Meeting Date: 17 June 2020 Agenda Item 9 DATA LABEL: OFFICIAL Development Management List of Delegated Decisions - 6th March 2020 The following decisions will be issued under delegated powers unless any Member requests that an application is reported to the Development Management Committee for determination. Such requests must be made on the attached form, which should be completed and sent for the attention of the Development Management Manager to [email protected] no later than 12 Noon, 7 days from the date of this list. Ref. No.: 1249/H/19 Recommendation: Refuse Permission Proposal: Erection of dormers to side Address: 3 Newpark Mews,Bellsquarry, West Lothian, EH54 9GX, (Grid Ref: 304824,664787) Applicant: Mr David Cowan Type: Local Application Ward: Livingston South Case Officer: Rachael Lyall Summary of Representations N/A Officers report This planning application proposes the erection of a side dormer to the property at 3 Newpark Mews, Bellsquarry. The existing property is a traditional building which has been designed for individuality within the Bellsquarry area. The proposed works consist of a typical dormer extension on the east facing elevation which is to consist of a gabled pitch roof construction. The proposed dormers roof, cheeks and front elevation are all to be finished with a natural slate to match that of the existing roof. This proposed dormer does not relate to the character of the existing building or the existing dormer with regard to the design and will result in a detrimental impact on the charcater and appearance of the property. Any works which proposes the installation of windows within this property should consider the style, material and proportion of the existing property and windows in order to allow for an integral design. This application is therefore contrary to policy DES1 (Design Principles) of West Lothian Councils adopted Local Development Plan and West Lothian Council's House Extension and Alteration Guidelines, 2015. Therefore it is recommended that the application is refused. Page 1 of 7 Meeting Date: 17 June 2020 Ref. No.: 1264/H/19 Recommendation: Refuse Permission Agenda Item 9 Proposal: House extension and temporary container location Address: Easdale,Bathgate, West Lothian, EH47 7BW, (Grid Ref: 300727,667456) Applicant: Mr Morgan Brown Type: Local Application Ward: Whitburn & Blackburn Case Officer: Rachael Lyall Summary of Representations One Objection - - Existing outbuildings/development on site, - Location of temporary container, - Traffic safety and visual obstruction, - Increased traffic, - Safety and privacy issues, - Size of proposed extension and workshop, - Use/purpose of proposed development. Officers report This application proposes the erection of a workshop, the temporary siting of a container and an extension to the property located at Easdale, Bathgate. The proposed extensions are to be erected on each side of the existing house and will project forward of the main building line. West Lothian Council's House Extension and Alteration Design Guidelines state that ''side extensions should not generally project in front of the principal elevation of the existing building''. This will result in the proposed works appearing prominent within the street and will significantly impact the visual amenity of the area. Revised plan were submitted which demonstrated a change in length to the front driveway in order to allow for a larger driveway, which resulted in the extension being slightly decreased in size. Although, the proposed works are still out of scale in comparison to the existing house. The internal floor area of the existing property currently measures 164m2. The gross internal area of the property once development has been completed will be 386.4m2, resulting in the property almost doubling in size. These proposed works are of a domineering size which will result in overdevelopment of the plot. The proposed workshop is to be located to the rear (south) of the property and is to measure 12m x 10m and will measure 4.650m in overall height to the proposed ridgeline with a gross internal area of 120m2, again reducing the amount of usable garden ground left within the plot. Additionally, the existing house is to be down taken and re-built during certain phases of the works, which will result in an extension which shows no consideration to the existing property and will not allow for the proposed extension to appear subsidairy. Page 3 of 7 Meeting Date: 17 June 2020 Agenda Item 9 Therefore, this application is contrary to policy DES1 (Design Principles) of West Lothian Councils adopted Local Development Plan and West Lothian Council's House Extension and Alteration Guidelines, 2015. It is recommended that the application is refused. Page 4 of 7 Meeting Date: 17 June 2020 Ref. No.: 0067/FUL/20 Recommendation: Grant Planning PermissionAgenda Item 9 Proposal: Erection of six mosaic display panels, an interpretive board, landscaping and associated works Address: The Vennel,Opposite 129 High Street, Linlithgow, EH49 7AJ, (Grid Ref: 300487,677133) Applicant: Mr Ronald P. A Smith Type: Local Application Linlithgow Burgh Trust