Annual Infrastructure Program Revisions Flag: (D)elisted; (M)odified; (R)ealigned; (T)erminated UACS PAP Project Component Descripon Project Component Type of Work Target Unit Target Allocaon Operang Unit / Revisions Implemenng Office Flag Naonal Capital Region 8,226,242,000 180 projects Central Office Regional Office 1,350,000,000 3 projects GAA 2018 OO-1 1,350,000,000 Network Deelopment - onstructon of Flyoers/ Interchanges/ Unerpasses/ Long Span Brges 650,000,000 P-Miriam-teneo Viadut Projet along C5Katiunan, Quezon City P00110504LZ 500,000,000 310206100013000 P00110504LZ-EAO 17,500,000 Central ffie Bridges Management Cluster 310206100013000 Constrution of Viadut - P-Miriam-teneo P00110504LZ-CW1 Constrution of Square 0.000 482,500,000 Central ffie Bridges Viadut Projet along C5Katiunan, Quezon Viadut meters Management Cluster City Zaragosa nterhange P00201093LZ 150,000,000 310206100014000 Constrution of nterhange - Zaragosa P00201093LZ-CW1 Constrution of Square 0.000 144,750,000 Central ffie Roads nterhange nterhange meters Management Cluster [Bilateral] 310206100014000 P00201093LZ-EAO 5,250,000 Central ffie Roads Management Cluster [Bilateral] Network Deelopment - oa Wenng - Seconary oas 700,000,000 Widening of Gen. Luis-Kaybiga-Polo-Novalihes Road P00202408LZ 700,000,000 310202100165000 P00202408LZ-EAO 24,500,000 Central ffie Roads Management Cluster [Bilateral] 310202100165000 Road Widening - Widening of Gen. P00202408LZ-CW1 Road Widening Lane Km 17.994 675,500,000 Central ffie Roads Luis-Kaybiga-Polo-Novalihes Road Management Cluster [Bilateral] Feb 21, 2018 10:34:53 PM Page 1 of 77 Annual Infrastructure Program Revisions Flag: (D)elisted; (M)odified; (R)ealigned; (T)erminated UACS PAP Project Component Descripon Project Component Type of Work Target Unit Target Allocaon Operang Unit / Revisions Implemenng Office Flag Naonal Capital Region 8,226,242,000 180 projects Las Piñas-Munnlupa District Engineering Office 574,466,000 20 projects CITY OF LAS PIÑAS (LONE DISTRICT) 370,300,000 9 projects GAA 2018 OO-1 370,300,000 Asset Preseraton - onstructon / Upgrang / ehabltaton of Dranage along Natonal oas - Seconary oas 175,000,000 nternational Reeiver Rd K0020+776 - K0019+607 P00202756LZ 35,000,000 310111100015000 Constrution of Drainage Struture along P00202756LZ-CW1 Constrution of Lineal 2,354.000 34,300,000 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Road - nternational Reeiver Rd K0020+776 - Drainage Struture meters Distrit Engineering ffie K0019+607 along Road Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie 310111100015000 P00202756LZ-EAO 700,000 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Quirino venue - K0013+316 - K0013+582 P00202757LZ 50,000,000 310111100016000 Constrution of Drainage Struture along P00202757LZ-CW1 Constrution of Lineal 532.000 49,000,000 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Road - Quirino venue - K0013+316 - Drainage Struture meters Distrit Engineering ffie K0013+582 along Road Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie 310111100016000 P00202757LZ-EAO 1,000,000 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Feb 21, 2018 10:34:53 PM Page 2 of 77 Annual Infrastructure Program Revisions Flag: (D)elisted; (M)odified; (R)ealigned; (T)erminated UACS PAP Project Component Descripon Project Component Type of Work Target Unit Target Allocaon Operang Unit / Revisions Implemenng Office Flag Naonal Capital Region 8,226,242,000 180 projects Zaote-labang Rd - K0015+595 -K0018+082 P00202758LZ 50,000,000 310111100017000 Constrution of Drainage Struture along P00202758LZ-CW1 Constrution of Lineal 4,956.000 49,000,000 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Road - Zaote-labang Rd - K0015+595 Drainage Struture meters Distrit Engineering ffie -K0018+082 along Road Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie 310111100017000 P00202758LZ-EAO 1,000,000 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Zaote-labang Rd - K0019+305 - K0020+912 P00202759LZ 40,000,000 310111100018000 P00202759LZ-EAO 800,000 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie 310111100018000 Constrution of Drainage Struture along P00202759LZ-CW1 Constrution of Lineal 3,200.000 39,200,000 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Road - Zaote-labang Rd - K0019+305 - Drainage Struture meters Distrit Engineering ffie K0020+912 along Road Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Asset Preseraton - Preente Mantenance - Prmary oas 20,460,000 Quirino venue - K0013 + 293 - K0014 + 206 P00200003LZ 20,460,000 310101100048000 P00200003LZ-EAO 409,200 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Feb 21, 2018 10:34:53 PM Page 3 of 77 Annual Infrastructure Program Revisions Flag: (D)elisted; (M)odified; (R)ealigned; (T)erminated UACS PAP Project Component Descripon Project Component Type of Work Target Unit Target Allocaon Operang