SUNDAY MONDAY (CONT) TUESDAY (CONT) 8:00AM 1HR Stanley Street Zoom Meeting, Online, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010 (JT,VM) NOON 1HR Dee Why Monday, Stony Range Reserve, The Pavilion, 810 Pitwater Road, Dee 7:00AM 1HR Stanley Street Zoom Meeting, Online, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010 (JT,VM) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83253018319?pwd=bU1mU2lnbTFVUWRHQjdtTnlJYWxw Why, NSW, 2099 (O,B,CS,D,JT,VM,TC) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83253018319?pwd=bU1mU2lnbTFVUWRHQjdtTnlJYWxw dz09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83215685152?pwd=QXZ6MGlTb1JjQVBiM2R3dnovUGtP dz09 8:30AM 1HR Sunday Spiritual Growth, Margaret Whitlam Recreation Centre (Community QT09 7:00AM 1HR Surf Club Sunrise, Collaroy Surf Life Saving Club, 1st floor (accessible from beach Room ), Meeting commences with 10 minute meditation. PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME NOON 1HR Midday Miracles, Saint Canice's Church Hall, Starts Monday Jan 11th 2021. front). Unfortunately no lift or disabled facilities, 1063-1065 Pittwater Road, Collaroy, COVID protocols are in place - names must be kept for 28 days, Waverley Park, Church hall at the rear, entry through car park only. This meeting will replace NSW, 2097 (C,BT,VM,TC) Bondi Road, Bondi Junction, NSW, 2022 (D,St,VM,TC) 12noon Stanley st Mondays., 28 Roslyn Street, Kings Cross, NSW, 2011 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81430150594?pwd=bVZnYXp0NElHMmlTWDNmSkJheXhO https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83572568883?pwd=MEVZUWpjVzBINVpoemJ4UTJYZjVo (C,CS,D,VM,TC) dz09 QT09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/983660502?pwd=NjdRMkJDcUo3L3BZMkRDamxmYUVG NOON 1.5HR Darlinghurst Tue, Saint John's Anglican Church, 120 Darlinghurst Road, QT09 9:00AM 1.5HR Burwood Sun, Burwood Community Welfare Services, corner of Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010 (D,VM,TC) 5:30PM 1HR Lalor Park - Slogans & first 90 Days, St Clements Anglican Church, 30 people https://us02web.zoom.us/j/482244253?pwd=SUNqRllReXRCOXduN0JxQmR4OHZp Wyatt Place, Weldon Street, Burwood, NSW, 2134 (D,VM,TC) QT09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/667084742 max. Covid safe protocols in place / Social distancing. BYO cuppa no tea or coffee available., Cnr Burke and Freeman Street, Lalor Park, NSW, 2147 (O,B,VM,TC) 12:30PM 1HR Newtown Tue Steps, Brown Street Library, back of Newtown 9:00AM 1HR Serenity on Sunday (SOS), Senior Citizens Hall, 390 Windsor Road, Baulkham https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84109848821?pwd=UTk2aDRCWTdIdWcyRVFFY2t5Y3hu Hills, NSW, 2153 (B,St,WC,VM,TC) dz09 Library, 8-10 Brown Street, Newtown, NSW, 2042 (D,St,VM,TC) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82280047727?pwd=aVNyWms5UlhtQmJ0bmREb0NvN1lr 6:00PM 1HR Glebe Women's JFT, Benledi House, Next to library, 186 Glebe Point Road, Glebe, 6:00PM 1HR Camperdown - How I work My Program, Booler Community Centre, Next to Zz09 NSW, 2037 (C,JT,W,VM,TC) park, through the green gate, 25 Lambert Street, Camperdown, NSW, 2050 9:30AM 1HR Under 35's Wheel of Recovery, North Sydney, NSW, 2060 (O,SD,VM,TC) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81175461700?pwd=SGlNQTg3R2R2OUpZZDFiWVNZQytE (O,WC,LC,VM,TC) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81618382363?pwd=SXJmWmJwN3pQL1NJa3UzaU40VExq QT09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84552777470?pwd=a25VTGhYMTJvSFZtQlMyaDR1aWdM dz09 QT09 6:00PM 1HR North Curl Curl Men's Meeting, North Curl Curl