Ward: Linlithgow Case Officer: Steven McLaren Summary of Representations Two representations have been made. One raises concern over the tree previously on the site not being replaced; an inappropriate place given the Vennel may be re-developed and a better permanent location should be found; over ornate and an expensive design solution for a poor quality area; potential for vandalism. The second representation raised points which are not of a material planning consideration. Officers report The proposal is for the installation of 6 No. 1m by 80cm mosaic panels and a similarly sized interpretive board on an area of public open space at The Vennel, to the north side of the High Street. The site contained a single tree which has previously been removed and is now vacant open space. The 6 display panels will be designed by each of the town's primary schools with a theme of climate change, and arranged in a semi-circle facing east. While the rear of the panels will be blank, this gives the opportunity for further future art work to be displayed. The area behind the panels and adjacent to the existing perimeter wall will be landscaped with a floral border. The panels will be designed to allow relocation should plans for the re-development of The Vennel commence. The use of this location off High Street for the siting of the proposed mosaic panels is appropriate and will add an element of interest to this currently under utilised space. The proposed planting behind the display will also improve the visual amenity of the area. Recommendation is therefore to grant planning permission. Page 5 of 7 Meeting Date: 17 June 2020 Ref. No.: 0105/P/20 Recommendation: Refuse Planning PermissionAgenda in Principle Item 9 Proposal: Planning permission in principle for the erection of a house Address: 88 Pumpherston Road,Uphall Station, West Lothian, EH54 5PJ, (Grid Ref: 306315,669978) Applicant: Mr Heatlie Type: Local Application Ward: East Livingston & East Calder Case Officer: Matthew Watson Summary of Representations One objection: - Impact on privacy; - Loss of sunlight; - Traffic impact. Officers report The application seeks planning permission in principle for the erection of a house in the rear garden of 88 Pumpherston Road. It is proposed to use the existing driveway as a shared driveway for access to the proposed house. The spatial pattern of development in the area is one of a linear pattern of development along Pumpherston Road with properties set at 90 degrees to the road. Most properties are single storey houses with a road frontage, often with loft conversions, which have long gardens. The proposal is for a tandem development - one house behind another with a shared driveway and no road frontage. There has been a tandem development built at 90 and 90A Pumpherston Road immediately adjacent the application site. This is an anomaly to the prevailing spatial pattern of development. In this case, backland development is not a spatial characteristic of the surrounding area and the proposed house would not integrate with the local context and built form. The proposal is contrary to Policies HOU 3 (a) and DES 1. The applicant's supporting statement makes reference to previous decisions for the granting of planning permission for what is now 90A Pumpherston Road (application reference: 0128/FUL/00) and at 145 Pumpherston Road (application reference: 0186/FUL/07). These decisions were made under previous policies and do not reflect and are not representative current planning practice. Another decision in Blackridge (application reference: 0218/P/18) is also referenced. This example is in a different part of West Lothian and is not strictly tandem development due to fronting a path. It should noted that precedent is not a material planning consideration. These decisions hold no weight in the determination of this application. In summary, the application will result in an unacceptable break from the spatial pattern of development in the area. It is therefore recommended that planning permission in principle is refused. Page 6 of 7 Meeting Date: 17 June 2020 Agenda Item 9 DATA LABEL: OFFICIAL Development Management List of Delegated Decisions - 13th March 2020 The following decisions will be issued under delegated powers unless any Member requests that an application is reported to the Development Management Committee for determination. Such requests must be made on the attached form, which should be completed and sent for the attention of the Development Management Manager to [email protected] no later than 12 Noon, 7 days from the date of this list. Ref. No.: LIVE/0049/FUL/16 Recommendation: Refuse Permission Proposal: Erection of 87 flats and houses (as amended from 99) with associated roads and landscaping (grid ref. 302490 666992) Address: Kirkton North, Livingston,, , , (Grid Ref: ,) Applicant: Type: Major Application BDW Trading Ltd Ward: Livingston North Case Officer: Wendy McCorriston Summary of Representations N/A Officers report A "Minded to Grant" decision in respect of this application was issued by the council on 2 October 2017.
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