Vol. 73, No. 9 March 17, 2016 Celebrating Our 73rd Year! Bishop Daly: pastoral letter for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy – page 4 Bishop Daly: ‘Give courageous witness’ – page 5 Catholic Youth Celebration – page 14 Guatemala seminary thrives thanks to support from Eastern Washington Catholics – page 8 Catholic Charities purchases Holy Names Sisters’ convent – page 16 Bishop Skylstad, others honored on anniversary of Columbia River pastoral letter – page 17 Pope Francis in Mexico – page 10 ‘Best Lent Ever’ – page 21 PAID Permit No. 17 U.S. POSTAGE Non-Profit Organization SPOKANE, WASH. Current resident or CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF SPOKANE INLAND REGISTER P.O. BOX 1453 SPOKANE, WA 99210-1453 Page 2 March 17, 2016 Study. 9:30-10:30 a.m. Parish Center, St. Augustine Parish, 428 W. 19th, Spokane. Bulletin Board Information: call 747-7972, or email: Publisher: Bishop Thomas A. Daly [email protected] The Bulletin Board is a free service to our readers on a space available basis. Editor: Eric Meisfjord SPOKANE SERRA CLUB Mass and Call 358-7340; fax to 358-7302; mail to P.O. Box 1453, Spokane, Board meeting, Bishop White Seminary, WA 99210-1453; or e-mail to [email protected] Offi cial News Magazine of 429 E. Sharp Ave., Spokane. FRIDAY, MARCH 18 the Catholic Diocese of Spokane Address all communication to: STATIONS OF THE CROSS, followed Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis INLAND REGISTER by Knights of Columbus Fish Fry. 6 p.m., P.O. Box 1453 St. Joseph Parish, 3720 E. Colbert Rd., March Spokane, WA 99210-1453 Universal: Families in Diffi culty. Colbert, Wash. SATURDAY, MARCH 19 Street address: 1023 W. Riverside Ave., That families in need may receive the Spokane, WA 99201 COURT 196 of the Catholic Daughters of necessary support and that children General Offi ce Phone: (509) 358-7340 the Americas meets at 10 a.m. in the mul- may grow up in healthy and peaceful E-mail: tipurpose room of Assumption School, environments. [email protected] Spokane. Prayer, meeting, and a St. Pat- Evangelization: Persecuted Any change of address should include mailing rick’s Day party. Christians. That those Christians label and name of new parish SPOKANE SERRA CLUB Sisters Ap- who, on account of their faith, are Subscription rate: $20 per year. preciation Mass and Lunch, with Mass discriminated against or are being Published monthly, at Spokane, Wash. celebrated by Bishop Thomas Daly. 11 persecuted, may remain strong and Third Class Postage paid at a.m., St. Charles Parish Hall, 4515 N. Al- faithful to the Gospel, thanks to the Spokane, WA 99210 berta, Spokane. incessant prayer of the Church. Member: Catholic Press Association, DEACON SPOUSES ALONE meet for Catholic News Service. April Adoration and prayer. Noon, St. Peter Web site: http://www.dioceseofspokane.org Universal: Small Farmers. That small Church, Spokane, on S. Freya between farmers may receive a just reward for 18th and 19th. their precious labor. witness to love and faith in Jesus ROSARY RALLY, Grotto of Our Lady, THURSDAY-SATURDAY Evangelization: African Christians. Christ amid political-religious Gonzaga University Campus adjoining MARCH 24-26 That Christians in Africa may give confl icts. St. Aloysius Church, 330 E. Boone Ave., MEN’S HOLY WEEK Retreat: “Liv- noon. Prayer that God and the Blessed ing Holy Week in Jesus,” presented by PRAY THE ROSARY Thomas More Church, 505 W. St. Thomas Mother will strengthen and save families. Bishop Carlos Sevilla SJ, Bishop Emer- Monday-Friday • Scriptural Rosary, More Way, Spokane. Information: (509) 434-9922. itus of the Diocese of Yakima. $211/per- Assumption Church, 2098 E. Alder St., TUESDAYS ANNUAL STEAK AND WINE DIN- son, $125/commuters. Immaculate Heart Walla Walla. 7:50 a.m. • Monday-Sat- THROUGH APRIL 19 NER, to benefi t Guardian Angel-St. Boni- Retreat Center, 6910 S. Ben Burr Rd., urday • Scriptural Rosary, St. Thomas ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: face School, Colton. Dinner, 5-8 p.m., fol- Spokane. Information/registration: (509) More Church, 8112 N. Howard St., Spo- “Epic: A Journey,” a study of the history lowed by live auction, games, and more. 448-1224, or online at www.ihrc.net kane, 7 a.m. Monday • St. Francis Xavier of the Catholic Church, from Ascension Tickets: $30, available online at gasb- MONDAY, MARCH 28 Parish, 545 E. Providence Ave., Spokane, Press. 1 and 6:30 p.m., St. Paschal Parish, school.org. Questions/information: call EASTER Monday. No school. 1:30 p.m. Wednesday • Bilingual Rosary 2523 N. Park Rd., Spokane Valley. Infor- (509) 229-3579 or email gasbschool@ TUESDAY, MARCH 29 (English/Spanish), Sacred Heart Church, mation: 926-5428. colton-wa.com GONZAGA UNIVERSITY Visiting 440 N.E. Ash St., Pullman, 6:30 p.m. • St. EVERY TUESDAY, Writers Series: a presentation by Robyn Francis Church, 722 W. Alder St., Walla BEGINNING MARCH 22 SUNDAY, MARCH 20 Schiff, poet and professor at the Universi- Walla, 7 p.m. • St. Paschal Parish Center GRIEF SHARE, a weekly seminar/sup- PALM SUNDAY BREAKFAST. Ticket ty of Iowa. Jepson Center’s Wolff Audito- Chapel, 7404 E. Marietta, Spokane Valley, port group for people grieving a death. donation: adults, $6; children 6-12, $4. 