Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law

UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Faculty of Law 80 TheFacultyofLaw 202 81 TheProfessors 202 81.1 TeachingandScholarship 202 81.2 MembersoftheFaculty 202 82 HistoryoftheLawFaculty 203 83 GeneralInformation 203 84 FacilitiesandAffiliations 203 85 Admissions 205 86 ProgramsofStudy 205 86.1 DegreeofLLB 205 86.2 MootCourt 206 86.3 GraduatePrograms 206 87 Courses 206 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR WAYNE RENKE 2001 Tevie H Miller Teaching Excellence Award 202 UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA www.ualberta.ca 80 The Faculty of Law 81 The Professors AProudTraditionofLegalEducationinAlberta 81.1 Teaching and Scholarship TheFacultyofLawattheUniversityofAlbertawascreated in1912.ItwasthefirstlawfacultytoopeninwesternCanada. TheFacultyofLawtakesspecialprideintheteachingexcellence TheFacultyisproudofitshistoryanditsreputationforhigh andscholarshipofitsfacultymembers. academicachievementandresearch.Ourgraduateshaveserved Facultymembershaveproducedleadingnationaltreatises, monographsandcasebooksthatareusedbylawstudents,lawyersand thenationandtheprovinceforovereightdecades.Their judgesacrossCanadaandinternationally.Theseincludetreatiseson outstandingcareersandaccomplishmentsinpublicandprivate propertylaw,tortlaw,creditor-debtorlaw,personalpropertysecurity lifespeakeloquentlyfortheworthofourlegaleducationand law,planninglaw,lawandmedicineandenvironmentallaw.Members thevalueofourdegrees. offacultyhavealsopublishednumerousmonographs,bibliographies GraduatesoftheFacultyincludeChiefJusticeBeverley andcollectionsofessaysinthefieldoflegaltheory.Full-timemembers McLachlinoftheSupremeCourtofCanadaandPeterLougheed, oftheFacultyhavewonUniversityandnationalteachingawards. Therecentadditionoftwo“smart”classroomshasallowedour formerpremierofAlberta.NumerousstudentsfromtheFaculty instructorstousethelatestadvancesineducationaltechnologiesin havebeenarticledtojusticesoftheSupremeCourtofCanada theclassroom. andtheAlbertaCourtofAppeal.Inthelastdecade,inaddition Law toChiefJusticeMcLachlin,twootherSupremeCourtjustices havebeengraduatesoftheFaculty:MrJusticeRonaldMartland andMrJusticeWilliamStevenson.Thefirstwomanchiefjustice oftheAlbertaCourtofAppeal,CatherineFraser,graduatedfrom theFacultyin1970.Othergraduateshavepursuedcareersin publicoffice,government,education,business,andthearts. 81.2 Members of the Faculty Staff TJ Christian, QC, BA (Hon), LLM Visiting Professor KP Feehan, LLB PA Smith, QC, BA, LLB, LLM DC Davies, QC, LLB, LLM MK Kuwahara, LLB, LLM, LLD JJ Gill, BA, LLB HJ Sniderman, LLB Administration FC DeCoste, BA, MSW, LLB ML Gordon, BA, LLB DR Sommerfeldt, BA, MA , LLB (Dist), LLM Institute and Project RA Graesser, BA, LLB LK Stevens, LLB RN Chambers, Associate Dean Directors (Graduate Studies and GL Gall, BA, LLB JJ Guest, BA, LLB, LLM VR Stevenson, LLB EL Hughes, BSc,LLB, LLM D Callan, Office Manager, G Ho, QC, LLB M Storozuk, BA, BLS Research) International Ombudsman LN Klar, Dean LN Klar, BA, BCL, LLM RD Hupfer, BComm, LLB BL Stothert-Kennedy, BA, LLB FA Laux, QC, BA, LLB, LLM Institute LSR Kanee, LLB RA Stroppel, QC, BA, LLB MM Litman, Associate Dean TA Caulfield, Research Director, (Academic) JM Law, BA, LLB, LLM G Kayler, MLS, MEd FK