Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 61.411 § 61.409 What flight proficiency re- (j) Soaring techniques. quirements must I meet to apply for (k) Slow flight (not applicable to a flight instructor certificate with a lighter-than-air and powered para- sport pilot rating? chutes). You must receive and log ground and (l) Stalls (not applicable to lighter- flight training from an authorized in- than-air, powered parachutes, and gy- structor on the following areas of oper- roplanes). ation for the aircraft category and (m) Spins (applicable to airplanes class in which you seek flight instruc- and gliders). tor privileges: (a) Technical subject areas. (n) Emergency operations. (b) Preflight preparation. (o) Tumble entry and avoidance tech- (c) Preflight lesson on a maneuver to niques (applicable to weight-shift-con- be performed in flight. trol aircraft). (d) Preflight procedures. (p) Post-flight procedures. (e) Airport, seaplane base, and gliderport operations, as applicable. § 61.411 What aeronautical experience (f) Takeoffs (or launches), landings, must I have to apply for a flight in- and go-arounds. structor certificate with a sport (g) Fundamentals of flight. pilot rating? (h) Performance maneuvers and for Use the following table to determine gliders, performance speeds. the experience you must have for each (i) Ground reference maneuvers (ex- aircraft category and class: cept for gliders and lighter-than-air). If you are applying for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating Then you must log at least . Which must include at least . for . (a) Airplane category and (1) 150 hours of flight time as a pilot, ................ (i) 100 hours of flight time as pilot in command single-engine class privi- in powered aircraft, leges, (ii) 50 hours of flight time in a single-engine air- plane, (iii) 25 hours of cross-country flight time, (iv) 10 hours of cross-country flight time in a single-engine airplane, and (v) 15 hours of flight time as pilot in command in a single-engine airplane that is a light-sport aircraft. (b) Glider category privi- (1) 25 hours of flight time as pilot in command leges, in a glider, 100 flights in a glider, and 15 flights as pilot in command in a glider that is a light-sport aircraft, or. (2) 100 hours in heavier-than-air aircraft, 20 flights in a glider, and 15 flights as pilot in command in a glider that is a light-sport air- craft. (c) Rotorcraft category and (1) 125 hours of flight time as a pilot, ................ (i) 100 hours of flight time as pilot in command gyroplane class privi- in powered aircraft, leges, (ii) 50 hours of flight time in a gyroplane, (iii) 10 hours of cross-country flight time, (iv) 3 hours of cross-country flight time in a gy- roplane, and (v) 15 hours of flight time as pilot in command in a gyroplane that is a light-sport aircraft. (d) Lighter-than-air category (1) 100 hours of flight time as a pilot, ................ (i) 40 hours of flight time in an airship, and airship class privi- (ii) 20 hours of pilot in command time in an air- leges, ship, (iii) 10 hours of cross-country flight time, (iv) 5 hours of cross-country flight time in an airship, and (v) 15 hours of flight time as pilot in command in an airship that is a light-sport aircraft. (e) Lighter-than-air category (1) 35 hours of flight time as pilot-in-command, (i) 20 hours of flight time in a balloon, and balloon class privi- (ii) 10 flights in a balloon, and leges, (iii) 5 flights as pilot in command in a balloon that is a light-sport aircraft. 495 VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:16 Mar 01, 2012 Jkt 226045 PO 00000 Frm 00505 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\14\14V2 ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 61.413 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–12 Edition) If you are applying for a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating Then you must log at least . Which must include at least . for . (f) Weight-shift-control air- (1) 150 hours of flight time as a pilot, ................ (i) 100 hours of flight time as pilot in command craft category privileges, in powered aircraft, (ii) 50 hours of flight time in a weight-shift-con- trol aircraft, (iii) 25 hours of cross-country flight time, (iv) 10 hours of cross-country flight time in a weight-shift-control aircraft, and (v) 15 hours of flight time as pilot in command in a weight-shift-control aircraft that is a light- sport aircraft. (g) Powered-parachute cat- (1) 100 hours of flight time as a pilot, ................ (i) 75 hours of flight time as pilot in command in egory privileges, powered aircraft, (ii) 50 hours of flight time in a powered para- chute, (iii) 15 hours of cross-country flight time, (iv) 5 hours of cross-country flight time in a powered parachute, and (v) 15 hours of flight time as pilot in command in a powered parachute that is a light-sport aircraft. § 61.413 What are the privileges of my structor certificate with a sport pilot flight instructor certificate with a rating. sport pilot rating? [Doc. No. FAA–2001–11133, 69 FR 44875, July If you hold a flight instructor certifi- 27, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 61–125, 75 FR cate with a sport pilot rating, you are 5222, Feb. 1, 2010] authorized, within the limits of your certificate and rating, to provide train- § 61.415 What are the limits of a flight ing and endorsements that are required instructor certificate with a sport for, and relate to— pilot rating? (a) A student pilot seeking a sport If you hold a flight instructor certifi- pilot certificate; cate with a sport pilot rating, you may (b) A sport pilot certificate; only provide flight training in a light- (c) A flight instructor certificate sport aircraft and are subject to the with a sport pilot rating; following limits: (d) A powered parachute or weight- (a) You may not provide ground or shift-control aircraft rating; flight training in any aircraft for (e) Sport pilot privileges; which you do not hold: (f) A flight review or operating privi- (1) A sport pilot certificate with ap- lege for a sport pilot; plicable category and class privileges (g) A practical test for a sport pilot or a pilot certificate with the applica- certificate, a private pilot certificate ble category and class rating; and with a powered parachute or weight- (2) Applicable category and class shift-control aircraft rating or a flight privileges for your flight instructor instructor certificate with a sport pilot certificate with a sport pilot rating. rating; (b) You may not provide ground or (h) A knowledge test for a sport pilot flight training for a private pilot cer- certificate, a private pilot certificate tificate with a powered parachute or with a powered parachute or weight- weight-shift-control aircraft rating un- shift-control aircraft rating or a flight less you hold: instructor certificate with a sport pilot (1) At least a private pilot certificate rating; and with the applicable category and class (i) A proficiency check for an addi- rating; and tional category or class privilege for a (2) Applicable category and class sport pilot certificate or a flight in- privileges for your flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating. 496 VerDate Mar<15>2010 18:16 Mar 01, 2012 Jkt 226045 PO 00000 Frm 00506 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\14\14V2 ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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