Notes on Grasses (Poaceae) for the Flora of China, I: Deyeuxia Sylvia M. Phillips Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey TW9 3AB, United Kingdom. [email protected] Wen-Li Chen Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100093, China. [email protected] ABSTRACT. Two problematical species from the three segregate genera, but not a halfway position Himalaya that lie on the boundary between Agrostis of two genera. We prefer to recognize three genera and Deyeuxia are discussed. One is transferred to De- to avoid an unwieldy conglomerate, while acknowl- yeuxia as Deyeuxia petelotii with the new synonym D. edging that some species will cause problems. This continentalis. The name Deyeuxia abnormis J. D. also follows the treatment of the complex for China Hooker is retained for the second species, which is by Lu (1987), and avoids the need for many new con®rmed as distinct from D. zenkeri. Two other spe- combinations in Calamagrostis. Following this con- cies are transferred to Deyeuxia from Calamagrostis: cept, most species of Calamagrostis sensu lato are Deyeuxia sichuanensis and Deyeuxia korotkyi. referable to Deyeuxia. The genus Calamagrostis Key words: Aniselytron, Calamagrostis, China, sensu stricto is con®ned to relatively few north tem- Deyeuxia, Himalaya, Poaceae. perate species. The majority of species in the complex can be The genera Agrostis L., Calamagrostis Adanson, placed in one of the three genera without dif®culty, and Deyeuxia Clarion ex P. Beauvois form an in- according to the following key: tergrading complex of three incompletely separated 1a. Glumes clearly shorter than ¯oret. entities. Treatments of this complex vary consider- 2a. Lower glume up to 1/2 ¯oret length, usually ably, even in recent works, so it has been necessary much shorter or vestigial; rachilla extension to carefully consider the options for the treatment minute, glabrous ............. Aniselytron for the Flora of China. 2b. Lower glume 1/2 ¯oret length or more; rach- illa extension distinct, penicillate ... Deyeuxia Agrostis has always been maintained separately, 1b. Glumes equaling or longer than ¯oret. while Calamagrostis and Deyeuxia are either main- 3a. Spikelets usually less than 5 mm; callus gla- tained separately or Deyeuxia is sunk into Cala- brous or shortly hairy; lemma hyaline; rach- magrostis. Calamagrostis and Deyeuxia are kept illa extension often absent ........ Agrostis separate by S. L. Lu (1987) in Flora Reipublicae 3b. Spikelets often more than 5 mm; callus bearded, hairs 1/3 as long as to longer than Popularis Sinicae, but united by Koyama (1987) in ¯oret (if shorter, penicillate rachilla exten- his treatment of the Japanese ¯ora. They are united sion present); lemma membranous to ®rm; by Tzvelev (1976) for the former Soviet Union, but rachilla extension present or absent. kept separate by Bor (1960) for the Indian subcon- 4a. Lemma at least 3/4 as long as glumes, usually ®rm; callus hairs almost as long tinent and Veldkamp (1996) for Malesia. Simon as to clearly shorter than ¯oret; rachilla (1993) kept them separate in Australia and also extension present, penicillate .. Deyeuxia Rugolo de Agrasar (1978) in South America. There 4b. Lemma 1/2±2/3 as long as glumes, is no consistency within Chinese provincial Floras. membranous; callus hairs often much For example, Deyeuxia was maintained in Flora exceeding ¯oret; rachilla extension ab- sent, or if present glabrous or shortly Qinghaiica by Lu (1999), but sunk in Flora Si- hairy ............... Calamagrostis chuanica by J. L. Yang (1988). Although Agrostis has always been maintained There are a number of troublesome intermedi- separately, the boundaries between Agrostis and ates, and it must be stressed that no character com- both Calamagrostis and Deyeuxia are just as ill- binations provide a de®nitive way for assigning all de®ned as that between Calamagrostis and De- the species in this group. Two such problematical yeuxia. It therefore seems logical to us that either species, Deyeuxia petelotii (Hitchcock) S. M. Phil- one large genus with sections is recognized, or else lips & W. L. Chen and D. abnormis J. D. Hooker, NOVON 13: 318±321. 2003. Volume 13, Number 3 Phillips & Chen 319 2003 Deyeuxia (Poaceae) which we have had to consider for the Flora of extension. The description of the rachilla as naked China account, are discussed below. They lie on in Hitchcock's (1934) protologue is a mistake. The the boundary between Agrostis and Deyeuxia, with tip is bare, but there are long hairs on its lower an open panicle of small spikelets as in Agrostis, half. Liou made the transfer based on Agrostis con- but a bearded callus and penicillate rachilla exten- tinentalis Handel-Mazzetti, a name that has hitherto sion as in Deyeuxia. Two other species are trans- been missed by authors outside China. However, ferred here from Calamagrostis to Deyeuxia. this is predated by Aulacolepis petelotii Hitchcock A few intermediate and outlying species from from Vietnam. this complex have been described in two other gen- In Deyeuxia petelotii the lemma usually slightly