High court should White House faces Judge sends Manafort to VWDQGÀUPO\IRU growing outcry over the jail after Mueller charges free speech migrant family policies witness tampering PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Volume 20, Issue 17 June 20-26, 2018 lasvegastribune.com FBI agent Peter Strzok escorted from building amid internal review By Olivia Beavers get of unfounded personal attacks, Goelman on Tuesday said parti- The Hill political games and inappropriate san politics called into question the FBI counterintelligence agent information leaks,” his attorney “impartiality” of the investigation Peter Strzok was escorted from the Aitan Goelman said in a statement into Strzok’s conduct. building amid an internal review of Tuesday. “All of this seriously calls into KLVFRQGXFWKLVODZ\HUFRQÀUPHG “Despite being put through a question the impartiality of the Tuesday. highly questionable process, Pete disciplinary process, which now Strzok, who had a central role in has complied with every FBI proce- DSSHDUVWDLQWHGE\SROLWLFDOLQÁX- the FBI investigation into Hillary dure, including being escorted from ence. Instead of publicly calling Clinton’s use of a private email the building as part of the ongoing for a long-serving FBI agent to be server while serving as secretary of internal proceedings.” VXPPDULO\ÀUHGSROLWLFLDQVVKRXOG State, was reportedly escorted from Strzok became a target of Pres- allow the disciplinary process to the FBI building on Friday amid an ident Trump and conservatives play out free from political pres- internal review of his conduct. after it was discovered that he had sure,” he added. “Pete has steadfastly played by exchanged private text messages Last week a report from the Jus- the rules and respected the process, with former FBI lawyer Lisa Page tice Department’s inspector general and yet he continues to be the tar- that disparaged Trump and other into the handling of the probe into PETER STRZOK SROLWLFDOÀJXUHV (See Strzok, Page 3) My Point of View Democrat co-opts Republican By Rolando Larraz $ORFDOSROLWLFDO¿JXUHLVZKLV- opponent’s budget proposal SHULQJLQ3UHVLGHQW'RQDOG7UXPS¶V By Thomas Mitchell with whether or not Congress ful- HDUJRRGWKLQJVDERXW866HQDWRU That was quick. The ink hasn’t ÀOOVLWVFRQVWLWXWLRQDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\ 'HDQ+HOOHUWRSODFHWKHVHQDWRULQ dried on the morning newspaper of passing a budget and funding the JRRGVWDQGLQJZLWKWKH3UHVLGHQW report that Democrat Rep. Jacky federal government.” ZKHQKHGRHVQRWGHVHUYHWKDW Rosen will face Republican Dean Heller has been pushing for this SODFHPHQW Heller in November for this Senate since at least 2011, when he put out 6HQDWRU+HOOHULVQRWDIDQRI seat, but she is already embracing a press release saying, 3UHVLGHQW7UXPSDQGQHYHUZDV a Heller proposal to get Congress “It has been more than 800 days LQIDFW+HOOHUQHYHUVXSSRUWHGWKH off the dime on passing a federal since the Senate passed a budget, SUHVLGHQWQRUGLGKHDWWHQGWKH budget. ignoring one of the most fundamen- 5HSXEOLFDQ1DWLRQDO&RQYHQWLRQ Rosen sent out a press release tal responsibilities of governing. LQ2KLREHFDXVHWKHVHQDWRUGLGQRW touting her proposals to reform Avoiding budget votes for political ZDQWWRGLVDSSRLQW*RYHUQRU%ULDQ Congress. Why she hasn’t done reasons is not what people want 6DQGRYDODQG866HQDWRU+DUU\ this during her past year and a WRVHHIURPWKHLUSXEOLFRIÀFLDOV 5HLGZKRPD\KDYHDVNHGKLPQRW KDOILQRIÀFHZDVQRWH[SODLQHG If Congress doesn’t do its job, its WRDWWHQGWKHFRQYHQWLRQ The second item on her list is: No Members shouldn’t get paid. My :HKDYHPDGHVHYHUDOHIIRUWVWR EXGJHWQRSD\6SHFLÀFDOO\´7KLV amendment is a straight forward FRQWDFWWKDWSROLWLFDO¿JXUHWRFRQ- measure would tie Members’ pay ¿UPWKHIDFWWKDWWKHZKLVSHULQJLQ Republican Dean Heller and Democrat Jacky Rosen (See Heller-Rosen, Page 3) WKHSUHVLGHQW¶VHDULVFRPLQJIURP UHOLDEOHOLSVEXWRXUHIIRUWVKDYH EHHQLQYDLQ How to slake the thirst of future development? ,WLVWUXHWKDWZKDWLVLPSRUWDQW By Thomas Mitchell for the infrastructure alone. WKLVPRPHQWLVWRSURWHFWWKHHOHF- Sometimes a story is most note- A year ago a federal judge heard WLRQRIPRUH5HSXEOLFDQVWRWKH worthy for what it doesn’t say. arguments from proponents and 866HQDWHDQG&RQJUHVVEXWLW The morning newspaper report- opponents of the proposed project, LVQRWDVXUHEHWWKDWHOHFWLQJPRUH ed on how the Southern Nevada ZKLFKZDVÀUVWEURDFKHGLQ 5HSXEOLFDQVZLOOPDNHWKHSDUW\ Water Authority plans to supply The judge refused to halt the VWURQJHUEHFDXVHVRPH5HSXEOL- water to a 39,000-acre tract of pri- project but ruled that the Bureau FDQVLQQDPHRQO\ZRXOGQRWEH vate development mostly south of of Land Management must conduct IDLWKIXORUOR\DOWRWKHSDUW\RUWR Henderson should the federal gov- further environmental review of the DQ\RQHHOVHEXWWKHPVHOYHVSHU- ernment agree to release the land. effects of the project and identify KDSVDVLWLVLQWKHFDVHRI6HQDWRU The plan is to use conservation and what can be done to mitigate them. +HOOHUKHFRXOGEHPRUHOR\DODQG recycling of water from Lake Mead. According to an AP account, the IDLWKIXOWR*RYHUQRU6DQGRYDODQG Not one word was mentioned judge characterized the fixes he KLV³*RGIDWKHU´SUHVHQWUHWLUHG about piping groundwater from Lin- RUGHUHGDV´QDUURZGHÀFLHQFLHVµLQ 866HQDWRU+DUU\5HLG coln, Nye and White Pine counties. environmental impact statements. 6HQDWRU'HDQ+HOOHUFKRVHLQ The current plan is to pump 84,000 Both sides interpreted the ruling DFULWLFDOPRPHQWRIWKHQDWLRQ¶V acre-feet of groundwater a year to as favorable to their side. SROLWLFDOGLVDVWHUWRWDNHVLGHV Las Vegas at a cost of $15 billion Protesters oppose Clark County taking rural Nevada groundwater. (See Ground Water, Page 5) ZLWK5HLGDQG6DQGRYDODVGLG RWKHUSROLWLFDO¿JXUHVRIWKHORFDO 5HSXEOLFDQSDUW\ZKRIHOWREOLJDWHG Trump doubles down on family separation policy WRVKRZOR\DOW\WRWKHQRZUHWLUHG By Jordan Fabian as a means to enter our country,” he 'HPRFUDW6HQDWRU+DUU\5HLGDQG The Hill wrote. “Has anyone been looking 3UHVLGHQW7UXPSVKRXOGEHPDGH President Trump on Monday at the Crime taking place south of DZDUHRIWKDW doubled down on his controversial the border. It is historic, with some 1RRQHLVTXHVWLRQLQJWKHOR\DOW\ policy of separating children from countries the most dangerous places RIWKRVHZKLVSHULQJLQWKHSUHVL- parents when families illegally in the world. Not going to happen GHQW¶VHDUWKH\DUHZHOONQRZQE\ cross the border, while also calling in the U.S.” WKHSUHVLGHQWDQGWKLVQHZVSDSHU on Congress to change laws to Trump also warned that the