THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1951 Hvery Thursday 30 Page.—BCMU ans Advance For Civil Clothing for Korean Drive Mounts In Firehouse Flood Relief < Adult School Catalogues )efense Medical Division Quota Doubled To Be Mailed Sept. 10 ForWestfieldi YMCA Pool Cloning Conducts Dancing Class italSetUp For Renovations Amount Raised Margaret Wight From $2,200 lvDr.Staub The YMCA. announced today that pool activities discon- To $4,400 To Teach Class tinued beginning Sept. 3 until the Local Church middle of September during the The Red Cross Flood Relief In Modern Dance annual pool repair and renovation quota for Westfield and Mountain- P1»M for the organization of the program. Opening date will be an- side has been doubled from $2,200 nounced in the Leader. to $4,400. Of this amount, $1,800 Catalogues for the fall term o! division of the Civil De- Pool classes will start the first The Westfield Adult School will be Westfidd are advanced, has already been received. week in October. Notices of assign- Since the flood waters have sub- mailed to every home in Westfield r»™ not yet complete, Dr. li. ments for children registered for sided it is now possible to evaluate during the week of Sept. 10. They ton Stoub, head of the division swimming classes will be mailed the devastation in Kansas, Mis- will contain complete information WKed today. "If an emei- concerning the school, such mi WKed toy during the last week in September. souri, Oklahoma and Illinois. It is course descriptions, background, of KJ were to arrive tomorrow, intimated that 27,000 families will I think wo could take need help, the equivalent of assist- each instructor, how to register, it, although we'd be a little ng in the rehabilitation of a city list of officers, board of directors, fe, of course," he stated, $175,000 Fire of 100,000 persons. and the 34 sponsoring organiza- fa the event of dire need for Contributions received through tions in Westfield. Out of town ifal aid, Westfield's doctors Damages Plant volunteers stationed in places of people who have never taken iKtMi, under the direction of business and the banks were fairly courses may obtain a catalogue by SUub have more than 321 vol- good, according to Charles Frank- addressing requests to the regis- „, Civilian Defense workers trar, Westfield Adult School, Six Injured When cnbach of the local chapter. "We Roosevelt Junior High School, 301 „ #iH operate an emergency have also received a number of »«Ul in the pariah house of the Building Blazes contributions through the mail, Clark street. Sjterian Church. There will very generous ones, from $5 to Mr.. M.rj.r.l Wight The series this week will con- »be first aid stations in the nine FANWOOD—Fire of undeter- $25," he commented. tinue with a description of four , the Children's Country mined origin caused an estimated "However," Mr. Frankenbach more of the 12 new courses to be aae, the Mountainside School $175,000 damage and injured six stated, "if we arc to receive $4,400 Police Chief offered in the fall term which be- j another undetermined place in persons Tuesday in the factory and it would appear that our appeal gins Oct. 8. An introductory course hrough. warehouse of Marlow Lights Inc., —Daily l'hoto, Linden needs to be answered by every will be presented for women in the 60 South avenue. techniques and composition of mod- Die emergency hospital, which Shown, left to riflit, lookini ov«r clothing contributed to tkc Clothei for Korea drive in the W«.(field family, and the fl and $2 contri- Not Yet Named ern dance. Tho techniques will be 5 b« opened only if regular hos- The blaze was confined to the Firehouie, are Robert Burger of Linden, chairman of the campaign in thit area;,Fire Chief William butions would put us over the top." interior of the one-story cement elected and adapted to the gen- Id facilities are unable to care Linden, and Mayor Charles P. Bailey. The collection of articles continues to mount. The local chapter feels that small jral physical needs of the group I tuualties, will be equipped to block building, in which fluores- contributions from each Westfield Council Continues cent light bulbs were manufac- :nrolled. Emphasis will be placed liter, treat and feed 200-600 pa- Air Raid Siren Test family will be sufficient to reach Candidate Screening in the improvement of posture, sts from Weatfield and eur- tured and stored. Firemen fought the new quota and a house to house the fire from 4 until 6:30 p. m., Kilmer Hospital Continue Korea joise and the development of cre- rading areas. Slated For Saturday lanvass