THE FORDHAM RAM Vol. 47, No. 12 Fordharo University, Bronx, N.Y. 10458—September 30, 1965 401 Eight Page* Celebration Plans Set 125 Celebration TRIB "Builds" School To be Launched For 125 Anniversary With Convocation But University Unsure By Jim Caroscio By Bob Rogers By Henry J. Stanton Plans for the celebration of Fordham's 125th anniversary are For the first time, Fordham will underway. The celebration will begin on Sunday, October 3 wltlfr the have a "strictly formal" convoca- Fordham will open a new coeducational liberal arts col- Faculty Convocation in the Campus Center. tion of the faculties this Sunday. lege at Lincoln Square in 1968, according to an article that The second major event scheduled is the ground-breaking cere- Tile ceremonies will be the klckoff appeared in the N.Y. Herald Tribune last Monday. mony at Lincoln Center for the new theater-classroom complex on for the University's 125th anni- As of yesterday, the University had refused to either con- October 18. <*>* versary celebration. firm or deny the story saying that "plans are still under dis- Rev. Eugene O'Neill, fac- The faculty will meet in the cussion." This fact has given rise to speculation that final ty representative tor Fordham Campus Center to dine, dance plans for the new college had not .25, along with Daniel Tynan, and pay tribute to their compatri- ;tudent representative, and Mr. been approved by Jesuit head- ots. This will be the first year that quarters in Rome. Miles Gannon, alumni represen- the affair has been strictly formal. Miss Jean Murphy tative, have also planned a Uni- The convocation, which will be According to ItobeH A. Kidera, ,-ersity-\vldo ball set for this given by the University chaplain, New Dean of Women vice-president for University Re- ipring at the New York Coliseum. Rev. Edward F. Clark, will honor lations, "no official University Scheduled for December 20-22 five faculty members with Ford- statement is available at this tune s R student run symposium on ham's Bene Merenti Medal. The as no formal decision has been The Role of the University Stu- medal is Fordham's way of saying reached, and certainly no deci- ent—a Free Responsible Voice?" "thank you" to those faculty mem- sion as to the name." Students from all over the coun- bers who have devoted twenty or No Approval ty will attend the symposium forty years to Fordham. Mr. Kidera went on to say that vhich will feature lectures by na- After the dinner In the cafe- "the possibility of a liberal arts lonally prominent educatoi's. teria. Rev. Vincent T. O'Keefe, college at Lincoln Square has beea In connection with Fordham President of Fordham, will address discussed" but that no approval, 25, the Alumni Association has the group. Also attending will be either from the Provincial of from lonvcrted its annual Alumni Din- newly-appointed President Leo Rome has been given. ier into a university-wide dinner Mclaughlin. The address will be The fact that a coeducational •hich will be formal; and for the followed by a dance. liberal arts college is planned for rst time wives of the alumni are The Convocation is designed to Lincoln Square has been general nvited to attend. The dinner will honor those on the faculty who knowledge on campus for several e held at the Waldorf-Astoria .' I have devoted twenty or more years years, but the name or date had otel on January 25, and there;., Bcv. Eugene O'Neill I of their lives to Fordham. The an- never been made definite. ill be an Internationally known nual tradition was initiated thirty- According to the Tribune's .peaker. ture, and other constantly chang- four yews ago. story, the new school •will be called Also, in connection with the an- ing fields will be offered at a nom- The Convocation will be the Campion College after the six- .iversary, the Alumni Association inal fee as service to alumni. The 'first of many observances com- Miss Jean Murphy teenth century English Jesuit initiating a week-long seminar, purpose of this venture is to pro- memorating the University's martyr. Sir Edmund Campion, and hich will be offered for the first vide an intellectual stimulus to founding 125 years ago. There will Miss Jean Murphy, formerly a will accommodate about 200 stu- me to alumni and their wives. those people who have been away be symposiums, social activities, history instructor at St. Helena's dents In its first class. his will give them an opportun- from college life for a considerable and various other commemorative High School, was recently ap- The new school will' share a 14- ,y to actually return to Rose Hill amount of time. events. pointed