News from the Field ACQUISITIONS lished in 1966 by Henry Wenning, New Haven. A segment of the correspondence and manu­ Foremost among significant recent acquisi­ scripts of James Dickey, 1923- , poet, Li­ tions at University of California, Santa brary of Congress consultant and National Barbara, is the John K. Martin collection of Book Award winner, is being processed. Dick­ modern literature. ey’s correspondents include a large number of Roughly the authors within the collection contemporary authors; his writings are repre­ fall into two categories: British and American sented by drafts and revisions of both un­ fictional and dramatic writers, and a second published poems and those appearing in section of contemporary poetry (overwhelming­ Drowning with Others, Helmets, and Buck­ ly American), including both monographs and dancers Choice. A body of correspondence, periodicals. drafts of poems, short stories, novels and plays The Mellon collection of alchemy and the of David Wagoner, 1926- , Pacific North­ occult has been acquired by the Yale Uni­ west poet, as well his early notebooks, is also versity library. The collection includes 159 being arranged. manuscripts dating back to the thirteenth cen­ Dr. Edmund V. Cowdry, emeritus professor tury and 170 printed volumes, five of them of anatomy at Washington University school from the fifteenth century. Besides alchemy, of medicine, has presented his collection of cor­ the manuscripts embrace texts on astronomy, respondence, notebooks, pictures, films, medals astrology and medicine, while the books in­ and personal memorabilia to the institution’s clude the adjoining fields of astrology, magic, library. witchcraft and the occult. The archives of the publishing house of Chicago attorney Elmer Gertz has given Charles Scribner’s Sons—a collection of over the Library of Congress a collection of his a quarter-million documents assembled by the papers comprising approximately one hundred New York firm in publishing the works of thousand items. Throughout his career, Mr. literally 100’s of American and English writ­ Gertz has had strong literary interests. He is ers—have been presented to Princeton Uni­ the co-author of a biography of Frank Harris, versity. The firm’s records include files of cor­ and the author of an unpublished biography respondence with some eleven hundred fifty of George Sylvester Viereck. A large amount authors, letterbooks documenting Scribner’s of the material in the Gertz collection relates early publishing activities, the “office histories” to the two biographies of Viereck and Harris of such epochal undertakings as the “Dictionary or is correspondence pertaining to Mr. Gertz’ of American History” and the “Dictionary of active memberships in civic, religious, and American Biography,” and business, financial legal organizations and to his legal work. and copyright correspondence. Washington University, St. Louis, an­ Texas A&M University library has recently nounces the acquisition of a group of the cor­ received a gift of atlases and histories from respondence, manuscripts and notebooks of General Howard C. Davidson of Washington, Elizabeth Jennings, 1926- , English poet. D.C. Included in the gift are the famous Mer­ Manuscripts, dating from 1957-1966, and note­ cator and Hondius Atlas, 1629 edition; Nicolas books, 1954-1966, include drafts of Miss Jen­ Sanson’s Atlas du Monde, maps dated indi­ nings’ poems, essays and reviews, as well as vidually from 1673 to 1680; and the Johan a draft of Christianity and Poetry, published in and Wilhelm Blaeu Nieuwe Atlas, 1650 edition. 1965. Part of the correspondence of Babette University of Wisconsin library’s rare Deutsch, 1895- , American poet and critic, books department has recently added a collec­ has also been accessioned. Writing from 1921- tion of books and pamphlets written by the 1966, Miss Deutsch’s correspondents include early 19th-century French socio-political philos­ Conrad Aiken, E. A. Robinson, Robinson Jef­ opher, Claude Henri Saint-Simon and his fol­ fers, Theodore Roethke, Marianne Moore and lowers. The collection, numbering about 100 William Carlos Williams. A collection of the items, was purchased from the Dutch book­ correspondence of Robert Duncan, 1919- , seller and publisher, Martinus Nijhoff. San Francisco poet, has recently been de­ scribed. In it is an exchange of letters, 1962- 1964, between Duncan and LeRoi Jones, dis­ GIFTS, GRANTS cussing San Francisco and New York literary The Medical Library Association has just scenes. The bulk of the collection is comprised received $33,000 from the estate of Mrs. of correspondence and editorial matter per­ Eileen R. Cunningham, author of A Classifica­ taining to A Book of Resemblances, written by tion for Medical Literature and librarian of the Duncan, illustrated by Jess Collins and pub­ Vanderbilt University school of medicine from 108 1929-1956. The money is to be used to aid grant from the Carnegie Corporation, New medical librarians from other countries to York City. continue their education in the