- L_=. 92_YI_ Q-I --4 4-._ __ ~.- L __. V ,. __ ;, .,. -- --UL. ._~1--.._ Iv _| v- ~.¢~v-1_ ,.~.--.,.~,,,,,...,_....<-.... -___,~4-. ..&#39;,._ 92 FEDERAL BUREAU OP INVESTIGATION VITO MARCANTONIO PART 3 OF 12 FILE NUMBER 2 100-28126. __ -92 &#39;| f % *1m,/ MEMO: NY100-53854 1 State Headquarters, conferred with ALEX believed to be ALEX%ROSB, State Secretary of the American Labor Party!, and, among other things, asked "BID" ts tell MARK probably V.M.! tn "stop bmihering us with the second front pnopositien", to which "BID" replied that if ALEX doesn&#39;t step harping on the third frent "then there will be no second Qr third Rt" 0 " E0£53 24, -2 2 5:Re p wt ofVCo ~ni r dentisl - MMI brmant1 L $%%f d@ted July 22, l9£2, ccording be ibis report, V.H. addressed a min the War Rally sponsored by the Greater New York Industrial Union Council at Madison quare Park, New York City, where flags of the Soviet Union were displayed in large numbers. V.H¢, in his talk, blamed the appeasing fsrves in cur government for lack af military sation in opening a second fft-0 1G0-26699-65: Rspurt of confidential Informant ND119 dated July 22, 1942, re: a meeting sf the &reat%r NewYbrk Industrial auncil, C.I.O, at adison Square Park on the same date. This confidential in- formant advised that the majority of the speakers were non-Comunists and that V.M. was one of the several speakers. Gther speakers listed in this report were: JOSEPHGURRAN, presidegt of the above mentionedMorgan- ization; BEN GOLD, head of the Furriers Qnion and wha has been n Smr muniat Party mengber for the last ten years; IRVING POTASH,head of the furriers Joint °ouncil in New Yorkand alleged Communist Partymember far the past 8 years. ~ 100-14454-23, Page 21: Report of Special Agent J. D. MILENKY dated July 27, 19&2 at New York, N. Y. entitled-lBOR ASSOCIATION FDR INFORMATION ONTHE ECONOEIC,CULTURAL; ANDSQCIkL LTPEOF THEJEW5 THE EEGRLTJ GLVER,Iu_C., ibmerly known a-r ikssociation for Jewish 5Oloni zation in the Soviet Union, Inc."- This report indicates that U.N. was one cf the Sponsnr of a delegation to be guests of the Seviet Union and tge BirmBidjan Governmentto witness the newlife ofthe Jewishsettler t ere. b-4399-16949: Confidential report» gr u.n.I. dated July 22, 1942 - 51 _ __ _.__.-~»-1»---- Q -¢_ , -hg;-. __:;_~ ---@__»&#39;- - "* &#39;"""""" """- &#39;&#39; &#39; H P ~h ~ ?£.&#39;l&§O: NXlQQ~5395& sdvising.§hat Q seoond.frnnt xally was held in Few Yor&.Gity an July 22, l§&2 under the USyiES nf the Greatar New fbrk Industral Uninn Gouncil, the Emacutive Eaard ané afiisers er whisk, acnording ta this repcrt, are Q Gnmmunist¢ .Speakar$ were ?.M., whs agpaled ts the "Warkers Q§ tha worl uniting"; JOE GHRRAN;ayar Ls $HAEDiA; Sensters ME&D anéPEFPER; and L$. Gnvennar PQLETTI. lQ0*&93l23?3: i repsr vf Q;N.I¢ &ated Jdly 33, 19&2 re: "GUMHUNIET %EEKLYTRENDS". Thi$ repert rEf1$¢t5th&t ayar i&~§U&EDI£ "very frankly" andcraed V.M. far relachien» lQ~?5¬9~lL, Fags is £ letter ta the Bureau dated August 193$ 1942 re "THE HATIQALIST FARTY QFPUERTG RICQ;IHTEENAL SEGURITY". with this letter there were transmit$e& pnatastatic aspiea sf a letter dated July 31, ZQQR intercepted by Pastel Senssrship, addressed ta EQGER Ekiiiw, Sivii Liberty Union, New Iork City, fram BLAHCA AERCHBDE LGPBZi Quinnnes, Puerts Rina. Ther&~was alas encluaed a copy af a letter asst %m ?.. raquasting him ta 100% into tha case af ?RhNSISQG IQPEK,Quinama 3 who was in jail at Pnrtsmith, ?irgimia. l§~?