EMERGENCY April - APPEAL September KENYA 2020 REVISED JULY 2020 KENYA Overview Map SOUTH SUDAN ETHIOPIA Kakuma Refugee Camp (191,500) Mandera P! L. Turkana TURKANA P! MANDERA Moyale Lodwar P! MARSABIT Marsabit P! UGANDA WAJIR P! Wajir WEST POKOT SAMBURU Kapenguria SOMALIA P! Maralal TRANS NZOIA P! ISIOLO KitaleP! ELGEYO-MARAKWET BUNGOMA UASIN GISHU Moi Teaching Referral BARINGO Bungoma Hospital P! ®v Kabarnet Busia P! P! P! Eldoret Isiolo BUSIA KAKAMEGA LAIKIPIA P! P! Kakamega Kakamega MERU Dadaab Refugee Hospital ®v P! Kapsabet Siaya Meru Nyahururu Nanyuki ®vMeru Hospital Camp (217,100) P! VIHIGA NANDI P! P! P! Kisumu ! SIAYA P®v Nyanza Hospital NYANDARUA KERICHO Nakuru THARAKA-NITHI KISUMU ®vP! KIRINYAGA Chuka !Kericho NYERI Nyeri P! L. Victoria P Nakuru Hospital Garissa Homa Bay ®vP! Kerugoya P! P! Nyamira NAKURU Nyeri Hospital P! P!Embu Garissa ®v GARISSA Kisii P! BOMET ®v Hospital HOMA BAY P! Naivasha Murang'a Embu Hospital ®v NYAMIRA Bomet P! P! Kisii Hospital P!®v MURANG'A EMBU KISII Tenwek Mission Hospital MIGORI KIAMBU P! Migori Narok Thika Hospital ®vP!Thika P! Kiambu ®vP! NAROK !\®v Kitui ®v®v®vNAIROBI MACHAKOS P! KITUI TANA RIVER Hola Machakos ! Machakos P! P®v Hospital Kajiado P! MAKUENI KAJIADO LAMU TANZANIA P! Lamu ! NAIROBI \ P own KILIFI Refugee KIAMBU Malindi N efugees) KIAMBU P! TAITA TAVETA Voi P! Majo oad Aga Khan Hospital Mathare informal y settlement Kilifi v® P! y Nairobi Hospital NAIROBI He acility v® v ®Lev o ospital) Kibera informal v® Kenyatta National Hospital MOMBASA The Karen settlement! v ®Lev N ospital) v® P!®v Coast Hospital Hospital Mbagathi District Kwale v® Hospital (Level 4) P! Popul en KWALE (People Km) MACHAKOS KAJIADO INDIAN OCEAN > The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. TheCreation designations date: 20 March employed 2020 Data and Source(s): the presentationOSM, UNCS, UNOCHA, of material Camps: UNHCR,in the reportHealth Facilities: do not KEMRI,imply Populationthe expression Density: Kenyaof any National opinion Bureau whatsoever of Statistics on Feedback: the part [email protected] of the Secretariat ofTwitter: the United @unocha_rosea Nations www.unocha.org/rosea concerning the legal www.reliefweb.int status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. COVER PHOTO A child practices handwashing at a UNICEF-supported water station in the informal settlement of Kibera in Nairobi in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Photo: © UNICEF Kenya/Michael Ilako 2 EMERGENCY APPEAL 2020 Table of Contents 4 Emergency Appeal At a Glance 5 COVID-19 Emergency Situation & Response Priorities 6 Overview of the Crisis 8 Strategic Objectives 9 Response Approach 10 Sectoral Objectives & Response 11 Education 12 Food Security & Livelihoods 13 Governance 14 Health 15 Multisectoral Cash/Social Protection 16 Nutrition 17 Protection 18 Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) 19 Refugees 20 Coordination & Common Services 21 Annexes 22 Participating Organizations 23 Projects 3 KENYA Emergency Appeal at a Glance PEOPLE IN NEED PEOPLE TARGETED EMERGENCY IMMEDIATE DEVELOPMENT OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS (US$) REQUIREMENTS (US$) PARTNERS 14.3M 10.1M $259.9M $26.9M 38 (Included in GHRP*) People in Need People Targeted Mandera Turkana Turkana Mandera Marsabit Marsabit Wajir Wajir West Pokot Samburu West Pokot Samburu Trans Nzoia Trans Nzoia Isiolo Elgeyo-Marakwet Isiolo Elgeyo-Marakwet Bungoma Bungoma Baringo Busia Kakamega Busia Baringo Uasin Gishu Kakamega Uasin Gishu Vihiga Vihiga Laikipia Siaya Nandi Laikipia Meru Siaya Nandi Meru Nyandarua Kisumu Nyandarua Kisumu Tharaka-Nithi Garissa Kericho Tharaka-Nithi Kericho Nakuru Nyeri Kirinyaga Garissa Kirinyaga Nakuru Nyeri Nyamira Nyamira Embu Homa Bay Murang'a Embu Homa Bay Bomet Bomet Murang'a Kisii Kiambu Kisii Kiambu Migori Migori Kitui Nairobi Narok Nairobi Narok Kitui Machakos Machakos Tana River Tana River Makueni Makueni Kajiado Lamu Kajiado Lamu Kilifi Number of People Targeted Number of People in Need Kilifi Taita Taveta 10,000 Taita Taveta 10,000 100,000 100,000 Mombasa Mombasa 1,000,000 1,000,000 Kwale Kwale Requirements by Cluster Operational Partners by Type Food Security $94.4M & Livelihoods Health $56.5M Multisectoral Cash $34.6M NNG Social Protection Education $23.7M 8 Nutrition $22.6M WASH $11.6M N Coordination & $6.9M 17 Common services NG Refugees Multi-Sector $5.0M 13 Protection - $2.7M Child Protection Protection - GBV $1.9M Governance $26.9M Emergency Requirements Immediate Development (Included in the GHRP) Requirements * COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan 4 EMERGENCYEmergency Appeal APPEAL 2020 2020 COVID-19 Emergency Situation & Response Priorities (as incl. in GHRP July 2020) Direct health impact on people and systems Response priorities and achievements Kenya reported its first case of COVID-19 on 12 March 2020 and, as In April 2020, humanitarian partners launched an Emergency Appeal of 7 July, 8,067 cases had been confirmed and 164 deaths reported. for