Dec. 25. THE LIFE. 7 In his intentions, and if all the other players nhculd ] and oth«rs, from Australia, and Teomcr, Oandaor, legitimate calling, and the player who resorts fo any stick as he will there would b no doubt about the, , O'Cunoor and himself, from thfe couutry, compete. i:ch subterfuge ia likely to he condemned quite aj success of the n«w organization. AQUATIC. The' Vesper Boat Clab, of Philadelphia, spread iU BILLIARDS. much as tlie manufacturers who do. BALL. But BASE Hotel, Dec. 11, and MUGWUMP. annual banquet at the I'ohmnade announced the election of these officers: President, Caroms. GALVK8TON GLINTS. "CORXEIX I TELL." THE LATE HAKVEY M'KENNA. Sexton's hcalib ia eaid to be mnch improved. INDIANAPOLIS MENTION. There are sixty-four billiard table rnautiiacturfnj The Browns' Return to Texas News Abont Boating: Matters at the Great New Tork A Brief Review of His Professional Life. firms in London. A Lull In the Battle—A Chat With PHts- League Clubs and Individuals. University—Indignation Against Yale— Jonn llntcniHoit; corresDonninjc secretary, I5( player, at the Klliott; recording secretary, Benjamin Hooley. Harvey MoKenna, the billiard A alight fire took place last week In McLaughlin'8 biirg's Temporary Manager—More Yonng GALVKSTON, Dee. 16. Editor SPORTING LIFE: The Next Crew, Kto. regular three-ball game, died of consumption in Filbert street room. Flayers Signed—Those Expulsions, Etc Cornell's crew is now free from deb". AHhonga The St. Louis Browns made their debut here ITHACA, N. Y., Dec. 17". Editor SPORTING ?i500 was raised last yf-ar for tbe crew, 8l">0 ha* been New York, as announced in our issue of the 4tU Recent advices from Paris report H. "W. Colltmder to INDIANAPOLIS, Deo. 19. Editor SPORTING Wednesday and played McCloskey's All-Texas LIFE: The Cornell collegiates are pretty well due Conrtney since last June for continue the crew. inst. Harvey MoKenna was born in Detroit, be much improved in health. LIFE: B:ise bail matters remain quiet ia this team before an audience of 750 people, defeat­ wrought up by the very curt reply given by Mien., in 1861, and was probably the youngest Michael Komin could mike a fortune were be to lo­ cate in Philadelphia at th* present day. neck of the woods, nothing of importance hav­ ing them by a score of 12 to 4. Lack of prac­ the Yale boat crew, from their challenge to row player living, up to the time of his death, with ing occurred since my last letter. For a change so well-known or remarkable sort of reput­ Thomas R. Bullock, of Nmsg;iuswtf, R. I., is said tice and weakness in the box lost the game to any distance at New London next June, aud to be doiu? a large bnsinetw aa a teacher ot billiard*. we are going to havo a game of ball to-mornm the Browns. The weather was miserable, and a well they should be. The reply in brief is: ation, with perhaps the exception of Frank the Young Men's Ath­ It was Mrs. John Kcaui) who was slrick^n with p*r- afternoon at the park of heavy fog enveloped the field so much so that "Yale hereafter intends to row Harvard, and C. Ives. There is nothing remarkable about alysis, and not her husband, as err^ueously published letic Club, and the contest promises to be quite when the Browns were at the bat in the fourth with no other American University" signed by the reputation ot Mr. Ivea, inasmuch a« iuour hut. interesting. Harry Smith, manager of the inning the fielders could not see easy fly balls. Phillip Alien, captain Y. U. B. C. that he is generally conceded to bo a George II. Ellfe baa charge of Schroedsr's room. Pittsburg teira, is here and will have charge of Oillespie was wild, and had no control of the Cornell made a grand showing last year, and billiard player pure and simple. This Mr. Me- Columbus, Ohio. The room contains ten tables aud ia the game. Young Gray, who signed to pitch in bail, while Matoney was effective after the first in­ her long list of victories made it believed that THE TRIGGER. Kenna was not. \Ve refer to the matter now, be­ said to be th« finest in that city. Pitt?burg next season, will be in the box, and I ning. The batting of Hasten snft Uyan and the ftVd Yale could not under a sportsmanlike manner cause Ivea is a much younger man. It is The tournament ut the Uub UillUrd Parlors, Boston, think Smith's main object is to see hia per­ wotk of Comiskey, Rogers aiui Work* weie the feat­ THAT SHOOTING TOUK. has resulted iu Fred Enmea winning tbe New Euglmul rgfuse to row with them this year. Cornell de­ probable tbat McKenna, with hia peculiar way championship. Moaea Yatter wa* second. formance. Several local professionals will play ures. Score: TEXANS. H. B. 8B. P. A. L ST. LOUIS. B. B. SB. P. A. feated Yale in '75-76, and now has a record of A Change In the Teams and the Pro­ of advertising himself, was a much better- It is rumored tbat ?exton and Daly are to ba if the day ia nice, and the indications point to Joyce, 83...... 