Federal Communications Commission § 73.8000 in obtaining and constructing the sta- NW., Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20006, tion (e.g. expenses in preparing an ap- or at the ATSC Web site: http:// plication, in obtaining and installing www.atsc.org/standards.html. broadcast equipment to be assigned or (1) ATSC A/52: ‘‘ATSC Standard Dig- transferred, etc.). Costs incurred in op- ital Audio Compression (AC–3),’’ 1995, erating the station are not recoverable IBR approved for § 73.682. (e.g. rent, salaries, utilities, music li- (2) ATSC A/53 Parts 1–6: 2007 ‘‘ATSC censing fees, etc.). Any successive ap- Digital Television Standard,’’ (January plicants proposing to assign or transfer 3, 2007) as listed below: the construction permit/license prior (i) A/53, Part 1:2007, ‘‘Digital Tele- to the end of the aforementioned hold- vision System’’ (January 3, 2007), IBR ing period will be required to make the approved for § 73.682. same demonstrations. (ii) A/53, Part 2:2007, ‘‘RF/Trans- (b) Technical. In accordance with the mission System Characteristics’’ (Jan- provisions of § 73.7002, an NCE applicant uary 3, 2007), IBR approved for § 73.682. receiving a decisive preference for fair (iii) A/53, Part 3:2007, ‘‘Service Multi- distribution of service is required to plex and Transport Subsystem Charac- construct and operate technical facili- teristics’’ (January 3, 2007), IBR ap- ties substantially as proposed, and can proved for § 73.682. not downgrade service to the area on (iv) A/53, Part 4:2007, ‘‘MPEG–2 Video which the preference is based for a pe- System Characteristics’’ (January 3, riod of four years of on-air operations. 2007), IBR approved for § 73.682, except (c) The holding period in this section for § 6.1.2 of A/53 Part 4: 2007, and the does not apply to construction permits phrase ‘‘see Table 6.2’’ in section 6.1.1 that are awarded on a non-comparative Table 6.1 and section 6.1.3 Table 6.3. basis, such as those awarded to non- (v) A/53, Part 5:2007, ‘‘AC–3 Audio mutually exclusive applicants or System Characteristics’’ (January 3, through settlement. 2007), IBR approved for § 73.682. (vi) A/53, Part 6:2007, ‘‘Enhanced AC– Subpart L—Digital Broadcast 3 Audio System Characteristics’’ (Jan- Television Redistribution Control uary 3, 2007), IBR approved for § 73.682. (3) ATSC A/65B: ‘‘ATSC Program and § 73.8000 Incorporation by reference. System Information Protocol for Ter- (a) The materials listed in this sec- restrial Broadcast and Cable,’’ (Revi- tion are incorporated by reference in sion B) March 18, 2003, and IBR ap- this part. These incorporations by ref- proved for §§ 73.9000 and 73.9001. erence were approved by the Director (4) ATSC A/65C: ‘‘ATSC Program and of the Federal Register in accordance System Information Protocol for Ter- with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. restrial Broadcast and Cable, Revision These materials are incorporated as C With Amendment No. 1 dated May 9, they exist on the date of the approval, 2006,’’ (January 2, 2006), IBR approved and notice of any change in these ma- for §§ 73.682 and 73.9000. terials will be published in the FED- (c) The following materials are avail- ERAL REGISTER. The materials are able for purchase from American Na- available for inspection at the Federal tional Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 Communications Commission (FCC), West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, 445 12th St., SW., Reference Informa- NY 10036 or at the ANSI Web site: tion Center, Room CY–A257, Wash- http://www.webstore.ansi.org/ansidocstore/ ington, DC 20554 and at the National default.asp. Archives and Records Administration (1) International Standard ISO/IEC (NARA). For information on the avail- 13818–1:2000(E); ‘‘Information Tech- ability of this material at NARA, call nology Generic Coding of Moving Pic- 202–741–6030, or go to: http:// tures and Associated Audio Informa- www.archives.gov/federallregister/ tion: Systems,’’ 2000, IBR approved for codeloflfederallregulations/ § 73.9000. ibrllocations.html. (2) [Reserved] (b) The following materials are avail- (d) The following materials are avail- able from Advanced Television Sys- able at the FCC, 445 12th St., SW., Ref- tems Committee (ATSC), 1750 K Street, erence Information Center, Room CY– 403 VerDate Aug<31>2005 09:15 Nov 24, 