Insight Meditation Center insight Newsletter JANUARY , F EBRUARY , M ARCH 2014 VOLUME 17, N UMBER 1 Mindfulness of the Hindrances Anyone practicing mindfulness knows there are forces in the The wisdom needed for working with the hindrances is dis - mind that can make it difficult to stay attentive to one’s present covered through mindfulness of them. This wisdom is acquired moment experience. Ranging from weak to very powerful, these slowly, requiring much patience. It also requires an interest in forces hamper our ability to remain mindful, develop concentra - studying the hindrances as they appear. Reading about the hin - tion and have clear insight. They pull our attention away from our drances cannot substitute for the time and effort needed to efforts to meditate. Even with the best of intentions to stay understand how the hindrances operate. As each person has his focused, these forces can propel us into the world of pre-occupa - or her own path through the hindrances, you will have to find tion and distracted thought. yours. Rather than reacting to these difficulties as being “bad,” “dis - It is best to respect the hindrances and their power. This is not tractions,” or personal failings, it is important to be mindful of to acquiesce to them, but rather it is a way to overcome their sway. them. In that they are happening in the present, they can be a Through developing one’s mindfulness, the hindrances begin to basis for cultivating greater awareness and wisdom. They can lose their power. With the growth of wisdom, equanimity, and become part of the path of practice, rather than a detour. concentration it is possible to be free from their influence. It is important to investigate the forces of distraction and agita - It is also possible to be free of the hindrances themselves; they tion carefully to understand their nature and how they work. It is do not have to be present. One’s mind can be hindrance-free. easier to find freedom from something when we know it thor - Without the obscurations of the hindrances, such a mind can oughly. Ancient Buddhist stories tell of Mara, the Buddhist person - become clear, perhaps like a translucent pond in which every - ification of temptation and distraction, approaching the Buddha. thing is seen clearly. Each time Mara arrives, the Buddha simply says, “Mara, I see you,” Buddhism recognizes a hindrance-free mind as a beautiful and Mara flees. Recognizing Mara was effective in bringing free - mind. In fact, for some people this mind is one of the most beauti - dom from Mara. ful experiences they know. Because all other forms of beauty are Of the many forces of distraction, five are traditionally identi - perceived through the mind, when the mind is clear and peaceful, fied as particularly important for people practicing Buddhist what we perceive will be perceived within this clarity and peace. It mindfulness and meditation. Known as the five hindrances, they is like having the light turned on after living in the dark for a long are workings of the mind that can hinder our ability to see clearly time: the marvel of sight becomes more wonderful than whatever and our capacity to develop a stable, concentrated mind. The hin - is seen. drances are sensual desire; ill will; sloth and torpor; restlessness On the path to freedom, the primary function of a hindrance- and worry and doubt. free mind is to teach us about non-clinging. When the hindrances As you can see, the list is actually made up of seven factors, hinder it is because we are clinging to something. When the hin - but four are always paired. One explanation for the paired items drances are absent we are then free of their accompanying cling - is that they represent closely related physical and mental factors. ing. By seeing the difference between clinging and non-clinging The first two hindrances are related by being opposite quali - we learn that freedom is found in non-clinging. When this lesson ties. Desire and ill will are both forms of wanting, albeit in oppos - is learned well, we understand that clarity, peace, beauty and ing ways. Desire wants to have something, whereas ill will wants to other experiences on the path to freedom are not the point of the push something way. The third and fourth hindrances are similar - path; they are stepping-stones to more and more thorough ly seen as opposing tendencies. They both involve levels of ener - degrees of freedom from attachment. gy or vitality. Sloth and torpor are low energy states while restless - The milestones along this path are measured by release from ness and worry are high energy states. attachments. In relationship to the hindrances this may begin with The fifth hindrance, doubt, is not specifically connected with letting go of anger, discouragement, or dismay that they are pre - any of the other hindrances or distinguished into physical and sent. A further step is giving up judging oneself negatively mental