E858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 17, 2020 CONSTITUTION DAY HONORING DR. HELEN LEVINE served communities. She was the founding board chair of the Erie County Family Justice HON. JOE WILSON HON. CHARLIE CRIST Center, as well as a founder of the Alexa OF SOUTH CAROLINA OF FLORIDA Foundation, which serves child abuse and sexual assault survivors. We in Western New IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, September 17, 2020 York have not been the only beneficiaries of Thursday, September 17, 2020 Judge Bloch Rodwin’s good work; she has Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam Mr. CRIST. Madam Speaker, I rise today to been generous in providing the benefit of her Speaker, today is the 233rd anniversary of the honor Dr. Helen Levine, the Regional Vice widely sought-after expertise nation-wide to signing of the U.S. Constitution by our Found- Chancellor for External Affairs at the Univer- professionals in the criminal justice system, to ing Fathers in Independence Hall in Philadel- sity of South Florida St. Petersburg (USFSP), national media outlets and to academics. It is phia, Pennsylvania. The seven articles of the for her 14 years of service to the USF system appropriate that as a result of her work, Judge Constitution give clarity to our three branches and for being a remarkable and powerful force Bloch Rodwin has been the recipient of nu- of government: the executive, legislative, and for good in the Pinellas community. merous national, regional and local awards judicial branches, and explains the separating During a tenure that spanned multiple cam- and honors. of duties for each. pus administrations, Dr. Levine used her posi- I ask my honorable colleagues to join me in As an attorney, a retired member of the tion to fight for the advancement of higher thanking Judge Bloch Rodwin for her exem- United States Armed Forces, a Member of education. From her work championing the plary and courageous efforts, and in recog- Congress, and a member of the House Armed construction of the historic Kate Tiedemann nizing her extraordinary career and accom- Services Committee, I appreciate the Constitu- College of Business to her advocacy on behalf plishments. In specific, tangible ways, Western tion each day and hold fast to how the Found- of the internationally recognized La Florida New York and the United States have become more just because of the Judge’s good work, ing Fathers envisioned limited government to Project, which tells the story of Spanish Flor- and we are all in her debt. provide for expanded freedom. I encourage all ida, Dr. Levine has changed many lives for the Americans to read and discuss the U.S. Con- better. She is someone who has long lived up f stitution today with family, friends, coworkers, to the ideals of bipartisanship and civility, HONORING REVEREND LONNIE and others in honor and celebration of Con- working across the aisle with city councils, the AND ELISHA MITCHELL stitution Day. state legislature, and Congress to secure In conclusion, God Bless our Troops, and funds for research, scholarship, and a more we will never forget September 11th in the HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS equitable University of South Florida St. Pe- Global War on Terrorism. OF WASHINGTON tersburg. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Madam Speaker, to speak for just one Thursday, September 17, 2020 RECOGNIZING DALE BRIGHT’S DIS- minute on the full legacy of Dr. Levine is im- TINGUISHED SERVICE TO LABOR- possible. She is a groundbreaking leader, a Mrs. RODGERS of Washington. Madam ERS 242 champion for education, and a role model for Speaker, I rise today to honor the lifelong all who seek to improve the lives of others in service of Reverend Lonnie and Elisha Mitch- HON. ADAM SMITH their community. As she retires from her sen- ell. As the Pastor and First Lady of Bethel Afri- ior position at USFSP, it is my privilege to can Methodist Episcopal Church, Reverend OF WASHINGTON Mitchell and his wife Elisha have faithfully and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wish her the best in all her future endeavors both personally and as a valued member of selflessly guided the Spokane community for Thursday, September 17, 2020 our community. nearly thirty years. Reverend Mitchell is retiring to empower a Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, f it is my privilege to rise to recognize Dale new generation of leaders to continue his work Bright on his many years of service as a la- HONORING JUDGE LISA BLOCH and take the church to its next level. He borer and then as the Political Director of La- RODWIN FOR HER DEDICATED leaves a remarkable legacy, and I’m grateful borers Local Union 242 and congratulate him SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY for the time we have spent together