Community Centre, Cnr of Abbott 10:30AM 1.5HR Western Sydney Women's Meeting, Toongabbie Community Center - Back room Road, 2 Griffin Rd, North Curl Curl, NSW, 2099 (M,LC,VM,TC) 7:00PM 1.5HR H&I Concord Hospital, Online, Concord, NSW, (VM) entrance located in carpark, 244 Targo Road, Toongabbie, NSW, 2146 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89394877730?pwd=empTaUVEVTh2NEFVend2WVJjZmMw https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87988136017 (JT,W,WC,VM,TC) dz09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84464045093?pwd=VW1TNGEzN2Nad2h3ZzFCVStmd1Nw 7:00PM 1HR Lewisham Tue, Salvation Army Hall, 39 Lewisham Road, Dulwich UT09 6:30PM 1.5HR Campbelltown Monday, Westside Baptist Church, 11 Dobell Road, Claymore, NSW, 2559 (O,D,VM,TC) https://zoom.us/j/563233668 Hill, NSW, 2203 (D,VM,TC) 11:00AM 1HR Avalon JFT, Avalon Library, 1st floor, 59A Old Barrenjoey Road., 7:00PM 1HR Living in the solution, Saint Mary's Church, 31 Whistler Street, Manly, NSW, 2095 Avalon, NSW, 2107 (O,JT,WC,TC) 7:00PM 1HR Double Bay Mon STEPS, Uniting Church, Corner of Transvaal Street & Cross (O,CS,JT,WC,VM,TC) Street, Double Bay, NSW, 2028 (St,VM,TC) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84425402648?pwd=WEZyQTd2dHpXMGw3Mi84MkJaTGEx NOON 1HR Manly Sunday - Steps, Manly Library, Parking at Whistler Street car park, 1 Market https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82362268430?pwd=NDBtdXFhWWN5YXgzNkRvdmtIZFZP dz09 Place, Manly, NSW, 2095 (O,B,CS,D,St,WC,VM,TC) UT09 7:00PM 1.5HR Mount Druitt NA, Online, Holy Family, MacKillop Room, 252-254 Luxford Road, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89484340719?pwd=R0Rkd3EySkRoY3RZOE14Z0ZQdG1E 7:00PM 1HR Erskineville Mon, Erskineville Town Hall, 104 Erskineville Road, Erskineville, NSW, Zz09 Emerton, NSW, 2770 (C,CS,JT,VM,TC) 2043 (O,LC,VM,TC) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85637887591?pwd=V2xpRVhJM3dUdTNvL2hmc2hMT3p6 2:00PM 1HR Newtown Sunday - Steps and Traditions, Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, 1 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88609890603?pwd=Zmo5c2J4eHNVOFptdjN0bCszWUEr Zz09 Bedford Street, Newtown, NSW, 2042 (O,BT,St,VM,TC) QT09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81775022713?pwd=RjNST3BWNktFRzAxcVlwNTk3UVBH 7:00PM 1HR Glebe Mon TOPIC, Old fire station, 113 Mitchell Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037 7:00PM 1.5HR NA Persian Meeting, Merrylands Youth Centre, 289 Merrylands UT09 (O,D,JT,VM,TC) Road, Merrylands, NSW, 2160 (F) 4:15PM 1.25HR Everest Homegroup Australia (Nepalese and English Language), Online, https://us04web.zoom.us/j/543609511?pwd=dGlKM1JkWFMyQytwM3o0anJGZnZV 7:00PM 1HR Online Meeting - Maroubra Nightly, Online, Maroubra, NSW, 2035 (JT,LC,VM) Nepalese and English Language, Auburn, NSW, 2144 (O,VM) Nepalese and English Zz09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83037287669?pwd=OWRRQU52ZC91TUpEUUExUU40eTh2 Language dz09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81285863897?pwd=cjZVRW5PRzkzZ0tXMWxBRW95ajVF 7:00PM 1.5HR Koori Group, Marrin Weejali Aboriginal Corporation, Covid QT09 Protocols in place. Max 35 people, 79-81 Jersey Road, Blackett, 7:00PM 1HR Paddo' 5 Ways Tuesday 7pm JFT, Saint George's Anglican Church, Covid NSW, 2770 (D,JT,SG,WC,SC,TC) Tracing QR code, 51 person's capacity, 245 Glenmore Road, Paddington, NSW, 4:30PM 1HR Glebe Sun Just For Today, Saint Helens Community Centre, attached to the 2021 (O,B,JT,LC,VM,TC) Glebe Library, corner of Glebe Point Road and Wigram Road, Glebe, NSW, 2037 7:00PM 1.5HR