Gendering Spanish Democracy The political transformation of Spain into one of the world's leading democracies is well established, yet little is known about the differences between men and women's behaviour, experience and achievements during that process. How much did the women's movement contribute to this transformation? How far have policy advocates successfully integrated gender equality into key spheres of public life? Have power relations between women and men been re-balanced? Gendering Spanish Demo- cracy adopts an innovative approach, critically reviewing key institutional processes, policies and systems to reveal the way they function to promote or obstruct gender equity. Both the transition to democracy, equality law reform, and the social welfare reregime gime are put to the test. The ground­ breaking efforts of policy-makers to combat the violence, sexual harass­ ment and low political participation that are intrinsic to women's experience are scrutinised, and the constraints on equality in the field of employment and the family critically investigated. The authors conclude that the recent re-balancing of the gender order in Spain is unexpected and contradictory, being ultimately more effective in political rather than socio-economic arenas. Gendering Spanish Democracy breaks new ground in applying a sys­ tematic gender perspective to the analysis of established democracies, and is the first book in English to reveal the unique features of contemporary Spain's evolving gender order. MonieaMonica Threlfall is Senior Lecturer in Politics, Loughborough University, UK, and editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies. She has edited Consensus Politics in Spain: Insider Perspectives and Mapping the Women's Movement: Feminist Politics and Social Transformation in the North. Christine Cousins is Principal Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. She is the author of Society, WWork ork and Welfare in Europe, and recent journal articles on gender, employment and social pol­ icies. Celia ValienteVaIiente is Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Sociology, Universidad Carlos 111III de Madrid, Spain. She is author of numerous articles and chapters published in the US, Europe and Spain. Routledge advaneesadvances in European politiespolitics 1 Russian Messianism Third Rome, revolution, Communism and after Peter I.S.J.S. Duncan 2 European Integration and the Postmodern Condition Governance, democracy, identity Peter van Ham 3 Nationalism in Italian Politics The stories of the Northern League, 1980-2000 Damian Tambini 4 International Intervention in the Balkans since 1995 Edited by Peter Siani-Davies 5 Widening the European Union The politics of institutional change and reform Edited by Bernard Steunenberg 6 Institutional Challenges in the European Union Edited by Madeleine Hosli, Adrian van Deemen and Mika Widg,,!nWidgrén 7 Europe Unbound Enlarging and reshaping the boundaries of the European Union Edited by lanJan Zielonka 8 Ethnic Cleansing in the Balkans NNationalism ationalism and the destruction of tradition Cathie Carmichael 9 Democracy and Enlargement in Post-Communist Europe The democratisation of the general public in fifteen Central and Eastern European countries, 1991-1998 Christian W. Haerpfer 10 Private Sector Involvement in the Euro The power of ideas Stefan Collignon and Daniela Schwarzer 11 Europe A Nietzschean perspective Stefan Elbe 12 European Union and E-Voting Addressing the European Parliament's internet voting challenge Edited by Alexander H. Trechsel and Fernando Mendez 13 European Union Council Presidencies A comparative perspective Edited by Ole Elgstrom 14 European Governance and Supranational Institutions Making states comply lonasJonas Tallberg 15 European Union, NATO and Russia Martin Smith and Graham Timmins 16 Business, the State and Economic Policy The case of Italy G. Grant Amyot 17 Europeanization and Transnational States Comparing Nordic central governments Bengt lacobsson,Jacobsson, Per Lcegreid and Ove K. Pedersen 18 European Union Enlargement A comparative history Edited by WWolfram olfram Kaiser and lürgenJiirgen Elvert 19 Gibraltar British or Spanish? Peter Gold 20 Gendering Spanish Democracy Monica Threlfall, Christine Cousins and Celia Valiente 21 European Union Negotiations Processes, networks and negotiations Edited by Ole Elgstrom and Christer lonssonJonsson 22 Evaluating Euro-Mediterranean Relations Stephen C. Calleya 23 The Changing Face of European Identity A seven-nation study of (supra)national a1tachmentsattachments Edited by Richard Robyn 24 Governing Europe Discourse, governmentality and European integration William WaltersWaiters and lensJens Henrik Haahr 25 Territory and Terror Conflicting Nationalisms in the Basque country lanJan Mansvelt Beck :>000 ~ S :16 caCO .. j) 39~' (46') Gendering Spanish Cor.)COf.) Democracy Monica Threlfall, Christine Cousins and Celia Valiente I~ ~~o~J!