2008 Jkt 214200 PO 00000 Frm 00413 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214200.XXX 214200 dwashington3 on PROD1PC60 with CFR § 73.9000 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–08 Edition) A257, Washington, DC 20554, or at the to perform the function of 8–VSB, 16– FCC’s Office of Engineering and Tech- VSB, 64–QAM or 256–QAM demodula- nology (OET) Web site: http:// tion and thereby produce a data stream www.fcc.gov/oet/info/documents/bulletins/. for the purpose of digital television re- (1) OET Bulletin No. 69: ‘‘Longley- ception. Rice Methodology for Evaluating TV (h) Demodulator compliance require- Coverage and Interference’’ (February ments means the requirements set out 6, 2004), IBR approved for § 73.616. in §§ 73.9003 through 73.9006. (2) [Reserved] (i) Demodulator robustness requirements means the requirements set out in [73 FR 5684, Jan. 30, 2008] § 73.9007. (j) Peripheral TSP product means a Subpart M—Digital Broadcast product that is capable of accessing in Television Redistribution Control usable form unscreened content or marked content passed to such product SOURCE: 68 FR 67603, Dec. 3, 2003, unless via a robust method where the manu- otherwise noted. facturer of such product has committed in writing in accordance with § 73.9000 Definitions. § 73.9002(c) that such product will com- (a) Authorized digital output protection ply with the demodulator compliance technology means a technology ap- requirements and be manufactured in proved pursuant to the procedures in accordance with the demodulator § 73.9008. robustness requirements. (b) Authorized recording method means (k) EIT means Event Information a recording method approved pursuant Table as defined in ATSC A/65C: ‘‘ATSC to the procedures in § 73.9008. Program and System Information Pro- (c) Bona fide reseller means a party tocol for Terrestrial Broadcast and regularly engaged, or about to become Cable, Revision C With Amendment No. regularly engaged, in the lawful com- 1 dated May 9, 2006,’’ (January 2, 2006), mercial enterprise of selling, reselling, (incorporated by reference, see manufacturing, or assembling § 73.8000). demodulators, or products incor- (l) Marked content means, with re- porating demodulators, in compliance spect to a Covered demodulator prod- with this subpart. uct, Unencrypted digital terrestrial (d) Broadcast flag means the redis- broadcast content that such product tribution control descriptor has (rcldescriptor()) described in ATSC A/ (1) Received and demodulated and for 65B: ‘‘ Standard: Program and System which such product has inspected ei- Information Protocol for Terrestrial ther the EIT or PMT and determined Broadcast and Cable (Revision B),’’ (in- the broadcast flag to be present, or corporated by reference, see § 73.8000). (2) Where such product is a peripheral (e) Computer product means a product TSP product, received via a robust that is designed for or permits the end method and accessed in usable form, user to install a wide variety of com- and for which such product either in- mercially available software applica- spected the EIT or PMT and deter- tions thereon, such as a personal com- mined the broadcast flag to be present puter, handheld ‘‘Personal Digital As- or determined through information sistant’’ and the like, and further in- robustly conveyed with such content cludes a subsystem of such a product, that another covered demodulator such as a graphics card. product had previously so screened (f) Covered demodulator product means such content and determined the a product that is required under broadcast flag to be present; provided, §§ 73.9002(a)(1) or 73.9002(b)(1) to comply however, that, with respect to a cov- with the demodulator compliance re- ered demodulator product, marked con- quirements, and to be manufactured in tent shall not include content that has accordance with the demodulator been passed from such product pursu- robustness requirements. ant to §§ 73.9004(a)(1), 73.9004(a)(2), (g) Demodulator means a component, 73.9004(a)(3), 73.9004(a)(5), 73.9004(a)(6), or set of components, that is designed or 73.9006(b). 404 VerDate Aug<31>2005 09:15 Nov 24, 2008 Jkt 214200 PO 00000 Frm 00414 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214200.XXX 214200 dwashington3 on PROD1PC60 with CFR.
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