9 rium on the GU campus, 7:30 p.m. 10 a.m. Thursday • Rosary for the Un- St. Thomas More Parish, 505 St. Thomas a.m.-1 p.m. Mary Queen Parish, 3423 E. THURSDAYS, BEGINNING born. Planned Parenthood, 123 E. Indiana More Way, Spokane. 6-8 p.m. Informa- Carlisle Ave. (at Freya). MARCH 31 Ave., Spokane, noon. Saturday • St. Pat- tion/contact: 465-4980. ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER. Noon- “EVERYDAY MYSTICISM: Finding rick Parish, 5021 N. Nelson St., Spokane, EVERY WEDNESDAY 2:30 p.m. Fried chicken, ham, mashed the Divine in Daily Life,” A six week immediately following 8 a.m. Mass. BIBLE STUDY 10 a.m., St. Paschal Par- potatoes and gravy, and more. Adults, $8; DVD lecture series facilitated by Francis- EVERY SUNDAY ish Center, 7404 E. Marietta, Spokane chilldren age 6-10, $5; age 3-5: $3; under can Sister Patricia Novak. Twelve lectures EXTRAORDINARY FORM Latin Valley. age 3: free. Holy Ghost Parish, 3083 Hem- presented by Father Anthony Ciorra, assis- Mass, 10:30 a.m., St. Francis Xavier Par- EVERY THURSDAY lock St., Valley, Wash. tant vice president for Mission and Cath- ish, corner of Empire Ave. and Standard CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER, upstairs TAIZÉ EVENING PRAYER SER- olic Identity at Sacred Heart University in St., Spokane old chapel, St. Aloysius Parish Center, VICE: An hour of quiet, contemplative Fairfi eld, Conn. Finding God in the midst SPANISH COMMUNITY MASS – St. 330 E. Boone Ave., Spokane. 10:30 a.m. prayer and song. 7-8 p.m. Immaculate of daily life; experiencing God in ordinary Joseph, 1503 W. Dean Ave., Spokane. CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER, lower Heart Retreat Center, 6910 S. Ben Burr ways. 6:30-8 p.m., through May 12 (no 12:15 p.m. level conference room of former St. Fran- Rd., Spokane. Information: 448-9736. class May 5). $50/series, $10/session. St. EVERY MONDAY cis of Assisi School building, 1104 W. He- MONDAY, MARCH 21 Joseph Family Center, 1016 N. Superior, CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP – roy, Spokane. 6:30-8 p.m. GONZAGA UNIVERSITY O’Leary Spokane. Register online – www.sjfcon- St. Patrick Parish, 408 W. Poplar St., Wal- SACRED HEART PARISH, BREW- Lecture: “Apis-Pocalypse Now: Can line.org – or call 483-6495. la Walla. 7:30 p.m. STER: Adoration of the Blessed Sacra- Science Save the Honey Bee?” delivered FRIDAY, APRIL 1 EVERY TUESDAY ment, after 7 p.m. Mass through 10 a.m. by National Medal of Science winner May SPOKANE SERRA CLUB First Friday WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – St. Pat- Friday morning. Berenbaum, an expert on insects and de- Mass, 7 a.m., Bishop White Seminary, rick Parish, 408 W. Poplar St., Walla Wal- EVERY FRIDAY clining bee colonies. Free and open to the 429 E. Sharp Ave., Spokane. la. 9:30-11a.m. SACRED HEART PARISH, BREW- public. 7:30 p.m., John J. Hemmingson CHARISMATIC MASS – St. Michael’s CLARE’S CLAN TOASTMASTERS STER: Adoration of the Blessed Sacra- Center Ballroom on the GU campus. Chapel, Gonzaga University campus, 105 – 6:30-7:30 p.m., Monastery of St. Clare, ment, after 7 p.m. Mass through 10 a.m. MONDAY-WEDNESDAY E. Boone. Praise, worship, fellowship, 4419 N. Hawthorne St., Spokane. All are Saturday morning. MARCH 21-23 6:15 p.m.; Mass, 7:15 p.m. welcome. Information: Sister Rita Louise, SACRED HEART PARISH, BREW- WOMEN’S HOLY WEEK Retreat: FRIDAY-SATURDAY 327-4479. STER: Spanish/English Ultreya, after 7 “Living Holy Week in Jesus,” present- APRIL 1 AND 2 ADORATION, noon, concludes with p.m. Mass. ed by Bishop Carlos Sevilla SJ, Bishop CATHOLIC RENEWAL MINIS- Benediction at 5:30 p.m. St. Peter Church. AA MEETING: “Serenity of the Emeritus of the Diocese of Yakima. $211/ TRIES’ annual conference: “Approach (Parking between 18th and 19th on S. Heart,” noon, Immaculate Heart Retreat person, $125/commuters. Immaculate the Throne of Grace,” presented by Freya, Spokane.) Center, 6910 S. Ben Burr Rd., Spokane. Heart Retreat Center, 6910 S. Ben Burr Conventional Franciscan Father John OUR LADY’S Rosary Makers. Learn Information: (509) 448-1224, or visit the Rd., Spokane. Information/registration: Farao, a prison minister in the Diocese to make rosaries, which are then sent to web site: www.ihrc.net (509) 448-1224, or online at www.ihrc.net of Monterey, Calif. Begins with Mass Africa to help meet the great need there. THURSDAY, MARCH 17 THURSDAY, MARCH 24 on Friday, 7 p.m. Saturday, registration 1-2:30 p.m., Conference Room 1, St.
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