E 38 in progress 54 Helgoland GER 54°11'N 07°53'E not specified in progress 55 HH-Altenwerder GER 53°31'N 09°55'E not specified in progress 56 HH-Altona GER 53°33'N 09°56'E not specified in progress 57 HH-Seefahrtsschule GER 53°32'N 09°58'E not specified not yet digitised 58 HH-Seemannshoeft GER 53°32'N 09°53'E not specified in progress 59 Hoheweg-Lt GER 53°43'N 08°15'E not specified in progress 60 Holnis GER 54°52'N 09°36'E not specified in progress 61 Husum GER 54°29'N 09°03'E not specified in progress 62 Inse RUS 55°07'N 21°13'E not specified in progress 63 Jershoeft POL 54°32'N 16°33'E 50 not yet digitised 64 Kahlberg POL 54°23'N 19°27'E not specified in progress 65 Kamp-Karnin GER 53°51'N 13°51'E not specified not yet digitised 66 Kappeln GER 54°40'N 09°56'E not specified in progress 67 Karkelbeck LIT 55°50'N 21°05'E not specified in progress 68 Karkeln RUS 55°12'N 21°16'E not specified in progress 69 Karwen POL 54°50'N 18°13'E not specified in progress 70 Keitum-Sylt GER 54°54'N 08°22'E not specified in progress 71 Kiel-Binnenhafen GER 54°19'N 10°09'E 6 not yet digitised 72 Kiel-Friedrichsort GER 54°24'N 10°11'E 11 in progress 73 Kiel-Lindenauhafen GER 54°23'N 10°10'E not specified in progress 74 Kiel-Wellingdorf GER 54°19'N 10°10'E not specified in progress 75 Kolbergermuende POL 54°11'N 15°34'E 9 in progress 76 Koserow GER 54°03'N 14°01'E not specified in progress 77 Kussfeld POL 54°44'N 18°35'E not specified in progress 78 Kuwertshof LIT 55°21'N 21°19'E not specified in progress 79 Labagienen RUS 54° 59'N 21°16'E not specified in progress 80 Leba POL 54°46'N 17°33'E not specified in progress 81 Lenzen POL 54°16'N 19°28'E not specified in progress 82 List-Sylt GER 55°01'N 08°26'E not specified in progress 83 Luebeck GER 53°52'N 10°41'E not specified in progress 84 Marienleuchte-Fehmarn GER 54°30'N 11°14'E 29 in progress 85 Meierwik GER 54°49'N 09°30'E not specified not yet digitised 86 Mellneraggen LIT 55°44'N 21°06'E not specified in progress 87 Memel LIT 55°43'N 21°07'E 5 in progress 88 Misdroy POL 53°56'N 14°27'E not specified in progress 89 Munkmarsch-Sylt GER 54°55'N 08°21'E not specified in progress 90 Nest POL 54°16'N 16°05'E not specified in progress 91 Neu-Terranova POL 54°13'N 19°22'E not specified in progress 92 Neuendorf-Hiddensee GER 54°32'N 13°06'E not specified not yet digitised 93 Neuendorf-Kiesberg POL 53°59'N 14°35'E not specified in progress 94 Neufaehr POL 54°21'N 18°47'E not specified in progress 95 Neuharlinger-Siel GER 53°42'N 07°42'E not specified in progress 96 Neukrug POL 54°27'N 19°37'E not specified in progress 97 Neukuhren RUS 54°57'N 20°14'E not specified in progress 98 Neuwerk GER 53°55'N 08°30'E not specified in progress 99 Nidden LIT 55°18'N 21°00'E 68 in progress 100 Nimmersatt LIT 55°52'N 21°04'E not specified in progress 101 Norddeich GER 53°37'N 07°10'E not specified in progress 102 Norderney GER 53°42'N 07°09'E not specified in progress 103 Oevenum-Foehr GER 54°43'N 08°32'E not specified in progress 104 Oldersum GER 53°20'N 07°21'E not specified in progress 105 Ost-Deep POL 54°09'N 15°18'E not specified in progress 106 Ostesperrwerk GER 53°49'N 09°02'E not specified in progress 107 Oxhoeft POL 54°33'N 18°33'E not specified in progress 108 Palmnicken RUS 54°52'N 19°56'E not specified in progress 109 Peenemuende GER 54°09'N 13°46'E