25C HCAC & SONS' 300K BINDCRv spniNGPoar, Michigan 49204 Volume 15, Issue 49 Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, October 9,1991 School reviews building site with prospective new neighbors 0 JbBiBsd-? Jim Schafer, 580 and I'd like it to stay (ha( ing in some areas would be for use by the school. Wildview, could not have an- way," said Denny Wiuenbach, considered. Lowell School Alden Nash will be the pri- ticipated that the rural setting 11383 Vergennes SE. Board presidem Roger Kropf mary road. The location for he chose as home for his fam- Rich Cridler lives at 9992 and building site committee the new high school will also ily would someday become a 6 Mile Rd., Rockford. He chairman. Norm Byrne con- help (oaccelerate paving from owns property adjacent to (he CAKE CONTEST AT FALLASBURG VILLAGE neighbor to a 1,200 student firmed tha( as much vege(a- Foreman Road (o Vergennes. high school. Alden Nash/Vergennes site. (ion and (rees would be left as Soil borings have been Cridler said he was opposed completed on the property. Across the Covered Bridge from Fallasburg Park, and up For that matter, neither possible. "The school will also (o (he new site. "For a school be as near to (he middle of the The results show (he land will uhe hill: two days of fun, Saturday, Oct. 12 from 10-5 and could any of the approximate site (o be located there would property as possible," Byrne support (he weight of (he com- Sunday, Oct. 13 from 10-5. The Cake Contest will be judged 40 Vegennes Township resi- be totally out of character for explained. plex. The topography is also at 1 PM on Saturday. Cakes must be baked "from scratch" dents in attendance at last (he neighborhood. A subdivi- Kropf added, "It is (he okay for (he (ype of building with old recipes and brought to the Cake Table at the Tuesday night's Neighbor- sion would be belter use of (he Board's intern to create a cam- proposed. Fallasburg Schoolhouse Museum by 12:30 Saturday. Pickup hood Forum Meeting. All of property." pus seuing. We wanl the an entry fonn at the Antique Mall or Lambert's, or call 897- whom shared thoughts, sug- school to have natural bound- The environmen(al impact 4306. gestions and fears about the David Thaler, 885 Alden buy/sell agreement the school aries. To accomplish (his, as study has been started and is Nash SE, did no( agree com- expected to be completed by has reached with Mary much vege(ation as possible PIONEER DAYS AT FALLASBURG VILLAGE pletely with Cridler. "1 think the end of October. The study Wittenbach Dewey and (he Cooper/Cook property will have to be left alone." If will determine if (here are any Stephen James Wittenbach to (be intent is carried out, the Food, crafts, demonstrations! Watch a horseshoe touma- was a better site, but 1 don't environmental hazards on the ment or pitch a few yourself, learn to dowse for water or buried acquire 180 acres of land for think 150 (racked houses on vegetation screening will help its new high school project block out sound, movement site. foundations, take a buggy ride, have your grandkid's picture the Wittenbach property A chaige of tide still needs pot on a button, eat some home baking or a slice of prize winning would be better than a high and visibility of the complex. The purpose of the meet- to be reviewed. This will show cake, shop at a flea market (including unclaimed clothing school," be said. "A high As for the paths used in ing was not to discuss if the who has owned the property from a drycleaning chain), look for that perfect bomecrafted school is a problem we can all getting the utilities to theprop- proposed property was the and if there was any negative gift, see bow to make a basket! and much, much more. deal with. We all want Alden erty, Lowell Superintendent right location for the school, impact incurred by the land. Pioneer Days will be held on October 12and 13.Saturday Nash paved and as many of Fri(z Esch explained that the but for prospective neighbors 10-5 and Sunday tram 12-5. Take Covered Bridge Road the trees as possible pre- electric would be brought up "I am pleased with the fo- of the new high school lo give across the Covered Bridge into Fallasburg Village, the second served." Alden Nash from the south. rum, but not with the informa- the school and its architects oldest village in Kent County, and see also the dunning 1842 Thaler went on to say that Sewer would also come up tion that was provided. I real- ideas of how the complex home of John Wesley and Pbebe Fallass being restored to its he believes the school has Alden Nash along