United States. The Maurice and Laura Falk library of the It is anticipated that the gift will become the health professions at the University of Pitts­ nucleus for a reserve fund, the income from burgh has been awarded a support grant of which will provide fellowships for foreign $26,314 by the National Library of Medicine, graduate students. division of research grants, National Institutes The Council on Library Resources has made of Health in Washington. Supplementing the a grant of $2,000 to the American Biblio­ regular operating budget the funds will be graphical C enter to support the preparation used to purchase books, back issues of medical of a new type of subject index. The grant will journals, bindings for publications, and a be applied to the preparation of a computer microfilm reading machine. program for the index to the periodical ar­ University of Wisconsin has received a ticles abstracted in the Center’s bibliographies, grant from the Ford Foundation to develop Historical Abstracts and America: History and a new Western European area program, con­ Life. centrating on the period from 1930 to the The librarians who worked for Henry R. present. Initial development will be in Italian, Luce at Time, Inc. have made a memorial German and French materials. Part of the donation to the library of Yale University. money from this grant will assist in the com­ Their gift will be used to acquire a major set pilation by the library of desiderata lists of of reference books, inscribed in his memory. pamphlet material and other ephemera, as well Mr. Luce, co-founder and editorial chairman as serials, periodicals and documents that the of Time, Inc., died February 28. library did not acquire when they were first The development of techniques which will published. make it possible to use the collections of li­ MEETINGS braries without having to visit them in per­ son is the purpose of a $250,000 grant to the May 5-6: Midwest Academic Librarians Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Conference, Chicago Circle Campus, Univer­ Project INTREX by the Council on Library sity of Illinois. Resources. The one-year grant will be used to May 5-6: The annual Spring meeting of the continue research initiated under an earlier Tri-State (Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia) CUSHING-MALLOY, INC. 1350 North Main Street P.O. Box 632 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107 Printers of Who’s Who in Library Service LITHOPRINTERS Known for QUALITY– ECONOMY– SERVICE Let us quote on your next printing 109 Chapter of the Association of College and Re­ May 13: ACRL Philadelphia Chapter will search Libraries, at Shepherd College Library, meet in the Samuel Paley Library in Phila­ Shepherdstown, West Virginia. delphia on May 13. Morning sessions will in­ May 12: The University of Wisconsin library clude a speaker and panel discussion on re­ school will have a one-day meeting devoted to classification to the LC system, and afternoon the topic “Impact of Public Law 480 on Over­ session will be concerned with area college li­ seas Acquisitions by American Libraries.” The braries cooperative program. Seminar at Kan­ meeting is planned on the basis of the convic­ sas State College in Pittsburg, on Junior College tion that, except for librarians directly par­ Library and Instruction, and Federal Support ticipating, the PL 480 Program is not so well for Junior College Libraries. Deans of Instruc­ understood as is desirable and also that its tion and Librarians in junior colleges in the by-products such as improved channels of over­ area have been invited to attend. seas procurement for all libraries are not wide­ May 21-26: Seminar in Public Library Ad­ ly recognized. It is the hope that this meeting ministration. Drexel Institute of Technology. can assist in these two respects. Led by Edwin Castagna, Enoch Pratt free li­ The speakers will be H. Vail Deale of Be­ brary, Baltimore. loit College, a recipient of selected English­ May 27-28: Symposium, Libraries and the language publications under the program; Don­ Future, at Dalhousie University library. Keynote ald F. Jay of the Library of Congress, the pro­ Speaker, Robert M. Hayes, UCLA. Sponsored curement agency; Maureen L. P. Patterson of by Atlantic Provinces Library Association in the University of Chicago, a recipient of re­ association with Dalhousie University. For search publications; and Gordon R. Williams further information contact Miss Nancy Stuart, of the Center for Research Libraries, repre­ Dalhousie University Library, Halifax, N.S. Pre­ senting a regional viewpoint concerning the registration is required; the fee of $10 includes fruits of the program. two “official” meals. No fee is involved in attendance. Further in­ June 11-16: The sixty-sixth annual meeting formation is available from William L. Wil­ of the Medical Library Association will be held liamson at the Library School, 425 Henry Mall, at the Americana in Miami, Fla. Madison, Wisconsin 53706.
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