From Glory to Glory The monthly newsletter of the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church October 2020 Elder Sophrony (Sakharov) of Essex (1993) Important Dates e was born in Moscow in 1896 and his lay name October 1 H was Sergei Symeonovich Sakharov. As he himself Holy Protection of the Theotokos recalls, his first experience of the vision of the uncreated light occurred in his childhood. He studied at October 6 the School of Fine Arts in Moscow. At one stage, his Apostle Thomas religious pursuits took him into non-Christian mysticism. His artistic ambitions led him to Italy, October 11 Germany and France. He found, however, that art Holy Fathers of the neither fulfilled nor enlightened him. 7th Ecumenical Council His return to the love of Christ resulted in a new, very powerful experience of the uncreated light at East- October 18 er of 1924 in Paris. While there he was influenced by Apostle and Evangelist Luke his acquaintance with Fr. Sergie Bulgakov (1944). As he himself says, “In Paris, I had everything, but there October 23 was no real jo.” He attended the Institute of Saint Sergius t find and learn. He would later say, “At Saint Apostle Iakovos Sergius everyone spoke about God but I didn’t see Him. Brother of the Lord When I went to the Hly Mountain, through nobovy spoke about God but everyting pointed to Him.” October 26 In 1925, he entered the Monastery of Saint Panteleïmon, the Russian house on the Great Martyr Demetrios Holy Mountain. He was tonsured there in 1926. It distressed him greatly that he was unable to live in accordance with the Gospel injunctions. A turning-point in his life came with his acquaintance with Saint Silouan the Athonite (†1938). Through Saint Silouan, Elder Sophrony did not simply believe in Christ but came to know Him in the Holy Spirit. The teaching of the Saint, which the Elder gladly adopted, can be summed up as: a) prayer for the whole world, b) Christ-like humility, and c) love for one’s enemies. This was also the basis for Elder Sophrony’s theology. After the demise of Saint Fr. Joseph Strzelecki Silouan, whose excellent biography was written by the Elder, the latter left for the Parish Priest Athonite desert, the dread Karoulia. From sundown to the break of day he repeated 1755 Des Peres Road the Prayer of the Heart, with his arms raised in prayer. Every word became spiritual Town & Country, MO 63131 nourishment and was stored in his heart, which was refined by the gentility that only a person who prays well can possess. He lived in the Hermitage of the Holy Trinity, which belongs to the Monastery of Phone: 314-966-2255 Saint Paul, from October 1943 until March 1947. He acted as Spiritual Director for Kitchen: 314-966-6720 the Monasteries of Saint Paul, Gregoriou, Simonos Petras, and Xenophontos, as well www.assumptiongoc.org as for sketes and cells. He had been ordained deacon in 1930 by Saint Nikolai Velimirovich (†1956), Bishop of Ochrid. In 1941, he was ordained to the priesthood by Metropolitan Hierotheos of Militoupolis (†1956). He lived for some five years at Office Manager: the Vatopaidan Skete of Saint Andrew in Karyes and from there received permission Diane Sieckmann to leave for Paris for good in 1947. And so he took leave of his beloved Holy Mountain, after 22 years of struggle and supernatural revelations. The next year he [email protected] published his inspired writings about Saint Silouan and in doing so made the Holy Mountain better known in the West. In 1959, he founded the Monastery of Saint John the Baptist at Tolleshunt Knights, Essex. 2020 Parish Council It was there we met him in 1985. He was a dignified, Fr. Joseph Strzelecki, Parish Priest venerable and benign Elder. A prince of the spirit, a Scott Thompson, President, Gus Harris, Vice President profound, experienced great theologian. His prayer and his Elefteria Marcou, Secretary, James Cawood, Treasurer tears infused his Philocalic texts and light and grace Peter Regopoulos, Assistant Treasurer illumined them. His grace, his blessing and his wisdom were Daniel Gantner, Maria Afentoullis Humphrey, Amy Kirkou unforgettable for us who lacked his experience. He fell Pam Martin, Samia Rabie, Greg Simos, Eugenia Kardaris, asleep in the Lord there on July 11, 1993 and was buried Tom Stamos, Nick Tsoubanos, Tonis Zafiropoulos three days later. As his disciple Fr. Zacharias says, as a spiritual Pastoral Ministries Committees phenomenon, the Elder was a sign from God for his Friday Luncheon Acolytes generation. He lived through the tragedy, the concerns, the John Nicholas Art Liyeos Adult Orthodox Christians Greek Festival worries and the heart-searching of the turbulent twentieth (18 years +): Greg Simos, Art Liyeos century. With his life, his prayer and his words he provided Diane Sieckmann Phase III answers to the burning questions of his contemporaries. His Bible Study Fr. Joseph Strzelecki nephew, Fr. Nicholas, writes that the theological path of Fr. Daniel Morton Planned Giving Committee