8/4/2020 2016 Women's Services - Aggregate Data Evaluation Tables: Part One Program Name Aggregate Data Throughout this report, (empty) indicates data are missing. Table 1 Opened, served and closed clients and children Clients Children New Babies Reporting Period Clients Still Open from Previous Period 365 707 34 Start Date 06-01-2019 New Opened This Period 676 1231 65 End Date 05-31-2020 Total Served this Period 1,041 1,938 99 Closed This Period 754 1418 Table 2 Eligibility of new clients opened this period Number % New Clients Opened This Period 676 100% Clients in Treatment at intake 580 86% Clients who completed treatment within 6 months prior to intake 53 8% Clients who plan to enter treatment within 3 months of intake 30 4% Clients who were pregnant and using drugs or alcohol at intake 62 9% Clients not in treatment (not meeting eligibility criteria) 24 4% Reason for no treatment Number of Intakes Active Use; desires sobriety/recovery; self-referral for services 1 Alcohol use while parenting 1 Client is using alcohol/THC - has 4 and 1yo 1 Client stopped using on her own 1 completed treatment, preganat, and living in sober housing 1 High risk of relapse, waiting for Rule 25 recommendations 1 need sober support programs and needs updated Rule 25 1 needs sober support 1 Parenting 1 Parenting while using substances 1 Participate in Recovery Support Services 1 Participate in the recovery support program 1 participating for herself for sober support 1 Pregnant and Parenting, history of chemical use 1 Recovery Support 2 Recovery Support Program 1 Recovery Support Services 2 Stopped smoking on her own 1 Substance Use While Parenting 2 Support 1 Was using during pregnancy 1 Totals (21 groups) 24 Table 3 Parenting status of new clients opened this period Number % Clients who were pregnant at intake from this period 152 22% Clients who were parenting at intake 584 86% CLIENTS SERVED THIS YEAR Descriptive information at intake Table 4 Referral source https://wilder.quickbase.com/db/bmes8zsse?a=printr&rid=15&dfid=14 1/23 8/4/2020 2016 Women's Services - How was the client referred Number of Number of to your program? Intakes Intakes (% of col) Child Protection 179 17.2% Community program 43 4.1% Treatment 208 20.0% Mental health center 13 1.2% Corrections 95 9.1% Drug court 19 1.8% Family/friends 55 5.3% Clinic/hospital 52 5.0% Self-referral 203 19.5% Another WRS grant-funded program 24 2.3% Other 146 14.0% Unknown 4 0.4% Totals (12 groups) 1041 100.0% https://wilder.quickbase.com/db/bmes8zsse?a=printr&rid=15&dfid=14 2/23 8/4/2020 2016 Women's Services - Other Referral Source Number of Intakes 1800 Detox/Client on Civil Commitment 1 Alliance Apartments-Sober Supportive Housing 1 Alliance Supportive Housing 1 Another participant 1 CD Commitment-Nicollet County 1 commitment worker 1 Coordinated Entry 1 Coordinated Entry - Homeless Shelter 9 Cooridnated Entry 1 Coorinated Entry 1 Counselor at Valhalla 1 County Mental Health Case Manager 1 DWI Court 4 DWI Court 1 Hennepin County COC 4 Hennepin County COC 1 Hennepin County CoC - Homeless Shelter 9 Hennepin County CoC - Shelter 16 Hennepin County Coordinated Entry 23 Hennepin County Shelter 2 Housing-Alliance Apartments 1 IOP with lodging 1 Kanabec Public Health 1 MFIP Ramsey Human Services Worker 1 Peer Recovery Specialist 1 PHN 1 PICA Head Start 1 PO/HS 1 Probation 1 Public Health 1 Public Health Nurse 2 Ramsey Co Mental Health Manager 1 Rule 25 4 Rule 25 assessor 41 Rule 25 assessor 2 Rule 25 assessor-ADAP 1 Sober Supportive Housing-Alliance Apartments 1 Social worker 2 WIC 1 WIC Worker 1 Totals (40 groups) 146 Client participation required by other system involvement Required to participate (Y/N) Number of Number of Intakes Intakes (% of col) Yes 534 51.3% No 497 47.7% Unknown 10 1.0% Totals (3 groups) 1041 100.0% https://wilder.quickbase.com/db/bmes8zsse?a=printr&rid=15&dfid=14 3/23 8/4/2020 2016 Women's Services - Required to participate Number of Number of Intakes Intakes (% of col) Child protection 326 61.0% Criminal justice system involvement, e.g. probation 190 35.6% Some other system or organization, e.g. housing 16 3.0% Unknown 2 0.4% Totals (4 groups) 534 100.0% Table 5 Clients by County County Name Number of Number of Intakes Intakes (% of col) (empty) 6 0.6% Aitkin 4 0.4% Anoka 26 2.5% Becker 2 0.2% Beltrami 18 1.7% Benton 9 0.9% Blue Earth 15 