SiteSolutions Residence Contaminated Land FURTHER ACTION Flooding PASSED Subsidence & !ound Instabilit" IDENTIFIED Radon NOT IDENTIFIED Ene!g" & In#!ast!uctu!e IDENTIFIED Repo!t on% Sample Site, Sample Town, Sample County, United Kingdom Report prepared for: Report Reference: Report date: Sam$le Sam$le --t. Feb!ua!" /0/0 Client Reference: National Grid Reference: Sam$le &&&''()*&++,+ Site Location Report prepared on Sam$le Site, Sam$le Town) Sam$le Count") United 2ingdom Site Area (m2 -++3'- Current U!e Residential "ropo!ed U!e Residential Report Aut#or Ali Stanton Tele$.one% 0330 0*' 6115 E4mail: orde!s@a!gyllen6i!o.com Additional $nformation "ro%ided - 1113arg"llen6i!onmental3com Intelligent Due Diligence Site Solutions Residence Sam$le / --t. Feb!ua!" /0/0 Contaminated Land Ris7 Summa!" Ris7 E6aluation Contaminated Land Fu!t.e! action Liabilit" Assessment Potential Liabilities .a6e been identi#ied unde! Pa!t /A o# t.e En6i!onmental P!otection Act -880 9o! 1.e!e a$$!o$!iate) e:ui6alent !e:ui!ements unde! t.e $lanning !egime; and<o! t.e =ate! Resou!ces Act -88-3 To :uanti#" t.ese "ou ma" decide to unde!ta7e a mo!e detailed assessment t.!oug. t.e !ecommendation9s; set out belo13 =.at is t.e ove!all on4site ris7> Low =.at is t.e ove!all of#4site ris7> Mode!ate to High =.at is t.e en6i!onmental sensiti6it" rating? High Recommendations Land filling has occu!!ed nea! t.e Site, w.ic. ma" .a6e caused contamination3 This means t.e Site could be designated as “Contaminated LandA3 Howe6e!, t.e Site s.ould ha6e been made suitable #or use as pa!t of t.e recent !ede6elopment. The Local Aut.orit" a!e !es$onsible for in6estigating Contaminated Land, and s.ould ha6e more in#ormation on t.e se6e!it" of t.e !is73 =e can gat.e! t.is in#ormation for you as pa!t of ou! SiteSolutions Consult re$ort3 We can usuall" $!e$a!e t.is !e$ort 1it.in 10--( working da"s) de$ending on res$onse times. Please contact "ou! re$ort w!ite! on 0**00 366 115 to discuss an" as$ect of ou! !ecommendation . U$g!ade to a Site Solutions Consult % B/(0 C DAT including third-party costs 1113arg"llen6i!onmental3com Intelligent Due Diligence Site Solutions Residence Sam$le * --t. Feb!ua!" /0/0 Contaminated Land Ris7 Anal"sis In6estigation Commenta!" On4site sou!ces No potentiall" contaminati6e uses of conce!n .a6e been identi#ied at t.e Site, following a !e6ie1 of historical ma$$ing dating f!om -,,-3 A!g"llEs As a result of t.e historical and cu!!ent use of t.e Site, t.e!e is a lo1 !is7 of contaminants Comment being p!esent3 O##4site sou!ces A re6ie1 of historical ma$s dating f!om 1881 s.ows t.e following potentiall" contaminati6e uses wit.in 100m of t.e Site: a b!ic7 ya!d 75m sout. east c3-,,-) late! eF$anding to become a b!ick works f!om 40m sout. east c3-8004-8(() 1it. s$oil noted 60m sout. east c3-8*,4-8+&3 In addition, a Local Aut.orit" Recorded Land#ill Site was identi#ied 17m sout. east. This a$$ea!s to relate to t.e a#orementioned s$oil associated wit. t.e b!ic7 wor7s3 A!g"llEs The .istorical and cu!!ent use of t.e su!!ounding a!ea is t.e!e#ore conside!ed to $!esent a Comment mode!ate to .ig. !is7 of a##ecting t.e Site3 Pat.1a"s and The gene!al a!ea a$$ea!s to be in residential use, wit. residential p!ope!ties on Site3 !ece$to!s The bed!oc7 h"d!ogeology unde!l"ing t.e Site is classi#ied as a Seconda!" (A; A:ui#e! 9de$osits wit. mode!ate pe!meabilit";3 The Site does not lie wit.in a ground1ate! Sou!ce P!otection Gone 9SPG;3 The!e a!e no abst!action licences located 1it.in 500m. The!e a!e no su!