BUY IN BELLEVILLE THE ONLY PAPER PRINTED IN BELLEVILLE TWICE AS MUCH CIRCULATION BELLEVILLE NEWS AS ANY COMPETITOR Entered as Second Glass Mail Matter, At Newark, N. J.,' Post Office, Under Act ol March S, 1870, On October 0, 1925, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER BELLEVILLE, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1934 TOWN OF BELLEVILLE PRICE TWO c e n t ; Board Adopts “Peg O’ My Heart” Officers Installed By Model Aircraft Finance Head Approves CWA Officials Express Satisfaction Valley Association Revised School Budget To Be Presented By Shown By Pupils With Public Works Projects In T get Including The Valley Improvement Associa­ “The revised school budget adopted tion held an installation of officers by the board of education Monday St^te Allotment St. Peter’s Players at its regular meeting last Thursday Of School No. 10 night is satisfactory,'” Director Wil­ Waters Denies Political Favoritism, Spikes Rumor evening at the Exempt Firemen’s liam II. Williams of the department 1*0 Decide On 1934 Irish Comedy Is Under The Home in Stephens street. Edward Abromson Prediets of revenue and finance stated Wed­ Investigation—Prompt Action Gets Town -340 New officers are: President, John nesday night. “While the board did t At February Direction Of Rev. Ilewitt; vice president, Allan O. Cur­ Important Fixture not make its changes in the tenta­ Jobs Over Official Quota rent; . secretary, Mrs. J. McKenna tive budget in exactly the manner I Election J. M. Kelly Tiger; and: treasurer, Walter Gres­ For Aviation recommended, the revisions amount County CWA Supervisor Henry ¡on any other project in the ham. The thirteen trustees of the as-- to th ame saving to the taxpayers.” J LCvn< the State engineer c>f the ] that they had inspected.. TAX IS FAVORED The Irish comedy, “Peg O’ ' My i soeiation were re-elected and in- More than 200 pupils, teachers and The to t .budget prepared would cWA.’cVVA En^inwV Emmett 1 . ON Commissioner Patrick A. H eart,” will be presented by St Pc- i stalled. William Wanlhnu.se was an- parents of School No. 10, Tuesday7 have meant an iwreare of points; tott> alKl Town Construction Engin- j director of public works, t 1 pointed chairman of the good and m the Belleville tax rate, while the tor’s Dramatic Club Thursday and afternoon attended an exhibition of eer Matthew J. Sheehan made a com- I "'hose department tat* pro,; To Be Raised By welfare committee for his second revised budget only indicates a rise plete inspection of the storm sewer 1 «term and sanitary sewers Friday evenings, February 8 and 9, aviation handicraft sponsored by a term. of about 10 points, the director ex­ being constructed in the northwest ! tained for Belleville, denied ? cal Taxes This in the auditorium of St. Peter’s The association is planning many group-of twenty-four students of the plained. He said that though the section of town Wednesday afternoon j "that men are being placed School in William street. The pro­ affairs for the coming season. Re­ school who comprise the Thirteenth amount, set aside for reserves to make and ¡the visiting officials expressed | through political favoritism, Year ceeds will go to the sinking fund for freshments will be served at all meet­ Squadron of the Airplane Model the change back to the former school complete satisfaction with the work ! blared that all jobs w-. gi ing«. fiscal year, which must be done in the construction of a new school. League of America. and the manner in which it is being j through the county C vVA o nl of education adopted ‘its five years, according to law, had been carried on. j Newark, and that he had ne\ The production is under Lhe direction Praising the boys for their fore- 1934 Monday night with- slashed, he. had learned on reliable The project was also visited by j influence to give political of the Rev. Joseph M. Kelly, pastor Water Department sightedness Edward J. Abromson, authority that the .State allotment vohsy. The figures will be of St. Peter’s Church. county CWA representatives Monday j tuen work. who was the principal speaker, out­ m ight be $198,000 this year instead “Just, because certain pers to the voters for their ap- The title role of “Peg,” will be morning, and stated that conditions Shows Large Profit lined the accomplishments of aviation of the $170,000 anticipated, which on the job were far better than those need of employment happen the district school election played ¡by Miss Bessie L. McMahon. would allow ample reserves. Other characters are: Mrs. Ghiches-I : and predicted its services in the fu­ members of the Democratic IS. By including $125,000. At the present rate of establish­ Committee they should-not be ter, Peggy m . McMahon; Ethel, Mrs. j Sales Of Water Increase >,000 State school appropri- ture. ment of reserves by the school board, jobs,” the directed stated. “M Chichester’s daughter, Emily L. Mar- “Parents as well as these boys de­ CWA To Conduct ch, it ’is understood James While Purchases the director stated, the change hack the persons, mentioned . in shall; Alaric, Mrs. Chichester’s son,J serve commendation for preparing to the former fiscal year could he isset, 'retiring president, James A. Leonard; Christian Brent, j now for an industry that, will be the made in two and one-half years, well William ,II. Cort; Jerry, William J.j Decrease School Census H ere!"™by mo are "rc,,orh working ”on countyf run it from anticipated rev- backbone of American business in within the time allowed hy law. j in Newark -or other nearby. of the uncertainty of Brady; Montffonwy■ Hawke., John | w>|k, E. lU W ~H lal.C cn.nniis- years to come,” Abromson said. He' M. Mac Donald; Jarvis, the footman, i , ... Vocational Data On High I ' Waters said that he had b n, the anticipated tax is vice president of the Belleville Boy vised by Lewis' that Belleville ] John J. Roberts, and Bennett, the j -«hmer of municipal accounts, ha* ¡Scout Council. Woman’s Club Will 88 points has been re­ maid, Mary II. Sullivan. [made the following comment on the School Graduates To more men at work than are p Other speakers were Wayne R. for in the quota allotted the t in ts, and the amount to The last play presented by the club 1 operation of the Belleville Water De- Parmer, superintendent of schools, CWA heads, and that this was was “Journey’s _ End.” and members j })artm€nt during 1938: Hold Membership Tea Be Secured local taxation during and Irwin S. Polk, head of the Bam­ the speedy action of the pub 1 of the group leel that the coming j “The wafipr department shows a berger Aero Club. Donald Denarie, to he $330,607. The Civil Works Administration j ’Iffi^rtment, in which Sheeha presentation will be equally success- ■ decided improvement this year; show- an eighth grade pupil and instruc­ c board look advantage Chorus Will Sing In Pro­ will be asked to provide workers to j S'lucei * in subm ittiing project' the Legislature last lul. Rehearsals are now under vay ( an operating profit of $17,748.87. tor of the squadron, presided at the ado the school fiscal for the production. ... [The purchases of water as compared exhibition. ! gram Arranged By conduct a school census in Belleville, I The stage pi escalation, differs ill uvith 1981 reflected a decrease of $4,- the board of education decided at its! lhe director branded as to the. calendar year meeting Monday night. ¡news itsm, published in a ing this possible was mauy ways from the screen play, Mr. j 873,70, while the sales as shown by Music Group Supervising Principal Wayne R .iCtl^ new «paper, which slat the school budget is MacDonald states, since it contains records were $2,888.01 greater.” Progress Club Plans Parmer advised the board that, the !’ — tu to rs ’ were at budgets, one for the more comedy. Linder the chairmanship of Mrs. The department made a gross prof­ CWA had asked to do the work, j Projeot of politics, of 1934 and the oth- it of $31,815.88 during 1983, but a f­ Dinner For Abromson William M. Englcmann, assisted by which will include registration of alljcai‘s^ in\obligators o school year, ter the expense of debt service on the membership and music commit- children of school age and the colter-1 federal check th budget includes Many Attended Affair bond issues was met, a net profit of lion of vocational data on graduates' 011 ,ei.v CAVA projee current expenses, more than $17,000 is shown. Attorncy Was President Of tees idans for the annual mendier- ship tea of the Woman’s Club of of Belleville High School in the last!*'*''' WaU’rK 'M - Th Lenanee, $0,792.50 for Responsibility for the operation of Given By Woman’s Belleville, which will be held Monday three years. The board Hit. that th**., H wa-s 1 $.1,477.02 for manu- the rvaler department is vested joint­ Local Organization afternoon, have been completed. information obtained would, be -<if jn,aa^ necessary by the praeti total of $244,877.03. ly in the department of revenue and Four Years The program will be under the di­ value, and approved the project,] l11’* Co work inimeuiatol on of the State al- Republican Club finance, directed by Commissioner rection of. the music committee,, of since it will lie done at no cost to Jo- j NpMig:Tting their- need later, 75,354.75, a total of Williams, and in the department, of Edward J.
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