Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project GERALD A. DREW Interviewed by: Self Initial interview date: 2001 Copyright 2001 ADST TABLE OF CONTENTS Correspondence and Early Journal Entries Octo er 20, 1919-January 19, 1970 (ac)ground (orn in California, 1903 California School of ,echanical Arts -ni.ersity of California/ -ni.ersity of 0reno le/ -ni.ersity of ,adrid Entered Foreign 1927 Postings in Foreign Ser.ice1 (elem, Para, (ra2il 1928-1930 Port-au-Prince, Haiti 1930-1934 San Jos5, Costa Rica 1934-1937 0uatemala City, 0uatemala 1937 8temporary9 ,anagua, Nicaragua 1937-1937 8temporary9 Tegucigalpa, Honduras 1937 8temporary9 San Sal.ador, El Sal.ador 1937 8temporary9 State Department 1937-1940 ;uito, Ecuador 1940-1942 0uatemala City, 0uatemala 1942-1944 Paris, France 1944-1947 (udapest, Hungary 1947 Paris, France -.N. Special Commission on the (al)ans [-NSCO(] - -.S. Representati.e 1947-1949 Jordan Am assador 1950-1952 State Department Director 0eneral of the Foreign 1952-1954 (oard of the Foreign 1954 (oli.ia Am assador 1954-1957 Haiti Am assador 1957-1970 State Department - Inspector 0eneral of the Foreign 1970-1972 Retirement 1972 1 INTERVIEW [Correspondence and Early Journal Entries of 0erald A. DreA] Octo er 20, 1919 I Aent to LuC for orchestra practice. DeEre getting ready for the E19 Senior Farce. This afternoon ,iss 0lass spo)e to me, saying that ,r. ,errill had rescinded his order )eeping Johnny Stone and me off the de ating teams. Had a long confa Aith 0lass and Strachan a out it. De decided to get Eppinger and Lehr)e off if Ae could and replace them Aith Stone and myself. I rang up Dan) and Ep and spo)e a out it. Ep seemed too )een on the de ate to go off. Dor)ed on English report. Papa says that Lapoc)et is getting plans nearly finished [for the proposed house at Stinson (each]. The dog is sic)er than usual. NeA suit home from At)ins. F40. Tuesday 21. Decided to let de ating teams stand as they Aere. I started an account at the Hum oldt (an) Aith F22 from my interest. De Aent to the riding school again. Thursday, Octo er 23. Gnipe had orchestra practice for the farce doAn at the hall. I came home to lunch and then Aent to school at 1100. Lesson [cello] Aith Hillalpardo. He ga.e me 2.05 min. IoAie. -ncle 0eorge came to dinner and afterAards Aent Aith ,amma to lecture by (arroAs. I got Scott at his place and Ae Aent home and Aor)ed out a plot for the stunt. Friday. Smith and I read plot for play to ,iss Strachan. She li)ed it. (lin)ing rain starts today I guess. 19J Senior Farce. It Aas KThe Ama2ons.K De fooled around in his bus, then home. Saturday Octo er 25. I Aent to 0eorgeEs pretty early so I could get to see the CogsAell game at 2130. De Aon 7-0. Fooled around Aith (uc) afterAard. Rode out to beach. Dent on scenic RR. [,t. Tamalpais]. In the e.ening Ae all Aent to see John Stellard in KThe 0reat Sunday. Dent to shoA Aith (uc). KDagon Trac)sK at Strand. Also ate, then to each L into SutroEs [famous baths at Ocean (each], but not to sAim. ,onday. In the e.ening Aent to Angel Island Aith Rose)ran2 orchestra for M,CA. De came home y Aay of Sausalito. Ate on Rose)ran2 at Gaas. Dent to Coffee DanEs Aith Cooper, Johnson, Alter. Home 1130. Tuesday. In the afternoon Aent to riding class. 2 Dednesday, Octo er 29. De ate Aith ,ission [High School] at LuC. Dan) L Ep lost, 2-1. Ditto L Gnapp Aent doAn toAn in bus to ring up 0lass a out de ates. GoytEs. ,et Ed Gessler there. Thursday. Dent doAn to Sherman Clay for tic)ets to Hamlet. 