TMC Dean o£ Women. story classroom buiSding wltu the or serious academic study. This These are the events which Five faculty members will re- As Dean af Women, Miss Mur- School of Education and tha olicy of a' continuing education have been rtefiilltely scheduled for ceive the medal this year. They phy will "be responsible for any School of General Studies, accord- ,'hlch has worked successfully at this centennial year. However, are: Rev. Francis T. Day, activities concerning; TMC stu- ing to the Tribune statement. Con- ther universities will be made an several other activities are in trie Professor Kurt B. Oohla, Miss dents." This Includes forming struction on the building and an initial tradition. Courses in the- planning stage, and will be an- Ann Rita Gray and Rev. Joseph clubs, organizing social events, adjoining 800 seat theatre/audi- logy, philosophy, English litera- nounced in the near future. G. Keegan. All of these in- supervising athletic programs, and torium will begin next month. dividuals are members of the lib- student discipline. Still to be developed, is a build- eral arts faculty.. Professor Kath- Ing housing the intown division of vyn I. Scanlon of the School of Miss Murphy stated that she the School of Business and the Education will also receive the plans to be a "go-between" be- School of Social Service. award. tween the students and the Ad- According to the- Tribune, oi\e ministration, but doesn't Intend to University official has stated that be a moderator or head of any Campion College will have "an Buckley Speaks activity. emphasis toward the Fine Arts." William F. Buckley, conserva- Miss Murphy's office is present- The story went on to suggest that tive candidate for Mayor of the ly located in the Student Person- the school will draw from the im- 3ity of. New York will discuss nel office on the second floor of mediately adjacent Lincoln Cen- Who is the Real Republican" at Dealy but will be moved to Bel- ter for the Performing Arts. The 11 a.m. tomorrow in the c;ym. mont when that buildinp, is ready famed JuiUiard School ol Music for occupancy. is also near-by. Non-Affiliated Vote is Hope of Dem Mollen, Choice on Lindsay Liberal- Republican Slate Milton Mollen, the Liberal-Re- 3',Jl2i timefi s greateW r thaH n thaH tt ofC thH e Horizons' Guests publican candidate .for New York! Republican party. For this reason City comptroller, said last week Messrs. Mollen, Lindsay, and Cos- that "young people have a great tello have gone Into every corner opportunity to become involved in of the city to meet people. Dance Troupe to Perform what Is going on in the city." "If we can keep brinriiiv: our A unique sense of excitement, message to the people," the can- Tonite in Collins Theater change and challenge, ho con- didate snid, "we can win on No- tinued, "has been generated in vember a. Then these .same peo- On Thursday, September 30, style: mid "Blues for the Jungle," this political campaign, a cam- ple can work with us to rebuild 5the Forriham University Student a Negro .spiritual. paign noted for the youth of the the city starting on January 1." ^Union-Horizons Program will pre- Commentary on the fiance form people involved." ipmt the Elio Poinnre Troupe in a will be provided by Dr. Michael On the subject of a civilian re- Speaking at a lecture sponsored view board, Mr. Molleu favors the fl'io i,un of modem dance. The Levy of Columbia University. Ad- hist Friday by the Liberal Club, l'i(i"i mi u ill be presented u\ Col- mission is ?1.25. establishment of an appelato Mr. Mollen dre.v an audience of board of three retired judges to |lin theatre at 11:30 p.m. Next Saturday nlghl, October ipproxlmately 100 students to the U, 11K1 Campus Center Student 1 rule on appeals from the regular Mi Pomai'e ;uul hi* company. v campus center ballroom. I' review board. He. also Joels that hoard \<"iU s',"jii. ;ur uti "October- AH a member of the. Denioei'1- S'.'ho have jusi returned from a test" from S> p.m. to 1 a.m. in the the city can utilize its polite man- iicu'^tul t'>ur of Europe, will tic party, Mr. Molleii'.s position on power better to reduce crime in Kniuskellcr. Patterned after an John Lindsay's ticket signifies for perform "The Missa Iiiiba," a authentic liuvai-ian lirau Fest, the the city. In this way much lost flami lespouse to Congo rhythm: him the fact that the present confidence would Vie ves-.lural to event, will include u German Hand leadership of the Democratic par- Milton Molten i' C'on-tiucUon in Green." a eele- ivhlch also plays pop music), the police department.
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