the road ize it is probably still prema- would best fit onto the site, original condition. Sponsored by the Fallasburg Historical looked long and hard and that right-of-way and cross over a ture for many of the ques- causing the least amount of Society. people around the area need five acre piece of property. tions," Schafer said. "How- disturbance to those neigh- to cooperate. "I think it's time The water path is still un- ever, the public currently boring the school. MAMMOGRAPHY SCREENING we quit fighting the school," determined Discussions with holds a jaundice image of the Eventually that was the he explained. City and Township are still school. I am hopeful that the direction the meeting took, but The Butterworth Mobile Mammography Unit will be at Many questions were ongoing. school will be able to answer Family Fare on Friday, October II. Please call for an first many voiced their disap- raised in regards to the Sewer lines will run from more questions at (he next appointment at 776-1372 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. pointment with the new site. school's plans for vegetation Vergennes down toM-21 (ap- meeting." "It's a rural area. I moved screening and fencing. proximately 1-1/2 miles). It That meeting is scheduled VERGENNES "UNDER THE PINES" BAZAAR out there because it is rural School officials said fenc- will be adedicated line, strictly for November. Vergennes United Methodist Church will be having a Schools bazaar on Saturday, Oct. 19th from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. All handcrafted items will be for sale. Coffee & Donuts, Lunch and a Kookie-Walk. COME JOIN THE FUN! A questions winner will be chosen for our Full size Log Cabin Quilt which was made by our Women's Society. 4th-grade SPOOK HOUSE AT MOOSE LODGE reading Lowell Moose Lodge at 210 E. Main, will be having a , spook house Oct. 18, from 6-10 p.m., Oct. 19, from 2-10 p.m., MEAP test Oct. 25, from 6-10 p.m. and Oct 26, 2-8 p.m.. Admission X charge is SI. It is the fundamental goal LOWELL YMCA STEP AEROBICS of all 20 school districts in Kent County to make reading The Lowell YMCA has a new exercise program called an enjoyable experience for Step Aerobics. This program is for all fitness levels. The kids. intensity is controlled by the participant while stepping up and After reviewing the read- down on a variable height platform. ing portion of this year's This program is low impact, low to high intensity class. MEAP tests, the school dis- lx>w impact is equal to walking while the intensity level is tricts fear is that (his year's I equal to running a seven to eight minute mile. Routines are test appears to be destined to both choreographed and freestyle. promote feelingsof failure and Class currently meetson Tuesday and Thursday at Bushnell inadequacies among fourth- School gym from 6:30 - 7:30 P.M. First visit to class is free. grade students taking (be (est. Anyone who signs up for a 21 punch card will also receive a In further support of their free Step Aerobics t-shirt. This offer is good through Tuesday, fear, because of (he pre-test FMB recognizes Lowell's PD process used wi(b selected Nov. 5th. FMB State Savings Bank presented Lowell Police Chief Barry, Emmons, with a school disuicts last year, (he ALUMNI INVITED TO ASSEMBLY plaque of appreciation for the dedicated service Lowell's Police Department has Michigan Educational As- provided the bank over the years. FMB president, Keith Caldwell, thanked the sessment Program lowered ils All alumni are invited to attend the homecoming assembly department for the following services: building surveilance, help with money transfers, level of passing by 25 per- I on Friday, Oct. 11 at 1:30. Alumni are also asked to attend the and alarm responses. Pictured, left to right, are Chuck Myers, FMB vice president, Jim cent tea afterwards in (he library. Valentine, Lowell police officer, Caldwell, Lu Green, FMB human resource manager, Jim Bosserd, FMB senior vice president, and Tom Kinney, FMB security officer. Main Street cont'd pg.25 Schools cont'd pg. 2 The Lowell Ledger-Wednesday, October % 1991-Page 2 The Lowdl Ledger-WcdMtday, October 9,1991-Page 3 No funeral services or visita- SELLECK - Mr. Kenneth W death by her husband, Henry, CZERWINSKI • Joseph tion will be scheduled, cre- Selleck, aged 65, of Wyo. in 1990. Surviving are four Thomas Czerwinski, aged 71, of Alio, died Wednesday, mation has taken place. ming, passed away Wednes- sons, Paul of Howard City, day, October 2.1991.
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