aspects. This is because doubt is often entwined with any because of the hindrances. Another signpost is letting go of any combination of the other hindrances and can cast its influence in belief that justifies the importance of the hindrances. The most many ways on our whole being. Continued inside SANGHA PROGRAMS & NEWS HISTORIC FIRST SPANISH RETREAT ON THE WEST PRACTICING WITH UNHINDERED: REVIEW OF COAST GIL ’S NEW BOOK The Insight Retreat Center is hosting the first ever residential Gil Fronsdal’s new book, Unhindered: A Mindful Path Through insight retreat in Spanish to be held in the West Coast, and only the Five Hindrances , offers clear and the second retreat for the continental U.S. For the growing num - practical descriptions and helpful ber of Spanish speakers, it is valuable to hear and discuss the questions for reflection. It is intended practice in their native language. We are very fortunate to have to help the reader identify the hin - the retreat led by Rebecca Bradshaw who will be assisted by drances, recognize how they operate, IMC's Andrea Castillo. Rebecca was trained at the Insight and understand how to find freedom Meditation Society in Massachusetts and is now the guiding with them. Gil observes, “When the teacher at the Insight Meditation Center of Pioneer Valley, MA. hindrances are present the path to For a number of years she has been teaching retreats in Spanish inner peace is through them” (p. 20). in Puerto Rico. Andrea Castillo has been teaching the Tuesday Having heard teachers point out the evening Spanish sitting group at IMC for two years. The dates are importance of investigation, I wel - June 26 –29. We hope this will be the first of other such retreats. comed this systematic instruction on Registration begins February 26. Info: insightretreatcenter.org . how to do it. Each hindrance is examined in turn: sensual desire, ill will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry, and doubt, with reflec - IMC OFFERINGS IN SPANISH I am delighted to announce exciting new projects taking tions and practices following the discussion of each hindrance. shape in the Spanish-speaking branch of our IMC community. As a means to deepen attention and understanding, the book We are creating a stronger online presence with our own IMC- offers plenty of opportunities for deeper inquiry. Español website, linked to the Spanish Dharma button on IMC’s Knowing that writing helps me focus my thoughts, I copied website menu. This will be a gathering place for articles, informa - quite a few passages that addressed my experience and wrote tion, and audio recordings of Dharma talks in Spanish. my responses to many of the questions. I benefitted especially Additionally, we will be publishing a biannual Spanish language from recognizing bodily sensations related to each hindrance newsletter— Nuestras voces, nuestro dharma. It will debut in and identifying underlying beliefs that I held—beliefs that clear - January. Its purpose is to make the dharma more widely avail - ly were not true. An important practice for me was shifting my able in the Latino/Hispanic communities, to be a vehicle for attention from the object of the hindrance to my inner experience Spanish-speaking dharma voices to be heard, and to shed light of it. My exploration held some surprises. At first I thought that ill upon various aspects of cross-cultural Dharma. will was my weakest hindrance, since I do not think of myself as Since first joining the Tuesday evening “Dharma in Spanish” mean and pugnacious. However, as I saw that ill will can include group taught by Andrea Castillo at IMC, I have reflected time and impulses to strike out, push away, and turn away, I wrote several again on the fact that the Latino experience here in the U.S. is one pages examining my attitudes in daily life, ranging from a current which is in many ways, profoundly different from that of the political situation to two important relationships. I originally dominant culture, and that it deserves special attention. In thought that doubt was my strongest hindrance. Yet, after I listed upcoming issues we will gradually explore aspects of Latino reali - my areas of doubt and questions about practice, I identified the ty in the 21st century United States that may have bearing on how primary ways in which I feel confidence, at which point I noticed the dharma is taught and received by this particular population. that my doubts had lost their power. —Carrie Tamburo, Editor In my ongoing examination of the hindrances I am inspired by Gil’s observation, “Because all other forms of beauty are per - BUDDHISM AND THE 12 STEP SUPPORT GROUP ceived though the mind, when the mind is clear and peaceful, On the second Sunday of each month from 7:30 to 9pm, what we perceive will be perceived within this clarity and peace” Jennifer Lemas facilitates group discussion and study that (p.
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