NEWS Local news and entertainment since 1969 Remain Resilient, Las Cruces! Remain Inside resilient Las Cruces! Yoli Diaz: Volunteer of the year FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 I Volume 52, Number 48 I lascrucesbulletin.com A TRIBUTE TO OUR AMAZING COMMUNITY • NOV. 27, 2020 page 14 Sponsored by Cavill & Co. Investment Managers and the Las Cruces Bulletin (Photos by Elva Österreich) NEWS AA quietquiet autumnautumn Mayfield students plant city trees page 16 A&E Arts Council plans December show page 29 PETS & PEOPLE Barkhouse seeks a BULLETIN PHOTO BY ELVA K. ÖSTERREICH plane, a pilot As the weather cools and fall takes hold, the city’s playgrounds stand silent. Las Cruces maintains its #HealNowPlayLater policy to keep residents safe. Like other page 47 city facilities, Meerscheidt Recreation Center remains closed pending better COVID-19 news. 2 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 LAS CRUCES BULLETIN LAS CRUCES BULLETIN NEWS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 | 3 Third grader organizes dessert drive to feed those in need at Thanksgiving By MIKE COOK Las Cruces Bulletin AJ Narvaez, a third grader at J. Paul Taylor Academy (JPTA) in Las Cruces, is continuing his commitment to helping those in need. This year, he helped host a school-wide dessert drive to feed those in need during Thanksgiving, as the school collected des- serts and turned them PHOTOS COURTESY OF ROBYN REHBEIN over to chef Frank Duran AJ Narvaez with his brother, Mateo, making a holiday dessert collection box to include with the holiday J. Paul Taylor Academy third-grader AJ Narvaez with the sign he made to encourage donations to his passion project. meals he prepared and dis- poverty. Chef Frank men- event the day of.” Duran said. tributed in late November, last year when AJ was At the same time, AJ’s tioned that he was going to served 350 meals last year, “AJ says he wants to said Robyn Rehbein, AJ’s doing a book report on class was working on pas- be feeding homeless indi- Rehbein said. help others because it mom. Clara Barton, the woman sion projects “to learn viduals in a couple weeks Due to COVID this year, makes him feel good to Last year, AJ’s “passion who started the Red Cross, about needs within our and AJ chose to help as AJ is only able to help col- help others and to give,” project” was helping to Rehbein said. Duran, a Red community,” Rehbein part of his passion project. lect donations and take Rehbein said. “He has feed the homeless in Las Cross volunteer, came to said, “looking inward and He collected dessert dona- them to Frank, who will contributed some of his Cruces, Rehbein said. JPTA to help present AJ’s acting locally to help oth- tions, took them to Frank, distribute the items to in- savings to buying dessert AJ and Chef Frank met book report to his class. ers. AJ chose to work on and then helped with the dividuals in need, Rehbein items to donate.” COMING UP Editor’s note. Despite the tirement. 10:30 a.m. Dr. Jeffrey » Doña Ana County Genealogi- demonstrating riding safely with 10 a.m., Arbor Station, 322 No other formats will be COVID-19 virus, some Amato will present “Overview of cal Society: 2 p.m. Zoom meet- traffic. Info: velocruces@gmail. E. Elm St. Learn how to accepted. Submissions events are being scheduled. Plate Tectonics and the Geology ing. Holiday Zoom party, hosted com www.velocruces.org plant trees with style. Free. must be emailed a mini- The Bulletin will resume of the Rio Grande Area.” Zoom by Mark Coker. Each member Info: 575-555-5555 or root- mum of 10 days in advance publishing calendar items, session, small fee. Info: dacc. will share a two-to-three-minute The format for Coming Up [email protected] of the desired publication nmsu.edu/ALR, use link ALR story about a genealogy char- emphasizing that event at- calendar submissions is: date. Only Word docu- Memberships and Presenta- acter or a research topic. Free. Day/date – Name of event: tendees and venues should tions to register. Info: dacgs.org. Email request For recurring events, ac- ments submitted via email time, location, physical comply with all social-dis- to join meeting, with telephone ceptable submissions will will be accepted. Limit 45 tancing and mask-wearing Thursday, Dec. 3 number, to [email protected]. address, brief description, look like this: words. Calendar submis- protocols to prevent spread » Academy for Learning in free or fee, telephone con- sions must be properly of the virus. Retirement. 10:30 a.m. Dr. Emily ONGOING tact and/or email contact. Hop-scotch lessons: 9- 10 formatted for publication Johnson will present “Magma- a.m., first Wednesdays, consideration. Email cal- tism in the Rio Grande Rift.