0ot 32. In the e.ening, bunch from school saA it. A out 45. EdAard Rainey lead. The acting Aas fine, but ,isses Strachan L 0lass e.idently tired, as they left early. Sort of a riot betAeen acts. Too) Garigan, (ram, Dan) L Gnapp to eats, etc. ,issed cello lesson. Friday 31. ShoA Aith (uc). Pals for gru . Ri.oli, K(ro)en (lossomsK. I Aas out so late 811009 that Pa got sore and too) my )eys aAay. Saturday, No.em er 1. Dent to 0eorgeEs. He annoyed me Ahile I Aas Aor)ing on the boo)s. De passed a feA remar)s. At a out 2130 Ae Aent in the Pierce ArroA doAn the highAay to the SeNuoyah Country Clu . Strolled around lin)s before dinner. I got home at a out 9100. Jac) L Imelda Dollard Aere here to dinner. Sunday, No.em er 2. John L I hi)ed up the de.ilEs slide to the top of Tamalpais. De pic)ed a dandy bunch of red berries and after Ae pac)ed in miles L miles doAn the mountain a fool ranger made us put them doAn. De too) the train bac) from Ross. ,onday. After school I Aent doAn Aith Dan) L (uc) to see a out getting jo s in the Post Office. No luc). Dent out to ,arine Hospital L played Aith Rose)ran2 bunch. Tuesday. Riding class. I started auto shop. Seems simple to do it Ahen I donEt ha.e to. Dednesday, No.em er 5. 0eorge to dinner. [The 0eorge often referred to is pro a ly -ncle 0eorge, JerryEs fatherEs youngest rother. ] Thursday. Lesson Aith Hillalpardo. 0eorge to dinner. He too) ,amma L Aunt Eli2a eth to lecture at Nati.e Sons Hall. Friday. I Aent to a meeting of the De ating League at the H. Sch. of Commerce. Dan) Aent in Florence HillEs place. He, (uc), and I Aent to Strand. Haya)aAa in The Dragon Painter. Shot in Mosemite Halley. Dent to ComptonEs for eats. Saturday, No.em er 8. I had to Aor) around the house in the a.m. [Note: Here we have uite a gap. He probably got busier than usual over the holiday season.$ Thursday, Fe ruary 27, 1920. Last Tuesday I Aas a sent. Aggie sent me a letter 3 and Eppinger too) it off the rac) and read it. One hell of a dirty tric). I got the letter today. Epp, Anderson, Scott and I Aent to the Orpheum. Too) the dog out for a Aal) and got some eats at DusyEs. Dal)ed to Hum oldt and met Dill. ,amma is out to some Aid Society meeting. Fe ruary 27. Agatha came home today. She had been in Nuarantine for 5 Aee)s on account the flu. I Aent to a De ating League meeting at Hum oldt. Dent to Strand. LeA Cody in the theater. ToAnsends. Fe ruary 28. I Aent to PopEs [the DreA School] in the morning. De rustled out some large counters from 0old erg (oAenEs to the school. Dent doAn to Fillmore St. Aith John L Henning and Pop to lunch. John L I reneAed the insurance policy for the auto at CSAA. De Aent to the Calif. ,onday, ,arch 2. Too) the 7100 boat to (er)eley Aith Scott L 0eorge (oardman. ,et John [pro a ly his brother John, Aho Aould already ha.e een attending Cal L Leon L Aent to the (ig C Sir)us. AAful mo . Ginda pun). ,et up Aith ;uar) Thompson. He L self slept Aith John L Leon at JEs place. Rained hea.y in A.,. Tuesday. Rain. Late to school. Came bac) Aith the KDoc.K At noon ,iss Tuc)er and I decided to call off the Nuartet because things Aere ja22ed up. Phat Moung canEt sing. Anna Springer can, but Helen Estredo Aas a sent today so Ae called it off. I dated up Aith Claire T. for Thursday Aith cello, etc. but stop to Aor) Physics. Had a lesson today. It Aent damn good. Drote a letter to Teddy L ,a el ,organ tonight. ,om and I too) a Aal) Aith the dog. Things are getting duller than hell. Dednesday, 4th. In the e.ening I Aent out to a ,iss DellishEs house. Rosy and I and some felloA practiced his trio. I Aent out to the par) to play tennis Aith a felloA named Co y but he did not shoA up. Thursday. I Aent out to ,iss Tuc)erEs in the e.e to play. SheEs a little bit of all there. Home sort of late. I bathed in aft. ,a Aas home late and raised hell ecause I didnEt put some spuds on to coo). [0randpa DreA alAays reNuired a ba)ed potato for dinner.] Friday, ,arch 7. In the afternoon I Aent doAntoAn Aith Eppy in -ncle DillEs machine. He had it out to shop because he stripped his master gear. Dent to Calif. Top Dor)s Aith Thompson, then Ae Aent out the par) to the beach. De helped some Aomen out of tire trou le. I Aas coming home doAn Fell St. Ahen she ran out of gas. (ot 1 O gal. DAyer had finished the plans for the DC house [DilloA Camp Aas an earlier name for Stinson (each] so he stayed to dinner. He stayed on tal)ing to us. ,a L A [sister Agatha] Aent to GellysE Aith Pop at 9100 Ahen DAyer Aent home.
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