RESUME OF WORK DONE BY LOK SABHA FIFTEENTH LOK SABHA EIGHTH SESSION, 2011 LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT, NEW DELHI November, 2011/Kartika, 1933 (Saka) RESUMÉ OF WORK DONE BY LOK SABHA FIFTEENTH LOK SABHA—EIGHTH SESSION 1 August, 2011 to 8 September, 2011 LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI November, 2011/Kartika, 1933 (Saka) T.O. No. 3/15 LS Vol. VIII © 2011 BY LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT Published under Rule 382 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha (Fourteenth Edition) and Printed by the General Manager, Government of India Press, Minto Road, New Delhi. PREFACE This Publication contains a brief resume of work done in the Fifteenth Lok Sabha during the Eighth Session i.e. from the 1 August, 2011 to 8 September, 2011. NEW DELHI; T.K. VISWANATHAN, November, 2011 Secretary-General. Kartika, 1933 (Saka) CONTENTS PAGE(S) 1. DURATION OF SESSION . 1 2. BILLS (i) Government Bills . 2 (ii) Bills referred to Standing Committees . 6 (iii) Private Members' Bills . 11 3. CALLING A TTENTION . 19 4. COMMITTEES (i) Financial Committees . 20 (ii) Standing Committees . 21 (iii) Committees other than Financial and Standing Committees . 23 5. DIVISIONS . 26 6. FINANCIAL BUSINESS General Budget . 27 7. MEMBERS ELECTED IN BYE-ELECTION . 28 8. MOTIONS (i) Motions under Rules 191 and 342 . 29 (ii) Motions under Rule 388 . 31 9. OATH/AFFIRMATION . 32 10. OBITUARY AND OTHER REFERENCES . 33 11. PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE . 37 12. PETITIONS . 38 (iii) (iv) PAGE(S) 13. QUESTIONS (i) Starred . 39 (ii) Short Notice . 39 (iii) Unstarred . 39 (iv) Half-an-Hour Discussion . 40 (v) Abstract of Statement(s) made by Ministers correcting the replies . 41 14. RESOLUTIONS Private Members’ Resolutions . 42 15. SHORT DURATION DISCUSSION UNDER RULE 193 . 43 16. SPEAKER/DEPUTY SPEAKER/CHAIRMAN Announcements/Observations/References/Rulings . 45 17. SITTINGS OF LOK SABHA . 46 18. STATEMENTS (i) Statements made / laid by Ministers under Rule 372 during Eighth Session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha . 47 (ii) Statements made/laid by Ministers under Direction 73A of Directions by the Speaker during Eighth Session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha . 49 (iii) Statements made/laid by Ministers regarding Government Business during Eighth Session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha . 54 (iv) Matters under Rule 377—Position regarding receipt of replies from Ministries during Fifteenth Lok Sabha (as on 3.10.2011) . 55 (v) Statement showing time lost owing to interruptions and adjournment of the House during Eighth Session of the Fifteenth Lok Sabha 56 (vi) Statement indicating matters of Urgent Public Importance raised (i) after Question Hour; and (ii) Before the adjournment of the House for the day during the Eighth Session of Fifteenth Lok Sabha . 61 (v) PAGE(S) 19. STATEMENT SHOWING TIME TAKEN ON VARIOUS KINDS OF BUSINESS .................................................................... 62 20. VACATION OF SEATS ....................................................... 63 1. DURATION OF SESSION (8th Session of 15th Lok Sabha) 1. Date of Commencement : $1 August, 2011 2. Date of Adjournment sine die : *8 September, 2011 3. Date of prorogation : 15 September, 2011 4. Total number of days of Session : 39 5. Number of Actual days of Sittings : 26 6. Number of hours of Sittings : 104 hours 15 minutes $The first sitting commenced with the playing of National Anthem. *The sitting ended with the playing of National Song. 1 2. BILLS (i) Government Bills Sl. Title of the Bill Date of Date of laying Date of Time No. of No. of Progress/ No. introduction on the Table discussion in taken amend- amend- remarks (in case of Bill Lok Sabha ments ments passed by tabled carried Rajya Sabha) HM 12 34 567 89 1. The Indian Medical Council, 2.8.2011 — 18.8.2011 3 37 — — Passed (Amendment) Bill, 2011 (consideration and passing) 2. The Jawaharlal Institute of — 4.8.2011 18.8.2011 0 05 — — Passed 2 Post-Graduate Medical (consideration Education and Research, and passing) Puducherry (Amendment) Bill, 2011, (as passed by Rajya Sabha) 3. The Lokpal Bill, 2011 4.8.2011 — — 0 01 — — Pending 4. The Indian Institute of 5.8.2011 — 25.8.2011 0 37 — — Passed Information Technology, (consideration Design and Manufacturing, and passing) Kancheepuram Bill, 2011 5. The Appropriation (No. 3) 5.8.2011 — 5.8.2011 0 04 — — Passed Bill, 2011 (consideration and passing) 6. The State Bank of India 18.12.2009 — 5.8.2011 3 15 5 5 Passed, as (Subsidiary Banks Laws) (Earlier 11.8.2011 amended Amendment Bill, 2011 Session) (consideration and passing) 2.9.2011 5.9.2011 0 01 1 1 (Amendment made (As returned (consideration by Rajya Sabha by Rajya of amendments on 30.8.2011 Sabha with made by Rajya in the Bill