CIC "There' ... (%SU) should be mortified by their guer- a lot illa artists'ehavior more and make amegfs room» immediately. FROIIIM —III.L. Garland Students express their opin- Associated Students —University Idaho of ~ ions on the bookstore. Please see EDITORIAL page Please see page Armstrong loses job "It is perfectly normal for a Zinser makes first new president ta refurnish her cabinet," Armstrong said. 'I am personnel changes more than content to return to teaching." By KARA GARTEN Armstrong's position was News Assistant created early in former President University of Idaho President Gibb's tenure in an attempt to Elisabeth Zinser has decided to strengthen the lines of communi- "refurnish her cabinet" by re- between administration 'ation establishing the affice af vice and faculty. Armstrong, who was president for student affairs, a then a professor in the College of position that was drapped when Education, was asked to be an Richard Gibb was president. assistant to President Gibb on the This is the firstmajor personnel assumption that the position was change Zinser has made since temporary. The arrangement taking office in July. worked out so well that Arms- The person who fills the posi- trong remained in that position tion of vice president for student for almost a decade. affairs will take over the duties Gradually, Armstrong's duties Terry Armstrong has been have been extended to supervis- responsible for as executive assis- ing at least ten divisions of stu- tant to former President Gibb. dent services, including housing Armstrong has held the posi- and food service. tion of executive assistant to the The vice presidential position president since its creation will be opened for a nationwide approximately ten years ago, but search later this fall and Zinser he says he will not pursue the hopes to fill the position early this vice presidency. Instead, he will spring. Armstrong will keep his return to teaching at the College student services duties until that of Education. time and former UI Centennial Armstrong said he is not sur- Coordinator Harold Godwin will prised that Zinser is making temporarily serve as assistant to some personnel changes. President Zinser. Yearbook sales hit new high Gem goes out tomorrow Crown Award winning SALLY GILPIN Gold By book," Beck said. "There are Staff Writer some good concepts in it." The 1989 Gem of the Mountains Rambo is also pleased with the is here and ready to be distri- yearbook. buted to students, according to "I'm really happy with it," Patti Rambo, 1989 yearbook Rambo said. "It's much more col- editor. orful, it's smaller, and I think The yearbook has arrived ear- more enjoyable." NO ESCAPE. Things didn't go well for University of Idaho quarterback John Friesz or for the lier than in previous years. Because of high sales last fall rest of the Vandals who suffered a 41-7 loss to WSU on Saturday. I JAsoN MUNRDE PHQTQ) According to Rambo, the book is and spring, virtually no extra right on time. copies of the 1989 Gem will be "IYs on time this year," Rambo available for sale this fall. said. "It's unusual for it to arrive The Gem staff ordered 10 Cougars maul Vandals later." books, but by registration 87 per- 1990 Gem Editor Jill Beck is cent of those books were sold, swered points to continue goal with 8:25 left in the SCOTT TROTTER confident that the early arrival of according to Rambo. Students By WSU's dominance in the first quarter, but UI Associate Editor quickly the 1989Gem will help sales of her purchased 1,421 yearbooks last 95-year-old rivalry between rallied back with a Devon book. Beck is pleased with the year, a large increase from 1988. Thh Battle of the Palouse. the two teams. Pearce one-yard touchdown '89 "I layout of the Gem. It was ugly-. really thought we run following an impressive "I think it will probably be a Please see YEARBOOK page 10» The University of Idaho would play better (in the 73-yard, eight-play drive. football team took its worst third quarter)," Smith said. UI held the Cougs to beating of the decade as the "There were a couple of three plays and a punt on Washington State Cougars times when we were WSU's next possession and tromped the Vandals 41-7 walking on and off the then took the ball down to YEARBOOK SALES Saturday in Pullman. field. One time we didn*t WSU's three yard line, The Cougs took what have enough people on one threatening to go up 14-3 started as an exciting, even- of our special teams out with time running out in ly matched game and there. Things like that are the first quarter. turned it into a nightmare not going to happen again. Then