RI Jew ish Hist . societ, l30 session s S t . P rovidence , RI 0 2906 ' VOLUME Vt NUMBER 8 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1981 30¢ PER COPY Bruce Sundlun Heads NCCJ Increased Number Of Exit Visas Awards Dinner Issued To Soviet Jews, Refuseniks MOSCOW - The Sovie t Union has pie, and possibly as many ~s 50,000, who No One Knows Why abruptly and without explanation resumed have been refu sed visas. Exact fi gures are im­ There is speculation about the motives issuing visas to large numbers of Jews who possible to ascertain because many who are behind the apparent shift in policy, but no have long soug ht to emigrate. turned down keep the fact secret, fearing read y explanation. The number of Jews emigrating by way of they may lost their jobs. One Western diplomat said it might have Vi enna, the principal exit route, fe ll off shar­ When the fl ow of visas was cut to a trickle something to do with the forthcomin~ con­ ply in the middle of last year after reaching a las t summer, Western diplomats and Jews ac­ gress of the Communist Party, scheduled for peak of 51 ,000 in 1979. The total for 1980 was tive in the emigration movement at first later this month. Soviet officials may want to 2 1,471 , according to figures issued by the thought the cutback had resulted from the demonstrate humaneness. National Conference on Soviet Jewry. Only fa ct that officials were busy processing visas 889 Jews arrived in Vienna in December and fo r visitors to the Moscow O lympics. But the But Jewish activists did not see a connec­ about 850 last month. curtailment continued aft er the Olympics tion between the cong ress and the changed In the second week of January, however, had ended. visa policy. Some suggested it may represent according to Jewish sources in Moscow, the Toward the end of last year, it was beli eved a hin t to the U.S. of a willingness to negotiate offi cial attitude suddenl y became more that the cutback was a reprisal against the on major issues. lenient. One source estimated that visas were U.S. for cutting trade with the Soviet Union One activist said Jews have learned to ex­ currently being processed at the rate of 1,500 aftN thP intnvf'ntion in Afghanistan. pect inexplicable changes in policy. BRUCE SUNDLUN to 2,000 a month in Moscow alone, with othe rs being granted in Odessa, Ki ev, Bruce G. Sundlun, president and chief ex­ Kharkov, Vi lnius and other cities. ecutive officer of the Outlet Company, has A Jewish scientist who has been wai ting been named chairman of the 29th Annual almost a decade for his visa, and has still Brotherhood Award Dinner by Edward E. heard nothing, said he estimated the ra te was Mull igan, chairman of the board of the hack at about 36,000 a year. He cautioned National Conference of Christians and Jews. that it was unknown how long the change The award dinner will be held May 14 at would last. the Chateau de Vi ll e in Warwick. Another source re ported that on one day Sundlun served as vice president and last week the Interior Ministry iss ued 170 general counsel of the Outlet Co. from l 960 visas, staying open until 10 p.m. to complete to I 976, when he assumed his present posi­ the work. tion. He also served as an in corpora tor of the Received Permission Communications Satelli te Corpora tion, to Among those who have been granted per­ which he was appointed by President John F. mission to leave have been a number of peo­ Kennedy. ple who have been repeatedly refused per­ A native of Rhode Island, Sundlun is direc­ mission in the past. Jewish acti vists listed Lev 't.;,: tor of the Greater Providence Chamber of Roitburd, an Odessa engineer; Emanuel L. Commerce, vice chairman of the R. I. Urban Likhterov, a Moscow journalist; Yevgeny Project, and president of the Ocean State Zhitinsky, a Moscow dentist, and Kh anna A. Performing Arts Center. He serves as direc­ Yelinson, a Moscow engineer, among those tor to Trinity Square Repertory Theatre, leaving. Capital Center Commission and R. I. Some of those who have been issued visas Legislative Pay Commission. In 1980 he was have been waiting for almost a decade. It is estimated that there are at least 10,000 pea- honored at the Israeli Bond Dinner. The Rhode Island-Southern Massachusetts Region Women's American ORT, in celebration of 100 years of vocational and technical education, has ·donated a $500 collection of vocational-technical libra ry books to Toll Gate High School in honor and European Initiative And Camp recognition of the "ORT Outstanding Educator of the Year Award" given to Robert J. Shapiro, principal of Toll Gate High School. The collection is now complete (F-eb. 1981) and being