Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 69, No. 22, pp. 5279–5294, 2005 Copyright © 2005 Elsevier Ltd Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 0016-7037/05 $30.00 ϩ .00 doi:10.1016/j.gca.2005.07.001 Chemical weathering in the Upper Huang He (Yellow River) draining the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 1 1,2, 3 3 1 LINGLING WU, YOUNGSOOK HUH, *JIANHUA QIN, GU DU, and SUZAN VAN DER LEE 1Department of Geological Sciences, Northwestern University, 1850 Campus Drive, Evanston, Illinois 60208-2150 USA 2School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, San 56-1, Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea 3Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chengdu, Sichuan 610082 P.R.C. (Received December 17, 2004; accepted in revised form July 5, 2005) Abstract—We examined the fluvial geochemistry of the Huang He (Yellow River) in its headwaters to determine natural chemical weathering rates on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where anthropogenic impact is considered small. Qualitative treatment of the major element composition demonstrates the dominance of carbonate and evaporite dissolution. Most samples are supersaturated with respect to calcite, 87 86 dolomite, and atmospheric CO2 with moderate (0.710–0.715) Sr/ Sr ratios, while six out of 21 total samples have especially high concentrations of Na, Ca, Mg, Cl, and SO4 from weathering of evaporites. We used inversion model calculations to apportion the total dissolved cations to rain-, evaporite-, carbonate-, and silicate-origin. The samples are either carbonate- or evaporite-dominated, but the relative contributions of the ϫ 3 four sources vary widely among samples. Net CO2 consumption rates by silicate weathering (6–120 10 mol/km2/yr) are low and have a relative uncertainty of ϳ40%. We extended the inversion model calculation to literature data for rivers draining orogenic zones worldwide. The Ganges-Brahmaputra draining the ϫ 3 2 Himalayan front has higher CO2 consumption rates (110–570 10 mol/km /yr) and more radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (0.715–1.24) than the Upper Huang He, but the rivers at higher latitudes are similar to or lower than the Upper Huang He in CO2 uptake by silicate weathering. In these orogenic zones, silicate weathering rates are only weakly coupled with temperature and become independent of runoff above ϳ800 mm/yr. Copyright © 2005 Elsevier Ltd 1. INTRODUCTION reaches, where 15 high-population centers exist (Ministry of Public Security, 1993). The total sulfur deposition fluxes from According to the uplift-weathering hypothesis of Raymo and combustion sources are also low (Ͻ50 mol/ha/yr) compared to Ruddiman (1992), the Cenozoic cooling of climate was caused eastern and southern China (250–2500 mol/ha/yr) (Larssen and by enhanced chemical weathering and consumption of atmo- Carmichael, 2000). This is because major centers of sulfur spheric CO in the mountainous regions of the world. The most 2 emission are Chongqing and Guiyang in the lowlands of south- prominent uplift in the last 40 to 50 Ma was in the Himalayas ern China, and not only do the concentrations of SO and SO2- and the Tibetan Plateau (HTP) from collision of the Indian and 2 4 in the aerosols decrease significantly with elevation, but the Asian continents, and this area is still experiencing tectonism. center for sulfur deposition shifts to the east above 4 km due to Several large rivers—the Huang He (Yellow), Chang Jiang the westerlies (Jiang et al., 1997). We thus presume acid rain to (Yangtze), Lancang Jiang (Mekong), Nu Jiang (Salween), be inconsequential in the Upper Huang He. There are three Brahmaputra, Ganges, and Indus—arise from this “roof of the world” and present integrated information on chemical weath- dams (Longyang Xia, Liujia Xia, and Lijia Xia) above Lan- ering at drainage basin scales. The Huang He, in its upper zhou, and nine more downstream (Fig. 1b). The area irrigated reaches, drains the northeastern portion of the Qinghai-Tibet for agriculture (wheat, maize, soybean) (Chen et al., 2003) Plateau (QTP), and the semiarid climate and lithology charac- accounts for less than 0.3% of the upper drainage basin com- ϳ terized by red beds, loess, and evaporite deposits differentiate pared to 15% for the lower reaches (Yang et al., 2004). this region from the Himalayan front that the Ganges-Brahma- Hence, the saline irrigation return water will likewise be putra system drains (Fig. 1a). smaller in the Upper Huang He (Chen et al., 2003). There are Previous studies of the fluvial