Taylor, BA, MA, PhD MM Litman, LLB Health Law Institute R Khullar, BA, LLB KM Trace, BA, LLB CS Miller, Development Officer JJ Guest, Director, Indigenous DM Mirth, Director of PJ Lown, QC, LLB (Hon), LLM MP Kratz, BSc, LLB J Watson, QC, BA, LLB DR Percy, QC, MA, LLM Law Program JC Lloyd, LLB KI Weaver, BA, LLB, MPM Admissions T Kahana, Executive Director, GS Sledz, Faculty Administrator LC Reif, LLB, LLM DCI Lucky, Bcomm, LLB, LLM ET Yoo, BSc, LLB GB Robertson, LLB, LLM Centre for Constitutional RD McDonald, LLB PE Spencer, Career Services Studies Officer RJ Wood, LLB, LLM AJ McNary, BA, LLB, LLM BH Ziff, BA, LLB, MLitt DJ Lowe, Executive Director, DB Murphy, BA, LLB Additional Honorary Professors Canadian Forum on Civil DR Noel, BA, LLB Members of PL Freeman, QC, BA, LLB, MLLS Associate Professors Justice RJ Normey, BA, LLB LC Green, LLB, LLD (Hon) AE Acorn, BA, LLB, BCL PJ Lown, QC, Director, Alberta PG Nugent, BSc, BA, LLB Faculty Council The Honourable R Martland, BA, TA Caulfield, BSc, LLB, LLM Law Reform Institute PJ Pagano, BA, LLB LLB, BCL, LLD RN Chambers, BEd, LLB, DPhil B Windwick, Executive Director, LK Penrod, LLB (LSE), LLM President and Vice The Honourable EI Picard, BEd, RG Hopp, BEd, LLB Health Law Institute DL Pentelechuk, LLB Chancellor LLB, LLM, LLD SK O’Byrne, BA, MA, LLB, LLM A Wynn, Microcomputer ML Pollock, BA, LLB R Fraser, PhD WN Renke, BA (Hons), MA, LLB, Specialist The Honourable WA Stevenson, NJ Pollock, QC, LLB Director, Alberta Law BA, LLB, LLD LLM AD Pringle, QC, BA, LLB JM Ross, BA, LLB, LLM Sessional Lecturers Reform Institute KL Arbuckle, BA, LLB, MLS, MPA W Quoika-Stanka, BA (Hons), PJ Lown, LLB, LLM Professors Emeriti MA, MLS WH Hurlburt, QC, BA, LLB Assistant Professors SA Beaver, BA, LLB S Anand, LLB, LLM, DJur BA Beresh, BA, LLB RTG Reeson, QC, BAdmin, LLB Representative of Law CRB Dunlop, BA, LLB, LLM, MA SM Renouf, BA, BEd, LLB Society FD Jones, QC, BA, LLB, LLM BA Billingsley, BA, LLB, LLM GI Biasini, BComm, LLB, LLM, P Carver, BA, MA, LLB, LLM MBA L Reynolds, BA, Bed, LLB, LLM, NFW Picard, QC, BA, LLB SP Khetarpal, BSc, BL, LLM, PhD PhD TCW Farrow, BA (Hon), LLB, B Burrows, BSc, BLS Registrar of the University TW Mapp, BA, JD RH Reynolds, BA (Hons), LLB WJK Mis, BA, LLB, LLM LLM GW Cable, LLB BJ Silzer, BSc, BEd, MEd EL Nelson, BScPT, LLB, LLM JT Casey, BComm, LLB RR Roth, BComm, LLB Professors M Pratt, BSc, LLB, LLM RR Cochard, BA, LLB PJ Royal, QC, BA, LLB, LLM RW Bauman, BA, LLB, MEd, CJ Sprysak, BComm, LLB R Connors, PhD WS Schlosser, BSc, BA, MA, MA LLM, DPhil J Stribopoulos, BA, LLB, LLM LM Dolgoy, BA, LLB DS Scorgie, BSc, MA, LLB CE Bell, BA, LLB (Dist), LLM MT Duckett, LLB WP Sharek, BA, LLB www.ualberta.ca UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA 203 82 History of the Law Faculty 83 General Information EarlyFoundations (1) TheLLBProgram:TheLLBProgram:TheFacultyofLawattheUniversityofAlbertaoffers aprogramofrequiredandoptionallawcoursesdesignedto LawstudentsattheFacultyofLawinEdmontonfrom1912to1921 attendedclassesearlyinthemorningandlateintheafternoonatthe a. providestudentswithagenerallegaleducationinthefundamental EdmontonCourthousewhileclerkinginafirmfortheremainderoftheday. principlesoflaw,thecomponentsoftheAlbertanandCanadianlegal Thischangedin1921whentheFacultyshiftedfromtheprofessionalmodel