as passed amendments) Sabha) by Lok Sabha on 11.8.2011 was agreed to by Lok Sabha) 7. The Damodar Valley 8.8.2011 — — 0 01 — — Pending Corporation (Amendment) Bill, 2011 3 8. The Customs (Amendment 8.8.2011 — 19.8.2011 1 20 — — Passed and Validation) Bill, 2011 25.8.2011 (consideration and passing) 9. The Transplantation of 18.12.2009 — 11.8.2011 3 02 33 33 Passed, as Human Organs (Amendment) (Earlier 12.8.2011 amended Bill, 2011 Session) (consideration and passing) 10. The Benami Transactions 18.8.2011 — — 0 01 — — Pending (Prohibition) Bill, 2011 11. The Juvenile Justice (Care — 19.8.2011 29.8.2011 3 18 — — Passed and Protection of Children) (consideration (Amendment) Bill, 2011, and passing) as passed by Rajya Sabha 12 34 56789 12. The National Institutes of 15.4.2010 — 19.8.2011 2 26 13 13 Passed, as Technology (Amendment) (Earlier (consideration amended Bill, 2011 Session) and passing) 13. The National Council for — 25.8.2011 29.8.2011 1 10 — — Passed Teacher Education (Amend- 2.9.2011 ment) Bill, 2011, (consideration as passed by Rajya Sabha and passing) 14. The National Academic 5.9.2011 — — 0 01 — — Pending Depository Bill, 2011 15. The Academy of Scientific 24.3.2011 — 5.9.2011 1 46 2 2 Passed, as and Innovative Research (Earlier (further amended Bill, 2011 Session) consideration and passing) 4 16. The Orissa (Alteration of 15.3.2010 24.3.2011 6.9.2011 0 02 2 2 (Amendments made Name) Bill, 2011, (Earlier (As returned (consideration by Rajya Sabha as returned by Rajya Sabha Session) by Rajya of amendments on 24.3.2011 in with amendments Sabha with made by the Bill as passed amendments) Rajya Sabha) b y Lok Sabha on 9.11.2010 were considered and agreed to by Lok Sabha) 17. The Constitution (One 15.3.2010 24.3.2011 6.9.2011 0 11 2 2 (Amendments made Hundred and Thirteenth (Earlier (As returned (consideration by Rajya Sabha on Amendment) Bill, 2010, Session) by Rajya of amendments 24.3.2011 in the Bill as returned by Rajya Sabha Sabha with made by as passed by Lok with amendments amendments) Rajya Sabha) Sabha on 9.11.2010 were agreed to by Lok Sabha and the Bill, as amended by the amendments agreed to, was passed by the requisite majority in accordance with the provisions of article 368 of the Consti- tution) 18. The Land Acquisition, 7.9.2011 — — 0 01 — — Pending Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, 2011 19. The Nuclear Safety 7.9.2011 — — 0 01 — — Pending Regulatory Authority Bill, 2011 20. The Narcotic Drugs and 8.9.2011 — — 0 01 — — Pending 5 Psychotropic Substances (Amendment) Bill, 2011 (ii) Bills Referred to the Standing Committees and Presentation/Laying of Reports thereof Sl. Title of the Bill Date of Referred by Name of the Date of Remarks No. introduction Speaker/ Committee/ Presentation/ in Lok Chairman Date of laying of Sabha/Rajya reference reports Sabha 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The Arms (Amendment) 25.8.2010 Chairman Home Affairs 2.8.2011 Pending in Bill, 2010 (LS) (3.9.2010) Lok Sabha 2. The Prohibition of 3.5.2010 Chairman Human Resource 2.8.2011 Pending in Unfair Practices in (LS) Development Lok Sabha Technical Education (13.5.2010) Institutions, Medical Educational Institutions 6 and Universities Bill, 2010 3. The Foreign Educational 3.5.2010 Chairman Human Resource 2.8.2011 Pending in Institutions (Regulation (LS) Development Lok Sabha of Entry and Operations) (13.5.2010) Bill, 2010 4. The Public Interest 26.8.2010 Chairman Personnel, 10.8.2011 Pending in Disclosure and Protection (LS) Public Lok Sabha to Persons Making the Grievances, Disclosures Bill, 2010 Law and Justice (16.9.2010) 5. The National 3.5.2010 Chairman Human Resource 12.8.2011 Pending in Accreditation Regulatory (LS) Development Lok Sabha Authority for Higher (13.5.2010) Educational Institutions Bill, 2010 6. The Dam Safety Bill, 30.8.2010 Speaker Water Resources 17.8.2011 Pending in 2010 (LS) (9.9.2010) Lok Sabha 7. The Regulation of Factor 25.3.2011 Speaker Finance 30.8.2011 Pending in (Assignment of (LS) (29.3.2011) Lok Sabha Receivable) Bill, 2011 8. The Pension Fund 24.3.2011 Speaker Finance 30.8.2011 Pending in Regulatory and (LS) (8.4.2011) Lok Sabha Development Authority 7 Bill, 2010 9. The Judicial Standards 1.12.2010 Chairman Personnel, 30.8.2011 Pending in and Accountability Bill, (LS) Public Lok Sabha 2010 Grievances, Law and Justice (31.12.2010) 10. The Lokpal Bill, 2011 4.8.2011 Chairman Personnel, — Pending with (LS) Public the Committee Grievances, Law and Justice (9.8.2011) 12 3 4567 11. The Border Security 18.8.2011 Chairman Home — Pending with Force (Amendment) (RS) Affairs the Committee Bill, 2011 (19.8.2011) 12. The Administrators— 18.8.2011 Chairman Personnel, — Pending with General (Amendment) (RS) Public the Committee Bill, 2011 Grievances, Law and Justice (19.8.2011) 8 13.
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