ex- era, Aniselytron Merrill and Aulacolepis Hackel. ceeds the glumes, or at least the lower glume, as de- The small Asian genus Aniselytron was revised by picted in the ®gure accompanying the protologue of Korthof and Veldkamp (1984 [1985]), and is dis- Anisachne gracilis Keng (1958: 118). A paratype cussed below under D. petelotii. Aulacolepis Hackel specimen, Liu Tchen-ngo 21012 (PE), has been seen. (1907) is illegitimate, as it is a later homonym of Keng (1958) described his new genus Anisachne on Aulacolepis Ettingshausen (1893). Under our ge- the basis of the glumes being a little shorter than the neric concept, its species are divided between An- lemma. He acknowledged that otherwise he would re- iselytron and Deyeuxia. fer it to Deyeuxia. Although the glumes are usually longer than the lemma in Deyeuxia, shorter glumes Deyeuxia petelotii (Hitchcock) S. M. Phillips & are also seen in a few species from Australia and New W. L. Chen, comb. nov. Basionym: Aulacolepis Guinea. Vickery (1940) and Simon (1993) both placed petelotii Hitchcock, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 24: these short-glumed Australian species in Deyeuxia. A 291. 1934, gen. illegit. Aniselytron petelotii further complication is that spikelets affected by nem- (Hitchcock) SojaÂk, Cas. Nar. Muz. Praze, Rada atode infection may have abnormally elongated lem- Prir. 148: 202. 1979 [1980]. Neoaulacolepis mas, as noted by Noltie (2000: 600) and seen by the petelotii (Hitchcock) Rauschert, Taxon 31: second author in D. holciformis (Jaubert & Spach) Bor 561. 1982. Agrostis petelotii (Hitchcock) Nol- and D. scabrescens Grisebach in southwestern China. tie, Edinburgh J. Bot. 56: 386. 1999. Cala- These slightly short-glumed species of Deyeuxia magrostis petelotii (Hitchcock) Govaerts, World should not be equated with the situation in the Checkl. Seed Pl. 3: 11. 1999. TYPE: Vietnam. small genus Aniselytron, where the glumes are both Tonkin: near Chapu, ca. 1900 m, Aug. 1933, very much shorter than the ¯oret, with the lower A. PeÂtelot 4743 (holotype, US; isotype, P). glume sometimes vestigial. Aniselytron is further distinguished by its short glabrous rachilla exten- Agrostis continentalis Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sin. 7: sion. We agree with the concept of Aniselytron as 1297, t. 40 f. 2. 1936. Syn. nov. Deyeuxia continen- set out by Korthof and Veldkamp (1984 [1985]), talis (Handel-Mazzetti) L. Liou, Vasc. Pl. Hengduan Mountains 2: 2240. 1994. TYPE: China. Yunnan: comprising two species, A. treutleri (O. Kuntze) So- between Yuanmou and Hailo, 1050±1350 m, 10 Oct. jaÁk and A. agrostoides Merrill, both of which occur 1914, H. Handel-Mazzetti 5018 (holotype, W). in China. Aniselytron is placed in synonymy under Anisachne gracilis Keng, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 48: 117. Calamagrostis by Clayton and Renvoize (1986: 1958. Aniselytron gracilis (Keng) N. X. Zhao, J. Trop. 135), and this treatment is followed by Noltie & Subtrop. Bot. 3(2): 50. 1995. TYPE: China. Guizhou: Pichieh, 1400 m, 1 June 1943, Hou Hsueh- (2000: 617), although in a note he implicitly agreed yuh 2143 (holotype, N not seen). with Korthof and Veldkamp that Aniselytron merits Anisachne gracilis var. multinodis Y. Y. Qian, Bull. Bot. Res., separate generic status. Harbin 18: 398. 1998. TYPE: China. Yunnan: Lan- It has not been possible to see the type of Ani- cang, 1900 m, 24 Nov. 1993, Qian Yi-yong 3154 (ho- lotype, HITBC; isotypes, NEFU, SMAO none seen). sachne gracilis var. multinodis Y. Y. Qian. The ®g- ure in the protologue shows the ¯oret longer than Distribution. Northeastern India, Bhutan, Chi- the glumes, as in D. petelotii, but the habit is more na (Guizhou, Yunnan), North Vietnam. typical of D. abnormis. Deyeuxia petelotii appears to be widespread from northeastern India through southern China to north- Deyeuxia abnormis J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India ern Vietnam, at elevations of 1000±3400 m. It has 7: 268. 1897 [1896]. Calamagrostis abnormis been described as new several times within this (J. D. Hooker) U. Shukla, Grasses N.-East. In- area, and its anomalous generic position can be dia: 45. 1996. TYPE: India. Khasia, Nonkreem, seen from the synonymy above. We agree with L. Oct. 1850, J. D. Hooker & T. Thomson s.n. (lec- Liou (1994) that it is best placed in Deyeuxia be- totype, designated by Noltie (1999: 386, Agros- cause of its bearded callus and penicillate rachilla tis 12, right-hand specimen ``B''), K). 320 Novon Agrostis nagensis Bor, Kew Bull. 9: 497. 1954. Deyeuxia Bor (1954, 1960) thought the type specimen of nagensis (Bor) Veldkamp, J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 13: 74. Agrostis zenkeri represented the same species as 1989. TYPE: NE India. Nagaland, Japvo, 28 Sep. 1935, N. L. Bor 6449 (holotype, K). specimens from northeastern India described as Deyeuxia abnormis by Hooker. This view has been Distribution. Northeastern India, Bhutan, Chi- generally followed and was accepted by Noltie na (Yunnan).
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