Elder Sophrony also determined the originality of his Bookstore Amy Johnson theological method, which is characterized by a lively Christos Tsiaklides Publicity Committee dialogue between different worlds: the religious philosophy Chanters of his time, the Patristic tradition, and the distillation of his Rentals & Contracts Thomas Carroll personal secret experience. Metropolitan Hierotheos of Dr. Steve Leon Helena Brown Choir Vision/Long Range Nafpaktos declared: "The life of Elder Sophrony was a Stephanie Saunders Planning miracle of God on earth, a proof of His existence. And his Church Tours Scott Thompson demise was glorious, befitting his luminous life." The late Janice Hazeltine Finance Elder Theoklitos Dionysiatis (†2006), who was never prone Greek School James Cawood to fine words, said: "If there’s a great hesychast alive today, Savas Kyramarios Pete Regopoulos who has lived the profundity of Orthodox hesychasm, and, Greek Dancers Cemetery most importantly, is able to convey it in writing, comparing Kyklos & Armonia Diane Sieckmann it to other traditions, that man is Elder Sophrony." Some Stella Afentoullis Call-a-Ride (Uber) people had their reservations about him, as is their right, but Ta Paidakia, Neo Kyma Jim Hoekel Aliki Malek Insurance they can’t make much of a case. They should read his works GOYA (9th -12th Grade) Carol Marshall again, more carefully, with greater humility and less Alki & Mike Case IT/Phone/Internet prejudice and they’ll be convinced that they’re an extension Greeters Steve Sarris of the Philokalia. Mary Pitliangas, Kelli Baer Maintenance/Facilities The words of Elder Sophrony, the Elder of the Holy JOY (K - 4th Grade) Art Liyeos Monastery Saint John the Baptist in Essex, confirm the Maria Tsiaklides Personnel enduring nature of the universal spirit of the Church. He Ibrahim Chalbhob Scott Thompson said that not only Christians but even those who don’t Jr. GOYA (5th - 8th Gus Harris Special Events believe are called upon to open their minds, transcend the Grades) narrow framework of nationalist tendencies or cultural Stacy Kourinos Tom Stamos Kafenio Stewardship traditions and to think in terms of the whole of humankind. I Art Liyeos Michael Afentoullis remember his last words to me, when I was sick: "Whether Hope (infant - 5 years) Health Committee you get well or not, we’re the Lord’s." Christos & Rachel Laurie Zafiropoulos May his holy prayers forever accompany us! Tsiaklides Hellenic Events Orthodox Faith & Life: Bill Simos Source: Monk Moses the Athonite, Μέγα Γεροντικό Dr. Farid & Anna Sadaka Recycling εναρέτων αγιορειτών του εικοστού αιώνος Τόμος Γ΄ – 1984 Philoptochos Carol Marshall -2000, Mygdonia Publications, first edition, Flora Dimitriou, President Youth Protection Soula Marcou September 2011. Prison Ministry https://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/2015/07/elder-sophrony-sakharov-of- Bill Goranitis Going on vacation? Won’t essex-1993.html#more Sunday School be here on Sunday? Diane Sieckmann Consider using the mobile Vacation Church Camp app Give Plus to still con- All live streaming for the Anna Sadaka tribute with an offering or Assumption church services can Women’s Book Study stewardship. It’s safe and be found at www.youtube.com. Presvytera Laura Morton secure. Young Adult Ministry Here is a direct link to the As- (YAL) (18-35 years) sumption YouTube page: James Murphy Youtube.com/assumptiongocstl Don’t forget to click on “subscribe.” 2 Ο Όσιος Σωφρόνιος του Εσσεξ έκτοτε είχε πιο στενούς δεσμούς με την πόλη. Το 1963 εγκατέλειψε το Άγιο Όρος και ίδρυσε μια Ο Όσιος Σωφρόνιος (Σαχάρωφ) ήταν Ρώσος χριστιανική αδελφότητα, χτίζοντας παράλληλα και Ορθόδοξος Ιερομόναχος που ξεκίνησε τη μοναχική του ένα μοναστήρι αφιερωμένο στον Άγιο Ιωάννη τον ζωή στο Άγιο Όρος, στη Ρωσική Μονή του Αγίου Πρόδρομο στο Έσσεξ της Αγγλίας το οποίο υπήχθη Παντελεήμονος και θεωρείται από την ορθόδοξη στο Οικουμενικό Πατριαρχείο το 1965. Εκεί έμεινε παράδοση ως ένας από τους χαρισματικότερους μέχρι που κοιμήθηκε το 1993 σε ηλικία 97 ετών. μοναχούς του 20ου αιώνα. Την τρίτη ή την τέταρτη μέρα μετά το θάνατο του π. Γεννήθηκε το 1896 στη Μόσχα και ήταν το δεύτερο Σωφρονίου ήρθε στο μοναστήρι μια οικογένεια από παιδί μιας 9μελούς οικογένειας. Το κοσμικό του όνομα την Ελλάδα με ένα παιδί δεκατριών χρονών. Ηθελαν ήταν Σέργιος, ενώ έδειχνε από μικρός ιδιαίτερη να δουν τον π. Σωφρόνιο, δεν ήξεραν ότι είχε ήδη θεολογική κλίση. Στην αρχή ασχολήθηκε με την κοιμηθεί. Το παιδί είχε όγκο στον εγκέφαλο κι η ζωγραφική, ενώ ασχολήθηκε και με τον Βουδισμό και εγχείρηση του ήταν καθορισμένη για την επόμενη τον Ινδουισμό. Όταν απογοητεύτηκε από τη φιλοσοφία μέρα. Ο πάτερ Τύχων ο Σιμωνοπετρίτης που έτυχε να των Ανατολικών θρησκειών, στράφηκε προς το επισκέπτεται το μοναστήρι πρότεινε να πάρουν το Χριστιανισμό και πιο συγκεκριμένα την Ορθοδοξία. Σε παιδί και να το περάσουν κάτω από το φέρετρο του ηλικία 25 ετών μετακινήθηκε στη Γαλλία, πάτερ Σωφρονίου.
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