Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Landhausstr. 10, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7071 552928; E-mail: martin@linde- boom.de and Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Tübingen, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 1997 3097. Kitagawa, K. (1997): Records of the Odonata from Sarawak, Malaysia]. Aeschna 34: 5-10. (in Japanese with English summary). [In Dec. 1990, 27 odonate species from Kuching were brought on record. 3093. Carletti, B.; Terzani, F. (1997): Descrizione di Drawings illustrate the labrum of ♀ Vestalis amaryllis Pseudagrion simplicilaminatum spec. nov. sella Repub- and V. atropha. Black and white photos refer to lica del Congo (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Opusc. Prodasineura dorsalis, Amphicnemis wallacei, Coeliccia zool. flum. 152: 1-7. (Italian with English summary). coomansi, Indaeschna grubaueri, Brachygonia oculata, ["The new species is described and illustrated, and its and Euphaea sp.] Address: Kitagawa, K., Imaiti 1-11-6, affinities with P. flavipes leonensis Pinhey, 1964 and P. Asahi-ku, Osaka C., Osaka, 535-0011, Japan thenartum Fraser, 1955 are outlined and discussed. Holotype ♂: Kintele, 6-IX-1978, paratypes ♂: Kintele, 5- 3098. Kitagawa, K.; Sugitani, A.; Hayashi, K.; I-1980, II-1980, III-1980, XII-1980; — Voka, I-1980; — Masaki, N.; Muraki, A.; Katatani, N. (1997): Records of Djili, XII-1979; — Loufoula, I-1980.” (Authors)] Address: the Odonata of Hong Kong, Part IV. Aeschna 34: 11-21. Carletti, B., Viale Raffaello Sanzio 5,1-50124 Firenze, (in Japanese with English summary). [In June, July, and Italy Oct. 1996, a total of 69 species was recorded, of which Cercion sexlineatum is a new addition to the Hong 3094. Fujimoto, K. (1997): New Record of Neuro- Kong odonate fauna.] Address: Kitagawa, K., Imaiti 1- themis from Inomote Island of the Ryukyus. Aeschna 11-6, Asahi-ku, Osaka C., Osaka, 535-0011, Japan 33: 27-28. (in Japanese with English summary). [Neuro- themis sp. and Rhyothemis phyllis are documented 3099. Kohama, T. (1997): Odonata from Kohama along with weather maps.] Address: not stated in Island, the Ryukyus. Aeschna 33: 19-20. (in Japanese English with English summary). [On 20 Sept., 1985, 8 odonate species - in total new to the Island - were recorded.] 3095. Katatani, N.; Muraki, A. (1997): Records of the Address: not stated in English Odonata taken in Palau, Part I. Aeschna 33: 1-10. (in Japanese with English summary). [5 species were 3100. Kohama, T. (1997): Odonata from Shimoji collected from 27 Feb. to 1 March 1996 on Palau Island of Aragusuku Islands, the Ryukyus. Aeschna 33: (Carolinean Islands, SE of the Philippines). 21-22. (in Japanese with English summary). [On 18 Agriocnemis femina (Brauer 1868), Ischnura July, 1985, 6 odonate species were recorded.] Address: senegalensis (Rambur 1842), Teinobasis palauensis not stated in English Lieftinck 1962, and Hemicordulia lulico Asahina 1940 were illustrated. The latter is compared with 3101. Moriyasu, A. (1997): A record of the larvae of Hemicordulia mindana Needham & Gyger 1937 from Macromia daimoji OKUMURA from Shikoku, Japan. the Ryukuyus. I. senegalense was detected for the first Aeschna 34: 36. (in Japanes). [29-XII-1996; time on Palau, and the previously unknown ♀ of T. documentation of the habitat.] Address: not stated in palauensis is illustrated and described for the first time.] English Address: Muraki, A., Shigino-nishi 3-4-2-309, Jôtô-ku, Osaka C., Osaka 536, Japan 3102. Moriyasu, T. (1997): Larval development of Macromia daimoji OKUMURA in nature. Aeschna 33: 3096. Kitagawa, K. (1997): Records of the Odonata 31-36. (in Japanese with English summary). [Kurashiki- from Penang Island, Malaysia. Aeschna 33: 11-18. (in city, Okayama Pref., Japan; the study documents Japanese with English summary). [32 species were extensively the larval growth of M. daimoji; larval taken in 1995 and 1996, of which 17 species are new development lasts 2 years including 9 instars.] Address: records from Penang Island. These records total the not stated in English known species to 54. Prodasineura collaris (Selys 1860), P. notostigma (Selys, 1860), Calicnemia chaseni 3103. Naraoka, H. (1997): A list of dragonflies in (Laidlaw 1928), Microgomphus chelifer Selys 1858, and Hotokenuma marsh, Aomori Prefecture (Insecta, Orchithemis pulcherrima Brauer, 1878 are documented Odonata). The Journal of The Natural History of Aomori by back and white photos, and in the case of 2: 19-21. (in English translation of Naoya Ishizawa in Prodasineura species with drawings of the synthorax.] Digest of Japanese Odonatological Short Address: Kitagawa, K., Imaiti 1-11-6, Asahi-ku, Osaka Communications 8, 1998). [The history of a water body