ST. CHARLES PARISH PUBLIC NOTICES Larry Cochran Terrell D. Wilson Mary K. Clulee Dick Gibbs William “Billy” Woodruff Marilyn B. Bellock Traci A. Fletcher Julia Fisher-Perrier Wendy Benedetto Paul J. Hogan Parish President Councilman, District I Councilwoman, District II Councilman, District III Councilman, District IV Councilwoman, District V Councilwoman, District VI Councilwoman, District VII Councilwoman-At-Large, Councilman-At-Large, Division B 985-783-5000 986-308-0866 985-308-1690 985-307-0182 985-306-0281 504-360-2025 985-307-0120 985-308-0366 Division A 985-306-0085 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 985-307-0350 [email protected] [email protected] PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Publish: July 21, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Publish: July 14 & 21, 2016 2D St. Charles Herald-GUIDE • WEEK OF July 21 - 27, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLISH: July 21, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE Publish: July 21, 2016 PUBLISH: June 23 & July 21, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLISH: July 21, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLISH: July 21, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE Publish: July 21, 2016 St. Charles Herald-GUIDE • WEEK OF July 21 - 27, 2016 3D 4D St. Charles Herald-GUIDE • WEEK OF July 21 - 27, 2016 St. Charles Herald-GUIDE • WEEK OF July 21 - 27, 2016 5D 6D St. Charles Herald-GUIDE • WEEK OF July 21 - 27, 2016 St. Charles Herald-GUIDE • WEEK OF July 21 - 27, 2016 7D the PARISH OF ST. CHARLES, State CASHIER’S CHECK DUE BY 2:00 PUBLIC NOTICE of Louisiana, dated: THURSDAY, P.M. DAY OF THE SALE. APRIL 14, 2016, in the above entitled PUBLISH ON: June 23, 2016 July 21, and numbered cause, I shall proceed 2016 to sell at public auction at the principal GREG CHAMPAGNE-SHERIFF & front door of the Courthouse of which EX-OFFICIO TAX COLLECTOR ST. the Civil District Court of the Parish of CHARLES PARISH St. Charles is held on WEDNESDAY, ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF: JULY 27, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., to the last Rader Jackson and highest bidder for cash, the follow- 1010 Common St. Suite 1500 ing described property, to wit: New Orleans, LA 70112 ONE CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, 504-581-9444 situated in the Parish of St. Charles, SCSO-CIV-209-0402 State of Louisiana, located in Section 2, Township 13, South, Range 20 East, in that part thereof known as RIVER SHERIFF’S SALE PARK ESTATES, designated as LOT SHERIFF’S OFFICE NO. 83 on the plan of subdivision made Suit No: (45)81406-0 by E.M. Collier, C.E., dated October 30, Date: Friday, June 10, 2016 1967, and according thereto said lot FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT- measures 100 feet front on River Park GAGE ASSOCIATION Drive, a width in the rear of 100.015 feet, VS by a depth on the sideline in common CHRISTINA E. SUAREZ A/K/A Publish: July 21, 2016 with Lot No. 81 of 82.46 feet and a depth CHRISTINA KIHNEL SUAREZ on the sideline in common with Lot No. GREG CHAMPAGNE, SHERIFF PUBLIC NOTICE 85 of 80.56 feet. P.O. Box 426 AND HAHNVILLE, LA 70057 ONE CERTAIN LOT OR PORTION Parish of St. Charles OF GROUND, together with all the 29th Judicial District Court State of buildings and improvements thereon, Louisiana and all rights, ways, privileges, servitudes By virtue of and in obedience to a Writ and advantages thereunto belonging or of SEIZURE AND SALE directed to in anywise appertaining, situated in the me by the Honorable 29TH JUDI- Parish of St. Charles, State of Louisiana, CIAL DISTRICT COURT in and for on the right bank of the Mississippi the PARISH OF ST. CHARLES, State River, and according to a survey pre- of Louisiana, dated: THURSDAY, pared by Stephen P. Flynn, PLS, entitled MAY 19, 2016, in the above entitled “Survey Plat and Resubdivision of Lot and numbered cause, I shall proceed 3A and 3B of the Partition of Property to sell at public auction at the principal of Placide Baudoin, et al” dated January front door of the Courthouse of which 11, 2007, said lot of ground is designated the Civil District Court of the Parish of as Lot 83A and measures as follows: St. Charles is held on WEDNESDAY, Lot 83A has a width along line of Lot JULY 27, 2016, at 10:00 A.M., to the last 83 of 100.01 feet, a depth along line of and highest bidder for cash, the follow- Lot 81A of 109.82 feet, a width along its ing described property, to wit: southern line of 100.06 feet, and a depth One Certain Lot Of Ground, together along line of Lot 85A of 107.95 feet. with all the buildings and improvements And from the proceeds of said sale to