will not be necessary. Do- The Town Council is continuing itive abilities. Performed with mu- Should the electricity fail, gen- but terrific heat kept them from nations may be sent to Red Cross the screening of candidates to fill iic, this work is recreational as Iton will provide power, and saving much of the equipment. Items Sought The Westfield Civil Defense Clothing Drive headquarters at 321 Elm street. the police chief vacancy created well as physically beneficial. Mrs. at will be sterilizing equipment The plant was in full operation Council will conduct a test of the by the recent resignation of Chief Dorothy. Griner will be the pianist. inter taken from the contig- when the fire started. One em- town air raid sirens Saturday at John R. Schreiber. Mrs. Margaret Wight of 128 ploye suffered smoke sickness, but Local Red Cross Mindovraslrin Lake and a 11 a.m. In an attempt'to find the About 700 Pounds Bus Problem At least four of the aspirants j'mbreo crescent, who will con- kg at 314 Mountain avenue. all others escaped. A policeman, Asks Contributions type of siren best suited to reach Donated So Far have already been interviewed by tact the course, has a B.S. degree itnwn has purchased surgical a bystander and three firemen all sections of Westfield, a differ- Mayor Charles P. Bailey and the in physical education from Rus- also were injured. ent siren will be used from that sell Sage College, attended Ben- ilpment, and rooms in the build- Contributions of articles for the Contributions of clothing for To Be Discussed Town Council. The remaining four is (Westminster Hall may also An unidentified foreman. esti- Camp Kilmer hospital are being used In the previous test several are to be called in at the conven- nington School of Dance and the mated machinery and stock valued weeks ago. Korea continue to mount daily in Niels Bukh Gymnastic Peoples used) are being selected for sought by the Red Cross. the Westfield Firehouse, main col- ience of the governing body. raw needs such as surgery and at $160,000 were ruined by the Fire Chief William Linden and Colonial Homes An examination held July 28 College, Denmark, and also stud- heat, smoke and water. The build- Mrs. William Clelland, produc- lection spot in town. Firemen ied with Martha Graham in Now. lition. tion chairman for the local Red Town Engineer John T. Hopkins estimate that approximately 700 was taken by Lieutenants Georgo Slates Meeting Wragg, George Morton and Louis "kork City. Mrs. Wight was head Ot!»t types of equipment, such (Continued on Page 2) Cross chapter has announced that will be in charge of the test. pounds have been donated by resi- of dance at the University of Min- 'ttdptuu, extra blankets and a request' list for Red Gross needs The regular tests of the New dents so far. The drive has been Plirrmann, and by Sergeants Al- The Colonial Homes Association bert Reimer, Clinton Hall, Albert nesota, has taught dancing at RUB- i»>iffl not been purchased, for at the hospital for the next year York sirens which began Aug. 10 in progress about two weeks. will meet in Columbua School ael Sago College, Ethical Culture r. SUub and his committee felt was presented at a meeting of the will be conducted tomorrow at 11 Hann, August Benninger, and Al- Local Gas Price Although no quota has been set Tuesday at 2 p.m. to discuss the bert Pfirrmann. School in New York; thi Exten- i be an unnecessary Area Council at Camp Kilmer a.m. and every second Friday for the town, the American Relief transportation of children from sion Division of the Bell Tele- for the town. "We're Au*. 14. thereafter at the same time, ac- for Korea, Inc. which Is sponsor the Colonial Homes area ty both Lieut. Morton is presently serv phone Company and for.the past there are enough of these Line Held At 23.9 Since many of the needed arti- cording to. Civil DefenBe Director ing the drive, is seeking as many the Lincoln and Columbus schools. ing as acting cloief under ths term' five years has had her own school Hosting around Westfteld cles such as bedside- bags and kit Arthur Wallander of New York. articles as possible for shipment .Invitations have been sent al of an ordinance adopted last May for c'NIldren and adults in West- .^townspeople will be only tot bags will have to be made, sewing There will be no further siren In hia absence, Lieut. Georg< field. The enrollment will be lim- Although prides as low as 18.9 to the ravaged country. Gov. Dris- parents of pupils of both schools It) loan us. If the town bought volunteers are necessary.
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