#ace 1ate! #eatu!es wit.in 250m. Finall" no designated eco-!ece$tors we!e identi#ied wit.in a 500m !adius of t.e Site3 A!g"llEs O6e!all) t.e Site is t.e!e#ore conside!ed to ha6e a .ig. en6i!onmental sensiti6it"3 Comment Additional The #ollowing additional .istorical ma$ $acks we!e used to p!oduce t.is re$ort3 Sou!ces o# • En6i!oc.ec7 Re#: 2340*/8/' cent!ed on 4446'() 34778+3 In#o!mation A!g"llEs Conclusion Conside!ing t.e in#ormation re6ie1ed du!ing t.is assessment, a numbe! of plausible contaminant linkages ha6e been identi#ied3 Soil and ground1ate! liabilities could a!ise 1.et.e! or not rede6elopment is conside!ed3 Please re#e! to ris7 anal"sis met.odology section for fu!t.e! guidance and de#inition of te!ms3 1113arg"llen6i!onmental3com Intelligent Due Diligence Site Solutions Residence Sam$le & --t. Feb!ua!" /0/0 Subsidence and !ound Instabilit" Ris7 E6aluation Subsidence- & !ound Instabilit" Identi#ied Consultant's Comment Insu!ance claims .a6e not been identi#ied in t.e a!ea t.at could indicate t.e!e is a !is7 o# subsidence3 =.at is t.e subsidence ris7 rating based on t.e No Claims claims histor" of you! postcode> T.e Site ma" be susce$tible to g!ound instabilit" #!om man4made o! natu!al sou!ces3 Could t.e Site be susce$tible to ground instabilit" No #!om natu!al sou!ces> Could t.e Site be susce$tible to ground instabilit" Yes #!om man4made<mining acti6ities> Recommendations Due conside!ation s.ould be gi6en to t.e management of a numbe! of eFte!nal in#luencing #actors in orde! to p!e6ent subsidence and t.e!eb" !educe t.e ris73 The actions re:ui!ed 1ill be p!ope!t" s$eci#ic de$endent on a numbe! of factors as set out below% • A!e t.e!e an" t!ees on t.e land immediatel" su!!ounding t.e house or on a neighbou!’s p!ope!t" and a!e you intending to ca!!" out planting of t!ees and 6egetation> Tree Management St!ategies a!e ad6ised. The t!ees ma" be $!otected b" a t!ee p!ese!6ation orde! or be in a conse!6ation a!ea so $e!mission f!om t.e local aut.orit" must be obtained be#ore an" works a!e unde!taken3 • How old is t.e p!ope!t"> Regula! maintenance and ins$ection of t.e d!ainage s"stem is recommended to ensu!e t.at t.e!e a!e no a$$a!ent blockages) $a!ticula!l" in olde! p!ope!ties wit. salt glaJed cla"1a!e d!ainage pi$es3 • A!e t.e!e signs of c!acking or historical distortions / misalignments in t.e st!uctu!e> As t.e Site lies in an a!ea subKect to mining instabilit", you ma" wis. to consult a local RICS acc!edited su!6e"or and/or re6ie1 an" a6ailable geotec.nical su!6e"s3 Fu!t.e! in#ormation ma" be a6ailable f!om t.e mine!als and waste of#ice! at t.e Count" Council and t.e local Building Cont!ols O##ice!3 Britis. eological Su!6e" GeoHaJa!d re$orts 9111.bgs.ac.uk/geo!e$orts; ma" also p!ovide more detailed in#ormation3 -The Subsidence !is7 !ating is based on the postcode and is not speci#ic to the $!ope!t"3 1113arg"llen6i!onmental3com Intelligent Due Diligence Site Solutions Residence Sam$le ( --t. Feb!ua!" /0/0 Ot.e! En6i!onmental HaJa!ds Ris7 Recommendation ?ining Instabilit" As t.e Site lies in an a!ea subKect to mining instabilit", you ma" wis. to consult a local RICS acc!edited su!6e"or and/or re6ie1 an" a6ailable geotec.nical su!6e"s3 Fu!t.e! in#ormation ma" be a6ailable f!om t.e mine!als and waste of#ice! at t.e Count" Council and t.e local Building Cont!ols O##ice!3 Britis. eological Su!6e" GeoHaJa!d re$orts 9111.bgs.ac.uk/geo!e$orts; ma" also p!ovide more detailed in#ormation3 Coal ?ining As t.e Site lies wit.in a Coal ?ining a!ea) it is recommended t.at a Comme!cial Coal ?ining Re$ort is obtained f!om t.e Coal Aut.orit"3 In#illed Land As t.e Site lies on or wit.in 25m of $otentiall" in#illed land) you ma" wis. to consult a local RICS acc!edited su!6e"or and/or !e6ie1 an" a6ailable geotec.nical su!6e"s3 Fu!t.e! in#ormation ma" be a6ailable f!om t.e mine!als and waste of#ice! at t.e Count" Council and t.e local Building Regulations O##ice!3 Britis. Geological Su!6e" eoHaJa!d re$orts (111.bgs.ac.uk/geo!e$o!ts; ma" also $!ovide more detailed in#ormation3 CO?AH No Cont!ol of MaKor Accident HaJa!ds (CO?AH; sites a!e located wit.in 500m. A!g"llEs This re$ort is $!ima!il" a desktop assessment of potential soil and ground1ate! Comment liabilities3 We also comment w.et.e! t.e above En6i!onmental HaJa!ds a!e rele6ant.
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