Merrylands Mon STEPS AND TRADITIONS, Merrylands Community Centre, http://us02web.zoom.us/j/85126559408?pwd=VHp1ZlIxb2xwR2tRNGtBakhvcVVU (D,VM,TC) ID: 253 703 732 PW: 069850 formerly Granville - moved due to construction, 17 Miller Street, Merrylands, Zz09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/253703732?pwd=OW04RjI0VDlFaGs5a0FzajBNOU9Hd NSW, 2160 (D,St,VM,TC) z09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89063253238?pwd=V1dRbjJHSVZlNzlSYkpyakdkMUNjZ 7:00PM 1.5HR Riverwood Tue ID/REC/STEPS, Community Centre, 151 Belmore 6:00PM 1.25HR Balmain Sun - Speaker, Hannaford Seniors Centre, Corner of Nelson Street, 608 z09 Road North, Riverwood, NSW, 2210 (D,St,WC,VM,TC) Darling Street Corner of Nelson Street, Balmain, NSW, 2039 (D,VM,TC) 7:00PM 1.5HR Miranda Mon, Community Centre, Corner of Kiora Road, 95 https://zoom.us/j/581801845 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89375661182?pwd=ODVXTDJMakNwR1pCT1AwNzJ1NUJU 7:00PM 1HR Tuesday Little Bay, Big Hall, Buses X92,392,393 all from central to Little Bay, QT09 Karimbla Road, Miranda, NSW, 2228 (O,B,D,JT,WC,VM,TC) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84515153245 Corner of Ewing Avenue & Pine Avenue, Little Bay, NSW, 2036 (B,D,JT,VM,TC) 6:00PM 1.5HR Cremorne Sun - Living Clean, Saint Peters Church, Corner of https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89355873280?pwd=LzRHMDJmSW1GbzdocXFPRjdZZGxo 7:00PM 1HR Monday Bondi - How I work my program today, Margaret Whitlam Recreation Zz09 Winnie Street and Gerard Lane, Cremorne, NSW, 2090 (D,LC,TC) Centre (Community Room ), COVID protocols are in place, Waverley Park, Bondi 6:00PM 1.5HR North Curl Curl Steps and Traditions, North Curl Curl Community Centre, 2 Junction, NSW, 2022 (O,D,VM,TC) 7:00PM 1HR Wentworthville Tue, Wentworthville Community Centre, Grevillea Griffin Road, Curl Curl, NSW, 2099 (O,D,HY) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88042797530?pwd=cng0VjNEbXRXaXk1ZnpCdjdLKzJ5U Room, 2 Lane Street, Wentworthville, NSW, 2145 (O,JT,WC,TC) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88665953470?pwd=bzk5V3c1K1BET2ZoTit0cWNzZzdq T09 Zz09 7:00PM 1HR Women's Blue Mountains Steps Meeting, Online only, 7:00PM 1HR Online Meeting - Maroubra Nightly, Online, Maroubra, NSW, 2035 (JT,LC,VM) Katoomba, 2780 (C,St,W,WC,VM) 6:00PM 1.5HR Pemulwuy (Wentworthville) Sun First 90 Days, Allan G Ezzy Community https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83037287669?pwd=OWRRQU52ZC91TUpEUUExUU40eTh2 Centre and Youth Centre, 1 Newport Street, Pemulwuy, NSW, 2190 dz09 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/528362004 (O,B,D,WC,VM,TC) 7:00PM 1.5HR Riverwood Men's, Riverwood Community Centre, 151 Belmore 7:30PM 1HR Bondi Living Clean Study Group, Margaret Whitlam Recreation https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88670913230?pwd=K09SVHlNbUtGWjY2cUF1cUNFbk1t Centre, Bondi Road, Bondi Junction, NSW, 2022 (WC,LC,VM,TC) UT09 Road North, Riverwood, NSW, 2210 (C,M,VM,TC) https://zoom.us/j/7996273864 https://zoom.us/j/351809133?pwd=ekJXVEljRVdBZkJFNnBRWFA0aGc4dz0 6:00PM 1HR Sunday Men's Meeting, Salvation Army Chapel, 35 Lewisham 9 Street, Dulwich Hill, NSW, 2203 (D,M,VM,TC) 7:00PM 1HR Ryde Monday, West Ryde Community Hall, 3-5 Anthony Street, West Ryde, NSW, 2112 (O,JT,VM,TC) 7:30PM 1.5HR Granville Tue Farsi Language, Granville Town Hall, 10 Carlton https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2527217175 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82914636508?pwd=Z0xmUjc0TVBWaTI5MW5YaE1CaTNH
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