IT ** ·t::•***"'*"'**-**:'ii:=f::f'******** * * *** * * * * UNITED STATES * * DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR * * BUREAU OF RECLAMATION * * * * * * * HYDRAULIC LABORATORY REPORT NO. 159 .. * * * * * HYDRAULIC MODEL STUDIES F0R THE GLORY-HOLE SPILLWAYS * .. AT * OWYHEE DAM - OWYHEE PROJECT, OREGON-IDAHO * * * ;.\ND * * * GIBSON DAM - SUN RIVER PROJECT, MONTtNA * * * * By * * * F. C. LOWE, ASSISTANT ENGIHEER * * "' * * Denver, Colorado, * Nov. 15, 1944 * * * * * * **** * * ****"'************ ****** u CHAR LES W. THOMA� LJ @HARLE S " ' (':... �. ·, ; ,-, ,, if .·. UNITED STATES n- r, . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LJ BUREAU OF RECLAMATION L.J HYDRAULIC LABORATORY REPOO.T NO. 159 Li SUBJECT, HYDRAULIC MODEL STUDIES FOR THE GLORY-HOLE SPILLWAYS AT LJ OWYHEE DAM - OWYHEE PROJECT, OREGON-IDAHO LJ GIBSON D.A.M - SUN RIVERAND PROJECT, MONTANA r, u _r, L.J By F. C. LOWE, ASSISTANT ENGINEER LJ Under Direction of J. E. WARNOCK, SENIOR ENGINEER a.nd R. F. BLANKS, SENIOR ENGINEER u ,-, Denver, Colorado, Nov. 15, 1944 r, LJ ,-, LJ LJ LJ ,';W:,fili!S W. TH0MAS LJ r, F O R E W O R D u Studies on the model of the glory-hole spillway for LJ Owyhee Dam were made by the Bureau of Reclamation person-· nel under the direction of E. Lane, Hydraulic Research r, w. Engineer, in the hydraulic laboratory on the campus of the Colorado State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, at Fort Collins, Colorado. Model tests in connection with spillway alterations at Gibson Dam were irade by T. G. 0Wen 1 Assistant Engineer, uLJ under the direction of J. E. Warnock, Senior Engineer, at the Bureau of Reol8lllation hydraulic laboratory, now aban­ LJ doned, which we.a located in the basement of the Old Customhouse at 16th and Arapahoe Streets, in Denver, Colo­ u rado. LJ LJ u r u u u LJ LJ u LJ r,,-, •. CONTENTS LJ Foreword Section No. Page No. w 1. Introduc tion .......OWYHEE............ DAM ................ 1 LJ 2. The floating-ring gate and glory-hole spillway at Owyhee Dam •••••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • , , •• 3. The Owyhee Dam spillway model •••••••••••••••••• 4. Summary of tests on Owyhee spillway •••••••••••• 1 6. ·s\.lmmary of results on Owyhee spillway •••••••••• 4 u 6. The prototype spilt way at Owyhee Dam ••••••• , • , , 13B 9 GIBSON DAM LJ . 7. The spillway alterations at Gibson Dam •• , , , ••• ,. 16 a. The Gibson Dam model spillway •••••••••••••••••• 16 9. The original design of the Gibson Dam spillway- gate structure .....•... , ...•.......... , , ..... 19 10. Pres au res on crest •.•••..•...••............•.. , . 23 11. Cause of surging at maximum disc harge •••••• , •• , 23 u, 12. Air 1 n the shaft •. , •.. , .•• , , .... , ...........•.. 24 13. The final design of Gibson Dam spillway with radial gates faced downstream ,.,,.,, •• ,, •••••• 25 u REFERENCES TO OTHER GLORY-HOLE SPILLWAYS 14. The Davis Bridge Dam spillway •••••••••••••••••• 2,7 15. Model experiments by British Engineers ••••••••• 27 16. Bibliography of additional literature ......... 