$$9~l6, Fags 1: h lattsr n {ha nraau ated kugus S9, 1§a2 ta: NATKQNALISTPaHTY FPHE£T@ R128; I§$ERN&L.SEURITY", advising af the amntenta mi an in§%r$&§% by Postal Gansarsni§. This int&rpb was :1 mmmmzxiiatirx fmm $E;SA¥t"B;**fl*$R§iES,mw ¥>m< ¬»iy, he Samar ma mm *F§REE§ Pagan,Euartn &ico, daaéa £ugust29, l§&§. T§is eammunicatianprw an-&#39; dintad s viatury fur ?.M@ in thw amming elaatiun@ 92 lG§§§3l~§§?5, Fags£1 AA rport sf G,N-I. at@d Augu$t 6, 19¢: re: "¬&$%NIST %EEKL¥ TH$§. This raymrt rev$slad,&hat the ammunists are sampaigning $9 F$&l$t V;E= $¢ gagrags, j > M 1@a+~:2&.»&se3~1s§; @<mr1am.§.axlama: m tag ireatar ma Augiw 8, 1%? PM mammals? ;+=m~:~z,I§.$¢i&., Jms&#39;mIc*rrmsmsrsa 2; Yam ~ 53 ~ 0 I.». Pr! mama: NY 100-53054 "FIELD EEVIEION;INTERNAL sscuxrr - R". This letter advised tha§3on fidential Infonnant NYT 25, under date of August 6, 1042, advised that IERAEIFEQTEH informedSIMON w.sansow that he was staying with BUNDAEIAN at Neiburgh, New lurk until uguat 15, 19&2 There also was a discussion an Hrs. Roosevelt&#39;s letterto the newspapers denouncing the American Labor Party in its support of V.M. _ 109-26603~177: Confidential letter to the Director dated August 13, l9&2 re: the same subject matter as above, advising that from information obtaind thrnugh Confidential Informant NYT 25 it would appear that the hational Maritime Union Headquarters are regularly assign- ing seamen to assist in the election campaign of V-H. This source further disclosed that MURRAY conferred with LANNOE.at which time he advised him that 50 or 69 seamen would report to headquarters afier 5:00 PM on Aug- ust ll,_l942 to assist in the campaign. 65-A632 A 744: A report from 0.N.I,, recei?ed under date of iugust 18, 1942, re: "NATIONAL MARITIMEUNIQN". This report advised that, according %O an article in the August issue cf "The Pilot", JOE CURRAN made a statement to the effect that "---- we have a new perspective -----", and that a stronger organizatian in the N.H.U. of the unarganized aeamen cculd render 2 real contributinn ts the war affort. This report further reflected that amsng the man resolutinns appear those calling for financial contributions by the N.M.U. to defeat HOWARDSMITH in Virginia an to elect V.M. in New lurk. 100-26603-203, Page 1: Ccnfidential report of Special Agent JEROME M,GARLAND datedAugust 26, l9£2 at New Ybrk,H. Y. re: "COMMUNIST PARTY, u.s.A., DISTRICT NUMBER2, NEW YQRK FIELD DIVISION; INTERNAL SECURITY- HF. This report advises that, according to Canfidential In- rermant NYT 25, AL LANNON conferredwith JGHN&#39;RGAN,a recently elected officer hf the N.¥~U» LAccOrding in this source, HOGAN said"We" did al- right in New York insofar as the "Farty" is aonaarnad, In reply LANNON Stated that NJLU. did "8 SIB]-1 JOB" in vcgnnectinn with J_,}!!,?3 campaign, - 53 - wt," -.--. wj war-" -r I 92-. I 1~E}.