
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2001 No. 127 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was of Your approval and the light of Your from the House, but we understand it is called to order by the Honorable HIL- guidance. In the name of our Lord and on its way. The two managers of the LARY RODHAM CLINTON, a Senator from Saviour. Amen. bill, who have been working on the De- the State of New York. f fense authorization bill, are at the Pen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s tagon now. We expect them to return prayer will be offered by the guest PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE shortly. They have some amendments Chaplain, Dr. Hayes Wicker, Jr., of the The Honorable HILLARY RODHAM they have cleared. First Baptist Church, Naples, FL. CLINTON led the Pledge of Allegiance, As the majority leader announced as follows: PRAYER last night, it is not certain we will pro- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ceed with the Defense bill. We are try- The guest Chaplain, Dr. Hayes United States of America, and to the Repub- ing very hard, before 2 p.m. today, to Wicker, Jr., offered the following pray- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, have a finite list of amendments. A er: indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. couple of Members were unwilling to Lord, we praise You as supreme sov- f give us a list. As has been mentioned ereign; from You, through You, and to by the two managers of the bill, Sen- You are all things. By You we were cre- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING ators LEVIN and WARNER, and the ma- ated; in You we trust; in Your word we PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE jority leader, Senator DASCHLE, this hope. We humble ourselves today and, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill is very important. Lord, we ask that You would forgive us clerk will please read a communication for the pride of thinking that we are to the Senate from the President pro We have a state of emergency in this self-made. Forgive us when we desire tempore [Mr. BYRD]. country, and it will send a very bad justice on earth but not in eternity. The assistant legislative clerk read message to the men and women we It’s not easy to live right side up in an the following letter: have in the service that we cannot pass a Defense bill today. So we are hopeful upside down world. Help those on both U.S. SENATE, sides of the aisle in the Senate to be on PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, and confident those two Senators who the Lord’s side and not to be neutral Washington, DC, September 26, 2001. have been unwilling to allow us to have with national or personal evil. Father, To the Senate: a finite list of amendments will allow steel our wills to do righteousness, to Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, us to do that. If they do not, as the ma- defend those who cannot defend them- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby jority leader said, he will have no selves, and to pursue justice for all. appoint the Honorable HILLARY RODHAM choice but to pull this bill. God, bless America and shed Your CLINTON, a Senator from the State of New York, to perform the duties of the Chair. We have the airline legislation we grace on us, not because we deserve it ROBERT C. BYRD, need to complete to make sure that but because of Your mercy and because President pro tempore. passengers are safe. We have important the world so desperately needs a light- Mrs. CLINTON thereupon assumed legislation dealing with employees who house of truth. We thank You that re- the chair as Acting President pro tem- are left without work as a result of the cent horrific events that were meant pore. terrible tragedy in New York. We have for evil can be molded into good and, to do that. We have 12 appropriations Lord, we ask that You would give pro- f bills that have not been completed yet. tection, not mainly for our lifestyle RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING We have a lot of work to do, and there- but for Your glory, for liberty, and for MAJORITY LEADER fore we need to complete the Defense our children and future generations. bill soon. If we have to wait, with no fi- Father, we pray for those who are The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- mourning right now, but we thank You pore. The Senator from Nevada. nite list of amendments when we come back, we probably will not be able to that they do not mourn as those who f have no hope, and we do not remember complete it, which will be a shame. as those who have no anchor. SCHEDULE There will be rollcall votes through Lord, we ask You right now to help Mr. REID. Madam President, there the morning, with the last one being at these leaders to be faithful, to fight the will be 30 minutes of morning business 2 p.m. today. There will be no rollcall good fight, to finish the course, and to equally divided between the two lead- votes on Thursday or Friday. The lead- keep the faith. Give us divine wisdom ers today. We expect to consider the er has indicated there will be a late today and not just a human agenda. Military Construction Appropriations vote Monday afternoon more than like- God bless our President with the smile Act today. We have not yet received it ly. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9823 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:55 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 26, 2001 RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME retary of Defense Bill Cohen, remarked Ms. COLLINS. Our thoughts and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- of Mary that a raised eyebrow could prayers are with Mary’s wonderful fam- pore. Under the previous order, the send her back to her desk at 8 p.m. to ily, particularly her mother, her hus- leadership time is reserved. work another 4 hours to midnight. band Ed, and her two daughters, Katie She was also a lot of fun, with an op- and Kristen. Katie worked as an intern f timistic outlook and a quick wit that in my office during this past summer MORNING BUSINESS helped to sustain her through her and she is so like her mother—bright, lengthy illness. Mary succeeded me as The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- cheerful, strong, and hard working. the subcommittee staff director in pore. Under the previous order, there Mary’s legacy is reflected in those ter- early 1987. She then went on to serve as will now be a period for the transaction rific daughters, as well as in her profes- staff director of the Senate Special of morning business not to extend be- sional career. I am so thankful to have Committee on Aging when Senator Bill yond the hour of 10 a.m., with Senators had the opportunity to have been her Cohen became its chairman. friend. permitted to speak therein for up to 5 During her years in the Senate, Mary minutes each. Under the previous EXHIBIT NO. 1 contributed enormously to legislative EULOGY BY WILLIAM S. COHEN OF MARY order, the majority leader or his des- accomplishments. She drafted signifi- ignee is recognized to speak for up to 15 GERWIN, SEPTEMBER 22, 2001 cant bills, including the Social Secu- We have all been overwhelmed and immo- minutes. Under the previous order, the rity disability reform bill, landmark Republican leader or his designee is bilized by grief in the days since the ter- anti fraud and abuse legislation, nurs- rorist attacks last week. Grief has had the recognized to speak for up to 15 min- ing home, and long-term care Medicaid power to silence us, to bring us together, to utes. reforms, the Independent Counsel Act, rouse us to action. As we have gathered The Senator from Maine. the Ethics In Government Act amend- around television sets since September 11, Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, I ments, and a major revision of the staring mutely at the incomprehensible car- nage and horror, we may have had some ac- ask unanimous consent that I be per- Clinical Laboratories Improvement mitted to speak in morning business quaintance with the victims or we have sim- Act, as well as procurement and infor- ply grieved for our nation and our fellow for 10 minutes. mation technology reforms. Mary was The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- citizens. particularly proud of Aging Committee Today is different. Today, we are truly pore. Without objection, it is so or- hearings in 1996 that led to increased taking note of a death in the family. A death dered. funding for the National Institutes of in Mary’s immediate family, of course, but f Health for research on diseases such as also in the family of unique individuals I Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and spinal have been privileged to assemble and work TRIBUTE TO MARY BERRY with during years in Congress, the Pentagon, GERWIN cord injuries.
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