- s tra AMERICAN BAPTIST GE NERAL CON FERENCE ukirty Jled Ward at tke Jlanjo ..H-o3pital Under Con3truction Banso Training Program for Nurses Miss Margaret Kittlitz Jtag 21, 195:1 Page 8 Page 2 THE BAPTIST HERALD May 21, 1953 Page 3 SECRETARIAL ENGAGEMENTS Religion in Stamps Rev. R. Schilke May 24 (Sunday A.M.)-St. Joseph, Michigan. The coronation of Queen Elizabeth at Westminster Abbey London i~1 May 24 (Sunday P.M.)-Bcnton on June 2, 1953 is actually an impressive church service Harbor, Michigan. - :·:- CONFERENCES AND SPECIAL Volume 31 No. 11 MEETINGS May 21, 1953 THE MANY BEAUTIFUL Stamps presently being issued by Great May 22-24-Spring Rally and Work­ • Britain, her dominions, and British ers' Conference for Atlantic Con­ Cover .... ... ...... ........ PaUl Gebauer colonies the world around call atten­ ference Churches at Evangel Scepters of Power "Thirty Bed ' Vard at the Banso tion to that event which is being wit­ Church, Newark, New J ersey. Hospital Unde r Construction" May 24- Pentecost Sunday Festival HE YEAR 1953 h as witnessed decisive changes in th . nessed this year for the first time by 1 "Religion in Stamps" .. .. ... ............ 2 millions of Americans, via fi lms on at Marion, Kansas. Prof. Ralph E. of areat and mighty nations of the world. The scepte eafdership television. Powell, Speaker. Tha.;"' b een passed on t o new h and s. N ew voices are er o d.po we. r I:ditorial May 28-31-British Columbia Associ­ " Scepters of Power " ....... • .... 3 Yet to the millions who watch, it some of the worlds' cap1·t a 1s, and th e en t'ire world has be sounllb mg m may come as a surprise to learn that ation at Ebenezer Baptist Church, en spe ound Two stamps of Queen Elizabeth printed for Vancouver, B. C. Dr. J acob Mei­ to get the latest news. "Qu een Elizabeth " the Coronation is actually a church Rev. c. B. Nordland ..............•.. 4 use in Great Britain prior to the coronation ster (Sunday, May 31) and Rev. service! festivities. The inauguration of President Dwight D . Eisenhow . W . Karl Korella, Speakers. " The Gospel of Divine P rotest" The concept of dedicating a new ton, D. c., in January 1953 has initiated a new era in ~r ~n ash~i: g ­ ruler to God runs deep in British June 1-4-Kansas Scripture Memory Rev. Paul Wengel .. ................ 6 now in the first act of her reign, she Camp at Camp Fellowship near and in the role of leaders ~ip ass~med by this country in enc~~ p olitics philosophy. The Coronation takes join~ with the vast throng in the Ab­ But the impact of President Eisenhower's spiritual twor events. " President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Faith" place on J une 2, 1953 in London's most Wichita, Kansas. Miss Ruth Bath­ Dr. M. L. L euschner ........... ..... 7 bey in observance of the Lord's Sup­ auer and Rev. and Mrs. Earl religious example has probably been of greater import u t erances and famous church, Westminster Abbey, per. with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Ahrens (June 3-4 only), Speakers. things that have found the~r way into !le ~s paper headli~~~e ~\an tl~os~ " Bans o Training Program for Nurses" Only then does she leave the Abbey Miss Ma r garet li:ittlitz . 8 primate of the Church of England June 4-7- Kansas Young People's As­ has made some observat10ns on this nnportant fact i he edit?r to greet the joyous ~hrongs that .a:vait sembly at Camp Fellowship near this. issue. e sew ere m (Episcopal) officiating. Leaders of the her outside. There 1s a deep sp1ntual "Christian Edu cation Committee" Wichita, Kansas. Rev. and Mrs. R ev. Alfred R . Bernadt ... ........... 10 nation, foreign ambassadors, and dig­ significance in the Coronation, a cere­ nitaries of other churches in England Earl Ahrens, Speakers. The death of Stalin in Russia and the succession t · mony of dedication to God, that many \\'h at·s Happening ... .. ... ......... ... 12 are gathered in the pews. June 4-7-Central Saskatchewan and lenkov have started an avalanche of apparent chan e~ rower of ~ a ­ a televiewer may miss. policies of peace talks in Korea, and of conftictin g n communist The religious ceremony is made up Alberta Association at Golden CBY and SS Herald News .. .. ... ..... 13 In our own Presidential inaugura­ Prairie, Sask. Prof. Herbert Hil­ the wh~le world guessing as to their real meaning f re)iorts that have of five parts: 1. recognition of the new tions, more and more emphasis on r~­ OF M EN AND OF ANGELS ruler and oath of office; 2. anointing ler and Rev. Karl Korella, Speak­ may have the last word to sp eak in that country tha~\t e futu~e . G od ligion and faith has been. noted m ers. less philosophy . oasts of its god- Chapter E ight . ........... • .. ...... 