35<t Saturday, October 6, 1956 I STANFORD - OHIO STATE WILBUR E. NYPP, Editor William A. Woodruff .................... Advertising Manager John F. Hummel... .................. ........... Circulation Mnnnger A NEW ational Advertising Representative Spencer Advertising Co., 271 Madison An., N .Y. 16, .Y . Ohio tate niversity Officials ............................... .-1 tanford niver ity Official ...............................5 Stanford Coaching S taff ........................................... .6 Ohio State Coaching taff a nd Manager .............. 7 POWER Stanford Univer ity Scenes.............. ......................... Story of Stanford Univer ity ..... ...... ......................... 9 Ohio State 1956 Football Squad ........ ... ................... 10 Pioneers of l 890 .................. ......................... ............... 11 Ohio tate' Co-Captains ... ....................... ................ 12 Meet The Stanford Indians ........................................ 14 Scene of 1955 Ohio-Stanford Game ....................... 16 DISCOVERY Stanford Players ..................................... 1 , 30, 3 , 44 Ohio tate Player .................................. 20, 32, 36, 42 Today's Band Program .............................................. 29 Ohio State's Baseball Team a nd Record .......... 34, 35 Ohio State Roster .............. ......................... .......... .40 Stanford Roster................................... ................. .43 New Sinclair Power-X Gasoli ne Stadium Information ........................................ ...... .45 with X-Chemical Increases Power, Cu ts Operating Costs as You Drive • Eliminate po~ er-robbing engine depo i-< • • 90'< more effecti,e than any other ga oline additive in pre, en ting park plug fouling. • ?Ole more effecti, e in topping po1\ er lo from pre-ignition J..nock. ew Super-Premium inclair Po~ cr- G a oline change hard, crusty engine deposit into harm le po~ dery material. After jut three tankful . ~ou can feel the improvement in performance - provided you do not mix it \\ ith ther ga oline. See your inclair Dealer and power up ~ ith ~e~ Po,\ er-X. • • • • • . - New Super- Premium SINCLAIR POWER-X Listen over WTYN every Saturday for a p l oy-by-p loy description of oil the Ohic> Stole games. 3 WTVN Radio - 6 10 on your dial OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY STANFORD UNIVERSITY II II NOVICE G. FAWCETT DR. J. E. WALLACE STERLING President, Ohio State University President, Stanford University W.W. (WOODY) HAYES ALFRED R. MASTERS Head Football Coach Director of Athletics II II RICHARD C. LARKINS DR. RIXFORD K, SNYDER Director of Athletics Faculty Representative 4 5 STANFORD UNIVERSITY COACHING STAFF OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COACHING STAFF Front row, left to right - Dave Weaver, assistant freshman; Harry Strobel, centers and guards; William Hess, tackles; Clive Rush, backs; Gene Fekete, backs. Back row, left to right - Ernie Godfrey, head freshman coach; Top row, left to right: Joe Bottom row, left to right: W. W. (Woody) Hayes, head coach; Esco Sarkkinen, ends; Lyal Clark, defensive line. Ruetz, assistant; Dutch Fehr­ Pete Kmetovic, assistant; ing, assistant; George Lynn, Bob Ghilotti, assistant; Mal assistant. Center, Head OHIO STATE FOOTBALL MANAGERS Elward, assistant. Coach Charles A. Taylor. Left to right - Erwin Thal, Knute Greer, Dale Pflaumer, James Blaschak, Les Einhorn. 6 7 STANFORD UNIV RSITY S TANFORD UNIVERSITY is a privately-endowed, The Memorial Church, rebuilt after the earthquake non-sectarian, coeducational inscirucion located in the of 1906 destroyed it and damaged other university Santa Clara Valley 30 miles south of San Francisco and buildings, stands on the inner quadrangle. ~ts mosaic­ a mile from the city of Palo Alto, Calif. covered walls and stained-glass windows mark it as one of the most beautiful university chapels in the world. The university was founded in 1885 by Senator and Mrs. Leland Stanford as a memorial co their only A university landmark is the 285-fooc tower of the child, Leland Stanford Jr., a promising youth of 16 Hoover Institute and Library on War, Revolution and who had died the year before on a European tour. Peace. The structure houses the world's most complete collection of documents on contemporary wars and revo­ Senator Stanford, former governor of California and lutions. A 35-bell carillon carrying the inscription, "I one of the "Big Four" who built the western link of ring only for peace," is mounted at the top of the the transcontinental railroad in the l 860's, prov id 1d cower. his 8,800-acre Palo Alto stock farm for the university campus. Buildings nearby are Memorial Hall auditorium, built as a memorial co students who died in World Cornerstone of university buildings was laid in 1887 War I; Laurence Frost amphitheater, where commence­ and the school opened in October, 1891. First class ment exercises are held each