tragedy hit the don't we'e for UI. I care if getting underdag Vandals as quar- Q;. "(I feel) miserable. It beat 100-0." terback John Friesz tossed a hurts. We got our tails Although UI lost its lob pass into the arms of Ia a": kicked as the score indi- intensity in the second half, Cougar cornerback Ron wasn't Ricard, who ran the cated said first-year Head that the case in the ball'ut Coach john L. Smith. first quarter, where the of the Vandal end zone ~ "We moved the ball well pumped-up Vandals stopped to the 15 yard line. 4 o in the first half and did star Cougar runningback Two minutes and 49 sec- everything we wanted to," Steve Broussard and domi- onds later, the Cougs got Smith said of the Vandals, nated WSU's defensive line the go-ahead touchdown on 9!~ who at halftime only trailed in front of 33,914 disbeliev- a pass from quarterback WSU by a score of 17-7. ing fans. Brad Gossen ta C.J. Davis, But WSU buried UI in WSU put up the first Qo the second half as the points of the game on a Please see GAME page 7> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cougs put up 30 unan- Jason Hanson 23-yard field ~ ~ ~ ~ tnt'o&raphlc: UY Toclcl S~tth ~ TUESDAY ARGONAUT Edited by BRIAN TUOMEY 2 SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 News Desk ~ 208/885-7715 ~ TOMORROW'S NEWS ~ to consider Kagi's reforms LSAT PREP COURSE OFFERED. The UI Confer- Student fees arid tuition top the agenda ences and Enrichment Program is offering a six-evening Law concern over tuition vs. fees and increase, but rather trying to School Admissions Test(LSAT) class on Wednes- By M.L. GARLAND prep Monday, the administration's handling of figure out a legal foundation day and Friday evenings, Sept. 8- 20, from 7 -9 Editor p.m. p,m. in the the situation last spring. between tution and fees." Law Building. Diagnostic exams, lectures and a simulated LSAT A memo to President Zinser "It is time the University of Zinser has informed student exam will be included in the course. There. will be a $45 fee. For and the Idaho State Board of Idaho's tuition/student fee issue leaders that she will respond more information or to register, call 885-6486. to Education addressing student be resolved," Kagi wrote. "We the memo within two weeks and concerns about fees and tuition hope this end can be accom- work toward a compromise. LUNG DISEASE SERIES OFFERED. The St. Joseph has been rescinded to allow plished in a peaceful, non- "After we met with Zinser we Regional Medical Center will sponsor a series of classes for peo- Zinser an opportunity to reply confrontational manner." decided to allow her to address ple with chronic lung diseases such as emphysema and asthma and deal with the matter on However, Kagi also revealed our concerns on campus," Kagi beginning Sept. 14.Classes will meet students'inser once a week from 2 p.m. -4 campus, according to ASUI Pres- in the memo the ASUI Senate's said. "However, she said if her p.m. in the Medical Center cafeteria. The series is designed to ident Tina Kagi. intention to place attorney Ray proposal is unsatisfactory, she individuals help gain a better understanding of their disease "I really respect her ability to Givens on retention. Givens re- would understand if we took self-care. the and To register, contact Bob Roselle or Jeanne Laws at solve problems on campus with- cently won North Idaho Col- issue to the Board." St. Joseph Regional Medical Center. out going to the Board," Kagi lege's student fee battle. The fee in consideration was said. "We are in mediation. We approved in June by the Board ~ TODAY ~ The original memo from Kagi, never said we would go to despite student protests last addressed to the Board and court," Senator-elect Lisa Krepel spring. The UI student body Zinser, disclosed the said. "We are not fighting the fee voted down the fee increase 2 to I. University of Idaho students... Employees receive pay WELCOME increase TO By BETH PETTIBON Staff Writer Over the summer most University of Idaho faculty and non-teaching employees received larger raises in their paychecks than in previous BAXK years. CC~ naises were given on a pay-for- performance. We compiled a report, and in general the Free checking raises were averaged accounts! Free savings accounts! out to five percent." No minimum balence requirements No service charge —Mark Brainard UI Assistant Budget Officer Free movie tickets to Excellence Theatres for the This year non-teaching first 200 accounts employees, such as secretaries and custodians, received Ch Ch raises based on their perfor- mances.
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