C., Osaka, 535-0011, Japan near Misawa City, Japan is briefly outlined along with a list of 34 odonate species recorded.] Address: Naraoka, Odonat. Abstr. Service 12 (July 2003) - page 1 H., 36-71, Motoizumi, Fukunoda, Itayanagi-cho, Kita- (in English with Spain summary). ["The maintenance of gun, Aomori Prefecture, 038-3661, Japan ♀ polychromatism in I. graellsii is addressed by reanalysing data from two natural populations studied 3104. Schmidl, J. (1997): Adephage Wasserkäfer in by Cordero (1992, J. Anim. Ecol., 61:769-780) and two schwäbischen Niedermooren - Faunistische Ergebnisse additional populations. We used mark-resighting von Aufsammlungen in Kleingewässer-Neuanlagen der methods to estimate mating frequency by ♀ morphs. Natur- und Artenschutzprogramme. (Coleoptera: Hali- Results indicate that ♀ mating probability is positively plidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae). Ber. related to ♂ density in three populations, but naturforsch. Gesell. Augsburg 56: 6-17. (in German, androchrome (♂-like ♀♀) only mated less often than with English summary). [Bayern, Germany; Sympecma gynochromes in one sample. ♀ morphs did not differ in fusca, Brachytron pratense, Aeshna grandis, A. juncea, size and oviposition frequency. Nevertheless, among Somatochlora flavomaculata, and Sympetrum populations, androchrome frequency was positively striolatum are listed from different localities in Sept. related to an index of ♂ density. We suggest that 1995.] Address: Schmidl, J., Lettenstr. 8, D-90562 population density might have an effect on the Kalchreuth, Germany maintenance of ♀ morphs in I. graellsii, but this does not seem to be because androchrome ♀♀ avoid 3105. Sugimura, M. (1997): Migrant species of the matings. A more accurate analysis of the benefits and Odonata into Kochi Prefecture recorded in the first half costs of mating in polychromatic damselflies is needed." of the 1990's. Aeschna 33: 23-25. (in Japanese with (Authors)] Address: Cordero Rivera, A., Departamento English summary). [Anaciaeschna jaspidea, Anax gut- de Ecoloxia e Bioloxia Animal, Universidade de Vigo, tatus, Brachydiplax chalybea, Sympetrum cordulega- E.U.E.T. Forestal, Campus Universitario, 36005 ster, S. fonscolombii, Hydrobasileus croceus, and Pontevedra, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Tholymis tillarga are treated.] Address: Sugimura, M., 9-7, Uyamasatsuki-cho, Nakamura City, Kochi 3111. Deliry, C. (1998): Nouveaux articles ou études Prefecture, 787, Japan concernant les libellules dans la region Rhône-Alpes. Sympetrum piémontais 38: 2-3. (in French). [France; 3106. Tabata, O. (1997): New Record of Zyxomma regional odonatological bibliography covering the period obtusum SELYS from Inomote Island of the Ryukyus. 1996/98 and abstracting in most cases unpublished Aeschna 33: 29-30. (in Japanese with English expertices.] Address: Deliry, C., La Paluette, 2338 route summary). [Z. obtusum was recorded at three dates in de Belley, F-38490 Aoste, France 1996.] Address: Tabata, O., Shoubuen-cho 79-18, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto C., Kyoto 603-8064, Japan 3112. Glotzhober, R. (1998): Tiger seen in Ohio's Hill Country. WildOhio. Spring 1998. WildOhio (Ohio 3107. Tone, S.; Yagi, T. (1997): Records of the ex- Division of Wildlife newsletter) Spring 1998: 17. (in eptional migration of Anax guttatus (Burmeister) and English). [Ohio, USA; Cordulegaster erronea] Address: Tramea virginia (Rambur) out of seasons in 1994 at Mie Glotzhober, R., Ohio Natural history society, 1982 Prefecture, central Japan. Aeschna 34: 29. (in Velma Ave., Columbus OH 43211-2497, USA. E-mail: Japanese with English summary). [This is a detailed ac- [email protected] count on migrating A. guttatus and T. virginia in dependence of weather conditions.] Address: Yagi, T., 3113. Naraoka, H. (1998): Establishment of Pseudo- Otobe 2113-102, Tsu C., Mie 514-0016, Japan themis zonata to central and south of Aomori. Gekkan- Mushi 342: 45- (in Japanese). [5. July 1998; published 3108. Yoshida, M. (1997): A study on the migration records from Aomori Pref., Japan are compiled, and the of Odonata for extending their habitats. Aeschna 33: (in current range extension is discussed with special em- Japanese with English summary). [Japan; the paper phasis to global warming. A translation of the paper is compiles the ability of different odonate species to published in Digest of Japanese Odonatological Short colonise new water bodies from published studies.] Ad- Communications 14] Address: Naraoka, H., 36-71, dress: not stated in English Motoizumi, Fukunoda, Itayanagi-cho, Kitatsuguru-gun, Aomori Prefecture, 038-3661, Japan 1998 3114. Taketo, A. (1998): On the Odonate
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