1.4% Brown 3 0.3% Carlton 22 2.1% Carver 6 0.6% Cass 7 0.7% Chippewa 3 0.3% Chisago 4 0.4% Clay 4 0.4% Clearwater 1 0.1% Cook 1 0.1% Cottonwood 2 0.2% Crow Wing 10 1.0% Dakota 18 1.7% Dodge 3 0.3% Douglas 3 0.3% Freeborn 4 0.4% Goodhue 3 0.3% Grant 5 0.5% Hayward 1 0.1% Hennepin 309 29.7% Houston 2 0.2% Hubbard 1 0.1% Isanti 5 0.5% Itasca 27 2.6% Kanabec 6 0.6% Kandiyohi 8 0.8% Kittson 1 0.1% Lac Qui Parle 1 0.1% Lake 2 0.2% Lake of the Woods 1 0.1% Le Sueur 3 0.3% Lyon 4 0.4% Mahnomen 2 0.2% Martin 5 0.5% McLeod 30 2.9% Meeker 26 2.5% County Name Number of Number of Mille Lacs 13 1.2% Intakes Intakes (% Morrison 4 of col)0.4% https://wilder.quickbase.com/db/bmes8zsse?a=printr&rid=15&dfid=14 4/23 8/4/2020 2016 Women's Services - Mower 2 0.2% Murray 2 0.2% Nicollet 6 0.6% Nobles 3 0.3% Norman 1 0.1% Olmsted 14 1.3% Otter Tail 2 0.2% Pennington 1 0.1% Pine 3 0.3% Pipestone 3 0.3% Polk 5 0.5% Ramsey 224 21.5% Red Lake 2 0.2% Redwood 9 0.9% Renville 2 0.2% Rice 5 0.5% Rock 2 0.2% Scott 10 1.0% Sherburne 11 1.1% Sibley 2 0.2% St. Louis 42 4.0% Stearns 23 2.2% Swi 4 0.4% Todd 3 0.3% Wabasha 3 0.3% Washington 9 0.9% Watonwan 3 0.3% Wilkin 3 0.3% Wright 9 0.9% Yellow Medicine 3 0.3% Totals (74 groups) 1041 100.0% Table 6 Race and ethnicity of clients at intake Hispanic Origin Number of Number of Intakes Intakes (% of col) Yes 71 6.8% No 969 93.1% Unknown 1 0.1% Totals (3 groups) 1041 100.0% Race Number of Number of Intakes Intakes (% of col) African American/Black 189 18.2% American Indian/Alaskan Native 196 18.8% Asian American/Pacific Islander 28 2.7% White 536 51.5% Biracial/Multiracial 79 7.6% Other 12 1.2% Unknown 1 0.1% Totals (7 groups) 1041 100.0% https://wilder.quickbase.com/db/bmes8zsse?a=printr&rid=15&dfid=14 5/23 8/4/2020 2016 Women's Services - Other Race Number of Intakes Hispanic 1 hispanic 1 Hmong 1 Mexican 5 Mexican American 1 prefer not to answer 1 Somali American 1 Somalia 1 Totals (8 groups) 12 Table 7 Gender and sexual orientation of clients at intake Gender Number of Number of Intakes Intakes (% of col) (empty) 1 0.1% Female 1038 99.7% Transgender or Bigender 1 0.1% Something else 1 0.1% Totals (4 groups) 1041 100.0% Sexual Orientation Number of Number of Intakes Intakes (% of col) Heterosexual or straight 912 87.6% Bisexual 92 8.8% Homosexual or lesbian/gay 8 0.8% Unsure about sexual orientation 7 0.7% Unknown 22 2.1% Totals (5 groups) 1041 100.0% Table 8 Age at intake Age at Intake Category Number of Number of Intakes Intakes (% of col) Under age 18 5 0.5% Age 18 to under 25 196 18.8% Age 25 to under 35 574 55.1% Age 35 to under 49 249 23.9% Age 49 and older 17 1.6% Totals (5 groups) 1041 100.0% Table 9 Highest level of education completed at intake Education Order Education Number of Number of Intakes Intakes (% of col) 1 No school 2 0.2% 2 Some school, but no High School diploma or GED 296 28.4% 3 High School diploma or GED 304 29.2% 4 Some college, but no degree 308 29.6% 5 Vocational Certificate, Associate Degree 89 8.5% 6 College degree or graduate/professional degree 39 3.7% 7 Unknown 3 0.3% Totals (7 groups) 1041 100.0% Table 10 https://wilder.quickbase.com/db/bmes8zsse?a=printr&rid=15&dfid=14 6/23 8/4/2020 2016 Women's Services - Participation in school/career training at intake Are you in school or a career Number of Number of training program? Intakes Intakes (% of col) Yes 37 3.6% No 1001 96.2% Unknown 3 0.3% Totals (3 groups) 1041 100.0% Table 11 Employment at intake Employment Number of Number of Intakes Intakes (% of col) Employed full-time or part-time 170 16.3% Disabled/Unable to work 60 5.8% Unemployed – looking for work 235 22.6% Unemployed – not looking for work, including clients who are in school and not working 573 55.0% Other 2 0.2% Unknown 1 0.1% Totals (6 groups) 1041 100.0% Other Employment Number of Intakes suspended 1 Was in treatment 1 Totals (2 groups) 2 Table 12 Living arrangements at intake Living arrangement during Number of Number of the past 30 days Intakes Intakes (% of col) In own house or apartment 254 24.4% In relative or friend's home 307 29.5% Transitional housing or GRH (Group Residential Housing) 45 4.3% Permanent supportive housing 8 0.8% Sober house/halfway house 16 1.5% A shelter or motel (using a voucher) 95 9.1% A place not intended for housing like outside, car, vacant building, etc.
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