212 0 31 Utham.s'.C. 2 00 nineteen victories and eight defeats. She has gramme—Present Arrangements. known man to the world at large than Ives is at matched at cushion cariuua. Such a content would, bright, warm weather. A game of ball on the Ward, 2b.....l 01210 Ryan, 2b, ss. 1 2 0 won every race since 1834. Last year she beat There have been changes in the make-up of present. At the age of thirteen Harvey Mc­ attract the attention of the entire billiard world. 20th <>f December in- Indianapolis will ba rather an KoiErn, C.....O 1 0 1 3 GvCn.oks, c.2b.l 1 0 Oil the record of Yale-Harvard regatta by 15 seconds, Kenna left his home to become a billiard player, Edward McLaoghlin ia meeting with such hucceas txl'l affair, aud ttier* will probably be several cranks Works, U.....1 1 0 4 0 IjO'Neil, If..... 2 1 1 1 01 the two teams who will make a tour of the at New London,and was timed by stroke Caldwell, giving exhibitions throughout the West and in hi* new room at Tenth aud Chestuut that he baa out to eoe It. Mr. Snii h w»s ID consultation Huj-ton,, cf...O... 2021 1 Comiskey,lb 1 2 1 11 10 country, but now the contracts have all beeu decided uot to apply for a license during the cjmiug wiili President Brush this morning:, but it had no McClodk'y.rfO 00 102 O'Brien, cf..l 20100 of Yale. Cornell has challenged Yale four times signed and the official list made public. It ia as earning his living as best he could. In 1881, year. Bpeciftl significance. I liad quite a talk with the Sherry, 3b... 0 00 41 O'TVbean, 3b... 1 11220 within a year and received nothing but point in Chicago, he made a run of 426 in a game of et*nt* in the best of hnnn>r follows: J. L. Mulone, the pool player, has been matched for yonng manager, anil he Liaarson,, lh.0 10 410 Boyle, if... ....1 00100 blank refusals. Yale found that Cornell was 500 while engaged with a player from St. Louis 8100 a side against Henry Class, of St. Louh. The game and well plpawd \\ith the condition of the Piit-burj$ Gilleepie, p._0 0 0 "0 1 0,&laloDi»yt p...2 1 0 040 Eastern team H. McWnrchr, Syracuse, N. Y.. cap­ going to row in the Harlem regatta last spring tain; II. B. Whilnejr. Phslps, N. Y.; W. H. Wolalen- whose name was Aiose. Just whether it was an will be coutiuuous pool, Malone playing 175 and Class Club. He tells me that the nmnt^emeiit will prob­ Total........ 4 ti 3 18 H 5i Total....... 12103 IS 14,1 ICO points. ably get at least four of the olil pla>era, bnt he did n»t and at once decided to withdraw from it. Put­ cnitt, Philadelphia; II. K. Perry. Boston; W. S. Perry, assumed name or not we do not know. Later Texana. ................................... 3 00010 4 It Js i-imply grotesque to see two, three and four designate tlie in. lie frels that lie has got t. fine lot of St. Louis............................. ...... 0 3180 0 lii ting these things together, Cornell haa nothing Worcester; W. Fred Quimby, substitute. on, in an alleged contest with the late Lon youngsters together, arid thinks hia team will m**ke a Western team O. W. Budd, Dos Moiues, Ia., captain; pool tables tdle in a billiard room while players ara Karned rnn^ St. Louis, 3. Two-ba-w hits Uuaton, left bat to conclude that Yale is afraid to meet Morris in San Francisco, Mr. McKenna made a waiting for carom tables. It ia even wor^e th.ia good showing next neasun. He telU me that th* out­ Ky>»n, Tebean, Maloney. Home mn Ryan. Double B. 0. Heikes, Dayton, 0 ; J. It. Slice, Jacksonville, 111.; look for the Brotherhood teim in his city is not very her. This action of Yale's also means that C. E. Cshoon, Freepi.rt, III.; J. A. Huble, Beloit, Win.; run of 1641, which won for McKenna among ''throe cues for a coor," inasmuch aa thut the two, pl.ya RoEers, Sherry.
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