used in the Technical Program. David Accords Are Compatible Mrs. Dorothy Stevens, Toll Gate librarian (left); Mrs. Carolyn Salk, chairperson "ORT" 100 year Honors Committee; Mrs. Marsha Feital, ORT president 1981; and Dr. Jeanne PAR IS (}TA) - Egyptian President coldness, _th e two men rode together th rough Patric, Toll Gate librarian (right). Anwar Sadat sa id he "welcomes" a European the streets of Paris to the Palais Marigny, a initiative but remai ns firml y committed to former Rothschild home now used as an of­ the Camp David agreements which are the ficial residence fo r vi siting chiefs of state. basis fo r Middle East peace. The Egyptia n ·Relations between Giscard and Sadat, ==inside: leader made that position clear to the Euro­ once diplomatic allies and personal friends, pean leaders in Luxembourg and to Presi­ cooled after France refu sed to support dent Va lery Giscard d' Estaing. Sadat's histori c trip to Jerusalem and the Sadat said that the European initiative and Camp David agreements. Working To Ethnotherapy the Camp David agreements are not incom­ The two men now seem to have moved patible but must be synchronized between closer to each other. France is pre pared to ac­ Protect Consumers For Mental Health cept the Camp David agreements as a " possi­ the various interested countries. At a press __________ page 11 conference in Luxembourg, Sadat said he ble" basis for a global peace while Sadat is _________page12 welcomes a European initiative and "am " we lcoming" the European initiative even asking for one" because" Europe must engineered by the French President. take its share of the responsibility for peace Fren'ch opposition parties hinted that either now or in the future, when guarantees Giscard' s State welcome was also motivated And A Lard Scandal, in the area will be needed." by e lectoral considerations. A J ewish Prevent Crime Then A Koshe,r Test H e also said he is in favor of " joint and organization, " Jewish Renewal," accused _________ page 14 simultaneous recognition between Israel and him outright of trying to lobby for the Jewish _________ page 13 the Palestinians" but is opposed to the inclu­ vote. Sadat is highly popular both with the sion of the Palestine Liberation Organization general public and with the Jewish com­ in the negotiations at this state. He also said munity which, by and large, sees him as the that Jordan should participate in the negotia­ man who brought about Egyptian-Israeli The Jews Of Talking With French tions "after a full autonomy agreement is peace. signed." A delegation representing the Represen­ Central America Grand Rabbi Sadat, who addressed the European tative Council of Major Jewish Organizations _________page 10 _________ page 15 Parliament yesterday at the invitation of its in France (CRIF), led by its chairman, Baron President, Simone Veil, conferred this morn­ Alain de Rothschild, and including Chief ing with the current chairman of the Euro­ Rabbi Rene Sirat is due to meet Sadat pean Counci l of Ministers, Dutch Foreign tomorrow morning. Tax Preparation What's New Minister Christoph van der Klaauw. French and European diplomatic sources In Paris, he was given a State reception by said that his meetings in Paris and Luxem­ Time-Saving Tips In Finance Giscard, who personally welcomed him at bourg have been " fruitful" and that both van _________ page 24 _________ page 22 the airport. As if to publicly demonstrate the der Kl aauw and Commission chairman Cas­ resumption of fri end ly Franco-Egyptian ties ton Thorn were " deeply impressed with his aflt'r a two-and-a-half years of relative arguments." · ._..., ,,._.,,,..,.,.:, v • ._ ,up•v, un., ,,,. 2 -THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1981 Nazi Deportation Trial Obituaries Focuses On Identity Card MOLLIE BLUM ELSE WEIL-YOSSE CLEVELAND - The latest of the Nazi Holocaust, but for lying on his applica­ Federal Government's efforts to uncover and PROVIDENCE - Mrs. Mollie Blum, 90, PROVIDENCE - Mrs. Else Weil-Yosse, tion to e nter the U.S. and later on his applica­ prosecute forrner Naz.is in this country may a resident of the Jewish Home for the Aged, 92, of 29 Holly St., died Monday, Fe b. 16 at tion for citizenship. center on the authenticity of an alleged Nazi 99 Hillside Ave., died Saturday, Feb. 14 at Miriam Hospital. She was the wife of the late Evidence supporting allegations of Dem­ identification card issued 38 years ago in th<> home. She was the wife of the late Ben­ Morris Yosse. Her first husband, Simon Weil, janjuk' s participation in the Nazi atrocities is Poland. jamin J. Blum. di,•d in 1951.
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