{0: NY100-53051» 100-26603203, Page Li The same report of Agent GARLAND as above, reflecting that, according to Confidantial Informant NET 25, a Hr, I.EWIS is reported to have conferred with AL LAITNOIJ,atwhich time LANNON stated that he LEWIS! returned just in time from B18 a¢&tiOn to deal a death blow to the Eight Wing possibly hight Wing of the American Labor Party!, LEWIS stated that major interest was in V.M;, who not only carried the A.L.P., but the Democratic and Republican primaries as well. LEWIS further is alleged to have:~emarked that the New York Sun referred to V.M.&#39;5 20thCongkessional Istrict as "a corner of Moscow". 54-144-7224: Confidential report of ONI dated September 26, 19¢? re: "VITO MARBAHTONIO,New York City", This report advised that "»7.&#39;i..a wanspeaker at a second front rally in New York City on Sawtoo- ber 10, 19¢2, which was sponsored by a Communist committee made up of 40 A.F. of L. leaders. 1.00-asaas-11of Confidential ReportIm-omntg dated September 12, 19é2, advising that Officials of 35 h.F. of . *rade unions and district councils sponsored a second front rally on Septem- ber 10, 1942 at the Cosmopolitan Opera, New Iork City; According to this informant, "iT.M. was one of the speakers, and furthermore, $out 1,000 comrades were present. It is alkaged by this informant that outside the Cosmopolitan Qpara comrades were selling the Emily Worker, New Masses,and pamphletson Soviet Russia Today. &#39; 100-1831 J 1551 A report of ONI dated; September 12, 1%-.2, which reflects that under data of September 19, 1942 a Communist oom- mittee of 40 A.F. of L. leadars held a meeting at the Cosmopolitan Gpera Housein New lork City, demanding openingof a second front. CQ§R£E§K%!EQhairman who ofthe oommittee. Subsequently, officials of the A.F. of L. repudiated the elements who arranged the meeting as not being representative of the A.F. of L. According to this report, speakers at the meeting wera V.M.; GERTHUB~LARE, organizer of the Hotel and C1ub EmployeesUnion, Local Number 6;ILLIAM£lBETSON, -54- > -_~-<---,9»,-»_,=>~==.1!mow-r I» _--i I /&#39; 92.. F -1-A-" MENU: NY 100-53054 general organizer of Local 15, Hotel and Restaurant Workers, A.F. of L.; THEOEORE £TUACK50N,president of Local 370, Dining Gar Employees; LOUI£§§%INSTO$K,FRAN92 ELLk%PINNA,president of the secretary-treasurerBricklayersaf PaintersCouncil, District Joint Council Board;Number 9; and ALIGE"mnHKET, generalorganizer of Local £2, Chain Service Res- taurant Employees Union, A.F. uf L. - 92 . 100~26603~287, Page5: Report of Spgcial kgent WAlEER.LEE PRICE dated September 1&4 1942 at Albany, New fork T8: "CQMMUNIST PARTY, _U.S.A.: DISTRICT NUMBER 2,ALBANY FIELDDIVISION; INTERNALSECURITY -C"; This report reflects that through a highly confidential saurce it&#39;nBS ascertained that GERSON madea brief analysis mi the major parties and prespeetive candidates in New Kerk State= Insafar as the Eepbli Party is concerned, he stated the Comunist arty could support WENDELLWILLKIE, but not DEWEY, FISH,er S+ate Senator FREDERICKCOUDERE, JR.On the Egmocratic ticket he stated that Governor LEHMAN, SenatorWAGNER; and Senator MEADwere acceptable to the Gommuxt Party, but not Representg- tive BARRY af Queens, State Senator EUENIGAN-of the Bronx, r Hapresenta- tive JOHN J.
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