spring; Stanford stadium, co complete a full four-year course was graduated in seating 90,000; and the High Energy Physics laboratory, 1895, and among its members was Herbert Hoover, housing the world's largest electron linear accelerator, who became 30th president of the United States. :i. type of atom smasher. First Stanford president was Dr. David Starr Jordan, internationally known as a scientist, author and worker Student enrollment is approximately 7,500. Of this for world peace. He served until 1913, when he became total, 5,500 are men and 2,000 women. The teaching and chancellor. Presidents succeeding him have been Dr. administrative staff numbers about 2,000. The univer­ John Casper Branner ( 1913-16), Dr. Ray Lyman sity is organized academically into six professional Wilbur ( 1916-44), Dr. Donald B. Tresidder ( 1944-48) schools - law, medicine, engineering, education, busi­ and Dr. Wallace Sterling (1948-). ness, and mineral sciences - and a liberal arcs pro­ gram of the School of Humanities and Sciences. · University architecrure is patterned after old Spanish missions of California. Buildings have red-tiled roofs and M.edical school facilities are located in San Fran- are connected by arcades. The central group of class- cisco, and marine research of the department of biologi- room buildings forms two quadrangles, one within the cal sciences is carried on at Hopkins Marine Station, ocher. Pacific Grove, Calif. 8 9 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE PIONEERS OF 1890 c -0 ; c .; d 0 ·- 0 0 g E t - 0 ..c 0 .0 u :a .! ~ 0 - GI ~ ~ ,;.. c,: ... -= .. 0) ~ :ii: 0 .:- GI OJ ,;.. c ' z ..:._ GI 0 0 ::ii .. c 0, 0 0 ~ c Cl. "O c "' 0 ~ ' 0 ~ c, .c... -~> c d e GI LJ... c 0 • 0 ·..- .c .0 c,: ..... ... ...e ..GI . "' 0 ... 0 c,: ci ~ 0 0 0 ... .. ~ .§ c .... 0 0) E < .!: ~ E :::::> E GI 0 E E :z: ::, E U O c 0 0 V') "' E .00 ' .i .. c ... GI : ~ g GI a. ... al .: E GI ...J GI O C ...J .....c .c :.: g' .E ·~GI ·;: ~ ; < 0 .c ... cc C • GI c ::, "O l- O Ill u ~ i .: ·E .!! o ii :ii: u 0 ' - "' c O 0 ~ ~ !' LJ... .c -:: .c... e a O LI.I ~ .i e 0 -~ c T HI WA Ohio cace's first recognized tare 20 ro J l. The fall schedule consisted ::, > D I- o, ' E ' ). .c football team - the varsity of 1890, of three games, all won by the opponents. -; :I "' .0 I!) ~ .; .: which play d both spring and fall schedules . Woosr..:r College defeated Ohio Stare 64 < 0 ' ... "' GI I­ .. - GI .C ~ ; ~ :z: .: ro Denison, played ar Granville, won V) Q O; ). -£ s E , Front row seared, H erbert Johnson and 0 .. 14 co O and Kenyon, like Wooster, mer in ~ i .: ·- GI :z: E ~ :: E C. B. Morrey; back row, left co right; R. T. Columbus, defeated Ohio care 18 ro 10. ~ ii 0 i ~ g al Ellis, "Kansas" Miller, Paul Lincoln, Mike 0 :: ~ i ~ .. ~ 0 .c - ._ GI Kennedy, F. W. Rane, H. H. Richardson, Alexander . Lilley and Jack Ryder, the I ] c ~ c ).' 0 ·- 0 .:I. ~ -0 .c ... al Jesse Jones, H. E. Rutan, Ed Marrin, C. W. latter a one-rime Columbus newspaper edi­ .. t ~ { ': 0 0 ... D al .:I.' "' ......0 .c .. Foulk, Dave Haigler and Jack Huggins. ror, served as volunteer coaches. u • 0 0 i i g i:i Jones served as captain m the spnng and Lincoln in the fall. Shown ar rhe left are members of rhe Ohio rare varsity 66 years later, the young The sprmg schedule included only one: men in uniform here coday, a squad some game with Ohio \'lfesleyan, won by Ohio five time a large as that of the pioneers. i I I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111 11 1 1 1 11111 11111111111111111111111111111111 II OHIO STATE'S CO-CAPTAINS. Time out ... Have a Coke "Coke" is o regislered trode-morlc. As Time Passes­ Completed 1922 Stands as Positive Evidence of the Enduring Strength Possible to Attain in Concrete by Using Frank Ellwood, left, senior quarterback from Dover, 0 ., and William MARBLE CLIFF LIMESTONE AND M ARBLE CLIFF LIMESTONE SAND Michael, senior tackle from Hamilton, 0. VHE MARB IE C L IFFS QUARRIE S CO. COLU MBUS , O H I O 12 13 After the Game Meet the Stanford Ind ia ns Visit THE EXP LORERS RESTA URANT UARTERBACK JOHN BRODIE is a cop-flighr on the 1956 tennis team and had a fine record. Al­ Q golfer, who has been as high as No. 1 on the though unseeded, Jack went ro the semi-finals of the Stanford divot squad and not lower than No. 4 for the California stare singles before being eliminated by the Ample Parking Complete Carry-out Service past rwo years. He has played in cwo NCAA rourna­ eventual champion. He was a member of the two-man 1080 Dublin Rd. HU. 8-0652 Columbus ments and will make his second trip of the year to Stanford ream ar the National Collegiates last summer. Columbus when the Redskins meet Ohio Stare this fal l. The 1956 rourney was H alfback Pau I Camera on the Bu ckeye course ... was second in playing rime OFFICIAL WATCH .FOR Pau l Wiggin, All Ameri­ wirh rhe 1955 Ind ia n foot­ can tackle, is a student ball squad, having a total U, S.
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