geochemistry of the Huang He two aluminum mines and one silver/gold mine in the Huang were conducted on the lower reaches suffering from severe Shui drainage area; iron, zinc, copper, oil, and coal are more anthropogenic impact (Carbon Cycle Research Unit, 1982; Hu significant in the lower reaches (Hearn et al., 2001). et al., 1982; Gan et al., 1983; Zhang et al., 1990; Zhang et al., Our objective is to determine natural chemical fluxes above 1995). Our study focuses on the Upper Huang He above the major point sources of anthropogenic contaminants and to city of Lanzhou (Fig. 1b). The region is sparsely populated, and examine chemical weathering rates in the periphery of the most cities with population above 1 million are limited to Lanzhou prominent plateau under semiarid climate. We first present and Xining. Correspondingly, we expect the effect of city qualitative and quantitative estimates of the contribution of sewage and industrial waste to be smaller than in the lower carbonate, evaporite, and silicate lithologies to the major ele- ment and strontium isotopic composition of the river-dissolved load. We then calculate the net CO2 drawdown by silicate * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed (yhuh@ weathering. Comparisons are made to the Indus, Ganges, and snu.ac.kr). Brahmaputra rivers draining the HTP (Pande et al., 1994; Galy 5279 5280 L. Wu, Y. Huh, J. Qin, G. Du, and S. van der Lee 96°E 100°E 104°E QQi a) illiiaa Inner Mongolia Plateau nn M Moo uun ntta aiinn QQ iilli iaann 38°N FFoo 38°N lldd Da BBee to lltt ng R iv er Qaaiidd aam B Baassiinn Qinghai Lake C Huan C g Shu CJ243 CJ113 CJ112 i CJ244CRC Lanzhou CJ245 CJ111 C 36°N R 36°N CJ240CC C CJ246 CJ241 CJ242 Loess Plateau C W T C ee CJ115 sstt a YY CJ114 Q o uueegg A iinn C C uuzzo A''nn lliinn H onn yym gg CJ110 CJ247 ggl m e liiee B aaqq FFoo Baass ee lldd B iinn nn BB B C MM H ee aa oo u lltt C yy CJ116 uu a C a nn n CJ142 a tt g CJ109 nn aa C C kk iinn H aa e CJ108 CJ141 llaa BB 34°N MM aa oo yyaa Mo C 34°N uunnt nn h taaiinn HH u aarr FFoo C lldd CJ107 Elevation BB CJ106 C eelltt K a Meters C Qinghai-Tibet Plateau h 4000 - 5000 u 3000 - 4000 2000 - 3000 < 2000 32°N 32°N 96°E 100°E 104°E 96°E 100°E 104°E b) 0 38°N 38°N 200 Da ton 100 300 g R iv er H ua ng Sh Qinghai Lake ui C CJ113RC RXining Min He R CJ243 Huang Yuan 0 Golmud CJ244CRCCJ112 Longyang Xia CJ245 CJ246 36°N C CJ240CC R Yong Jing R CJ111R 36°N C R R CJ241 CJ242 Lijia Xia Lanzhou C Liujia Xia CJ115 C CJ114 Lin Tao C CR CJ110 CJ247 T H a R o CRMa Doi ua He Zuo ng H CJ142 CR CJ116 C e CJ109 Wu Shan H C e CJ141 CR CJ108 0 0 5 Min Xian 34°N 100 34°N 500 M o C CJ107C h 400 u CJ106 C K a 300 500 400 C h u 200 600 7 200 00 300 800 32°N 900 32°N 600 400 1200 96°E 100°E 104°E Fig. 1. (a) Elevation map of northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with sample locations, mountains, and major fold belts. The approximate boundary of the Loess Plateau is indicated with a dashed line (Sun et al., 2003). CJ100 and CJ200 series represent sample numbers for expeditions in 1999 and 2000, respectively. (b) Sample location map with runoff contours (in mm/yr) based on interpolated runoff from gauging station data (Fekete et al., 2002). The grey area is the Upper Huang He drainage basin above Lanzhou. Samples CJ240–242 lie outside it and are internally drained. Major cities and reservoirs are also shown. and France-Lanord, 1999; Galy et al., 1999; Krishnaswami et Yukon, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, and Kolyma, which drain major al., 1999; Karim and Veizer, 2000; Dalai et al., 2002; Dalai et orogenic zones like the Andes, Rockies, and the Verkhoyansk al., 2003) and to the Amazon, Orinoco, Mackenzie, Fraser, and Cherskiy mountains (Stallard and Edmond, 1983; Cameron Chemical weathering in the Upper Huang He 5281 and Qilian. The source waters of the Huang He (sample num- ber: CJ116) drain the western Bayan Har Fold Belt, of Indosin- ian (late Triassic) age, composed of sandstone, dolomitic lime- stone, and minor volcanic rocks (Yang et al., 1986)(Fig. 1a). Thin-bedded halite deposits are also found in the area (Zheng, 1997). Two tributaries, Ka Chu (CJ106) and Mo Chu (CJ107), drain the eastern Bayan Har Fold Belt, made up of Quaternary fluvial sandy slate, limestone, and granite (Zheng, 1997). The Tao He tributary drains the West Qinling Fold Belt of Indosin- ian age with sandstone, slate, limestone, and locally Tertiary evaporite-bearing red beds, Quaternary gypsiferous lacustrine deposits, and granite (Yang et al., 1986; Zheng, 1997).
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