® CC/NUMBER 12 This Week’s Citation Classic MARCH 20, Binder K, ed. Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics. Berlin, FRG: Springer-Verlag, 1979. 376 p. (Chapters by Binder K, Ceperley D M, Landau D P, Levesque D, and Muller-Krumbhaar H, as first authors.) [Institut für Festkdrperforscttung der Kernforschungsanlage Jiilich GmbH, Federal Republic of Germanyl This book deals with the computer simulation ofther- of master equations, which formthe basis for studies modynamic properties 05 many-body systems. Both of critical dynamics, of diffusion and unmixing phe- the theoretical background and practical realization nomena, and so on. With 0. Stauffer I started to of simulations using random numbers are described, explore “clusters” in the Ising model in an attempt and the rich information gained on static and dynamic to elucidate nucleation theory, while since 1975 I phenomena in various systems is reviewed. [The SC/a have interacted with 0.1’. Landau on the Monte indicates that this book has been cited in over 670 Carlo simulation of mutticritical phenomena and of publications.l adsorbed surface layers. All these very successful studies showed clearly that the Monte Carlo method is a powerful tool for all kinds of interacting many- body systems, and thus this work found more and more attention. Computer Simulation— After I had presented several aspects of this work A Third Branch of Physics in invited talks at various conferences, ft Lotsch from Springer-Verlag asked me in 1977 whether Kurt Binder there was a need for a book describing these meth- Institute of Physics ods. 4Since I had already written an extensive re- University of Mainz view, I knew that the applications of Monte Carlo D-6500 Mainz methods in statistical physics were too diverse to be Federal Republic of Germany discussed by a single person. Thus, I decided the only solution was to edit a book collecting the most per- December 20, 1988 tinent contributionsof leading experts. While I wrote the introductory chapter and also reviewed Monte My interest in the Monte Carlo method dates back Carlo studies of relaxation phenomena (with M.H. to 1967, when I started my doctoral thesis at the Kalos) and of disordered systems(with Stauffer), Lan- Technical University of Vienna with C. Ortner and dau reviewed both Monte Carlo studies in surface H. Rauch; the latter carried out neutron depolariza- physics and phase diagram calculations of mixtures tion studies offerromagnets, and my task was to pro- and magnetic systems. Müller.Krumbhaar reviewed vide a more detailed theoretical understanding of simulations of “small systems” and ofcrystal growth; spin correlations near criticality. D.M. Ceperley and Kalo~dealt with quantum many- At this time critical phenomena still were quite body problems; and, last but not least, simulation of mysterious, although famous ideas like “scaling classical fluids was described by 0. Levesque, J.-J. laws” emerged. When I learned in a seminar in Weis, and 1.-P. Hansen. In fact, only due to the fruit. P. Weinzieal’s group thata standard tool for studying ful collaboration with all these colleagues was this pair correlations in fluids was the Monte Carlo meth2 - book possible! od, originally invented by N. Metropolis ef a!. to It is now clear that this book did fill an urgent compute the equation of the state of hard disks, I need. AsC. de Dominicis onceput it,. “The 60’s were asked myself: Why not try this method for critical the years of Green’s functions, the 70’s were thelime spin correlations? Doing this Ior both Ising and llei- of the renormalization group, but the80’s isthe age senberg ferromagnets, I ran into a lot of interesting of Monte Carlo.” Notonly are we understanding this problems: in a finite lattice there is no broken sym- method better, developing further theoretical and metry in a Strict sense, sharp phase transitionsdo not practical insight, but the method becomes more occur but ratherare rounded and shifted, and so on. powerful due to the availability of faster computers. Theoretical ideas3 about these facts were then only In fact, even the constniction ofspecial-purpose5 pro- just emerging. However, I found these problems cessors dedicated to Monte Carlo simulation is in rather fascinating and studied critical phenomena by progress. Meanwhile, both the present book and a Monte Carlo methods in aseries of papers from 1968 companion volume’ intending7 to update it have to 1974, showing that the finite size effects could seen a second edition, and in the last two years in fact behandled and that one could even use them various other bookson Monte Carlo methods have as a tool to 3extract critical exponents by invoking appeared. Truly, computer simulation is a third ME. Fisher’s finite size scaling theory. branch ofphysics, intermediate between the tradi- With H. Müllee-Krumbhaar ~discussedthe dynam- tional branches—experimental and theoretical phys- ic interpretation of Monte Carlo methods in terms ics—and complementing them! I. Kadanoff L P, GStse W, Hambeu 0, Herbs R, L~wlsK A 5, Paldsuakas V V, Rayl M, Swift 1. Aspoes 1) E & Kane J. Slant phenomena nesr critical points: theory and experiment. Rev. Mod. Phys. 39:395-431, 1967. (Cited 955 times.) 2. Mstropolis N, Rosenbluth A W, Rosenhlutb M N, Teller A if & Teller E. Equation of state calculations by fast nomputing machines. I. Chem. Ptiyt. 2t:t087-92, 1953. (Cited 1.605 times.) 3. Slslwr M E. The theory of critical point singularities. (Green M S. ed.) Criticalphenomena. New York: Acadetnic Press. 1971. p. 1-99. (Cited 210 times.) 4. BInder K. Monte Carlo investigations of phase transitions and critical phenomena. (00mb C & Green M S. eds.) Phase transitions and Critical phenomena. New York: Academic Press. 1976. Vol. Sb. p. 1-105. (Cited 90 times.) 5. Herrmann H J. Special purpose computers in statistical physics. Physics 140:421-i, 1986. 6. BInder K, ad. Applications of the Monte Carlo method in statistical physics. Berlin. PRO: Springer-Verlag. (1984) 1987. 341 p. 7. Moore Carlo methods in statistical physics. Berlin. PRO: Springer-Verlag, 1986. 411 p. (Cited 25 times.) 14 ©1989 by ISI® CURRENT CONTENTS®.
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