14 with holy oil ; 3. investiture with robes recent years. .. \Ve, the Women" and crown; 4. enthroning, and 5. cele­ On J anuary 20, 1953, three hours bration of Holy Communion. On June 2nd Eliz~beth "".ill officially become the . Mrs. Irma Gr osser .... ..... ..... 17 before President Eisenhower took t~e EVANGELISTS' SCHEDULES British Empire at the impressive coronation festivit' A:1een of t l:ie As the ceremony opens, a hymn, "I oath of office, he and members of his Rev. Daniel Fuchs be upon Westminster Abbey in London, England ies . ~~ eyes w ill Reports from th e Field . .. .. ... 18 Was Glad They Said Unto Me" is sung official family attended a church serv­ May 24-June 5- McLaughlin, South Obituaries ....... .. .. • . ... .. • . ... 22 (6ased on Psalm 122 ). Following this young woman is given the scepter of power and ~-!f· t is queenly ice of prayer and dedication. That it Dakota. rise up to sing, "God save the Queen!" For our Can1 d~ons of people comes prayer and a reading from the was a moving experience is attested by Gospel of St. Matthew. Then young Rev. Herman Palfenier well as for those "south of the border," the article ab a ian reader ~ as the fact that the President-elect re­ May 17-25-Bison, Kansas. • Queen Elizabeth comes forward to turned to his room and immediately b eth in this ~ss u e_ of the " Baptist Herald" by the Rev~~ Queen Ehza­ will be of unique m terest. · B. N ordl and take oath of office. wrote down in bis own hand a ~rayer Bi-weekly Publication of the Now comes the most solemn moment, to be delivered as his first official act the anointing with holy oil. This sym­ MISSIONARIES' ITINERARIES The Apostle Paul "".a~ _g~eatly concerned t h at Ch . ROGER W ILLIAMS PRESS as President. 1 bolizes God having anointed her to be At the ceremony itself there were Dr. Leslie Chaffee, Rev. and Mrs. not forget their respons1b1ht1es to. S ~PPort their l eade; s~1a ns sho~ ld 3734 Payne Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio 1 the spiritual and moral leader of her three prayers, delivered by leade.rs of Earl Ahrens and Miss Berneice Wester­ by their obedience to l aw and their intercessory p ra s ~ aut~onty Martin L . Leuschner, D.D., Editor people. man will be visiting churches and ~t­ half. Those who w ield the scepter of political p Yers in their be­ America's great faiths, by Bi.shop Rev . E. J . Baumgartner, Business She receives from the hand of the Henry Knox Sherrill, former president tending conferences and assembhes burdens of responsibility which th~y n:ust bear. "I ~;hr h ave hea~ Archbishop a jeweled sword, and with of the National Council of Ch.urches during the next few days. They ha_ve Paul wrote, "that, first of all, supphcations, prayers i tort th_erefore, Man ager a very busy schedule for the enti:e it this moving charge: f Protestant) Archbishop Patrick A. giving of thanks, be m ade for all ~en, for kings, and ~ :rc ess1on s , a i:d - :-:- "With this sword do justice," the O'Boyle (Ro'man Catholic) and Rabbi summer. Let us remember them m authority ; that we may l ead a quiet and peaceable life 1i all that ~em prelate admonishes. "Protect the Holy Abba Hillel Silver (Jewish). The most prayer. and honesty. F or this is good and acceptable in th . n all godlmess THE BAPTIST HERALD is a publication Church of God, help and defend the of the North American Baptis t General impressive prayer, however, was the Savior" (1 Timoth y 2:1-3). e sight of G od our conf e ren ce w ith hea d qu~ rt !! t'S at 7308 M a d­ widows and orphans, restore things President's own, delivered before he make full and complete our dedication ison St., Fores t P a r k , lllm o1s . ~t als o m a m ­ tains a n active m emberslup m the A sso­ that are gone to decay, punish and began his inaugural address. of the service of the people in this The carrying out of this spiritu~l exh ortation ou h ciated Ch urch Press. reform that which is amiss, and con­ As we contemplate the burde~s th?t throng and their fellow-citizens every­ our faith that God is in afl human h~stor y, that his tr~t~ ~ rre~gthen SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $3.00 a year to form to that which is in good order. a ny address in the United Sta tes or Canada are laid on the leaders of nations m where.
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