Kenya in support of the Government-led response to COVID- The number of cases is rising rapidly and more than tripled from 19, prioritizing the most urgent and life-saving interventions to be the beginning (1,962) to the end (6,190) of June. Of the confirmed carried in the next six months (April to September 2020). The Appeal cases, six were reported among refugees and asylum-seekers, addresses both the immediate public health crisis and the secondary bringing the total to 16: 14 in Dadaab and 2 in Kakuma; with 1 death impacts of the pandemic on vulnerable Kenyans, including children, the and 2 recoveries. The Government attributes the spike in the number elderly, women, people living with disabilities, people living with HIV, of COVID-19 cases to increased testing capacity and community refugees, migrants, and those displaced by natural disasters. transmission. As of 30 June, only 6 out of the country's 47 counties Under the Appeal, partners have scaled-up their coordinated response: had no reported COVID-19 infections. • At least 2.5 million people have been reached with messages on Indirect impact on people and systems GBV and 700,000 with information on Sexual and Reproductive The COVID-19 pandemic-which is occurring against a backdrop of Health. increased humanitarian needs due to drought, floods, and a locust • At least 600,000 people have access to safe water from 62 newly upsurge—is worsening existing vulnerabilities across Kenya, including constructed boreholes in Nairobi informal settlements. due to measures put in place to curb the outbreak’s spread. At least 130,000 jobs in Kenya have been lost in the formal sector, while at • At least 37,700 children (19,219 boys, 18,523 girls) have received least 84 per cent of people living in Nairobi’s informal settlements learning materials, while 373 children (225 boys and 147 girls) have lost all or part of their income due to COVID-19. In July, 980,000 with disabilities/special needs have received psychosocial people were expected to face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse food assistance. insecurity, with 112,500 people in the counties of Kwale, Turkana • At least 8,300 out of 13,500 people were reached with integrated and Marsabit estimated to be in Emergency (IPC Phase 4). However, services in 15 Nairobi informal settlements including: child this projection is based on analysis carried out prior to COVID-19 immunization, nutrition services, curative services, ante-natal and will soon be updated. Approximately 370,000 children with acute care, family planning, COVID-19 screening among other PHC malnutrition, 66,000 pregnant and lactating women and 84,000 older services. persons need services related to acute malnutrition. There was a 775 per cent increase in calls to the national gender-based violence (GBV) • More than 6,220 children, parents and caregivers (3,349 F/ hotline in Kenya from pre-COVID containment measures to post-COVID 2,745 M/ 130 undisclosed) have received mental health and containment measures. About 20 million children have been affected psychosocial support since March 2020. by the nationwide closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic, • Partners are scaling up cash transfers to over 100,000 vulnerable according to the Ministry of Education. In addition to the COVID-19 households in informal settlements as COVID-19 restrictions outbreak, multiple diseases still threaten communities, including: impact access to informal employment, food and essential cholera in Marsabit County; measles in Kilifi, Garissa, Tana River and services West Pokot counties; and kala-azar in five counties. • In the refugee camps, over 274,000 refugees and asylum-seekers Most affected and at-risk population group have been provided with additional soap and 63,620 have been In Kenya, the urban poor, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and reached with messages on COVID-19, and 977 additional hand people living with HIV are among those most vulnerable to COVID- washing facilities have been established. 19. Some 56 per cent of Kenya’s urban population live in informal Response gaps and challenges settlements and are at risk of high infection rates due to inadequate There are multiple challenges related to the public health response: access to water and sanitation and cramped living conditions. many health facilities have sub-optimal infection prevention and Female-headed households, who constitute 30.2 per cent of the poor control measures due in part to lack of water and sanitation facilities; population, are at particularly high risk. Nearly 500,000 refugees live there is a lack of sufficient personal protective equipment; there are in camps in Kenya and there are fears that crowded living conditions not sufficient testing kits and equipment for mass testing; and there is and poor access to health, water and sanitation services in the refugee insufficient bed capacity for isolation and treatment.
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