~~~~up~~o~¡!~~~~up LONDON AND NEW YORK First published 2005 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge 270 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016 Routledge is an imprint ofofthe the Taylor & Francis Group © 2005 Monica Threlfal!,Threlfall, Christine Cousins and Celia Valiente Typeset in Times by Wearset Ltd, Boldon, Tyne and Wear Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin Al!All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN 0-415-34794--7 Contents Acknowledgements ix List of abbreviations xi 1 Introduction 1 MONICAMONTCA THRELFALL AND CHRTSTINECHRISTINE COUSTNSCOUSINS PARTIPART I Gendering democratic Spain 9 2 Gendering the transition to democracy: reassessing the impact of women's activism 11 MONICAMONTCA THRELFALL 3 The development of a gendered social policy regime 55 CHRTSTINECHRISTINE COUSTNSCOUSINS PART 11 Engendering new policies 79 4 Regulating sexual harassment at work 81 CELIACELlA v ALIENTEALlENTE 5 Combating violenceviolen ce against women 101 CELIACELlA vVALIENTE ALlENTE 6 Towards parity representation in party politics 125 MONICAMONTCA THRELFALL viii Contents PARTIIIPART III Changing gender relations? 163 7 Securing a foothold in the labour market 165 CHRISTINE COUSINS 8 The changing roles of men in families in Spain 187 CELIACELlA VALIENTE 9 Conclusion: from progress to resistance? 204 MONICA THRELFALL AND CHRISTINE COUSINS 10 Bibliographical commentary and bibliography of research on gender in Spanish history, politics, public policy, sociology, anthropology and ethnography since the 1920s, published in English (1971-2002) 220 COMPILED BY MONICA THRELFALL Author index 231 Subject index 235 Acknowledgements In addition to our families and friends, we would like to thank a number of institutions and people who have contributed to making this book possible in different ways. The various archives and documentation centres of the Instituto de la Mujer, Instituto Vasco de la Mujer, Centro de Docu­ mentaciónmentacion de la Mujer, Institut CataláCatala de la Dona, DirecciónDireccion de la Mujer of the Comunidad de Madrid, and of the Principado de Asturias, the ComisiónComision de InvestigaciónInvestigacion de los Malos Tratos a la Mujer, AsociaciónAsociacion de Mujeres Juristas Themis, Centro de Ayuda alasa las VíctimasVfctimas de Agresiones Sexuales, Mujeres Jóvenes,Jovenes, Centro de InvestigaciónInvestigacion y FormaciónFormacion Femi­ nista, FederaciónFederacion de Asociaciones de Mujeres Separadas, Seminario de Estudios de la Mujer of the Universidad AutónomaAutonoma de Madrid, the former Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas,Sociologicas, Consejo EconómicoEconomico y Social, FundaciónFundacion Mujeres, FundaciónFundacion Pablo Igle­ sias, FundaciónFundacion Dolores IbárruriIbarruri and the trade-union confederations UniónUnion General de Trabajadores and Comisiones Obreras have all pro­ vided information and briefings at various stages of our research. So have the women's departments of the political parties Partido SocialistaSocialist a Obrero Español,Espafiol, Izquierda Unida and Partido Popular. The role of the late Fer­ nando ClaudínClaudin in providing a space for feminist debate while he was Director of the FundaciónFundacion Pablo Iglesias is recognised with gratitude. Celia Valiente would like to thank colleagues at the Instituto Juan March, Universidad AutónomaAutonoma de Madrid and Universidad Carlos InIII de Madrid for their invaluable support. Special thanks are due to the Spanish women's movement activists who launched the whole process of women's emancipation in Spain. It is they who ultimately provided us with the material for this book. In particular, Monica Threlfall would like to thank all those who welcomed her partici­ pation in the activities of the women's movement, informed and educated her. Acknowledgements are due to, amongst others, InésInes Alberdi, Jimena Alonso, Celia Amorós,Amoros, Elena Arnedo, Judith Astelarra, CarlotaCarlot a Bustelo, Merche Comabella, Rosa Conde, Henar Corbi, Violeta
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