U.S. EXWLWLVLPSRUWDQWWKDWWKH\OHWWKH end it. must avoid the migration problems SUHVLGHQWNQRZWKHUHDOLW\EHKLQG In a series of tweets, Trump affecting Europe and blasted the WKRVHKHLVJRLQJWREHVXSSRUWLQJ appeared to justify the strategy policies and government of Ger- RUSUHWHQGWREHVXSSRUWLQJDQGLI by claiming criminals are using many, a close ally. WKRVHZKLVSHULQJLQWKHSUHVLGHQW¶V children in a Trojan horse–style The president falsely claimed HDUDUHQRWFRPSOHWHO\IDLUDQG operation to cross the U.S. border. that crime in Germany is “is way KRQHVWZLWKKLPZHZLOOEHKHUH “Children are being used by up” and said migrants “have so WROHWKLPNQRZWKHWUXWK some of the worst criminals on earth (See Family Seperation, Page 6) 2XUQHZVSDSHUPD\EHVPDOO EXWEHFDXVHLWLVVPDOOLWLVHDV\ WRVQHDNWKURXJKWKHVPDOOHVWOLWWOH POLITICAL ANALYSIS KROHVDQGEHSODFHGLQPDQ\FRP- SXWHUVZLWKWKHULJKWSHRSOHDQGDV Hof throws brick through Wheeler’s PXFKDVZHGRQRWJHWDORQJZLWK FDVLQRPRJXO6WHYH:\QQZHDUH WKULOOHGWRVHHKLPJHWWLQJFORVHWR Glass House that slavery built WKH:KLWH+RXVH By Chuck Muth heard that old saying. the biggest RINO’s (Republican in for short) Minority Leader under ,IIRUPHU3UHVLGHQW%DUDFN There’s an old saying that it’s As regular readers know, I’m a Name Only) in the Nevada Legis- Supreme Leader Wheeler-Dealer… 2EDPDFRXOGKLGHXQGHUWKHUREH better to keep your mouth shut and paid communications and strategy lature last Tuesday. And despite having more than RIWKH3RSHWRKDYHFODQGHVWLQH be thought a fool than open it and adviser to Dennis Hof, who in Hof beat three-term tax-hiking a half-million dollars spent against PHHWLQJVZLWKQHJRWLDWRUVWRERZ remove all doubt. addition to owning the Moonlite incumbent Assemblyman James him over the last two years in a pair WRWKH&DVWUREURWKHUVVRFDQ3UHV- But Nevada Republican Assem- %XQQ\UDQFKDQGÀYHRWKHU/(*$/ “The Big Selloutski” Oscarson in of brutally negative campaigns that LGHQW7UXPSWRJHWJRRGDQGOR\DO bly Minority Leader Jim Wheeler brothels in Nevada is also now the the June 12 GOP primary despite accused Hof of every despicable VXSSRUWHUVOLNH6WHYH:\QQ and several other Republicans in Republican nominee for Assembly the fact that Oscarson is (was) the thing under the sun short of kicking (See My Point of View, Page 2) his caucus apparently have never District 36 after bagging one of Assembly Assistant (Ass./Ass. (See Glass House, Page 4) Page 2 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / June 20-26, 2018 +LJKFRXUWVKRXOGVWDQGÀUPO\IRUIUHHVSHHFK By Thomas Mitchell these three cases contrasts with the As usual, Justice Clarence It has long been agreed that Commission’s treatment of Phillips’ Thomas countenanced no tolerance the First Amendment right to free objection,” Kennedy wrote. “The for such nuanced, too-narrow rul- speech includes the right to not be Commission ruled against Phillips ings and tackled the matter head on compelled to speak, but this past in part on the theory that any mes- in a concurrence that was joined by week the U.S. Supreme Court ap- sage the requested wedding cake Justice Neil Gorsuch. Thomas said peared to skirt this simple premise, would carry would be attributed Phillips rightly prevailed on his free though it ruled in favor of a
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