Unit / Revisions Implemenng Office Flag Naonal Capital Region 8,226,242,000 180 projects 310101100048000 Preventive Maintenane of Road: shalt P00200003LZ-CW1 Preventive Lane Km 2.715 20,050,800 Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay - Quirino venue - K0013 + 293 - Maintenane of Distrit Engineering ffie K0014 + 206 Road: shalt Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay Distrit Engineering ffie Asset Preseraton - Preente Mantenance - Seconary oas 29,713,000 Zaote-labang Rd - K0016 + 763 - K0017 + 329.52, K0018 + 625.5 - P00200062LZ 29,713,000 K0019 + 050 310102100046000 Preventive Maintenane of Road: shalt P00200062LZ-CW1 Preventive Lane Km 3.992 29,118,740 Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay - Zaote-labang Rd - K0016 + 763 - Maintenane of Distrit Engineering ffie K0017 + 329.52, K0018 + 625.5 - K0019 + 050 Road: shalt Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay Distrit Engineering ffie 310102100046000 P00200062LZ-EAO 594,260 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Asset Preseraton - Preente Mantenance - Tertary oas 45,127,000 Maros lvarez Rd - (S03507LZ) Chainage 180 - Chainage 3270 P00200197LZ 40,320,000 310103100039000 Preventive Maintenane of Road: shalt P00200197LZ-CW1 Preventive Lane Km 7.209 39,513,600 Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay - Maros lvarez Rd - (S03507LZ) Maintenane of Distrit Engineering ffie Chainage 180 - Chainage 3270 Road: shalt Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay Distrit Engineering ffie 310103100039000 P00200197LZ-EAO 806,400 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Feb 21, 2018 10:34:53 PM Page 4 of 77 Annual Infrastructure Program Revisions Flag: (D)elisted; (M)odified; (R)ealigned; (T)erminated UACS PAP Project Component Descripon Project Component Type of Work Target Unit Target Allocaon Operang Unit / Revisions Implemenng Office Flag Naonal Capital Region 8,226,242,000 180 projects Zaote-labang Rd - (S03274LZ) Chainage 0 - Chainage 245, P00200201LZ 4,807,000 (S03496LZ) Chainage 0 - Chainage 241 310103100043000 Preventive Maintenane of Road: shalt P00200201LZ-CW1 Preventive Lane Km 1.944 4,710,860 Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay - Zaote-labang Rd - (S03274LZ) Maintenane of Distrit Engineering ffie Chainage 0 - Chainage 245, (S03496LZ) Road: shalt Las Piñas-Muntinlua Chainage 0 - Chainage 241 verlay Distrit Engineering ffie 310103100043000 P00200201LZ-EAO 96,140 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Network Deelopment - oa Wenng - Tertary oas 100,000,000 Maros lvarez Rd - (S03507LZ)Chainage0 - Chainage41, P00201397LZ 100,000,000 (S03507LZ)Chainage41 - Chainage1209, (S03507LZ)Chainage1209 - Chainage3378 310203100041000 Road Widening - Maros lvarez Rd - P00201397LZ-CW1 Road Widening Lane Km 6.756 96,500,000 Central ffie Las (S03507LZ)Chainage0 - Chainage41, Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit (S03507LZ)Chainage41 - Chainage1209, Engineering ffie (S03507LZ)Chainage1209 - Chainage3378 310203100041000 P00201397LZ-EAO 3,500,000 Central ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Feb 21, 2018 10:34:53 PM Page 5 of 77 Annual Infrastructure Program Revisions Flag: (D)elisted; (M)odified; (R)ealigned; (T)erminated UACS PAP Project Component Descripon Project Component Type of Work Target Unit Target Allocaon Operang Unit / Revisions Implemenng Office Flag Naonal Capital Region 8,226,242,000 180 projects CITY OF MUNTINLUPA (LONE DISTRICT) 204,166,000 11 projects GAA 2018 OO-1 204,166,000 Asset Preseraton - Preente Mantenance - Prmary oas 38,811,000 Daang Maharlika (LZ) K0026 + -1036 - K0026 + -496 P00200002LZ 38,811,000 310101100047000 P00200002LZ-EAO 776,220 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie 310101100047000 Preventive Maintenane of Road: shalt P00200002LZ-CW1 Preventive Lane Km 2.160 38,034,780 Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay - Daang Maharlika (LZ) K0026 + -1036 Maintenane of Distrit Engineering ffie - K0026 + -496 Road: shalt Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay Distrit Engineering ffie Asset Preseraton - Preente Mantenance - Seconary oas 28,353,000 PPT Rd - K0025 + 510 - K0027 + -050, K0027 + 000 - K0028 + 545 P00200061LZ 28,353,000 310102100045000 Preventive Maintenane of Road: shalt P00200061LZ-CW1 Preventive Lane Km 5.952 27,785,940 Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay - PPT Rd - K0025 + 510 - K0027 + Maintenane of Distrit Engineering ffie -050, K0027 + 000 - K0028 + 545 Road: shalt Las Piñas-Muntinlua verlay Distrit Engineering ffie 310102100045000 P00200061LZ-EAO 567,060 Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Las Piñas-Muntinlua Distrit Engineering ffie Feb 21, 2018 10:34:53 PM Page 6 of 77 Annual Infrastructure Program Revisions Flag: (D)elisted; (M)odified;
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