systems,andthehistoryandphilosophyoflaw; ofpart-timeinstructiontotheuniversitymodeloffull-timelegaleducation. b. qualifystudentstoarticleandengageinthepracticeoflawinAlberta Theestablishmentofauniversity-basedmodeloflegaleducationwasinspired orothercommonlawjurisdictionsinCanada;and bychangesinstitutedatHarvardLawSchoolbyDeanLangdell.Itdemanded c. trainstudentsinthelegalaspectsofbusinessandgovernment ascholarlyapproachtolawasanacademicdiscipline. administration. PresidentHMTory,thefirstpresidentoftheUniversityofAlberta,was Theprogramrequiresfull-timeattendanceforthreeacademicyears committedtothismodelandwasinstrumentalinitsimplementation.In1921, andleadstothedegreeofBachelorofLaws(LLB). theFacultyofLawwasreorganizedtoprovideathree-yearcourseoffull- (2) ProspectivelawstudentsshouldconsulttheAdmissionsOfficeofthe timestudyoncampus,leadingtotheLLB.InstructorsusedtheSocratic Facultyforadmissionadvice.Inquiriesonselectingoptionsoranyother methodofinstructioninwhichstudentswereexpectedtocometoclass academicproblemsshouldbedirectedtotheAssociateDeanofLaw. preparedtoparticipateinathoroughandsophisticatedanalysisofthecase See§15.7forfurtherdetailsconcerningadmissionrequirements. law.Mandatorymootcourtexerciseswereintroducedin1921toimprove students’researchandrhetoricalabilities;thisvitalpartoflegaleducation (3) AUniversitydegreeinlawisabasicprerequisiteforadmissiontoarticle continuestothisday.JohnAlexanderWeirwastheFaculty’sfirstfull-time andpractisethroughoutCanada.TheAlbertaLLBdegreewillnormally teacher.Weirwaschosenfora1914RhodesScholarshipand,afterthreeyears beacceptedinotherCanadiancommonlawjurisdictionstosatisfythis ofserviceintheRAFasaFlyingOfficer,heearnedaBachelorofArtswith prerequisite.GraduatesoftheFacultyintendingtopractiselawoutside first-classhonoursfromOxford.Hewashiredasalecturerin1921and Albertamustmeetanyadditionalrequirementsofthejurisdictioninwhich becamethefirstDeanofLawin1926.Hecontinuedinthatcapacityuntilhis theyintendtopractise. untimelydeathin1942.TwoJohnAWeirMemorialScholarshipsareoffered AresidentlawgraduateseekingadmissiontotheAlbertaBarmust Law annuallytostudentsenteringtheFaculty. articlewithapractisingmemberoftheBarforoneyear.The Legal ProfessionActrequiresthatadegreeandanLLB,ortwoyearsofstudies GrowthoftheFaculty whichwouldleadtoadegreeissuedbyanAlbertauniversityandan UntiltheendoftheSecondWorldWartheLawFacultyremainedrelatively LLBdegree,beobtainedbeforethegraduateisadmittedasastudent- small.Therewereonlytwofull-timeFacultymembersandmostclasses at-lawservingarticleswithamemberoftheAlbertaBar.Thegraduate containedfewerthan20students.ThesizeoftheFacultybegantoswellafter mustalsotaketheBarAdmissionCourseprovidedbytheLegalEducation WorldWarIIwhenveteransbeganlegalstudiesinpreparationforjoiningthe ofAlbertaandpassBarAdmissionExaminations. postwareconomy.In1945,WilburFBowkerwashiredtoteachfulltime.He Previousconvictionsofseriousoffencesmayaffectagraduate’s becameActingDeanin1947,andDeanofLawin1948.DeanBowkerwas admissiontotheLawSocietyofAlberta.Studentswhohavedoubtsabout destinedtostewardtheFacultythrougharemarkableperiodofgrowthand theirabilitytomeetthetestofgoodcharacterandreputationmayapply consolidation.Thefull-timeteachingcomplementexpanded.TheLawFaculty

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