“ Mondays For instance, an acceptable The Hop-Scotch Center, endar submission to jess@ By JESS WILLIAMS Zoom session, small fee. Info: » Velo Cruces bike rides: submission for a date- 123 N. Leapfrog Ave. In- lascrucesbulletin.com. No Gather 7:05 a.m., depart 7:15 Las Cruces Bulletin dacc.nmsu.edu/ALR, use link specific calendar item will structed by Chris Nimble- PDFs or flyers. Format- a.m. second Mondays. Las ALR Memberships and Presen- look like this: limbs. $5 adults. Kids free. ting details are presented tations to register. Cruces Railroad Museum, 351 N. Mesilla St. Helmets, masks, and Info: 575-555-5555 or ho- below. Monday, Nov. 30 Wednesday, Sept. 23 -- Tree Wednesday, Dec. 9 social distanced safe bike ride [email protected]. » Academy for Learning in Re- Planting for Dummies: 9- 4 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2020 NEWS LAS CRUCES BULLETIN NMSU to receive $31 million for improvementsLas Cruces Bulletin - 10/13/2017 Page : A013 LAS CRUCES BULLETIN NEWS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2017 | 13 By JESS WILLIAMS for agricultural research, Plan, design, construct, design, construct, reno- majority of voters speaks Community College, Na- Las Cruces Bulletin including abatement and renovate and repair duct vate, furnish and equip to the importance of our vajo Technical University, demolition. Plan, design, work and boiler-feed lines improvements, includingFlags colleges of and universitiesmourning New Mexico Highlands New Mexico State will construct, renovate, in classroom buildings. abatement and demoli- to communities across University, New Mexico reap about $31 million furnish and equip infor- Plan, design, construct, tion ($3 million). the state,” Acting Higher Institute of ENDMining in statewide bond funds mation technology infra- renovate, furnish and During the Nov. 3 elec- Education Secretary and Technology, New for improvements and structure upgrades and equip the physical plant tion, 65 percent of vot- Stephanie Rodriguez said. Mexico Junior College, SALE! construction across its a new infrastructure and building ($1.8 million). ers approved the funds, “I thank voters, the GO New Mexico Military Tile network of campuses. information technology Carlsbad campus: which are set to create Bond C campaign com- Institute, NewSUMMER Mexico from Voters approved $156 building ($21 million). Plan, design, construct, approximately 1,500 new mittee, and our higher School for the Deaf, New * Truckloads million for critical safety Doña Ana Commu- furnish and equip cam- jobs in construction, education leaders and Mexico School for the in stock and infrastructure im- nity College: Plan, de- pus-wide infrastructure, architecture and related partners for ensuring Blind, Northern New Cash and Carry. No holding. provements at New Mex- sign, construct, furnish and parking lot and site fields in 23 cities and that student safety and Mexico College, San Juan 59per sq. ft. ¢ ico’s 33 public colleges, and equip a creative cam- improvements, including 21 counties across New success remains at the College, Santa Fe Com- Carpet Laminate universities, and special pus media building and roofs and accessibility Mexico in the upcoming forefront in New Mexico.” munity College, Santa Fe from from schools via General Obli- plan design, construct, compliance ($1.5 million). year. The funding will Other universities in Indian School, Southwest gation Bond C for higher furnish, equip, repair and Grants campus: Plan, allow colleges, universi- line for funding include Indian Polytechnic Insti- * * LAS CRUCES BULLETIN OPINION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2018 | 9 education. renovate classroom im- design, construct, furnish ties and schools to repair Central New Mexico tute, University of New $ 79 NMSU’s allocations will provements, security and and equip upgrades, in- and renovate their faciliLETTERS- Community College,amnesty Clo for -18 millionMexico and Western New per sq. ft. undocumented immi- Thousands be used as follows: surveillance site infra- cluding exterior stucco ties, improve safety andCONTINUED vis FROM Community 8 grants. College, So, if 18 millionMexico University. 99 per sq. ft. ¢ 1of feet in stock immigrants receive Main campus: Plan, structure, exterior locks and site improvements, to update their technology,Socialism Diné hasn’t College, worked Easternamnesty, what are her and lighting and informa- Martinez Hall ($1.3 mil- according to a news re- anywhereNew else, Mexico but what University,plans for the next Forfive more information Luxury Vinyl Tile design, construct, reno- the hell, now that we are million immigrants in vate, furnish and equip tion technology upgrades lion). lease from the state. in the twilightInstitute zone of let’s Americansix years? In Bottom- about line, how GO Bond C from Caseygive it one more try. I’mCarpetthere is no end to forthis higher education will improvements to science ($1.86 million). NMSU Agricultural “The passage of BONDsure ifdian we only Arts, spend Lunasituation. Commu- enough money. Criminals do notimpact try to New Mexico, visit * and engineering facilities Alamogordo campus: centers statewide: Plan, C by an overwhelming nity DennisCollege, Stone Mesalandsenter the USA through LAS CRUCES BULLETIN OPINION LAS CRUCES BULLETINOF LAS CRUCES,FRIDwww.bondc4nm.com.AY, NOVEMBER 16, 2018 INC.
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