35 LJ LJ LJ LJ,--, LJ LJ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LJ BUREAU OF RECLAMATION Branch of Design and Construction Laboratory Report No. 159 LJ Engineering and Geological Control Hydraulic Laboratory and Research Division Compiled by, F, C, Lowe Denver, Colorado Reviewed bys J.E. Warnock and u November 15, 1944 J. N. Bradley Subjects Hydraulic model studies for the glory-h ole spillways at Owyhee Dam - Owyhee project, Oregon-Idaho, and Gibson Dam - Sun River LJ project, Montana. L_J 1, Introduction, A series of tests on a model of the glory-hole r7 spillway at Owyhee Dam were made in 1930-31. In 1936, model studies were LJ made in connection with alterations t o the gl ory-hole spillway at Gibson Dam, As no formal reports on these studies have been prepared, ,--, the purpose of this memorandum is to describe these studies and the re­ sults obtained, and to present a review and bibliography of available :7 literature upon the subject. L1 ,---, OWYHEE DAM LI 2, The floating-ring gate and glory-hole spillway at Owyhee Dam. ,---, The Owyhee Dam (figure 1) is located in the Owyhee River 21 miles south­ LJ west of Nyssa, Oregon. The spillway is a vertical shaft, 309 feet deep, connecting with the former diversion tunnel at a point 240 feet down­ stream from the tunnel inlet (figure 2). This vertical shaft is bell­ LJ mouthed, or trumpet-shaped, at the entrance, having a circular crest 60 feet in diameter at elev. 2658.0 flaring inward, to a diameter of 30.75 LJ feet at elev, 2633,0 and to a diameter of 22.6 feet below elev, 2513,0. To control the flow into this shaft a 60-foot diameter ring gate, 12 LJ feet high, was installed in the crest. The ring gate is a hollow annu­ lar drum, seated wi.thin an hydraulic chamber located in the crest , The LJ ring gate is thus a floating type of' crest similar in operation to a drum gate, such as is used at Shasta Dam, but designed for flow into a LJ vertical, circular, spillway shaft. r, LJ FIGURE. r1 .. -······ Top of Dam El. ?675.0 .... -Normal Water Surface El 2670.0·: . .. -= = - . · . r7 -L - ( <·-- : f:if Axis of Dam-. ..; 1' t ,, . -3 · ..,' ," .merqencC" y Gates , ' : : :��---{ - j El 2600· El 2600: 0:; -· · •feed!� '.'a!ve .. : : · r7 • �f: .. Trash Rack.. .--3- 48 Balanced , , ; -.. •::·r:. ,,. ..·.ir.·.-.-.- . �:, · : Needle Valves ·;. El . 2'70�- i.. , -··-- l, :::: :, Sluice Gate � r1 �1....,,.1:ItJ(• .._ . ... � Trash Rack··. ; El.2370··, 1· .u c.___; PENSTOCK SECTION :i[)t:.·.::·.�::.:_:_._;:� •·:.:·,1''!1':::.· ....--' r7 =� · •'rfTj-.�,T,�· �,T1�,�\ -1_ NEEDLE VALVE SECTION !J? SLUICE GATE SECTION r1 ·.,:: l.2150!: };� E_ 60 ', 12' Spi!lwoy Rinq Gafe . Perrnanen f Crest El. 2658.- . N WS. El 2670 · r1 r MAXIMUM SECTION _j FAULT PLA/1/E: - -,I ......,,iil].i.E/. 2675.0 P-- N.W.S. El 2670.�-� >.: C \ r;,.. >- 1 r ·---R•500 -;J� :,,;,,J.� ·=·-·· f.<.';.··.······,---···-·· '<:i·\1 '. --a; .. " 7 � ... L;,.., .... -.... ------�-iTTf,"·f,j,�.:-�--=:=:-L,,.. .. 1.rt.,.-, -� --· C C .; _J -� AND SPILLWAV TUNNEL CREST OF DAM �--��-·� - i�� .,. _.,,,. _,,...· . .. :-;s PLAN ·· Top of Para�!_ El. 26!8.67·· SECTION A-A SECTION B-B SECT(ION C-C � J..... ,:.··Penstock Trash Rack _ _ _ _ 2700 0 2600 5. ... Oriqinal Rock Surface z -LOCATION MAP 0 Sluice Gate Trash Rack DEPMffMENT OF THE INTERIOR ·. ,·Spillway Tunnel BUREAU OF RECLAMATION �.J. > \\ UJ OWYHEE PROJECT- OREGON·JOAH.Q. �.t . ··: �_,;;: ...J 0 LLJ ,, ,•rs"-r:.. -·· t. '!'I'"/'�,. ,, \ . '2400 ! _L... I � OAM AND SPILLWAY LAYOUT ':;-Fault Plane V I I 1 I I I I I I I I n\ " _,.,,,,,.' h ::: DRAWN .f?-."!�<i-'<!i:.�·.'!SUSMITTEO .: ....• J.;1-'3;� I 0 234D/ �,_0 .,__......,,__--':--.,.,_--::':----:-:---'--:-':----::-�-:":-----:--��4 8 12 16 20 2't 28 32 36. 