building unity in Spokane. His wisdom and perspective on his retirement. My staff and I were lucky to have the privi- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS were always valued and trusted in many cou- lege of working with Dale on labor rights for rageous conversations we had with diverse OF NEW YORK voices in our community. I’m glad that even in several years. Dale has always been a cham- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retirement, Reverend Mitchell will continue to pion of workers’ rights and through his advo- Thursday, September 17, 2020 serve in new ways and be a force for unity, cacy he has been able to improve the lives of Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Madam Speak- security, and grace. countless workers in Washington. Dale has Madam Speaker, Lonnie became a pastor in er, I rise today to honor Erie County Family fought relentlessly to ensure everyone has ac- 1989 following his military service in the Court Judge Lisa Bloch Rod win as she retires cess to a fair and equal workplace including United States Army. In 1991, he was assigned living wages, good benefits, and more. He from the bench after over thirty years of public to Bethel A.M.E. by Bishop Vinton R Ander- was instrumental in implementing Community service. Throughout her career as a judge, son. Under Reverend Mitchell’s leadership, Workforce Agreements and apprenticeship uti- and previously as a prosecutor, Judge Bloch Bethel A.M.E. grew from 13 members to more lization throughout the region. This work has Rodwin’s dedication and ingenuity helped se- than 200. While Lonnie served from the pulpit, had a profound impact on historically cure the promise of equal justice before the Elisha served from the choir as a gospel sing- marginalized communities. These programs law more fully for victims of domestic violence er. She ministered to many through her music have proved to be incredibly successful and and others to whom it had previously too often and talent. During their time at Bethel A.M.E., helped many people start union careers. been denied. Lonnie and Elisha have focused on a mission Dale continually demonstrated time and As an assistant district attorney, Judge to love people—a mission as relevant today again that he is a community builder and pas- Bloch Rodwin was the founder of one of the as it was in 1991. sionate leader. Dale encouraged and helped first domestic violence bureaus in a prosecu- Reverend Mitchell and his wife Elisha have facilitate civic engagement and voter registra- tor’s office nationally. Her work helped change been long-term leaders in our community, tion among members of the Laborers Local the culture of the criminal justice system in helping found multiple nonprofits. In 1994, Union 242. His leadership, knowledge, and Western New York; in important ways Judge Lonnie and Elisha created Unity in the Com- personal efforts greatly contributed to one of Bloch Rodwin’s efforts led the re-shaping of munity, an event to showcase Spokane’s di- the strongest labor unions in the country. The that system to more comprehensively address versity and unite our community around re- thoughtfulness, work ethic, and enthusiasm the scourge of domestic violence and related spect, trust, and collaboration. In 1995, they Dale brought to the Laborers as Political Di- crimes with the vigor and the tenacity that jus- founded the AHANA Business and Profes- rector will be deeply missed by all. tice requires. sional Organization, a nonprofit that supported Madam Speaker, I thank Dale Bright for his After her appointment to the bench in 2007, minority and women-owned businesses in dedicated service to the Laborers 242 where and subsequent re-elections, Judge Bloch Spokane. Additionally, in the early 2000s, he never stopped working to advance the Rodwin continued this important work, devel- Reverend Mitchell and Elisha were key fund- rights of workers, and I wish him a happy re- oping and expanding programs to aid victims raisers for the Emmanuel Family Life Center, tirement. of domestic abuse and other crimes in under- a community center in the Perry District. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:25 Sep 18, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17SE8.020 E17SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS September 17, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E859 In 2018, Lonnie joined me on a Civil Rights 14, resulting from a family emergency, and those who stood up to defend and to serve, pilgrimage to Alabama with the late Congress- September 15, 2020, due to a historic signing the people of Michigan’s First District can en- man John Lewis. On that pilgrimage, we ceremony at the White House of two agree- sure that the service and sacrifice of those in walked the steps of Rev.
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