thereon, and all of the rights, ways, privi- pay petitioner by preference over all leges, servitudes, appurtenances and other claims, the sum of: ONE HUN- advantages thereunto belonging or in DRED SEVENTY-TWO THOU- anywise appertaining, situated in the SAND TWO HUNDRED NINETY Parish of St. Charles, State of Louisiana, AND 41 /100 ($172,290.41) DOL- in that part thereof known as Fairfield LARS, along with interest and attorney’s Plantation Oaks in Section 39, T12S- fees and all other costs including my R9E, designated as LOT 1A, Square 3A. own costs and charges. Said LOT 1A is bounded by Louisiana TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF Highway 48, Jefferson Highway, Pitre SALE: CASH IN THE FORM OF A Drive, and LOT 2A. Lot 1A forms the CASHIER’S CHECK DUE BY 2:00 corner of Louisiana Highway 48 Jef- P.M. DAY OF THE SALE. ferson Highway and Pitre Drive and GREG CHAMPAGNE-SHERIFF & measures thence 50 feet front on Pitre EX-OFFICIO TAX COLLECTOR Drive, a width in the rear, of 70.50 feet, ST. CHARLES PARISH by a depth and front along Louisiana PUBLIC NOTICE THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR POR- PUBLISH ON: June 23, 2016 Highway 48-Jefferson of 87.47 feet, and TION OF GROUND, together with “Anyone knowing the whereabouts of July 21, 2016 a depth on the opposite sideline of 81.64 Myrtle Boyd, please contact the Law Office all the buildings and improvements ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF: feet, all in accordance with a survey by of Joseph Rochelle at 110 Avenue of Oaks, thereon, and all of the rights, ways, Stacy Wheat Lucion C. Gassen, Land Surveyor, dated Destrehan, LA 70047, or by calling 504- privileges, servitudes, appurtenances 639 Loyola Avenue suite 1800 April 19, 1982, redated June 30, 1982 451-4885.” and advantages thereunto belonging or New Orleans, LA 70113 and updated October 28, 1982, a copy in anywise appertaining, situated in the 504-522-8256 Publish July 21 & July 28, 2016 of which is annexed to a sale dated No- Parish of St. Charles, State of Louisiana SCSO-CIV-209-0402 vember 2, 1982; subject to restrictions, in DIANNE PLACE SUBDIVISION, PUBLIC NOTICE servitudes, rights-of-way and outstand- in accordance with a plan of subdivi- SHERIFF’S SALE ing mineral rights of record affecting the “Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Der- sion by J.J. Krebs & Sons, Inc. dated July property. rick Myles, please contact the Law Office SHERIFF’S SALE 26, 1979, revised November 21, 1979, And from the proceeds of said sale to of Joseph Rochelle at 110 Avenue of Oaks, SHERIFF’S OFFICE being a subdivision of portions of Sec- pay petitioner by preference over all Destrehan, LA 70047, or by calling 504- Suit No: (45)81369-0 tion 38, 39 and 43, Township 13 South, other claims, the sum of: ONE HUN- 451-4885.” Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 Range 9 East, and Township 12 South, DRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND Range 9 East, designated as LOT NO. PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIA- Publish July 21 & July 28, 2016 TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE TION 16 of SQUARE NO. 1, WHICH SAID AND 88 / 100 ($118,259.88) DOL- VS SQUARE IS BOUNDED BY Dianne LARS, along with interest and attorney’s PUBLIC NOTICE LISA LAURENT JOHNSON Drive, Gene Drive, St. Rose Avenue side fees and all other costs including my “Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Don- GREG CHAMPAGNE, SHERIFF and the property of Antonio Beneditto, own costs and charges. ald Short, please contact the Law Office or assigns on the west, and the southern P.O. Box 426 of Joseph Rochelle at 110 Avenue of Oaks, TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF boundary of the subdivision on the HAHNVILLE, LA 70057 Destrehan, LA 70047, or by calling 504- SALE: CASH IN THE FORM OF A Parish of St. Charles 451-4885.” River road side, and said lot measures CASHIER’S CHECK DUE BY 2:00 29th Judicial District Court as follows: P.M. DAY OF THE SALE. State of Louisiana Publish July 21 & July 28, 2016 LOT NO. 16 commences at a distance GREG CHAMPAGNE-SHERIFF & By virtue of and in obedience to a Writ of 1004.25 feet from the comer of Di- EX-OFFICIO TAX COLLECTOR of SEIZURE AND SALE directed to anne Drive and Gene Drive and mea- ST. CHARLES PARISH PUBLIC NOTICE me by the Honorable 29TH JUDI- sures thence a first front of 48.96 feet on PUBLISH ON: June 23, 2016 “Anyone knowing the whereabouts of any CIAL DISTRICT COURT in and for Dianne Drive, a second front of 1.06 feet July 21, 2016 heirs of CHERILYN SHOTWELL CRO- of Dianne Drive, a width in the rear of the PARISH OF ST.
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