not specified in progress 110 Pellworm GER 54°31'N 08°42'E not specified in progress 111 Peyse RUS 54°40'N 20°06'E not specified in progress 112 Pfahlbude POL 54°26'N 19°45'E 12 in progress 113 Pillau RUS 54°39'N 19°53'E 29 in progress Seite 2 114 Pillau II RUS 54°39'N 19°52'E 13 in progress 115 Pillkoppen RUS 55°14'N 20°56'E not specified in progress 116 Putziger-Heisternest POL 54°42'N 18°41'E not specified in progress 117 Rechtenfleth GER 53°23'N 08°31'E not specified in progress 118 Rinderort RUS 54°54'N 21°04'E 14 in progress 119 Rixhoeft POL 54°50'N 18°20'E not specified in progress 120 Rossitten RUS 55°09'N 20°51'E 8 in progress 121 Rostock GER 54°05'N 12°07'E not specified in progress 122 Ruden GER 54°12'N 13°46'E not specified not yet digitised 123 Ruegenwaldermuende POL 54°25'N 16°24'E not specified in progress 124 Sarkau RUS 55°01'N 20°37'E not specified in progress 125 Sassnitz-Ruegen GER 54°31'N 13°39'E not specified in progress 126 Schiewenhorst POL 54°20'N 18°56'E not specified in progress 127 Schillighoern GER 53°42'N 08°02'E not specified in progress 128 Schleimuende GER 54°40'N 10°01'E 15 digitised and controlled 129 Scholpin POL 54°43'N 17°15'E 75 not yet digitised 130 Schwarzort-Duene LIT 55°33'N 21°07'E not specified in progress 131 Seebad-Foersterei LIT 55°46'N 21°05'E not specified in progress 132 Seebad-Horst POL 54°06'N 15°05'E not specified in progress 133 Stadersand GER 53°37'N 09°32'E not specified in progress 134 Stettin POL 53°26'N 14°33'E not specified in progress 135 Stilo POL 54°47'N 17°44'E not specified in progress 136 Stolpmuende POL 54°35'N 16°52'E 12 in progress 137 Stralsund GER 54°19'N 13°05'E not specified in progress 138 Stubbenkammer-Ruegen GER 54°34'N 13°40'E not specified in progress 139 Suederhoeft GER 54°17'N 08°41'E not specified in progress 140 Swinemuende POL 53°55'N 14°15'E 63 in progress 141 Thiessow GER 54°17'N 13°43'E not specified in progress 142 Timmendorf-auf-Poel GER 53°59'N 11°23'E 19 in progress 143 Toenning GER 54°19'N 08°57'E not specified in progress 144 Travemuende GER 53°58'N 10°53'E 31 digitised and controlled 145 Ueckermuende GER 53°45'N 14°04'E 11 in progress 146 Vierow GER 54°06'N 13°34'E not specified in progress 147 Vogelsang POL 54°21'N 19°17'E not specified in progress 148 Wangerooge GER 53°47'N 07°54'E not specified in progress 149 Warnemuende GER 54°11'N 12°05'E 10 in progress 150 Wehrdamm RUS 54°41'N 20°23'E 13 in progress 151 Weser-Lt GER 53°52'N 08°08'E not specified in progress 152 Wesermünde GER 53°32'N 08°35'E not specified in progress 153 Westerhever GER 54°23'N 08°40'E not specified in progress 154 Wieck GER 54°25'N 12°35'E not specified not yet digitised 155 Wilhelmshaven GER 53°31'N 08°06'E not specified in progress 156 Windenburg LIT 55°21'N 21°12'E 12 in progress 157 Wismar GER 53°54'N 11°28'E not specified in progress 158 Wittenberg POL 54°49'N 17°58'E not specified in progress 159 Wittower-Posthaus GER 54°34'N 13°11'E not specified in progress 160 Wollin POL 53°51'N 14°37'E not specified in progress 161 Wyk-Foehr GER 54°41'N 08°34'E not specified in progress 162 Ziegenort POL 53°40'N 14°31'E not specified in progress 163 Zingst GER 54°26'N 12°41'E not specified in progress 164 Zoppot POL 54°27'N 18°34'E not specified in progress Seite 3.
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