4.0 44 i:: TRAC.ED. 8OWYHEE-.M�S:_,._.J:,!:�·, RECOMMENDEO .•.DAM UPSTREAM ELEVATlbN D!SCHARGE IN HUNDREDS OF, SECOND FEET Cl<ECKED .4W� .... �PPROVEo·a.�'-"------.-�-- ::;i (.-"' OE:VE:LOPE:O.) 1 ..• ··--- �;- ;._ - .. ,_ ,___ RE.SERVOlR CAPACITY-r:: AND DISCHARGE CURVES OENVER.COUI:, ,, °'� - J - ' • I � .. ... · 23340 �-- --- ·�----- .- .. ....-�---·- ....r1 '. ,..";!\!.:: "., ...... .t·.-; FlC,uRf. 'i:. ,'i:. o> / . · .. ci 0_ �0 0 '"- � 00 fif i I ,,1- ffl "b '::> \ ). ,7C 0 { > r r7 I, I ·.lve. ------- --.� T l�' I? >- M,n. at Rock, I 6 O' .ii- °' Poinfs 21:'' z, .. SECTION B- B •: 50 100 · 150 --, :,"1.-_j_' -·· . · Scale of Feet M-:i r7 RING G Normal -.A• ATE_�·r___ _ l_ WSEI. ZG?0.0, ________ ·----, - ____ -·-··--1. LJ - -·· -- . -�-----";------...•··-·-·: : t'Crest -·- -El···---- 2658.0 ··- .. ---· -- - -- : : - u.J'2450 , 11-t - ri:, /3[ - - ---- -- �; ·+r·1· f r7 C RDINATES <t: OF SHAFT � j� i - ·:.z,.s t.. I -1 i Tunne st a. 4 •0-0 .... J.-J.3� J , l/1§; 14 00 ;-3 i-·7, Or01noqe Gallery_ �. - t L-L 5 10 IS 'l.0 '25 10 20 30 4C' DISCHARGE IN THOUSANDS OF SECOND_ FEET DISCHARGE IN THOUSl!.NOS OF SECOND H.E.T -.(. CAPACITY CURVE-D1\IERSION TUNNEL CAPACITY CURVE-$PILLWAY ,0 G_ Trans1t1on r,,Y _;;d ·,' -� - .L- a � 1)_--EI 2513 ri i; I .if' �" rs s, : 11 1.= rs 1 l J :·,:: ::�-- --·DrainHoles IRl5'C GroutHoles0!5'C - .·.)::- Br 7-B ·, 'i' I SECTION C-C ·- IL --22.6'0,arr; '" NOTE LJ ,r : The Government reserves :lhe riqh/- fo chanqe fhe Tunnel 5ecfion from a 22' liorseshoe a 22.6' Secf,on 1s sfarfecl. 1 C,rcular Shaft before Consfrucfion , 1,.f /: :E -l -24103 to C,rcular L .. ; DEPARTMENT 01" THE INTERIOR 1\ BUREAU OF RECLAMATION .75·· � c,.. C � OWYHEE PROJECT.- OREGON-IQAHO I -- I . , r> < - , . ·\ ,.) . I . I� __:..:t-.� J·\�l-�l r . "' - _ _- . _:�-- . ��J../>,./0,1I ./ I , -·- ..... ���� ·� I /\ / \.t�/2,,/� I · ' � �L:l..J.�r.�� ! . r--: OWYHEE DAM ! I 22.6' C,r·cu/or l'-,, 22.6' Circular L). Ei.ZJso Tunnel CT _ _ Tunnel' RING · ' - '\ · - · -,· .'·- GATE SP!LLWA L��?U7: h. -� ·,-, i.fsh,' ,--.I·"<-r�- . - -,------ - - -:c=J!-::f{_?.J.!,_9:.--- -,_ -� -- . - -- -.,.-,-- - ·--- :,z--:.:=::. -,-:..:....:.;_._-,--,-. -.-,-,...: . .c.. - .. ..- --- -- -·. ·.---.. - -- .. �- --.-- · - - - ·r ···-J_ --_____,,_:.,.---.,.. · -r;-,rv- .,.,/11. '·' ,7Y?,r,t ' -----. ---- - -.-,-·-- _________ , _______ _ �I � -� I =-TJJ 1-f )� _ - <T"l\,.-n--\'1"<:·r\' --=-,,I -;:- � , � � '""T"7 L::,. 1: L> OJ i . c- C :;. ' ' A LONGITUDINAL SECTION THRU DIVERSION TUNNEL ANO SPILLWAY C · LJ Q � I 55 I nF"IVFP r:-1Ln. .o.c-o,, ,_..., ,Q?A I• - - · 233 .', .. ·. !It-·· L. J LJ · � In 1928, when des ir,ns for the Owyhee Da.m were under way, the re were 1--e..J few installations of verti cal shaft or glory -hole spillways , and, aside ,--, from studies by Ford Kurtz in connection with the design of the shaft LJ spillway at Davi s Bridge Dam , the re was little information available which wou ld a.ssi st in the design of the Owyhe e Darn spi llwa.y . The ring ·U gate had no precedent whatsoever . Therefore, hydrau lic model studies were made in connection with the design of the glory-hole spillway at L.J Owyhee Dam to check pre ssures, di scharges, and to ascertain, in so far as possible, that no adverse events would occur in the operation of the prototyp e.
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